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    Section A: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.1. The researcher had a _ that academic achievement was linked to culture. A. suspense B. suspicion C. suspect D. suspicious 2. I would love to go to graduate school but the _ cost is too great. A. finance B. financing C. financier D. financial 3. It is absolutely _ for children to learn foreign languages as early as possible. A. criticism B. critic C. critical D. criticize 4. There is no one I _ more than Albert Einstein. He's the reason I began studying physics. C. extent D. extinct 12. He suggested that I _ my lecture notes to the computer. A. translate B. transfer C. transform D. transit 13. Galileo was heavily criticized because many people thought his _ ideas challenged the authority of religion. A. mundane B. regular C. routine D. radical 14. Please _ a list of questions to ask the scientist for an interview. A. generate B. general C. generation D. generic 15. Early man discovered that you could _ sticks together and make fire from the friction. A. touch B. rub C. push D. pull 16. How many famous biologists can you _? A. exemplify B. horrify C. identify D. intensify 17. Professor Clark's comment only makes sense if you understand the _ of the entire lecture. A. context B. subtext C. pretext D. textbook 18. The _ came up with many great ideas, but she couldn't prove any of them. A. theory B. theorem C. theories D. theorist 19. Don't _ the new students with too much homework right away. A. underwhelm B. overwhelm C. underrate D. overrate 20. What do you think is the _ fist step towards proving our hypothesis? A. logic B. logician C. logistic D. logical Section B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word.21. Obviously, I didn't fail the exam purpose; in fact, I studied all week for it! Your answer Correct answer on on 22. Professor White likes to go his theories point by point, but I still don't believe they're correct. Your answer Correct answer through 23. Many fans had waited ten hours outside the hotel to catch a glimpse their heroine. Your answer Correct answer of of 24. contrast to Chinese students, American students have much more time for activities like sports. Your answer Correct answer Which In 25. He was to call Phil when the phone rang. Your answer Correct answer about about 26. It wasn't much a speech, but it's still one of the most famous in history. Your answer Correct answer of of 27. He wrapped his arms around her wife's waist and gently pulled her back to lean him. Your answer Correct answer on through 28. My new boss wants results by next week. So much a period of adjustment. Your answer Correct answer after for 29. "Don't get yourself bogged down minor details," the teacher told her students. Your answer Correct answer by in 30. Jessica peered the darkness, but for a while could see nothing. Your answer Correct answer at into Part II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.If I had to (31) one teacher who had the greatest effect on me, it would have to be my second-grade teacher Mrs Turner. Why? When I was in second grade, I really didn't like school. The small classroom (32) with noisy kids was not a(n) (33) that made me want to learn. Quite the opposite, in fact; I thought it was (34) ! Mrs Turner, however, knew that it was (35) for young children to think (36) . She was determined to have us all become active little (37) . Her approach was actually very (38) ! She quickly became a(n) (39) to many students, including myself. With Mrs Turner's help, I learned how to enjoy reading and learning. She helped me (40) my six-year-old dilemma of not wanting to go to school. Thank you, Mrs Turner, wherever you are! Your answer Correct answer (31) identify identify (32) overwhelmed overwhelmed (33) extent setting (34) agony agony (35) critical critical (36) creatively creatively (37) thinkers thinkers (38) effective effective (39) mentor mentor (40) solve solve Part III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.Have you ever wondered why some people are better at math than others or why certain people seem to have an innate artistic ability? Researchers are constantly trying to understand how the human brain functions and how its structure affects the way people think and learn. It is clear that not everyone develops these skills in the same way. An interesting way to think about these differences is by classifying people as dominant in either "right brain" or "left brain" thinking. The brain is divided in half and research has proven that these opposing hemispheres are responsible for different learning styles and thinking processes. Left-brain thinkers are usually very logical, rational, and analytical. They tend to view things as individual parts rather than as a whole. General characteristics of left-brain thinkers are that they prefer classical music, are good at math, approach assignments literally, and are well-organized. In contrast to their left-brain counterparts, right-brain thinkers are typically more intuitive, synthesizing, and subjective. They also tend to view things holistically, or as a whole, rather than as a collection of parts. Right-brain thinkers have been shown to prefer rock and pop music, are good at sports and art, approach assignments creatively, and are spontaneous and unpredictable. An interesting fact is that the hemispheres of the brain actually control opposite sides of the body. In other words, the left half of the brain controls the right side of the body, and vice versa. While left-handed people are a minority of the population, there are many famous people who had this trait, including Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Lewis Carroll, Helen Keller, and three of the past four US Presidents. The left-right brain divide might explain why so many artists, actors, authors, and poets write with their left hands! 41. Which of the following subjects might a right-brain thinker excel at? A. Algebra. B. Chemistry. C. Creative writing. D. History. 42. According to the article, left-brain thinkers tend to like _. A. sports B. poetry C. assignments D. organization 43. What evidence is used to support the difference between left- and right-brain thinking? A. Research has proven the brain's hemispheres have different functions. B. Many artists are left-handed. C. The brain's hemispheres control opposite sides of the body. D. Only smart people are left-handed. 44. With which of the following statements would the author probably agree? A. US Presidents are intuitive and think creatively. B. All famous people are right-brain thinkers. C. Anyone can be good at math. D. Walt Disney was probably a left-brain thinker. 45. This type of writing would be best described as _. A. entertaining B. informative C. persuasive D. personal


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