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    人文英语教学大纲课程基本信息课程名称(中/英)人文英语 English for the Humanities课程代码学 分3学 时64理论学时:32 实践学时:32 适用专业小学教育课程性质通识必修开课学期3先修课程无课程网址开课单位外国语学院撰 写 人审核人陆建茹注明;课程性质选择下列类别之一:通识必修、通识选修、学科基础、学科核心、学科选修、教师教育一、课程说明大学英语是教育部规定的高校非英语专业学生在本科教育阶段的必修课程之一。人文英语课程是按照教育部大学英语课程教学要求以及我校的办学目标和定位,结合人文类院系非英语专业学生的个性化需求,以外语教学理论为指导,以英语语言知识与应用技能、跨文化交际和学习策略为主要内容,集多种教学模式和教学手段为一体的教学体系。课程充分挖掘大学英语课程丰富的人文内涵,把社会主义核心价值融入教学内容,实现语言工具性和人文性的有机统一;对开阔学生的国际视野,促进学生知识、能力和综合素质的协调发展具有重要意义,在人才培养方面具有不可替代的重要作用。二、课程目标(一)课程目标的内容总目标:坚持以学生为中心,以英语的实际使用为导向,以培养学生的英语综合应用能力,自主学习能力和文化素养为重点,达到教育部大学英语教学指南提出的基础目标。促使学生在知识、能力、素质等方面的全面协调发展,成为具有创新精神和创新创业实践能力的高素质、创新型应用型人才,为他们在未来的工作和学习中能够有效地使用英语交流打下良好的基础,满足社会和个人发展的需要,以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要。具体目标:1、知识技能目标:掌握英语语音、词汇、语法、语用及篇章结构等方面的语言基本基础知识;能够就熟悉的主题或话题进行口头和书面交流;借助网络资源、工具书等对中等难度的信息进行处理和加工,使学生的英语应用能力基本能够在日常生活、专业学习以及职业岗位等不同领域或语境中进行有效地沟通和交流。2、能力培养目标:了解中西方国家在日常生活、文化风俗、社会问题、经济科技发展等方面的差异;掌握语言学习策略;培养学生的人文素养;拓展学生的国际视野,能够较好地运用所学知识解决跨文化交际中的冲突,提升跨文化交际能力。(二)课程目标与毕业要求的对应关系课程目标毕业要求支撑的毕业要求指标点课程目标1课程目标2沟通:能够至少掌握一门外语,能顺利阅读本专业的外文资料,能够就复杂小学教育问题与业界同行及社会公众进行有效沟通和交流,包括撰写报告、准确表达自己的观点、回应指令等,具有一定的国际视野,具备在跨文化背景下就专业问题进行沟通和交流的能力。指标点4.4掌握1门外语,能够用英语进行口语交际、阅读。课程目标1课程目标2个人和团队:能在多学科背景下的团队中承担个体、团队成员以及负责人的角色。指标点4.4掌握1门外语,能够用英语进行口语交际、阅读。三、课程内容(一)课程单元与课程目标的对应关系本课程总学64学时,其中:理论讲授32学时,实践32学时,具体教学安排如下表章 节学时支撑的课程目标Unit 1 Love Without Limitations4课程目标1 课程目标2Unit 2 Iron and the Effects of Exercises4课程目标1 课程目标2Unit 3 Where Principles Come First 4课程目标1 课程目标2Unit 4 Five Famous Symbols of American Culture4课程目标1 课程目标2Unit 5 Graceful Hands4课程目标1 课程目标2Unit 6 How to Prepare for Earthquakes4课程目标1 课程目标2Unit 7 Bill Gates4课程目标1 课程目标2Unit 8 Legal and Moral Implications of Cloning4课程目标1 课程目标2Unit 1 Model test 14课程目标1 课程目标2Unit 2 Art 4课程目标1 课程目标2Unit 3 Food4课程目标1 课程目标2Unit 4 Literature4课程目标1 课程目标2Unit 5 Fashion4课程目标1 课程目标2Unit 6 Relationship4课程目标1 课程目标2Unit 7 History4课程目标1 课程目标2Unit 8 Culture4课程目标1 课程目标2总学时64(二)单元教学目标与内容Unit 1 Love Without Limitations教学目标1) scan for some particular information in the text;2) have a thorough understanding of the text contextually and linguistically;3) build up an active vocabulary to talk about the great power of love and know how to use the key words and expressions in context properly.教学内容The writers brother Jimmy was born with brain damage due to a difficult delivery. Everyone in the family shows their love and care for Jimmy. Because of the love from his family, he was happy though being disabled. Unfortunately, father and mother both died which made him a wreck. The writer had to take care of Jimmy on her own. After 11 years, he blossomed on his own. For Jimmy 57th birthday, no one of the family could come because of the difficult traveling in a time of a national disaster 9·11. The writer called on her friends to help, who brought ideal presents and made it a festive and merry occasion. Jimmys active performance at the party brought happiness to everyone.The theme of the text is: The constant love and support of our friends and family would get us through all the hardships in life. There had never been any limitations to what Jimmys love could accomplish. 重点难点1) understand that the constant love and support of our friends and family will get us through whatever difficulties we face; there had never been any limitations to what our love could accomplish;2) grasp key words and expressions: disguise, penetrate, pledge, restrain, pick on, hit home, get through, etc.;3) write a passage with the pattern “problem-response-evaluation”. 学习资源闫高明主编.新大纲大学英语语法简明教程.上海交通大学出版社,2012.张在新主编.大学英语写作教程-从创新思维到批判思维. 外语教学与研究出版社, 2014.英语沙龙.世界知识出版社主办.英语学习. 外语教学与研究出版社主办.英语文摘.世界知识出版社主办.英文21世纪报.中国日报主办.普特英语: 听力特快: 大学英语网:.高等英语教学网:.中国英语学习网:.中国日报英文版网站:.Unit 2 Iron and the Effects of Exercises教学目标1) master the reading skill of distinguishing between facts and opinions;2) have a thorough understanding of the text contextually and linguistically;3) build up an active vocabulary to talk about how to keep healthy and know how to use the key words and expressions in context properly; 教学内容Exercise, even moderate exercise, may lead to iron deficiency in the blood of women, which is a very common phenomenon. There are several reasons for it. Firstly, the average women take in only two thirds of the recommended daily allowance for iron and iron loss from exercise may be enough to tip her over the edge into a more serious deficiency. Secondly, exercise can result in iron loss through a variety of mechanisms. There are three stages of iron deficiency. The first has no symptoms; in the second stage there is not enough iron; and in the third stage, your iron reserves go to zero and you are in trouble. So its necessary to check iron deficiency every year. There are some suggestions to correct iron deficiency. In general, its better to undo the problem by adding more iron-rich foods to the diet. Select breads and cereals with the “iron-added” labels. Cook in iron pans and avoid drinking coffee or tea with meals. If you pay attention to warning signs before iron reserves are gone then you can remedy the deficiency in time. 重点难点1) understand that health is the most valuable treasure for people, follow the authors suggestions and learn to practise a healthy life style in our daily life;2) grasp key words and expressions: moderate, consume, absorb, advisable, undo, striking, derive from, interfere with, etc.;3) write a passage with the pattern “problem-cause-effect-suggestion”. 学习资源张在新主编.大学英语写作教程-从创新思维到批判思维. 外语教学与研究出版社, 2014.英语沙龙.世界知识出版社主办.英语学习. 外语教学与研究出版社主办.英语文摘.世界知识出版社主办.英文21世纪报.中国日报主办.普特英语: 听力特快: 大学英语网:.高等英语教学网:.中国英语学习网:.中国日报英文版网站:.Unit 3 Where Principles Come First教学目标1) have a thorough understanding of the text “Where Principles Come First” contextually and linguistically;2) build up an active vocabulary to talk about the challenges that the Hyde School faces and know how to use the key words and expressions in context properly; 教学内容It has long been taken for granted that exercise does us no harm but good. And few of us are clear about how to deal effectively with the problem. Thus, it is still unknown to us that exercise may result in iron deficiency. The writer feels that there is much need for us to know better about it. The text starts with a newly-found problem with exerciseiron loss; then follow analyses of both causes and consequences of the problem; and it ends up by giving advice on how to remedy the problem. 重点难点重点单词:cultivate/ suspend/ conventional/ insult/ preliminary/ worthwhile/ controversial/ strain/ reform/ curse/ comprehensive/ mixture/ publicity/ energetic/ intelligence重点词组:seeas/ over ones protest/ work out/ do/try ones utmost/ at the outset/ kind of/ be scheduled to do/ complete with/ in spite of/ operate on重点语法:1) Sentence structure: as;2) Sentence structure: once 学习资源张在新主编.大学英语写作教程-从创新思维到批判思维. 外语教学与研究出版社, 2014.英语沙龙.世界知识出版社主办.英语学习. 外语教学与研究出版社主办.英语文摘.世界知识出版社主办.英文21世纪报.中国日报主办.普特英语: 听力特快: 大学英语网:.高等英语教学网:.中国英语学习网:.中国日报英文版网站:.Unit 4 Five Famous Symbols of American Culture教学目标1) To master the writing pattern of organizing specific details according to time sequence; 2) To know other symbols of American culture and have a comparison with other countries symbols;3) To help students appreciate figurative language of the text. 教学内容The writer listed five famous symbols of American culture. For each part of the passage, the writer centers on one specific symbol, dealing with it from different aspects such who created it, what the creator was, how he created it, when, and how the symbol was accepted, etc. One symbol is the Statue of Liberty. It was created by French artist Frederic Auguste Bartholdi to celebrate US independence and the France-America alliance. It is said that he had used his wifes arm and his mothers face as the model. Another symbol is Barbie whose real name is Barbara. The model for Barbie was a German doll; Mattel Toy Company refashioned the doll into a decent, all-American version. Barbie has become the universally recognized Queen of the Dolls. The third symbol is American Gothic, a painting created by Grant Wood. He got inspiration from the Gothic window of an old farmhouse and he used his dentist, a sour-looking man and his sister Nan for the Character. The fourth symbol is The Buffalo Nickel. James Earle Fraser created the Buffalo Nickel in honor of the buffalo and the American Indians. He used three actual American Indians as models. And as most of the buffaloes were killed he was forced to sketch an aging buffalo from New York City; Central Park Zoo. The last one is Uncle Sam. The author told us the origin of Uncle Sam and how the portrait of Uncle Sam came to be known. 重点难点重点单词:statue/ liberty/ enlighten/ independence/ approve/ affection/ dedicate/ universal / interpretation/ portrait/ destruction/ colony/ reputation/ inspect/ contract/ origin/ evolve/ recruit/ poster重点词组:work on / go ahead/ for sale / name after / rise to fame / capture ones attention / pose for / go against 重点语法:1) Sentence structure: an absolute structure;2) Sentence structure: “conjunction + prepositional phrase”. 学习资源张在新主编.大学英语写作教程-从创新思维到批判思维. 外语教学与研究出版社, 2014.英语沙龙.世界知识出版社主办.英语学习. 外语教学与研究出版社主办.英语文摘.世界知识出版社主办.英文21世纪报.中国日报主办.普特英语: 听力特快: 大学英语网:.高等英语教学网:.中国英语学习网:.中国日报英文版网站:.Unit 5 Graceful Hands教学目标By way of learning this text, students will be able to:1) grasp the main idea and the structure of the text;2) understand the devices developing the paraphrases;3) master the key words and phrases and sentence patterns in the text;4) conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. 教学内容As a doctor, the author treats an unknown patient who will die tonight. Mrs. Clark is too weak for anything. Mrs. Clark, a dying patient with terrible appearance, changes from someone we as well as the author understand first to someone we admire and praise in the end. This story is of a doctors view of a terminally ill grandmother-how graceful her hands are and how graceful her heart is to spare her family the pain of her passing. Then we can see how the old woman is faced with death.重点难点1) To read with the skill “understanding idiomatic expressions”;2) To grasp the native expression of literary words;3) To know the vivid and delicate description of the feelings and emotions; 4) To write a well-developed paragraph with double clues. 学习资源张在新主编.大学英语写作教程-从创新思维到批判思维. 外语教学与研究出版社, 2014.英语沙龙.世界知识出版社主办.英语学习. 外语教学与研究出版社主办.英语文摘.世界知识出版社主办.英文21世纪报.中国日报主办.普特英语: 听力特快: 大学英语网:.高等英语教学网:.中国英语学习网:.中国日报英文版网站:.Unit 6 How to Prepare for Earthquakes教学目标By way of learning this text, students will be able to:1) understand some basic knowledge of earthquake and other disasters;2) grasp the main idea (earthquake, prediction, prevention and preparation) and structure of the text;3) raise the awareness of saving the earth;4) write a passage with the writing skill: supporting a general idea by details. 教学内容Since earthquakes may cause great destruction, we need to learn how to detect them quickly. Animals always give us warnings. For example, before an earthquake hens would not enter their cages; rats run out from their hiding places and march fearlessly through houses; even normally quiet dogs bark in chorus all over town. Pigeons are especially noisy and fly in unusual patterns. And most noticeable is a chemical change in ground water before a quake. To prevent destruction of property, the architects design columns and horizontal beams of equal strength. Besides the efforts to improve building structures, people also should prepare their houses for the possibility of a great earthquake. It is advisable to check and reinforce their homes regularly. And remember to place heavy objects in low positions, attach cupboards and cabinets to walls, and so on. All these precautions can make a great difference in saving lives and prevent the loss of homes. 重点难点1) To gain relevant information on the earthquake;2) To build up students vocabulary about earthquake and natural disasters and learn how to predict, prevent and prepare for earthquakes; 3) To grasp key words and expressions: withstand, horizontal, vertical, enclose, accidental, fasten, extinguish, handy, portable, sensible, prediction, accuracy, occurrence, resistant, precaution, related, in addition to, if/when/where necessary, agree on/ upon, make a difference, etc.4) To write a well-developed paragraph with the device: general points supported by details. 学习资源张在新主编.大学英语写作教程-从创新思维到批判思维. 外语教学与研究出版社, 2014.英语沙龙.世界知识出版社主办.英语学习. 外语教学与研究出版社主办.英语文摘.世界知识出版社主办.英文21世纪报.中国日报主办.普特英语: 听力特快: 大学英语网:.高等英语教学网:.中国英语学习网:.中国日报英文版网站:.Unit 7 Bill Gates教学目标1) To master and apply key words, phrases and grammatical structures skillfully;2) To enhance reading and writing ability;3)To inspire students to hold a correct attitude towards success. 教学内容This passage is a third-person narrative about Bill Gatesthe richest businessman in the world. Two basic writing techniques are prominent through the passage: general-particular details and time sequence. The general idea is as follows: Bill Gates has dominated the personal computing revolution and modernized the whole world in the process. Without a doubt, Bill Gates is one of the greatest minds to ever change the world. The author compares Bill Gates with Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, and other great minds who ever changed the world. What adds to Gates big success includes his personal traits: his personality-a blend of high-voltage brilliance, drive and competitiveness; his time management skills; his sense of saving money and time in traveling; his incredible “multitasking” ability; and his managing style. As the conclusion of the passage, Gates hopes to be running Microsoft for another 10 years and then he promises to focus on his family and giving his money away. But one can only wonder what he will do in the near future. 重点难点1) To get the information of Bill Gates (his life, his work, his study and his achievements);2) To understand the main idea and structure of this passage;3) To grasp the language points in this unit. 学习资源张在新主编.大学英语写作教程-从创新思维到批判思维. 外语教学与研究出版社, 2014.英语沙龙.世界知识出版社主办.英语学习. 外语教学与研究出版社主办.英语文摘.世界知识出版社主办.英文21世纪报.中国日报主办.普特英语: 听力特快: 大学英语网:.高等英语教学网:.中国英语学习网:.中国日报英文版网站:.Unit 8 Legal and Moral Implications of Cloning教学目标1) To conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing ac


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