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    跟单信用证统一惯例1993年(修订本)Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits国际商会第500号出版物 (ICC Publication No.500)、总则与定义 General Provisions and Definitions第一条 统一惯例的适用范围 Application of UCP跟单信用证统一惯例,年修订本即,国际商会第号出版物,适用于所有在信用证文本中标明按本惯例办理的跟单信用证(包括本惯例适用范围内的备用信用证),除非信用证中另有明确规定,本惯例对一切有关当事人均具有约束力。The Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, 1993 Revision, ICC Publication No.500, shall apply to all Documentary Credits (including to the extent to which they may be applicable, Standby Letter(s) of Credit) where they are incorporated into the text of the Credit. They are binding on all parties thereto, unless otherwise expressly stipulated in the Credit.第二条 信用证的意义就本惯例而言,“跟单信用证”和“备用信用证”(以下统称“信用证”)意指一项约定,不论如何命名或描述,系指一家银行(“开证行”)应客户(“申请人”)的要求和指示或以其自身的名义,在与信用证条款相符的条件下,凭规定的单据:for the purposes of these Articles, the expressions “Documentary Credit(s)” and “Standby Letter(s) of Credit” (hereinafter referred to as “Credit(s)”) mean any arrangement, however named or described, whereby a bank (the Issuing Bank) acting at the request and on the instructions of a customer (the Applicant ) or on its own behalf,向第三者(“受益人”)或其指定人付款,或承兑并支付受益人出具的汇票,或 is to make a payment to or to the order of a third party (the Beneficiary), or is to accept and pay bills of exchange (Draft(s) drawn by the Beneficiary, or授权另一家银行付款,或承兑并支付该汇票,或 authorizes another bank to effect such payment, or to accept and pay such bills of exchange (Draft(s), or授权另一家银行议付。Authorises another bank to negotiate. 就本惯例而言,一家银行在不同国家设立的分支机构均视为另一家银行。For the purpose of these Articles, branches of a bank in different countries are considered another bank.第三条 信用证与合同a就性质而言,信用证与可能作为其依据的销售合同或其它合同,是相互独立的两种交易。即使信用证中提及该合同,银行亦与该合同完全无关,且不受其约束。因此,一家银行作出付款、承兑并支付汇票或议付及或履行信用证项下其它义务的承诺,并不受申请人与开证行之间或与受益人之间在已有关系下产生的索偿或抗辩的制约。Credits, by their nature, are separate transactions from the sales or other contract(s) on which they may be based and banks are in no way concerned with or bound by such contracts, even if any references whatever to such contract(s) is included in the Credit. Consequently, the undertaking of a bank to pay, accept and pay draft(s) or negotiate and/or to fulfill any other obligation under the Credit, is not subject to claims or defenses by the Applicant resulting from his relationships with the Issuing Bank or the Beneficiary.b受益人在任何情况下,不得利用银行之间或申请人与开证行之间的契约关系。A Beneficiary can in no case avail himself of the contractual relationships existing between the banks or between the Applicant and the Issuing Bank.第四条 单据与货物服务行为在信用证业务中,各有关当事人处理的是单据,而不是单据所涉及的货物、服务或其它行为。In Credit operations all parties concerned deal with documents, and not with goods, services and/or other performances to which the documents may relate.第五条 开立或修改信用证的指示 instructions to Issue/Amend Credits a开证指示、信用证本身、对信用证的修改指示或修改书本身均必须完整和明确。Instructions for the issuance of a Credit, the Credit itself, instructions for an amendment thereto, and the amendment itself, must be complete and precise. 为防止混淆和误解,银行应劝阻有关方:In order to guard against confusion and misunderstanding, banks should discourage any attempt.勿在信用证或其任何修改书中,加注过多细节 to include excessive detail in the Credit or in any amendment thereto在指示开立、通知或保兑一个信用证时,勿引用先前开立的信用证(参照前证),而该前证受到已被接受及或未被接受的修改所约束。To give instructions to issue, advise or confirm a Credit by reference to a Credit previously issued. (similar Credit) where such previous credit has been subject to accepted amendment(s), and/or unaccepted amendment(s)b有关开立信用证的一切指示和信用证本身,如有修改时,有关修改的一切指示和修改书本身都必须明确表明据以付款、承兑或议付的单据。All instructions for the issuance of a Credit and the Credit itself and, where applicable, all instructions for amendment thereto and the amendment itself must state precisely the document(s) against which payment, acceptance or negotiation is to be made.、信用证的形式与通知 forms and notification of Credits第六条 可撤销信用证与不可撤销信用证 a信用证可以是:a Credit may be可撤销的,或 revocable, or不可撤销的。irrevocableb因此信用证上应明确注明是可撤销的或是不可撤销的。The Credit, therefore, should clearly indicate whether it is revocable or irrevocable.c如无此项注明,应视为不可撤销的。In the absence of such indication the Credit shall be deemed to be irrevocable.第七条 通知行的责任 advising banks liabilitya信用证可经另一家银行(“通知行”)通知受益人,但通知行无须承担付款承诺之责任。如通知行决定通知,就应合理审慎地核验所通知的信用证的表面真实性。如通知行决定不通知,就必须不延误地告知开证行。A Credit may be advised to a beneficiary through another bank (the Advising Bank) without engagement on the part of the Advising Bank, but that bank, if it elects to advise the Credit, shall take reasonable care to check the apparent authenticity of the Credit which it advises. If the bank elects not to advise the Credit, it must so inform the Issuing Bank without delay.b如通知行不能确定信用证的表面真实性,就必须不延误地告知发出该指示的银行,说明本行不能确定该信用证的真实性。如通知行仍决定通知,则必须告知受益人本行不能核对信用证的真实性。If the Advising Bank cannot establish such apparent authenticity, it must inform, without delay, the bank from which the instructions appear to have been received that it has been unable to establish the authenticity of the Credit, and if it elects nonetheless to advise the Credit, it must inform the Beneficiary that it has not been able to establish the authenticity of the Credit.第八条 信用证的撤销 revocation of a Credita可撤销的信用证可以由开证行随时修改或撤销,不必事先通知受益人。A revocable Credit may be amended or cancelled by the Issuing Bank at any moment and without prior notice to the Beneficiary.b然而,开证行必须做到:however the Issuing Bank must对办理可撤销信用证项下即期付款、承兑或议付的另一家银行,在其收到修改或撤销通知之前已凭表面与信用证条款相符的单据作出的任何付款、承兑或议付者,予以偿付;reimburse another bank with which a revocable Credit has been made available for sight payment, acceptance or negotiation made by such bank prior to receipt by it of notice of amendment or cancellation, against documents which appear on their face to be in compliance with the terms and conditions of the Credit.对办理可撤销信用证项下延期付款的另一家银行,在其收到修改或撤销通知之前已接受表面与信用证条款相符的单据者,予以偿付。Reimburse another bank with which a revocable Credit has been made available for deferred payment, if such a bank has , prior to receipt by it of notice of amendment or cancellation, taken up documents which appear on their face to be in compliance with the terms and conditions of the Credit.第九条 开证行与保兑行的责任 liability of Issuing and Confirming Banksa对不可撤销的信用证而言,在信用证规定的单据全部提交指定银行或开证行,并且这些单据又符合信用证条款的规定时,便构成开证行的确定承诺:an irrevocable Credit constitutes a definite undertaking of the Issuing Bank, provided that the stipulated documents are presented to the Nominated Bank or to the Issuing Bank and that the terms and conditions of the Credit are complied with:对即期付款的信用证开证行应即期付款;if the Credit provides for sight paymentto pay at sight对延期付款的信用证开证行应按信用证规定所确定的到期日付款;if the Credit provides for deferred paymentto pay on the maturity date(s) determinable in accordance with the stipulations of the Credit对承兑信用证,分两种情况:if the Credit provides for acceptance:(a)凡汇票由开证行承兑者开证行应承兑受益人出具的以开证行为付款人的汇票,并于到期日支付票款;或 by the Issuing Bankto accept Draft(s) drawn by the Beneficiary on the Issuing Bank and pay them at maturity, or (b)凡汇票由另一受票银行承兑者如信用证上规定的受票银行对以其为付款人的汇票不予承兑时,应由开证行承兑并在到期日支付受益人出具的以开证行为付款人的汇票;或者,如受票银行对汇票已承兑,但到期不付时,则开证行应予支付;by another drawee bankto accept and pay at maturity Draft(s) drawn by the Beneficiary on the Issuing Bank in the event the drawee bank stipulated in the Credit does not accept Draft(s) drawn on it, or to pay Draft(s) accepted but not paid by such drawee bank at maturity对议付信用证开证行应根据受益人依照信用证出具的汇票及或提交的单据向出票人及或善意持票人履行付款,不得追索。开立信用证时不应以信用证申请人作为汇票付款人。如信用证仍规定汇票付款人为申请人,银行将视此汇票为附加的单据。If the Credit provides for negotiationto pay without recourse to drawers and/or bona fide holders, Draft(s) drawn by the Beneficiary and/or document(s) presented under the Credit. A Credit should not be issued available by draft(s) on the Applicant. If the Credit nevertheless calls for Draft(s) on the Applicant, banks will consider such Draft(s) as an additional Document(s) b根据开证行的授权或要求另一家银行(“保兑行”)对不可撤销信用证加具保兑,当信用证规定的单据提交到保兑行或任何另一家指定银行时,在单据符合信用证规定的情况下,则构成保兑行在开证行的承诺之外的确定承诺,即:A confirmation of irrevocable Credit by another bank (the Confirming Bank) upon the authorisation or request of the Confirming Bank and that the terms and conditions of the Credit are complied with对即期付款的信用证保兑行应即期付款;if the Credit provides for sight paymentto pay at sight对延期付款的信用证保兑行应按信用证规定所确定的到期日付款;if the Credit provides for deferred paymentto pay on the maturity date(s) determinable in accordance with the stipulations of the Credit.对承兑信用证,分两种情况: (a)凡汇票由保兑行承兑者保兑行应承兑受益人出具的以保兑行为付款人的汇票,并于到期日支付票款,或 if the Credit provides for acceptance by the Confirming Bankto accept Draft(s) drawn by the Beneficiary on the Confirming Bank and pay them at maturity, or(b)凡汇票由另一受票银行承兑者如信用证规定的受票银行对于以其为付款人的汇票不予承兑,则应由保兑行承兑并在到期日支付受益人出具的以保兑行为付款人的汇票,或者,如受票银行对汇票已承兑但到期不付者,则保兑行应予支付。By another drawee bankto accept and pay at the maturity Draft(s) drawn by the Beneficiary on the Confirming Bank, in the event the drawee bank stipulated in the Credit does not accept Draft(s) drawn on it, or to pay Draft(s) accepted but not paid by such drawee bank at maturity对议付信用证保兑行应根据受益人依照信用证出具的汇票及或提交的单据,对出票人及或善意持票人予以议付,不得追索。开立信用证时不应以信用证申请人作为汇票付款人。如信用证仍规定汇票付款人为申请人,银行将视此汇票为附加的单据。If the Credit provides for negotiationto negotiate without recourse to drawers and/or bona holders, Draft(s) drawn by the Beneficiary and/or document(s) presented under the Credit. A Credit should not be issued available by draft(s) on the Applicant. If the Credit nevertheless calls for should not be issued available by draft(s) on the Applicant. If the Credit nevertheless calls for Draft(s) on the applicant, banks will consider such Draft(s) as an additional document(s)c如开证行授权或要求另一家银行对信用证加具保兑,而该银行不准备照办时,就必须不延误地告知开证行。If another bank is authorized or required by the Issuing Bank to add its confirmation to a Credit but is not prepared to do so, it must so inform the Issuing Bank without delay.除非开证行在其授权或要求加具保兑的指示中另有专门规定,否则通知行可以不加保兑就把未经保兑的信用证通知给受益人。Unless the Issuing Bank specifies otherwise in its authorization or request to add confirmation, the Advising Bank may advise the Credit to the Beneficiary without adding its confirmation.d除本惯例第条另有规定外,凡未经开证行、保兑行(如有)以及受益人同意,不可撤销信用证既不能修改也不能撤销。Except as otherwise provided by Article 48, an irrevocable Credit can neither be amended nor cancelled without the agreement of the Issuing Bank, the Confirming Bank, if any, and the Beneficiary.自发出信用证修改书之时起,开证行就不可撤销地受本行发出的修改的约束。保兑行可将其保兑承诺扩展至修改内容,且自其通知该修改之时起,即不可撤销地受修改的约束。然而,保兑行可选择仅将修改通知受益人而不对其加具保兑,但必须不延误地将此情况通知开证行和受益人。The Issuing Bank shall be irrevocable bound by an amendment(s) issued by it from the time of the issuance of such amendment(s). A confirming Bank may extend its confirmation to an amendment and shall be irrevocably bound as of the time of its advice of the amendment. A Confirming Bank may, however, choose to advise an amendment to the Beneficiary without extending its confirmation and if so, must inform the Issuing Bank and the Beneficiary without delay. 在受益人向通知修改的银行表示接受该修改内容之前,原信用证(或先前已接受修改的信用证)的条款对受益人仍然有效。受益人应发出接受修改或拒绝接受修改的通知。如受益人未提供上述通知,当他提交给指定银行或开证行的单据与信用证以及尚未表示接受的修改的要求一致时,则该事实即视为受益人已作出接受修改的通知,并从此时起,该信用证已作了修改。The terms of the original Credit (or a Credit incorporating previously accepted amendment(s) will remain in force for the Beneficiary until the Beneficiary communicates his acceptance of the amendment to the bank that advised such amendment. The Beneficiary should give notification of acceptance or rejection of amendment(s). if the Beneficiary fails to give such notification, the tender of documents to the Nominated Bank or Issuing Bank, that conform to the Credit and to not yet accepted amendment(s), will be deemed to be notification of acceptance by the Beneficiary of such amendment(s) and as of that moment the Credit will be amended.对同一修改通知中的修改内容不允许部分接受,因而,部分接受修改内容当属无效。Partial acceptance of amendments contained in one and the same advice of amendments is not allowed and consequently will not be given any effect.第十条 信用证的种类 types of Credita一切信用证均须明确表示它适用于即期付款、延期付款、承兑抑或议付。All Credits must clearly indicate whether they are available by sight payment, by deferred payment, by acceptance or by negotiation. b除非信用证规定只能由开证行办理这项业务,否则一切信用证均须指定某家银行(称:“指定银行”)并授权其付款、承担延期付款责任、 承兑汇票或议付。对自由议付的信用证,任何银行均可为指定银行。Unless the Credit stipulates that it is available only with the Issuing Bank, all Credits must nominate the bank (the nominated Bank)which is authorized to pay, to incur a deferred payment undertaking, to accept Draft(s) or to negotiate. In a freely negotiable Credit, any bank is a Nominated Bank.单据必须提交给开证行或保兑行(如有)或其它任何指定银行。Presentation of documents must be made to the Issuing Bank or the Confirming Bank, if any, or any other Nominated Bank. 议付意指被授权议付的银行对汇票及或单据付出对价。仅审核单据而未付对价者,不构成议付。Negotiation means the giving of value for Draft(s) and/or documents by the bank authorized to negotiate. Mere examination of the documents without giving of value does not constitute a negotiation.c除非指定银行是保兑行,否则,开证行的指定并不能使被指定银行负有付款、承诺延期付款、承兑汇票或议付的责任。除非指定银行已明确同意并告知受益人,否则,它收受及或审核及或转交单据的行为,并不意味着它对付款、承担延期付款责任、承兑汇票或议付负有责任。Unless the nominated Bank is the confirming Bank, nomination by the Issuing Bank does not constitute any undertaking by the Nominated Bank to pay, to incur a deferred payment undertaking, to accept Draft(s), or to negotiate. Except where expressly agreed to by the Nominated Bank and so communicated to the Beneficiary, the Nominated Banks receipt of and/or examination and/or forwarding of the docuemtns does not make that bank liable to pay, to incur a deferred payment undertaking to accept Draft(s), or to negotiate.d如开证行指定另一家银行、或允许任何银行议付、或授权、或要求另一家银行加具保兑,开证行即据此分别授权上述银行凭表面与信用证条款相符的单据办理付款、承兑汇票或者议付,并保证依照本惯例对上述银行予以偿付。By nominating another bank, or by allowing for negotiation by any bank, or by authorizing or requesting another bank to add its confirmation, the Issuing Bank authorizes such bank to pay, accept Draft(s) or negotiate as the case may be, against documents which appear on their face to be in compliance with the terms and conditions of the Credit and undertakes to reimburse such bank in accordance with the provisions of these Articles.第十一条 电讯传递的信用证与预先通知的信用证 teletransmitted and pre-advised Creditsa当开证行使用密码证实的电讯方式指示通知行通知信用证或修改信用证时,该电讯即视为有效的信用证文件或有效的修改书,不应再寄送电报证实书。如仍寄送证实书,则该证实书当属无效,通知行也没有义务将证实书与所收到的以电讯方式传递的有效信用证文件或有效的修改书进行核对。When an issuing Bank instructs an Advising Bank by an authenticated teletransmission to advise a Credit or an amendment to a Credit, the teletransmission will be deemed to be the operative Credit instrument or the operative amendment, and no mail confirmation should be sent. Should a mail confirmation nevertheless be sent, it will have no effect and the Advising Bank without delay.若该电讯说明“详情后告”(或类似词语)或声明嗣后寄出的证实书将是有效的信用证文件或有效的修改


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