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    浅谈如何提高高中生的英语成绩Discuss how to improve the English of senior high school students摘要:初中生升入高中后,会有一段时间无法适应高中学习,出现很多学习问题,产生学习心理障碍。因而高中英语教师要想办法使他们尽早进入高中英语学习状态,了解高中英语与初中英语的差异,调整好他们的心理状态和学习方法,避免他们盲目学习,浪费太多时间,导致他们失去学习英语的兴趣。Pick to: after junior high school students to high school, there will be a period of time can't adapt to high school, many learning problems, and psychological barriers about learning. So high school English teachers should think a way to make them as soon as possible into the high school English learning, understanding differences in high school and junior high school English, adjust their state of mind and learning method, avoid blind study, they waste too much time, cause them to lose interest in learning English. 关键词:高中生;初中生;英语;衔接Key words: high school students; Junior middle school students; English; cohesion 总的来说,影响初高中英语学习衔接的因素有四方面:In general, the influencing factors of high school English learning cohesion has four aspects: 第一:环境与心理的变化。有些学生在知道自己考上高中后就开始放松,尽力释放中考时的压力和紧张,结果进入高中后很多知识都忘了,一时难以回到正常学习状态。也有些学生因为觉得自己初中时英语学得不够好,对高中英语学习信心不够。很多学生对高中英语新教材和新的课堂模式不适应。由于种种原因,许多初中生进入高中后,原本以前成绩好,后来成绩变差,造成心理上的问题,对英语学习带来很大心理障碍。The first: environmental and psychological changes. After some students know they admitted to high school began to relax, try our best to release test the pressure and tension, when the results after entering high school forget a lot of knowledge, not back to normal learning state. Also because some students feel junior high school to learn English is not good enough, confidence in high school English learning not enough. A lot of students in high school English new teaching material and pattern does not adapt to the new class. Due to various reasons, many junior high school students after entering high school, had good record before, later performance becomes poor, cause psychological problems, a lot of psychological barriers in English learning. 第二:教材跨度和容量大。初中时,学生只需要掌握1500个单词左右和200多个常用语以及一点简单的句型和语法,这些知识初中老师基本都通过要求学生死记硬背和反复练习来让学生掌握,因为初中学生训练时间充足。所以有的学生即使对一些知识不大了解,也可通过死背套用上去即可。因而学生学习依赖性强,靠机械性记忆和练习。而在高中,学生要记和掌握的单词和其用法就大大加大,大约5000左右,并且不仅记单词意思还要知道它们的常规搭配用法。除了单词学生还要学英语所有的语法,如非谓语动词,定语从句,名词性从句,时态与语态,虚拟语气,情态动词等,都是比较难掌握的语法知识,需要学生慢慢学习训练理解才能彻底搞懂和灵活运用。此外,阅读也是高中生一大难点,因为高中英语考试阅读量较大,有4篇阅读理解,一篇完形填空和一篇阅读表达。要想做好这些,提高他们英语分数,都需要他们的阅读能力强和阅读速度快,这都需要在高中学习过程中训练出来。The second: span and large capacity. Junior high school, students need to know only about 1500 words and 200 more than the phrase and simple sentence patterns and grammar, the junior middle school teacher basic knowledge by requiring students to rote learning and practice to make students master, for junior high school students training time is enough. So some students even know about some knowledge is not big, also can through the die back to them. Thus students' dependence is strong, by mechanical memory and practice. While in high school, students want to remember and master the words and its usage is increasing greatly, about 5000 or so, and remember the words meaning to know not only their regular match usage. In addition to words all students to learn English grammar, such as the predicate verb, attributive clause, the noun clause, tense and voice, subjunctive mood, modal verbs, etc., are difficult to master grammar knowledge, need to slowly learning training understanding can thoroughly understand and apply. In addition, reading also is a big difficulty, high school students because of the high school English test reading quantity is larger, there are 4 reading and understanding, the gestalt fills up and one reading. If you want to do that, to improve their English scores, all need their reading ability and reading speed, this need to be trained in the process of high school. 第三:初高中英语教学方法存在差异。在初中,教师把知识简单地由教师传授给学生即可,但在高中,教师的主要作用是为学生创造知识建构的环境,在课堂上教师根据教学任务组织一些语言材料分析、讲解、尽量让学生自己练习、归纳、发现来习得新语言,提高英语运用能力和激发学生学习的主动性,创造性。Third: differences between high school English teaching methods. In junior high school, the teacher imparting knowledge simply by teachers to students, but in high school, the teacher's main role is to create a knowledge construction of environment for the students and teachers in the classroom according to the teaching mission organization some language material analysis, interpretation, try to let the student practice, induction, found to acquire a new language, improve my English using ability and stimulate students learning initiative and creativity. 另外高中生还有一些常见的问题是: 为什么我老是记不住单词?主、谓、宾又是什么?High school students and some other common problems are: why do I always can't remember the words? Lord, "and bing. What is? 针对以上这些问题,我们老师想到了一些解决方法,并且收效很好。Aiming at these problems, our teacher came up with some solutions, and has achieved very good. 首先,高中英语词汇量大,所以高中生必须知道如何记忆单词,扩大词汇量。高中生在记忆单词方面主要问题就出在只记单词的“形”,而不记单词“音”,并且发现很多学生发音还不标准。因此我们老师帮助他们再次练习发音和拼读单词,让他们读音准确。经过一星期音标复习巩固训练,收效很好,学生能自己读准单词。在单词记忆方面也教给他们一些记忆技巧,如:单词分类记忆法,直观联想法,举一反三记忆法,熟练利用构词法等。First of all, high school English vocabulary is large, so high school students must know how to memorize words, enlarge vocabulary. High school students in the main problems in remembering the words only remember the words of "shape", and don't remember the words "sound", and found that many students still don't have standard pronunciation. So we teachers help them to practice pronunciation and spelling words again, let them pronunciation accurately. Phonetic review consolidate training after a week, work is very good, the students could read words. When it comes to remembering words also teach them some memory skills, such as: the word classification mnemonic system, intuitive association method, extrapolate mnemonic system, skilled use of word formation, etc. 其次,掌握基本句型、熟练分析句子结构。音标训练完后,我们老师马上就开始指导学生了解基本句子结构和分析句子成分,让他们理解简单句和复合句及句子的主、谓、宾、定、状、补等成分,便于以后教学和学生自学。Second, grasp skilled analysis basic sentence patterns, sentence structure. Immediately after the phonetic training, our teacher began to teach my students to understand basic sentence structure and composition analysis sentence, let them understand the simple sentences and compound sentences and sentence, predicate and the composition such as bing, to facilitate later teaching and students' self-study. 第三:要求学生做好课前预习,课堂上积极参与及课后及时复习巩固。课前预习是任何层次的学生在学习各门功课的过程中必不可少的环节。刚进入高中阶段的新生,根本不了解高中课程的内容及其编排。课本内容的深度与广度,他们是预料不到的。对此,学生应养成课前预习的良好习惯。就英语学科而言,学生在课前可预习新课的单词和词组,确保能正确朗读词汇,明确词义,并初步了解该单元的话题,对阅读内容进行一定的预习。对于预习过程中的难点、疑点,学生则可用笔注出,带着问题听课,提高听课效率。课堂是英语教学的主阵地。在课堂上,学生既要开展领悟、理解、联想、归纳、自我设问、回忆等心理活动,又要紧跟老师的上课节奏,主动积极的参与课堂的每一个环节,做一个勤奋的听众,全面提高听课效率同时要记好笔记。高中的一节课堂,容量很大,学生大多时间是忙于做笔记,操练的时间很少,一节课下来,很多内容都挤在脑子里。因此,课后学生要通过及时复习以及在复习中要多尝试回忆、背诵,以巩固所学知识。对于笔记本要定期复习,以达到温故而知新。Third: students are required to do good preparation before class, class actively participate in and timely review after class to consolidate. Pre-course reading is any level of the students in each course in the process of the essential link. Just entered high school freshman, did not understand the contents of the high school curriculum and its choreography. Textbook content of the depth and breadth, and they are unexpected. To this, the students should form the good habit of preview before class. In terms of English discipline, students before class to preview the new words and phrases, can ensure that the correct reading vocabulary, explicit meaning, and a preliminary understanding of the unit topic, some preview the content of the reading. For difficult in the process of preparation, doubtful point, students can pen outlet, listen to the teacher with questions, improve the class efficiency. The classroom is the main position of English teaching. In class, students should not only carry out understanding, understanding, lenovo, induction, self inquiry, memory, and other psychological activities, and to follow the teacher's class, actively participate in class's each link, do a diligent audience, comprehensively improve the efficiency of class want to take good notes at the same time. Section of the high school classroom, capacity is very big, students are busy taking notes, much of the time very short period of time in practice, a lesson down, many contents are crowded in my mind. As a result, students through the timely to review after class and want to try to recall, recite more, in the review to consolidate what they learned. For laptop to regular review, in order to consider. 第四,掌握阅读技能,扩大课外阅读量。高中英语阅读量大,分值高,所以高中学生要养成阅读的好习惯。但以往学生却忽视阅读,不愿做阅读,导致成绩很难上去,阅读能力极弱。英语阅读题型通常是:主旨大意; 细节理解;词义猜测;作者意图;推理判断;篇章结构。学生需要的阅读技能是:读懂文章大意,抓住文章中心句,并善于获取问题的相关细节信息,以选择出正确答案,平常多阅读各类文章,特别是科幻文和说明文,这些文章对学生来说更难理解。高中生要坚持每天阅读Fourth, to master reading skills, expand the extracurricular reading quantity. High school English reading quantity big, the score is high, so high school students should form the good habit of reading. But ignore previous students reading, don't want to do reading, lead to hard to boost performance, reading ability is very weak. English reading questions usually are: theme the effect; Detail understanding; Guessing word meaning; The authors intention; Reasoning judgment; Chapter structure. Students need in reading skills: reading for meaning, grasp the center line, and get details information, in order to choose the right answers, as usual read various articles, especially science and exposition, these articles are more difficult to understand for students. High school students insist on reading every day 这是我去年带高一新生时的教学感受和教学经验,希望对一线高中英语教师有所帮助,当然,我相信你们会有一些宝贵经验也值得我借鉴。希望初中生升入高中后都能很快适应,考上理想的大学。This is my last year with freshman in teaching experience and teaching experience, hope to help first-line high school English teacher, of course, I believe you will have some valuable experience is worthy of reference for me, too. Hope can soon adapt to junior high school students to high school, admitted to the ideal university. 参考文献:References: 1“高中英语新教材教学中遇到的问题及对策” 李蓉霞 英语教学通讯 2004年第4期In 1 "high school English new curriculum teaching problems and countermeasures" Li Rongxia "English teaching communication" 2004 no. 4 2“建构主义,知识观,学习观,教学观” 刘儒德 人民教育2005.172 "constructivism, knowledge view, learning view, teaching view" LiuRuDe "people's education" (2005.17) 3当代教育心理学 陈琦 北京师范大学出版社 1997年3 Chen Qi of contemporary education psychology, Beijing normal university press, 1997


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