论土地革命时期的政治动员 论土地革命时期的政治动员 Political Mobilization during the Land Revolution 【摘要】 1927年,国民革命失败,中国共产党丧失了在城市发展的空间,由此转入乡村,进行土地革命。从最初的星星之火到后来的燎原之势,共产党在中国乡村建立了大小十几块根据地,成立了苏维埃政权,形成了乡村割据的态势。在土地革命中,共产党找到了乡村包围城市的战略,也找到了中国革命的主力军农民。中国共产党对农民情感的唤起是其政治动员的关键,而且在以后的革命中,共产党形成了一整套完整的情感工作体系,这套体系保障了革命的成功,并在中国留下了深刻的印记。因此本文试图以情感的角度切入,对土地革命时期的政治动员进行分析。并探寻情感在政治动员中到底扮演一个怎样的角色,与影响政治动员的其它要素之间又存在怎样的关系。本文在历史文献的基础上,从农民自发运动和共产党组织的革命运动中的情感区别着手,讨论中国共产党政治动员中的情感动员与控制方式。在论述的过程中,主要关注组织和话语因素的变迁对情感动员产生的影响。因为在土地革命的进程中,乡村的组织建设和革命话语的传播是改变乡村的基石,也构建了情感动员的背景。为了更清晰的展开论述,根据土地革命的展开步骤,本文把土地革命分成三个部分,即暴动、政权建设和再动员阶段,文章也是以这三个阶段为主题来展现共产党进行情感动员的过程。 【Abstract】 The ally of National Revolution was broken down in 1927. The Communist Party lost its development area in major cities and was forced into the rural areas. And quickly by the so-called Agrarian Revolution the Party gained vast support from the peasant masses and established a dozen of guerrilla bases. An independent regime named Soviet Union founded. The peasant masses were considered as the biggest motive force of the Chinese revolution. In the political mobilization, the Party tried to wake up the emotional deep inside the farmers. In the later revolutions, the Party developed a complete emotional mobilization system which included “complaint”, “accusation” and “criticism and self criticism”. We can find traces of this system in many social movements later in China. In this dissertation, I try to interpret the political mobilization from the perspective of emotion-awakening and try to understand the role played by the emotion-awakening in the political mobilization and the relationship among the emotion-awakening and other facts concerning the political mobilization.I will begin with the differences of the emotion between the self-organized movement by the peasant masses and the Party-organized revolutionary movement, and then talk about the ways of emotional mobilization and control by the Party. In the process of the Agrarian Revolution, the foundation of the change is the rural organizational building and the spread of the revolutionary language. This foundation was also the background of the emotional mobilization. According to the process of the agrarian revolution, I will divide this dissertation into three parts to picture the process of emotional mobilization: insurrection, regime establishment and political re-mobilization. 【关键词】 土地革命; 政治动员; 情感 【Key words】 Agrarian Revolution; Political Mobilization; Emotion 论土地革命时期的政治动员摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 1 绪论 7-11 1.1 问题的来源 7-9 1.2 研究途径组织、话语与情感 9-11 2 自发农民运动中的情感分析 11-19 2.1 怨恨的滋生 11-14 2.2 农民的反杭 14-17 2.3 农民情感的发展途径 17-19 3 革命暴动中的情感利用 19-31 3.1 阶级话语与怨恨情绪的汇聚 19-24 3.1.1 实践与理论之间的阶级话语 20-22 3.1.2 阶级话语在暴动时期的传播 22-24 3.2 有组织的暴动 24-27 3.3 农民激情的持续与消散 27-28 3.4 小结 28-31 4 政权建设中的情感控制 31-45 4.1 组织建设与情感控制 31-37 4.1.1 从暴动者到革命者 31-32 4.1.2 乡苏维埃及其组织下的农民 32-37 4.2 革命话语与情感动员 37-43 4.2.1 革命话语中的情感因素 38-40 4.2.2 革命话语传播的方式 40-43 4.3 本章小结 43-45 5 情感的再动员:以查田运动为例 45-56 5.1 查田运动 46-53 5.1.1 运动的组织 47-48 5.1.2 话语的建构 48-50 5.1.3 动员策略与革命激情 50-53 5.2 日常生活的运动化 53-56 6 结论 56-58 参考文献 58-63 作者简历 63-64 致谢 64