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    CATTI笔译旅游汉译英词汇(1)安全第一,旅客至上 saftety first, passengers supreme保护珍稀动物和植物 protect rare animals and plants避暑胜地 summer resort冰雪节 Snow Festival兵马俑博物馆 the Terra-Cotta Warrior Museum草原旅游 grassland tour出境游客 out-bound visitors瓷都 ceramics metropolis道观 Taoist temple登山旅游 mountaineering tour东方神韵 charm of oriental culture东方夏威夷 the Oriental Hawaii度假村 holiday resort非物质文化遗产 intangible cultural heritage丰富的文化遗产 rich cultural heritage风景区 scenic spot风土人情 local customs and practices风味小吃 local snack服务监督电话 service supervision phone高速公路 express way/freeway高原自然风光 plateau scenery购买实名制 real-name system for ticket purchase购物旅游 shopping tour购物天堂 a paradise for shoppers故居 former residence观光游览道路 scenic drive国家法定假日 statutory holiday国家级园林城市 nationally designated garden city海滨度假地 beach resort海水浴场 bathing beach航海博物馆 maritime museum黑车 unlicensed car红色旅游区 red tourist destinations黄金周 golden week机场建设费 departure tax机场免税店 aiport duty-free shop寄宿家庭 host family假冒商品 fake commodity假日经济 holiday economyCATTI笔译旅游英译汉词汇(2)接待游客人数 tourism arrivals久负盛誉 long-cherished fame离开旅馆 check out from a hotel历史文化名城 historical and cultural city历史遗产 historical heritage两日游 2-day tour龙门石窟 Longmen Grottoes露天博物馆 open-air museum露营车与旅宿汽车 campervans and motor homes for hire驴友 frequent travelers旅馆行李员 hall porter旅客登记簿 hotel register旅行结婚 honeymoon trip旅行社 travel agency/service旅行团 tourist group旅行支票 travellers check旅游巴士包租、游览服务 charter bus and coach services and tour旅游城市 tourist city旅游淡季 slack season for tourism旅游定点商店/餐厅 officially designated shop/restaurant旅游景点 attraction for tourists旅游签证 visitors visa旅游热潮 tourism bloom旅游收入 tourist revenue乱收费 impose unjustifiable charges每位游客消费额 consumption per arrival美食节 gourmet festival美术馆 art gallery免税商品 duty-free goods庙会 temple fair民俗景观 ethnic cultural park民俗旅游 folklore tour民俗文化村 folk culture village名特产品 famous special local products盘山公路 skyline drive配套服务设施 supporting service facilities汽车旅馆 motel全国重点文物保护单位 a major historical monument under state protection全聚德烤鸭 Quanjude Peking Roast Duck人文景观 human landscape如画的风景 picturesque landscape入境游客 in-bound visitors散客旅游 independent tour山清水秀 beautiful hall of ethnic customs商务中心 business center少数民族风俗陈列馆 exhibition hall of ethnic customs生态旅游 ecotourism湿地自然保护区 wetland natural preservation zones水乡泽国 water resort水族馆 aquarium四合院 quadrangle/courtyard dwellings寺院 Buddhist temple特产商店 specialty store天文馆 planetarium亭,台,楼,阁 pavilion, stage, building and multistoried pavillion同仁堂 Tongrentang Chinese Medicine徒步旅行 walking tour途中休息停车 comfort stop文化遗址 site of ancient cultural remains文物保护 preservation of cultural relics星级饭店 star-rated hotels严禁触摸/手扶 Dont touch/Hands off严禁携带物品 prohibited checked articles野生动物保护 wildlife conservation游乐园 amusement park游山玩水 tour scenic spots鱼米之乡 land of fish and rice中国文明的摇篮 the cradle of Chinese civilization中国优秀旅游城市 the Chinese Outstanding Tourism City中华老字号 China Long-Standing Shop住进旅馆 check in a hotel自行车旅游 travel by bike自助游 private travelCATTI笔译艺术英译汉词汇(1)abstract art 抽象派艺术Academy Award 奥斯卡金像奖a cameo appearance 客串演出ace actor 金牌演员Acid Jazz 酸性爵士乐Adult Alternative Pop (Rock) 成人另类流行/摇滚Adult Contemporary 成人时代(一种音乐演奏风格)adventure film 探险剧alternative country-rock 另类乡村摇滚alternative rap 另类说唱ambient pop 氛围流行American Idol 美国偶像an A-lister 一线明星animated cartoon/music film/New Year greeting film 动画片/音乐片/贺岁片antique sculpture 古代雕塑a powder-puff sport 粉扑运动(花拳绣腿)a profitable sideline 赚钱的副业art director 艺术总监artistic coterie 画家同行arts and crafts 工艺美术a rule-of-thumb photographer 靠经验摄影的摄影家audio-video tape market 音像市场award ceremony music 颁奖音乐backup dancer 伴舞演员best art direction 最佳艺术指导black-and-white epic 黑白史诗片bonus track 附赠曲目box office appeal 票房号召力box office battle 票房大战box office flop 票房毒药box office value 票房价值Cannes Film Festival 戛纳电影节cast member 演职人员cave painting 石洞壁画close-up/special shot 特写镜头conceptual photography 观念摄影;前卫摄影costume drama 古装剧country music 乡村音乐culture week文化周curtain call 谢幕debut single 首支单曲decorative schemes 装饰性图画deluxe binding 精装drawing from nature 写生画dubbed film 译制片electrifying effect 令人震撼的效果CATTI笔译艺术英译汉词汇(2)fashion victim 时尚牺牲者film critic 影评家film production assistant 电影摄影助理fine arts 美术finishing touch 最后一笔flat stitching 平装foreground figure 前景人物foreshortened figure 透视画法freaks of nature天籁之声glee club 合唱团Golden Palm 金棕榈奖graphic arts 形象艺术graphic designer 画面设计师hard-to-get ticket 一票难求hidden track 隐藏曲目hi-fi system 高保真组合音响historical drama 历史剧hit movie/Hollywood blockbuster 大片/好莱坞大片hit parade 流行歌曲排行榜Honoray Oscar 终身成就奖horror film 恐怖片kinetic art 活动艺术light literature 通俗文学lip syncing 假唱local craftspeople 当地艺人long-running television series 长篇连续剧made-for-television movie 电视电影Mando-pop scene 华语歌坛mannerist frescoes 风格主义湿壁画modern movie musical 现代音乐剧mood music 情调音乐movie trailer 宣传片,为电影做广告的简短影片music comedy 音乐剧musical festival 音乐节music TV (MTV) 音乐电视mystery story 怪诞小说op art 光效应艺术operatic music 歌剧音乐original artist 原唱艺术家Oscar Bait 来势汹汹问鼎奥斯卡的影片pastel drawing 蜡笔画performance artist 行为艺术家pirated film/theatre of the absurd 盗版片/荒诞剧plastic arts 造型艺术pop art 大众艺术popular media 大众媒体portrait painting 肖像绘画prize-awarding ceremony 颁奖仪式production coordinator 制片协调员reality show 真人秀road show 巡回演出salad days 少不更事的青涩时代scalped tickets 黄牛票(screen) debut/premise 首演;首映show business 演艺业simultaneous narrative 同步叙述solo concert 独唱音乐会spinach cinema 菠菜电影(即有教育意义、令人深思的电影)standing ovation 长时间起立鼓掌stereoscopic film 立体电影still life 静物画symphony concert 交响音乐会talent show 业余歌手演唱会television/audience rating 收视率television special 专题片the Asia Arts Festival 亚洲艺术节the Motown sond 摩城之音the Newport Folk Festival 纽约特民间艺术节the three unities 三一律(一个情节,一个地点,一个时间)title track 主打曲目top-grossing movie 票房冠军tour de force 代表作video art 视频艺术visual artist 视觉艺术家CATTI笔译工业汉译英词汇(1)成品 finished products人才 talent/competent personnel human resources半成品 semi-finished products滞销货 unsalable product打工妹 country girls working in cities服务业 service industry利改税 substitution of tax payment for profit delivery生产力 productive forces出资方式 means of contributing investment传统产品 traditional products窗口行业 service trades创汇产品 hard currency-earning exports资本项目 capital account包工包料 contract for labor and material采矿工业 mining industry操作方法 working technique; method of operation草根工业 grassroots industry代理协议 agency agreement电力工业 power industry产品设计 design of products朝阳产业 sunrise industry成套设备 whole sets of equipment驰名商标 well-known trademark电子工业 electronics industry独家代理 sole agency; exclusive agent纺织工业 textile industry服装工业 clothing industry钢铁工业 iron and steel industry隔离开关 isolating switch工程绘图 engineering drawing工业基地 industrial base工业停滞 industrial stagnation工业园区 industrial park公开招标 public bidding; open tender国有企业 state-owned enterprise合营期限 contractual term of a joint venture合作方式 methods of cooperation后备工业 supporting industry化学工业 chemical industry基础工业 basic industry技术入股 technology invested as capital stock技术转让 technology transfer加工工业 processing industry尖端产品 highly sophisticated/state-of-the-art product建筑工业 building industry来料装配 assembling with supplied parts龙头产品 flagship product龙头老大 leading enterprise; flagship of the industry内联企业 inland associated enterprises配套工程 auxiliary/supporting project配套资金 supporting funds批量生产 mass production切削工具 cutting tool升级换代 upgrading and updating生产资料 capital goods市场疲软 a market slump市场准入 market access拳头产品 highly competitive product人才市场 human resources market私营部门 the private sector乡镇企业 township enterprises以销定产 fix production target according to marketability知识产权 bids for technology主导工业 leading industry抓大放小 invigorate large enterprises while relaxing control over small ones专利技术 patented technology产地证明书 certificate of origin工业增加值 industrial added value企业所得税 corporate income tax出口转内销 domestic sales of commodities originally produced for exportsCATTI笔译工业汉译英词汇(2)代表性样品 representative sample电视机工业 TV industry豆腐渣工程 jerry-built projects进口环节税 import linkage tax经理负责制 manager responsibility system劳动密集型 labor-intensive机械制造业 machine-building industry招标承包制 system of public bidding重点开发区 key development zone飞机制造工业 aircraft industry固定资产投资 investment in fixed assets国家统配物资 materials allocated by the state黑色金属工业 ferrous industry品质检验证书 quality inspection certificate企业技术改造 technological updating of enterprises企业亏损补贴 subsidies to cover enterprise losses全面投产开工 go into full operation商办工业企业 industrial enterprises run by commercial units适销对路产品 readily marketable product现代企业制度 modern corporate system优化资源配置 optimize allocation of resources重量检验证书 inspection certificate of weight (quantity)转化经营机制 change the method of operation改进技术规程 improve the technological process新的生机与活力 new vigor and vitality出口创汇型产业 foreign exchange-earning industry独家经营/专营权 exclusive right非国有工业企业 non-state industrial enterprise工业控制一体化 integrated industrial control科研成果产业化 industrialization of research findings质量信得过单位 quality trustworthy organization独立核算工业企业 independent accounting industrial enterprise发电设备制造工业 power equipment industry高附加值的深加工 intensive processing with high added value走新型工业化道路 take a new road to industrialization纠正行业不正之风 rectify malpractice in various trades就业前和在职培训 pre-job and on-the-job (in-service) training向基础工业倾斜的政策 preferential policy for basic industry技术、智力、资本密集型 technology-, knowledge- or capitalz- intensive三来一补(来料加工,来件装配,来样加工和补偿贸易)processing of imported materials or according to supplied samples, assembling of supplied parts, and compensation tradeCATTI笔译外贸金融英译汉词汇(1)absorb idle fund 吸引游资a business incubator 企业孵化器accounting fraud 财务作假案;假案accumulated deficit 累计赤字after-sale service 售后服务after-tax profit 税后利润anti-inflation measures 制止通货膨胀措施anti-monopoly law 反垄断法auditing sacandals 假账丑闻bank discount 票据贴现Black Monday 黑色星期一blue chip 绩优股bonded area 保税区bottom wholesale price 批发底价business cycle 商业周期business lending 商业贷款cargo handing capacity 货物吞吐量cash dividend 现金股利cash on delivery (COD) 货到付款ceiling price 最高限价chamber of commerce 商会clearance sale 清仓销售closing price 收盘价common stock 普通股compensation trade 补偿贸易concessionary loans 优惠贷款corporate bond 公司债券corporate identity 企业标识cost of living index 生活成本指数currency appreciation 货币升值customs barrier; tariff waff关税壁垒Doha Round 多哈回合dot-com boom 高科技公司(股票)引起的繁荣double-digit inflation 两位数通货膨胀率(指一个国家的通货膨胀年率超过10%)double entry budget 复式预算Dow-Jones Industrial Average 道琼斯工业股票平均指数downstream product 下游产品durable goods 耐用产品export customs declaration 出口申报export incentives 出口刺激export licensing system 出口许可证制度favorable balance of trade/trade surplus 贸易顺差financial (industry/sector) rescue plan 金融救援计划financial statement 财务报表foreign exchange reserve 外汇储备CATTI笔译外贸金融英译汉词汇(2)Goldman Sachs 高盛(集团)公司(美)government securities 公债holding company 控股公司hot money from abroad 国际游资import quota 进口配额imports of merchandise and services 商品和劳务进口inflation-proof deposit保值储蓄inflation-ridden country通货膨胀居高不下的国家insurance broker保险经纪人intangible assets无形资产interest-free loan 无息贷款international financial center 国际金融中心investment ratio 投资比例IPO (Initial Public Offerings) 发行原始股junk bond 垃圾债券line of business 业务范围listed company 上市公司listed shares (stock) 上市股票market access/entry市场准入merger and acquisition (M&A) 并购money laundering 洗钱money supply 货币供应量National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation (NASDAQ) 美国纳斯达克指数National Council for US-China Trade 美中贸易委员会New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) 纽约证券交易所online share trading 在线股票交易portfolio investment 证券投资port of destination 目的口岸preferential loan 优惠贷款preferred stock 优先股price-curbing policy 抑价政策primary goods 初级商品property dividend 财产股利protective tariff 保护性关税ration-free goods 敞开供应的商品reciprocal trade 互惠贸易retaliatory tafiff 报复性关税return on investment 投资回报risk capital 风险投资shock method 休克疗法Standard & Poors Index (美国证券)标准普尔指数stock market crash 股市暴跌stock market quotation 股市行情stock option 认股权stock sinks below the IPO price 破发subprime mortgage 次级房贷supply-demand imbalance 供求失衡switch trade 转手贸易tax-free zone 免税区time deposit 定期存款toll-free service 免费服务total volume of imports and exports 进出口总额trade dispute 贸易争端trade in goods 货物贸易trade in services 服务贸易trade liberatlization 贸易自由化trade partner 贸易伙伴trade protectionism 贸易保护主义trade protocol 贸易议定书transnational corporation 跨国公司transnational operation 跨国经营unfavorable balance of trade/trade deficit 贸易逆差upstream product 上游产品US Federal Reserve Board 美国联邦储备委员会US Securities and Exchange Commission 美国证券交易委员会venture capital 风险资本voucher of clearing 结算凭证Wall Street magnate 华尔街财阀warranty period 商品保修期win the bid/tender 中标World Economic Forum 世界经济论坛(达沃斯会议)year-end report 年终报告zero tariff treatment 零关税待遇CATTI笔译外贸金融英译汉词汇(3)You should guarantee that no information under the contract should be transferred to a third party.你方应保证不向第三方转让本合同的信息资料。We have your name as a firm who is interested in doing business with us.我们得悉贵公司有兴趣与我方进行贸易。Your majesty has been forwarded to us for our attention from the Commercial Counselors Office of the Chinese Embassy in Rome.你方询盘已由中国驻罗马大使馆商务参赞处转交我方处理。We avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you and see if we can establish business relations with you.我们利用此机会致函贵方了解可否与贵方建立贸易关系。Please state terms of payment and discounts you would allow on purchases of quantities of over 100 dozens of individual item.请说明付款条款和对各品种超过100打的购买量所能给予的折扣。We are in a position to supply the items enquired for from our stocks.我们可现货供应所询购的商品。We are not in a position to further reduce our price.我方实在无法再进一步降价。A discount of 3% is granted.给予3%的折扣。Our trade terms are the same as the stipulations in the S/C No. 101.其他交易条件与101号销售确认书中的规定相同。We are desirous of establishing business relations with you.我们想和你方建立业务关系。Globalization involves both the organization of industry and the structure of the financial markets.全球化既影响到产业组织,也影响到金融市场结构。There is no good theory showing that budget dificits are a problem as far as inflation isconcerned.就通货膨胀而言,预算赤字倒不是件坏事。The long-run loss of output due to unemployment is basically a more serious issue for the economy than inflation is.对整个经济而言,由于失业而导致的长期减产是一个比通货膨胀更为严峻的问题。The only way we can improve the inflation situation in the short run is along a path that involves a considerable cost.能使我们在短期内改善通货膨胀的唯一途径,只有付出相当可观的代价。International trade is the exchange of goods and services produced in one country for goods and services produced in another country.国际贸易就是一国生产的商品和服务和另一国生产的商品和服务的交接。The government expects t


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