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    高中英语 m4u1全部学案 牛津版必修3.doc

    2009-2010画川高级中学高一(下)英语导学案19 课 题M4U1 words主备人 审核人 班 级高一( )姓 名学 号A 教学目标1 让学生学会一些重点单词的用法2 注意share, persuasive, Service等词的用法B 课前预习利用早读课的时间大声读第一单元的单词,要做到在老师讲解之前会读会默写。C 课内解惑:请特别注意以下单词的读音,拼写和用法。1.be used to be used to + n./pron/doing = get accustomed to _我很适应在此生活。_be used to doing 习惯于,适应于 to作为_词be used to do 被用来做to为_be used as 被用作 as为_词used to do _ I used to live in Nanjing.The new machine _ production. However, I _it.A. is used to increase; am not used to controllingB. is used to increasing; dont used to controlC. used to increase; dont used to controlD. used to increasing; am not used to control 2share vt. _ n. _与某人分享某物_Share (in) sth. _-Id like to share my books with you. -They will share joys and sorrows.a share in/of sth. _The lions share_Go shares (with sb.) (in sth.)_She _ my troubles as well as my joys.A. shares with B. shares (in) C. shares between D. shares among 3. persuasive adj. _v. _ n.persuade sb to do( into doing) sth._Persuade sb. not to do ( out of doing sth.)_强调的是结果“已说服”如果仅指“劝说,未必成功”则可用_最后我被说服听从了她的建议。_4.service n. 招待,兵役,部队,服务,帮助,益处,用处他在军队中服役。_at ones service _in service _ be of service to _serve v. 招待,服侍,适合,满足,供应serve as_ serve sb. with sth.= serve sth to sb._serve in sth._ serve sth./sb_The dictionary serves very well as a pillow Have all the guests been served with food and drinks?He served in the navy. He served the people heart and soul.In some parts of the world, tea _ with milk and sugar.A. is serving B. is served C. serves D. served5.intend _ intend to do_我打算去赶早班车,但是我起晚了。_intended to have done= had intended to do= intended to do _intended _ _be intended for sb_ be intended to do sth_.The book intended for the children 6.claim v/ n Claim+to do/that She claimed to be related to Queen.。Claim+不定式的完成时或从句的完成时他宣称他曾看过蒙娜丽莎(那幅画)_a claim for/on/to _lay claim to _7.aware作表语,意为_be/become aware of Are you aware of the importance of learning a foreign language?She became aware that something was burning.我很清楚吸烟有害健康。_8breath n. 呼吸,气息 breaths (pl.)hold ones breath _ out of breath _ Hold your breath and count to ten._breathe V _ breathe in/out _breathless (adj)无声无息的;喘不过气来;气喘吁吁的,停止呼吸的9cure n/v _cured _ _ curer _ _ cureless _ _cure sb.of sth._ a cure for sth._Cure sb of bad habbit_The doctor cured me of cold_A certain cure for this illness is not found yet.比较:cure /treat _This medicine cured him_ his cough.Which doctor is treating you_ your disease?10. comment评论,发表意见,批评,议论v. comment on sth./that-clause_The teacher refused to comment on the examination result. n. Youd better have comments from your teachers. have comment(s) on sth. No comment!_11. public 作公众讲时,_,作主语时,谓语动词用_前面加the 表示“民众,公众”作主语时,谓语动词_The public _the best judge.公众是最好的裁判。注意:in public _He was shy and hate to be seen_A. in the public eye B. in private C. in public D. in the public12lead领导, 带领, 指使leader _ leadership _under the leadership of the Party _leading _1)lead /live a life _lead a happy/busy/simple life = live happily/busily/simply2)领导,引导,率领She led me into the drawing-room.There is a road _ to the top of the mountain. 3)导致,造成。后果常与介词to =_Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems.13deal with deal - dealt - dealt 1)处理 How to deal with the waste is a big problem. 2)对待,相处比较 do with和deal with mit committed commit a crime/murder/ commit suicide/theft_昨晚发生了一起盗窃案。_commit oneself to _14choice n. 选择,挑选have no choice but to do_I have no choice but to do it again.choose chose chosen _choose from_ cannot choose but do sth._ choose to do _15.recommend V. _ recommendation _请根据下面例句总结出这个词的主要用法:I have recommended this remedy to a number of people.I recommended you not to disobey your officers.I recommended (you)buying this dictionary.The doctor recommended that he (should ) eat soft food for another week.16Update更新,使现代化;最新资料,更新请大声阅读: update a dictionary Maps need regular updates.Up to date现代的,时新的 To date迄今,到目前为止17. convenite adj. convenience for convenience _作表语时, _,而是_作主语。1)It is (was) convenient for sb. to do ou to come out this evening?你今天晚上出来方便吗?_2)Sth. be convenient to/ for sb.-What time is convenient for you?3)作表语时后接主动不定式。家具搬起来很方便。_18.various adj.vary v _ variety n _ You should vary your method of work. a variety of =varieties of 19Particular On this particular day_be particular about_她特别讲究穿着。in particular _ 反义词:_ 我尤其记得其中一位。20.determine date for the meeting has yet to be determined.会议日期尚未确定。determine to do_ be determined to do =make up ones mind to dodetermine 后接引导的that宾语时,_determination n. _ a man of determination _determined adj._ determinedly adv._一个意志坚定的人 坚决的表情21.appeal appealing    adj._1)appeal to_这个主意正合玛丽的心意。_2)呼吁,恳求,常接_Appeal for aid_3)诉诸,求助 Appeal to arms诉诸武力4)上诉 Appeal against a decision不服裁决而上诉The idea of not having to get up early every morning is rather appealing (to me).NOTE: The opposite is unappealing.22.approach n. _All approaches were blocked.所有的道路都堵塞了。The approach of summer brings hot weather.冬天快到了,天气转冷了。Its not allowed to make an approach to the forbidden area.23.approach n _ n. 方法,途经All approaches were blocked.The approach of summer brings hot weather。Its not allowed to make an approach to the forbidden area.approach time 临场时间 at the approach of _v. 走进,接近,探讨,动手处理Its not allowed to approach the forbidden area.The summer is approaching.D 课后巩固完成同步导学中相应的练习。2009-2010画川高级中学高一(下)英语导学案20课 题M4U1 reading主备人王月琴审核人雍伟全班 级高一( )姓 名学 号Where can we find these ads? 2. Why do you like these ads? 1. Fast-reading 1) . What do advertisements encourage people to do?2). What does PSAs stand for?3). What are PSAs meant to do?2. Reading comprehension(Main idea of each paragraph)Para.1: _Para.2: _Para.3: _Para.4: _Para.5: _Para.6: _ 3. Post-reading (Consolidation) Whats the similarities and difference between commercial advertisements and public service advertisements?similarities  Commercial adsPSAsPlaces found  Means used  differences Commercial adsPSAspurpose  expense  believable?  examples  Homework1 List the difficult language points on your notebook.2.Retell the article about advertisement.2009-2010画川高级中学高一(下)英语导学案21课 题M4U 1 language points主备人雍伟全审核人雍伟全班 级高一( )姓 名学 号Step 1 Warming-up(用所学单词的正确形式填空) Advertisements,which often use p_ language and e_ images, play an important p_ of our lives. There are two main t_ of advertisements.One is called c_ advertisements, which are meant to p_ a product or s _.But they dont tell c_ the c_ truth. Another one is called PSAs, which use a_ and o_ images and c_ language,are often placed for f_.They d_ with many social i_, which often affect public w_.Step Discussion of the language items1. We _ how many we see and hear in a day. 我们对此是如此熟悉以至我们根本意识不到我们一天看到听到多少(广告)。(1) so + adv. +that-clauseso + adj. +a(an) +单数可数名词+that-clauseso many/much/few/little +复数可数名词/不可数名词+that-clausesuch +a(an) +adj. + 单数可数名词+that-clausesuch +adj. + 复数可数名词+that-clausesuch +adj. + 不可数名词+that-clausee.g.: He's_ careless_ he always leaves his school things at home.It was _ that we want to stay here for another two days.A. such fine weather B. such a fine weatherC. so fine weather D. so fine a weather 【高考链接】1. We were in _ when we left that we forgot the airline tickets. (2003上海)A. a rush so anxious B. a such anxious rush C. so an anxious rush D. such an anxious rush2. _ about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research. (2005江苏)A. so curious the couple was B. So curious were the coupleC. How curious the couple were D. The couple was such curious3. _homework did we have to do that we had no time to take a rest. (2006福建) A. So much          B. Too much             C. Too little          D. So little (2) be used to (doing)sth. _be used to do sth. _used to do sth. _Im not used to _ (speak to) like that. Wood is used to _(make) paper.I_funny, but now I'm boring and self-conscious. You used to drink, _? 【高考链接】As the twentieth century came to a close, the raw materials for a great national literature were at hand, waiting _. (2006湖南)A. to use    B. to be used          C. to have used       D. to be using2、 An advertisement provides information and uses _ to encourage people to buy a product or service or _. (P2)广告通过提供有关信息、使用劝导性语言和令人兴奋的图象,来鼓励人们购买某种产品或服务或者是相信某种理念。(1) persuasive    adj. a persuasive speaker/speech_Your arguments are very persuasive._Persuade vt. It's no use_试图说服他你是无罪的。He is trying to _(说服外商们投资) in the project.I _(说服他戒烟)I _(说服他戒烟) (2) convince vt. to persuade someone or make them certain使相信:It took a long time to convince Mrs. Smith of her sons guilt.It's useless trying to convince her (that) she doesn't need to lose any weight.I hope this will convince you to change your mind.convincing    adj. convincing evidence高考链接Alice trusts you; only you can _ her to give up the foolish idea.(2001上海)A. suggest B. attract C. tempt D. persuade The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people _to eat more fruit and vegetables. (2004上海)A. persuade B. will persuade C. be persuaded D. are persuaded(3) believe/believe in I dont _ ghosts. I _ that stories of ghosts were made up by human beings.3、 for free,and are intended to(line 11)(1) for free: (free of chargewithout payment)You can take the ticket _.每个孩子都会得到一本免费的书。(2) intend to: (design/mean to do sth).I intended to do it, but Im afraid I forgot._What he said at the meeting _ make us to support his idea. A. intended to B. intends to C.was intended to D. is intended to4、must be aware of the methods(line 16)be aware of: _(你意识到)the importance of learning a foreign language?你知道是什么时候了么?_be aware that: having knowledge of sth./sb.She became aware that something was burning.我很清楚吸烟有害健康。_5、 We must not fall for this kind (line 26)_fall for sth.: _You should be clever enough not to fail for his tricks.他说他是学生,我信以为真。_fall for sb: _.They met, _(相互迷恋)and got married six weeks later. 【More phrases】 fall down fall into sth fall off fall to doing sth6、 _. (P3)然而,并不是所有的广告都跟我们玩这类把戏的。(1) though    conj.She hasn't phoned, though she said she would.adv. I have a bit of a cold. Its nothing much, though.(2) 总结部分否定结构及完全否定7、ads play tricks on (line 28)play tricks on: play a joke on Children, as well as adults, usually play tricks on each other on Halloween. 老师要求我们不要再捉弄对方了。_trick: V. trick sb. into doing sth.She tricked him into giving her all his money.Step 3 Consolidation1、 We _ them that we often do not even realize how frequently we come across ads in a day.2. After I _ on advertisements, I have some very important information to _ you.3. Ads uses persuasive language and exciting images to _ buy a product or service.4. Commercial ads are charged while PSAs are _.5. PSAs _ educate people about health, safety, or any other social issue.6. However, we must _ the methods used in advertisements to try and sell us things.7. As you remember the words freshest food, you of course _the food in the supermarket.8. Not all ads _ on us though.9. Thank you for offering me such useful advice and I_ it.1


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