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    新人教版高中英语必修二单词及语言点总结 全册.doc

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    新人教版高中英语必修二单词及语言点总结 全册.doc

    高中英语必修二单词及语言点总结单词总结Unit 1 Cultural relics一 请根据中文意思完成下列句子。1 Galileo _ that the earth moves around the sun like the other planets.伽利略证明地球像其它行星一样绕太阳转。2. Please _ my suggestion.请考虑一下我的建议。3 Only a few soldiers _ the battle.仅几名士兵没有战死。4I came across the _ book in the shop.我偶然在那书店里见到这本珍贵的书。5Some experts of the world _ _ _ his paintings.他的绘画受到世界上一些专家的好评。6He has given us so much help that I really wanted to do something for him _ _.他给我们如此多的帮助我想为他做些事作为报答。7There are many people present at the meeting, two thirds of whom _ _ the same school.8We _ what he said unimportant.我们认为他说的不重要。9The boy went _ _ _ something to eat.那些男孩去找吃的东西去了。10 He is a student who has a _ for music.他是个对音乐有天赋的学生。11The _ of the building is special.那建筑的设计很特别。12 The two countries are still _ _now.那两个国家现在还处于战争中。13 The Great Wall is one of the _ in the world.长城是世界一大奇迹。二 请根据首字母完成下列句子。1 He bought me a dictionary in r_ for my help.2 Dont f_ that you can succeed without hard work.3 He r_ the table to the corner of the room.4 It was Mr. Li who d_ the building.5 Few birds managed to s_ the winter last year.6 Can you p_ your honesty?7 The boy took the watch a_ to see how it ran.8 The house b_ to the old lady.9 It is r_ for him to arrive late.10. I am c_ changing my job. 11. Tom gave me a surprising g_ at my birthday party.12.Do you have any e_ to support you are not guilty?13. Beijing is the c_ and political center of our country.14. I cant bear the h_ in summer.15. Our school gave a r_ to the visitors.16. He l_ a match.Unit 2 The Olympic Games一 请根据中文意思完成下列句子。1 He has _ me to buy me a car.他已经答应给我买辆汽车。2 Nothing can _ a mothers love.没有什么东西能取代母爱的。3 Our English teacher is friendly _ _ _ kind to us.我们英语老师对我们既亲切又友好。4 He _ _ the game yesterday.昨天他参加比赛了。5 It would be _ for us to quarrel.我们吵架是很愚蠢的。6 , you didnt do your best.老实说,你并没有尽力。7 There was _ _ _ of Lu Xuns novels on the shelf.在那书架上有一套鲁迅的小说。8. He_ having done wrong. 他承认做错了事。9He _ _ _ the strike.他参加了罢工。10 He _ _ _ his parent was going out for a holiday.他和他的父母将要去度假。11 The students went out of the classroom _ _ _.学生一个接着一个走出教室。二 请根据首字母完成下列句子1 How is your i_ for the job today?2 My sister was luck to be a_ to Beijing University.3 I will keep my p_.4 There is an a_ building and we will go to visit it next week.5 Playing basketball is one form of p_ exercise.6 The two friends were c_ for the position.7 If you want to sell your product well you should a_ it.8 The old furniture should be r_.9 His composition won the first p_ in the contest.10. The a_ won two gold medals in the Olympics.11. Give me your h_ opinion.12. We are now going to i_ the Minister of Education.13. Last night Tom dreamed that he went on a m_ trip.14. What he said doesnt r_ to his action.Unit 3 Computers一请根据中文意思完成下列句子。1._ _ _, the food is not enough.在我看来,这食物不够。2 Yesterday, he took an i_ test.昨天他参加了智力考试。3 He dont know how to _ _ his naughty son.他不知道该怎么对付他那顽皮的儿子。4 Its not surprising youve got stomachache. _ _ you have eaten too much.你的胃痛并不令人惊奇,毕竟你吃得太多了。5 They have nothing in _ with one another.他们彼此毫无共同点。6_ _ _ my computer, I could finish my job in time.在我电脑的帮助下我可以及时完成的我工作。7_ _ _, what you said is reasonable.在某种程度上,你所说的有道理。二请根据首字母完成下列句子1He is studying engineering at a school of t_.2. It is an a_ if you know how to type.3. You should c_ the exact money you need.4. Whats the m_ of your clothing?5. I p_ didnt believe what he said at the meeting.6. Please tell me the d_ of living in a city.7. My grandpa suffered a lot during the Cultural R_.8. We d_ on which plan to carry out.9. Thats a t_ problem.10. Walt Disney c_ many cartoons that many children like.11. The computer can c_ complex engineering problems.12. He decided to go on a u_ travel.13. The coat is d_ for you.Unit 4 Wildlife Protection一 请根据中文意思完成下列句子1. Do you know how did the world _ _ _ ?你知道宇宙如何形成的吗?2In winter, you should cover something to _ the plants _ the cold.在冬天你应该盖上东西保护那些植物不要冻坏。3 He is _ great _.他处于极度危险中。4 He didnt work hard. _ _ _, he failed in the exam.他没有努力学习,因此他就在考试中失败了。5You should _ _ _ the signs when you are driving.当你驾驶的时候你应该注意标志。6My family lives _ _.我一家人相处融洽。7. Dinosaurs _ _ millions of years ago.恐龙在几万年前就灭绝了。8He wrote a letter to _ _ the job.他写信申请那份工作。9. The storm _ a bad _ _ the crops.那暴风雨对庄稼有很坏的影响。二请根据首字母完成下列句子1I s_ that she do the job herself.2. I was b_ by the dog yesterday.3. R_, he has made great progress.4. He went through the forest under the p_ of his dog.5. Ancient people h_ for food.6. I dont have the s_ for supper.7. Tiger is a f_ animal.8. Tom is a l_ person.9. Geography a_ peoples ways of living.10. Amirica is a p_ nation.11. The board is t_.12. Do you live in this a_.13. Orange juice c_ vitamin c.14. The earthquake costs great l_.Unit 5 Music一请根据中文意思完成下列句子1I met an old friend in the street _ _.我偶然在街上遇见一位老朋友。2Once you make up your mind, you should _ _ it.你一旦下了决心,你应该坚持下去。3 I _ _ being a great scientist when I was a child.当我是个小孩的时候我梦想成为一名伟大的科学家。4. I spent a whole morning to _ _ my books.我花了整整一个上午把我的书归类好。5. It is impolite to _ _ _ others.开别人的玩笑是不礼貌的。6He will arrive at six oclock _ _.他大约六点到。7_ _, you should make a plan for your study.首先你应该为你学习制订好计划。8 We should _ _ _ our parents.我们应该对我们的父母诚实。9. The club _ _ last year.那个俱乐部去年解散了。二请根据首字母完成下列句子1 Many people dont like a_.2. His book was quite a h_ in London.3. Do you know how did it f_?4. Guilin is an a_ city.5. We enjoyed the p_ last night.6. How much did you e_ last month.7. We need an e_ day to do the job.8. Liu Dehua is a well_ known a_.9. He has the a_ to speak four languages.10. The little town is u_ to us.11. Two p_ vitnessed the accident.12. His father a famous m_.13. They are the f_ of Zhou Bichang.参考答案:Unit 1一. 1.proved 2. consider 3. survied 4. rare 5. thought highly of 6. in trturn 7. belong to 8. consider 9. in search of 10. gift 11.design 12. at war 13. wonders二. 1. return 2. fancy 3. removed 4. designed 5. survive 6. prove 7. apart 8.belongs 9.rare 10. considering 11. gift 12. evidence 13. cultural 14. heat 15.reception 16. lit/lightedUnit 2一.1. promised 2. replace 3. as well as 4. competed in 6. foolish 7. a set of 8. admitted 9. took part in 10.as well as 11. one after another三. 1. interview 2. admitted 3. promise 4. ancient 5. physical 6. competiors 7.advertise 8.replaced 9.prize 10. athlete 11. honest 12. interview 13. magical 14. relateUnit 3一1. In my opinion 2. intelligence 3. deal with 4. After all mon 6. with the help of 7. In a way二1. technology 2. advantage 3. calculate 4. material 5. personally 6. disadvantage/s 7. Revolution 8. disagreed 9. technological 10. created 11. calculate 12. universial 13. designedUnit 4一1. come into being 2. protect from 3. in danger 4. As a result 5. pay attention to 6. in peace 7. died out 8. apply for 9. had effect on二1. suggested 2. bitten 3. Recently 4. protection 5. hunted 6. stomach 7. fierce 8. lazy 9. affects 10. powerful 11. thick 12. area 13. contains 14. lossUnit 5一1. by chance 2. stick to 3. dreamt of 4. sort out 5. play jokes on 6. or so 7. Above all 8. be honest with 9. broke up二1. advertisements 2. hit 3. form 4. attractive 5. performance 6. earn 7. extra 8. actor 9. ability 10. unknown 11. passers-by 12. musician 13. fans语言点总结Unit 1 Cultural relicsWord usage:1. survive vi.1) continue to live or exist;2) vt. Continue to live or exist in spite of nearly being killed or destroyed by sth.3) vt. Remain alive after sb., live or exist longer than eg: He is the last surviving member of the family. Few buildings survived the earthquake. The man survived his sister by three years.2. remain v.1) vi. Be left or present after other parts have been moved or used or dealt with2) vi. Be left to be seen, done, etc.3) vi. Stay behind, stay in the same place.4) (link-v.) continue to beEg: After the fire, very little remained of my house. Much work remained to be done. Ill remain to see the end of the game. He remained silent after class.3. gift n. C 1) sth. given; 2) natural ability eg: -Please accept these flowers for your birthday. -Oh. Thanks a lot for your beautiful gift. He is a student who has a gift for music. He is a man of many gifts.4. design 1) vt. & vi. plan, intend; make arrangement of sth. make drawings for; 2) make designs for eg: Was it designed, or did it just happen?He designs for our dress department.The experiment is designed to text the new drug.5. fancy 1) adj. not plain or ordinary; made to please the eye 2) vt. Imagine 3) imagination Eg: I dont feel like making a fancy meal.Dont fancy that you can succeed without hard work.She took a fancy to the boy.6. light vt. & vi. (lit, lit; lighted, lighted) 1) cause to burn or shine 2) cause to be shine 3) (cause to ) become bright Eg: He lighted his cigarette and sat down.We lit a candle and the candle lit the room.Her face was lighted by happiness.7. wonder v. & n. 1) n. feeling caused by sth. unusal, surpring. 2) vt. dont know and want to know 3) vi. be filled with wonder Eg: The Great Wall is one of the wonders of the world.I wonder why he came.Its not to be wonder at.8. remove 1) vi. take to another place; 2) get rid of 3) take off 4) move Eg: Please remove your bag from the seat so that I can sit down.His name was removed from the list.The child refused to remove his trousers.The removed into the new house soon.9. doubt 1) v. feel uncertain about, question the truth of 2) n. uncertainty of mind, feeling of uncertainty. 3) vt. doubt sb. / sth. Eg: Your life is in danger. There is no doubt about it.I have no doubt that we shall be able to do something for you.I doubt that you are honest.10. apart adv. 1) away from each other; 2) separately Eg: Lets keep the two things apart.The boy took the watch apart to see how it ran.They look almost the same; its hard to tell them apart.11. consider vt. 1) think about 2) think Eg: He is considering the problem now.Im considering buying a new house.He is considered to have stolen the picture.12.besides adv. & prep. 1) adv. Also, whats more 2) prep 常与other, also, else others等连用 Eg: Besides, I want you to promise me one thing.I have three other hats besides this one.Does he know any other foreign language besides FrenchUseful phrases:1. look into : 1) examine; investigate; 2) look at the inside of eg: The police are looking into all the records of the man.He looks into her face with great interest.Ill look into the matter as soon as possible. Just have a little patience.2. belong to 1) be the property of; 2) be a member of eg: The house belonged to an old lady.China is a country belonging to the Third World.As a writer, he really belongs to the 18th century. 3. in search of : looking for eg: The boys went in search of something to eat.4. in return 1) in return for 作为的报答 Eg: I wish I could do something for you in return.He bought her a gold watch in return for you in return.5. think highly of : speak highly of / think much / well of Eg: He was not well thought of by his boss.The leaders spoke highly of what he had done for the company.Unit 2 The Olympic GamesWord usage1. honest adj. of someone who does not lies or steal; not hiding the truth or factsAll my life I have tried to be an honest man.All this is honest money.Give me your honest opinion.The young man has an honest face.2. ancient adj. belonging to a time long ago; having existed for a very long timeWe were impressed by the ruins of an ancient building.This is an ancient custom.Women were not allowed to take part in the Olympic Games in ancient times.3. compete (+with/against/for) vi. to try to win or gain sth. in competition with sb. elseWe can compete with the best teams.My handwriting cannot compete with his.John competed for a place at the school, but didnt get in.The two companies have to compete against each other for customers.4. competitor n. a person, team, or firm competing with another or othersThere were 10 competitors in the race.Last year our company sold many more computers than our competitor.Sometimes friends can also be your competitors.5. host 1) n. a) some who invites guests; b) a country or organization which provides the space and equipment for a special event; c) someone who introduces some performances, such as those TV show2) v. to act as a host for a special event.We thanked our host and left the party.She is the host of the program.It remains unknown which country will host the international tennis tournament.We attended a dinner party hosted by the president of the company.Bejing will host the 29th Olympic Games in 2008.6. Greek 1) adj. from or connected with Greece 2) n. a) C a person from Greece; b) U the language of GreeceThe director of the film is a Greek.My friend speaks French and Greek.7. magical adj. mysterious, strange, and exciting You can enjoy the magical view over the calm waters of the bay.There is always a magical evening beneath the bright stars. In the story, Sam has a magical hat.8. interview 1) n. a) a meeting where a person is asked questions to decide whether they should be given a job or a place on an educational course; b) a meeting where a person is asked questions to find out about their actions or opinions, sometimes broadcast


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