Marketing Mix,The Marketing Process,Marketing Strategy,A type of marketing(or attempting to sell through persuasion)of a product to a wide audience,Isolating broadsegments that make up a market and adapting the marketing to match theneeds of oneor more segments.,No segmentation,Complete segmentation,Focusing on subsegments or niches with distinctive traits that mayseek a special combination of benefits.,The practice oftailoring products andmarketingprograms to suit the tastes of specific individuals andlocations.,Marketing Mix,In carrying out the marketing functions,the firm needs to have a marketing program or strategy.This is known as the marketing mix(the words created by Neii Borden in 1953).,Target Market,Marketing Mix,Marketing Mix,Marketing Mix,Marketing Mix,Development of marketing mix:1.4 Ps2.6 Ps3.4 Cs4.7 Ps,Marketing Mix,According to EJMcCarthys Basic Marketing in1960,marketing mix contains the following major elements(主要因素):(a)product(b)price(c)place(d)promotion,Marketing Mix,According to Philip Kotlers Megamarketing in1986,marketing mix contains 6ps:(a)product(b)price(c)place(d)promotion(e)power(f)public relations,Marketing Mix,With the development of cyber marketing/online marketing,Philip Kotler in the early of 1990s pointed out 4Cs which is the new theory on marketing mix:(a)consumer-consumers wants and needs(b)cost-cost to satisfy wants and needs(c)convenience-convenience to buy(d)communication-communication with consumers,Marketing Mix,To reflect service products and the service elements of physical goods,the traditional marketing mix has now been extended to 7Ps(Booms and Bitner).productpricepromotionplacement(or distribution)people(the use of appropriate staff and people)physical evidence(customers perceptions based on their sight of the service provision)process(the systems used to assist the organization in delivering the service),服务营销组合(7Ps),Marketing Mix,Product,The term product refers to tangible,physical products as well as services.,Product,The product consists of the item and accessories that the company offers to the consumer.This decision is made during product planning.Product planning involves:identifying the buyers needs;working up a preliminary design of the merchandise;checking to see that the product design meets the expectations of buyers;setting on the products final specifications(最终规格);selecting the brand name for the product;determining the type of packaging to be used;and deciding what services to offer with the market.,标签策略,Product Decisions,Product Attributes,Product attributes include:product quality:the ability of a product to perform its functions.Durability耐久性Reliability可靠性Precision精确度ease of operation and repair操作、维修的方便程度 other valued attributes其他有价值的属性product features:are a competitive tool for differentiating the companys product from competitors products.product style:describes the appearance of a product.product design:contributes to a products usefulness as well as to its looks.,Branding,Name the brands and companies,Branding,Four criteria for picking a good brand name,Branding,Branding,Customer-based brand equity pyramid,Branding,品牌化决策,品牌使用者决策,品牌战略决策,Brand Sponsor,A manufacturer has four sponsorship options.The product may be launched as a manufacturers brand(or national brand).Or the manufacturer may sell to resellers who give it a private brand(store brand or distributor brand).Although most manufacturers create their own brand names,others market licensed brands.Finally,two companies can join forces and co-brand a product.Private brand:a brand created and owned by a reseller of a product or service.Co-brand:the practice of using the established brand names of two different companies on the same product.,制造商品牌,私人品牌,复合品牌,许可品牌,Corporate brand licensing:Coca-Cola partners with some 320 licensees to produce more than 10,000 products in 57 countries.Products range from fashion apparel to holiday decorations and even a Coca-Cola Babie doll.,licensing,比如“一汽大众”、“上海通用”、“松下小天鹅”等等。使用这种策略最成功的例子是英特尔(Intel)公司。英特尔公司是世界最大的计算机芯片制造商,它与世界主要计算机厂家都开展合作。1991年,英特尔公司推出了奔腾系列芯片,并随之制定了耗资巨大的促销计划,拟每年花1亿美元,鼓励计算机的制造商在其产品上使用“IntelInside”的标识。对参与这一计划的计算机制造商购买上也注有“IntelInside”的话,则给予5%的折扣。1992年,英特尔公司的销售额比上年增加63%,“Intel”的标识也随着计算机产品更广泛围的让人们认知。由于芯片是计算机的核心板,而英特尔一直是优良芯片的供应商,因此,消费者心目中形成了一种印象,计算机就应该使用英特尔公司的芯片,计算机就应该加上“IntelInside”的标识。如今,众多的计算机品牌如IBMDell、HP、联想、方正,均把“IntelInside”标识加在其产品上,Intel的品牌名声也越来越大。,Brand Strategy,A company has four choices when it comes to brand strategy.It can introduce line extensions(existing brand names extended to new forms,sizes,and flavors of an existing product category),brand extensions(existing brand names extended to new product categories),multibrands(new brand names introduced in the same product category),or new brands(new brand names in new product categories).,产品线延伸,品牌延伸,多品牌,新品牌,Line extension:is using an existing brand name or image and extending it to new products.Brand extensions:A successful brand can be used as a platform to launch related products.Multibrands:Companies often introduce additional brands in the same category(P&G).New brands:A company may create a new brand name when it enters a new product category for which none of the companys current brand names are appropriate.,提起美国的菲利浦莫里斯公司,人们立即就会联想到香烟,大名鼎鼎的“万宝路”牌香烟就是这家公司的拳头产品。然而,要是有人问你“卡夫”酸奶和奇妙酱、“果珍”饮品、“麦斯维尔”咖啡以及“米勒”啤酒是哪家公司生产的,许多中国人也许都会发愣,其实发愣的不仅仅是中国人,连美国的消费者都是要么发愣、要么认为是美国通用食品公司的产品。其实,这些产品全部出自美国烟草大王菲利浦莫里斯公司。,品牌经营策略:创品牌 建立特定形象传品牌 延续传统优势改品牌 突出产品差异借品牌 迅速打开市场,Packaging,Packaging involves designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product.It may includePrimaryContainer(首要包装)SecondaryPackage(次要包装)that is thrown away when the product is about to be used.ShippingPackage(储运包装)necessary to store,identify,and ship the product,Packaging,PrimaryContainer,SecondaryPackage,Altering package of Green Giant,Labeling,The label mightidentify the product or brand;describe several things about the productwho made it,where it was made,when it was made,its contents,how it is to be used,and how to use it safely.promote the product through attactive graphics.,labeling,Nature and Characteristics of a Service,Product,credit after-sale service brand packaging free Product transportation quality style installation warranty,Core Product,Accessory Product,Form Product,产品效用,质量,品牌,包装,式样,运送,安装,信用,维修,保证,核心产品,形态产品,附加利益产品,Types of Consumer Products,Convenience products(便利品)Product bought by final consumer for personal consumption.Shopping products(选购品)Consumer good that the customer,in the process of selection and purchase,characteristically compares on such bases as suitability,quality,price and styles.Specialty products(特制品)Consumer product with unique characteristics or brand identification for which a significant group of buyers is willing to make a special purchase effort.Unsought products(非寻求品)Consumer product that the consumer either does not know about or knows about but does not normally think of buying.,Stages in the new-product process,Stages in the new-product process,The cross-functional new-product team,Stages in the new-product process,Stages in the new-product process,Stages in the new-product process,Marketing information&methods used in the new-product process,Products Life Cycle(PLC),产品生命周期曲线,introduction,sale curve,profit curve,growth,maturity,decline,sales and profits,development,Products Life Cycle(PLC),Marketing Mix,Price,Price,The price charged for the product must be high enough to give the company a profit,but low enough to entice the consumer to buy.In setting on a fair price,firms will(1)evaluate their own costs;(2)current pricing laws;(3)what the competition is doing,and(4)the types of discounts and terms of sales that are customary in the industry.,perform marketing analysis,segmentation,targeting,and positioning,define the product,distribution,and promotional tactics,understand how quantity demanded varies with price,include fixed and variable costs associated with the product,evaluate likely competitor actions,understand legal constraints,etc,profit maximization,revenue maximization,using information collected in the above steps,select a pricing method,develop the pricing structure,and define discounts.,Pricing Decision Process,Pricing Decisions,Pricingdecisions,Factors affecting pricing,Factors affecting pricing,Factors affecting pricing,Factors affecting pricing,Factors affecting pricing,Factors affecting pricing,Factors affecting pricing,Factors affecting pricing,Factors affecting pricing,Factors affecting pricing,Factors affecting pricing,Factors affecting pricing,Pricing Approaches,Pricing Approaches,Cost-based pricing:adding a standard markup to the cost of the product.,Pricing Approaches,Cost-plus pricing,Break-even analysis target profit pricing,Pricing Approaches,在销量既定的条件下,企业产品的价格必须达到一定的水平才能做到盈亏平衡、收支相抵。既定的销量就称为盈亏平衡点(销售收入线与总成本线的交点,以盈亏平衡点的界限,当销售收入高于盈亏平衡点时企业盈利,反之,企业就亏损),这种制定价格的方法就称为盈亏平衡定价法。科学地预测销量和已知固定成本、变动成本是盈亏平衡定价的前提。,Pricing Approaches,Value-based pricing:setting price based on buyers perceptions of value rather than on the sellers cost.,Pricing Approaches,Competition-based pricing:setting prices based on the prices that competitors charge for similar products.,New Product Pricing Strategies,Marketing-skimming pricing:setting a high price for a new product to skim maximum revenues layer by layer from the segments willing to pay the high price;the company makes fewer but more profitable sales.earlier adopters,New Product Pricing Strategies,Market-penetration pricing:setting a low price for a new product in order to attract a large number of buyers and a large market share.,Product Mix Pricing Strategies,Product line pricing:where there is a range of product or services the pricing reflect the benefits of parts of the range.For example car washes.Basic wash could be$2,wash and wax$4,and the whole package$6.Optional product pricing:companies will attempt to increase the amount customer spend once they start to buy.Optional extras increase the overall price of the product or service.For example airlines will charge for optional extras such as guaranteeing a window seat or reserving a row of seats next to each other.Captive-product pricing:setting the main product low price and high price for related-product.Product bundle pricing:here sellers combine several products in the same package.This also serves to move old stock.Videos and CDs are often sold using the bundle approach.By-product pricing:pricing low value by-products to get rid of them.,Price Adjustment Strategies,Discount and allowance pricing:reducing prices to reward customer responses like paying early.Segmented pricing:adjusting prices to allow for differences in customers or locations.Psychological pricing:considering the psychology of prices and not simply the economics.,Price Adjustment Strategies,Promotional pricing:pricing to promote a product is a very common application.There are many examples of promotional pricing including approaches such as BOGOF(Buy One Get One Free).Geographical pricing:is evident where there are variations in price in different parts of the world.For example rarity value,or where shipping costs increase price.International pricing:adjusting prices for international markets.,定价技巧,1、撇脂定价法 新产品以高价进入市场,以迅速回收投资,建立高档形象。2、渗透定价法 新产品以低价进入市场,以迅速扩大市场,避免竞争。3、诱饵定价法 主体产品定低价,吸引购买;关联产品定高价,弥补利润。4、心理定价法 声望定价,错觉定价,整体定价,吉祥定价。,Responding to Price Changes,Marketing Mix,Place,Consumers are accustomed to looking for goods in a particular place.Business needs to have its goods available in the places consumers tend to frequent.This requires moving the merchandise from where it is produced to where it is desired.Such movement entails transportation channels of distribution storageThe manufacture needs to have a strategy for taking care of all these matters.Some use middlemen such as wholesalers to move their merchandise to the consumer.Others go directly to the final buyers themselves.In any case,the goods must eventually be moved to the right place for purchase.,Marketing Mix,Promotion,The purpose of promotion is to stimulate demand for the companys products.Common promotional techniques include:advertising,packaging,branding,personal selling,sales manuals,enlisting of dealer cooperation in displaying goods at the point of purchase,and coupons(赠券)and premiums(奖赏).A firm may not use all of these promotional techniques to move a product,but many will rely on two or three of them because one alone cannot usually do the job.,Promotion,Case Study,A products life cycle(PLC)can be divided into several stages characterized by the revenue generated by the product.If a curve is drawn showing product revenue over time,it may take one of many different shapes,an example of which is shown below:,Case Study,A products life cycle(PLC),产品生命周期各阶段基本策略:导入期 突出一个“快”字;成长期 强调一个“好”字;成熟期 抓住一个“优”字;衰退期 明确一个“转”字。,Case Study,First stage-developmentProduct development is the incubation stage of the product life cycle.There are no sales and the firm prepares to introduce the product.As the product progresses through its life cycle,changes in the marketing mix usually are required in order to adjust to the evolving challenges and opportunities.,Case Study,Second stage-introductionThe primary goal is to establish a market and build primary demand for the product class.,Case Study,The marketing mix may as following:Product-one or few products,relatively undifferentiatedPrice-Generally high,assuming a skim pricing strategy for a high profit margin as the early adopters buy the product and the firm seeks to recoup development costs quickly.In some cases a penetration pricing strategy is used and introductory prices are set low to gain market share rapidly.,Case Study,Place-Place is selective and scattered as the firm commences implementation of the distribution plan.Promotion-Promotion is aimed at building brand awareness.Samples or trial incentives may be directed toward early adopters.The introductory promotion also is intended to convince potential resellers to carry the product.,Case Study,Third stage-growthThe goal is to gain consumer preference and increase sales.,Case Study,The marketing mix may be modified as follows:Product-New product features and packaging options;improvement of product quality.Price-Maintained at a high level if demand is high,or reduced to capture additional customers.Distribution-Distribution becomes more intensive.Trade discounts are minimal if resellers show a strong interest in the product.Promotion-Increased advertising to build brand preference.,Case Study,Fourth stage-maturity The primary goal is to maintain market share and extend the product life cycle.,Case Study,Marketing mix decisions may include:Product-Modifications are made and features are added in order to differentiate the product from competing products that may have been introduced.Price-Possible price reductions in response to competition while avoiding a price war.Distribution-New distribution channels and incentives to resellers in order to avoid losing she