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    宝鸡中学2012届高三月考(一)英 语 试 题(满分150 分,考试时间120 分钟)说明: 1、 本试题分I、II 两卷, 第I卷的答案要按照A、B 卷的要求涂到答题卡上, 第I 卷不交;2、全卷共八大题,85小题,一篇书面表达满分150 分, 120 分钟完卷第I 卷 (选择题 ,共95 分)第一部分 英语知识运用 (共四节,满分55分)第一节:语音知识 (共5小题; 每小题1分,满分5 分)从每小题的ABCD四个选项中,找出所给单词的正确读音,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。1represent A【reprzent】 B【rprzent】 C【ri:przent】 D【reprzent】2delighted A【dlatd】 B【delatd】 C【dltd】 D【deltd】3occasion A【uken】 B【ketn】 C【ken】 D【uken】4emergency A【em:dns】 B【:m:dns】 C【m:dns】 D【mdns】5personality A【pesnæt】 B【p:snæt】 C【psnæt】 D【p:snæt】第二节 情景对话 (共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)根据对话情景和内容, 从对话后所给的选项中选出能填入每一空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。选项中有两项是多余项。一Hi,Bob! Weve been working hard at our lessons for a fortnight 6_一Okay! What do you suggest?一 7 I hear Hamlet is on at the National TheaterIs that so? Why not?一(Scanning a newspaper)Oh,dear me! Theres no performance at the National Theater this weekendSo we have to go to the cinema instead一 8一Let me seeUmGone With the WindIt is on at six cinemas on Saturday night-That sounds interestingWhich is the nearest?一Ah, The Royal,I thinkWhat time does the film start?Why dont we go to the 18:30 show? 9But we wont have enough time for dinner一Do you want to go to the earlier or the later show?Ah 10一Thentheres the 20:30 show一Thats okayI thinkAI fancy going to the later oneBHow about seeing a play?CWhat,do you think of a basketball match?DWhats on?ESo why dont we take it easy this weekend?FI want to go to the earlier showGIt is convenient for us, I think 语法和词汇知识 (共1 5小题,每小题1分,满分1 5分)从ABCD四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。11If we _some measures, we might have prevented the environmental pollutionAtake Bhad taken Ctook Dhave taken12When I got to the cinema, the film _ for half an hourAhas started Bhad been on Chas been on Dhad started13Some websites are designed to instruct people how _ positions in foreign companiesAto apply for Bapply for Capplying for Dapplied for14The old house _ roof was damaged in a storm is being repaired nowAwhere Bwhich Cthat Dwhose15While _ the street, he was hit by a carAcrossing Bcross Ccrossed Dto cross16Having taken our seats,_Athe professor began the lectureBthe lecture began soonCwe were attracted by the lecture soonDthe bell announced the beginning of the lecture17_ in a white dress, the girl looks very prettyADressed BDressing CTo dress DHaving dressed18_, and we will do the work betterAGiven more time BGive us more timeCGiving us more time DHaving given us more time19_ well prepared you are, you still need a lot of luck in finding a suitable jobAHowever BWhatever CNo matter DAlthough20I havent read the book for _ long _Ive forgotten what it is aboutAsuch; that Bso; as Cso; that Dsuch; as21Progress _so far very good and he is sure that his new book will be finished on timeAwas Bhad been Chas been Dwill be22-She looks very happyShe _have passed the exam-I guess soIts not difficult after allAshould Bmust Ccould Dmight23John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work _, he gladly accepted itAfinished          Bfinishing       Chaving finished       Dwas finished24-Its a long time _ I last saw you-Yes, and it will be another month _ we can meet againAbefore; when Bwhen; since Csince; while Dsince; before25May I smoke in the room?-No, you_Its a non-smoking roomAmightnt Bwont Cneednt Dmustnt第三节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题15分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项四个选项中,选出合适填入对应空白处的最佳选项。There was a man who had a little boy that he loved very muchEvery day after work the man would come home and 26 with the little boyHe would always 27 all of his extra time with the little boyOne night, while the man was at work, he 28 that he had extra work to do for the evening, and that he wouldn't be able to play with his little boy29 he wanted to be able to give the boy something to keep him 30 So, looking around his office, he saw a magazine with a large 31 of the world on the coverHe got a(n) 32 He removed the map, and then patiently tore it up into small piecesThen he put all the 33 in his coat pocketWhen he got home, the little boy came 34 to him and was ready to playThe man 35 that he had extra work to do and couldn't play just nowHe 36 the little boy into the dining room, and 37 all the pieces of the mapHe spread them on the tableHe explained that it was a map of the world, and that by the time he could 38 together, his extra work would be 39_, and they could both playSurely this would keep the child busy for hours, he thoughtAbout half an hour later the boy came to the man and said, "Okay, it's finishedCan we play now?"The man was 40 , saying, "That's impossibleLet's have a look" And 41 enough, there was the picture of the world, all put together every piece in its 42 The man said ,”Thats amazing ! How did you do that” the boy said,' It's 43On the 44 of the page is a(n) 45 of a manWhen I put the man together the whole world fell into place"26AenjoyBwatchCshareDplay27AtakeBspendCspareDhave28ArecognizedBtoldCrealizedDexpected29AHoweverBOrCForDBut30AhappyBbusyCexcitedDsilent31AmapBpictureCfigureDimage32AinformationBchanceCideaDadvice33AworldBpiecesCpaperDmagazine34ArunningBexpectingCshoutingDmeeting35AexplainedBpersuadedCshoutedDdiscussed36AaskedBorderedCledDshowed37Adid upBdealt withCput outDtook out38Alook it upBget it aroundCput it backDturn it over39AfinishedBwastedCdeliveredDfilled40AshockedBsurprisedCsatisfiedDtired41AbeautifulBsureCrightDquite42AwayBpositionCsideDplace43AfunnyBdifficultCsimpleDinteresting44AbackBcoverCtopDfront45ApictureBimpressionCsculptureDshade第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题。第一节共15 小题,每小题2分,满分30)阅读下列四篇短文, 从每小题所给的ABCD四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AI clearly remember my mom telling me to drink milk every dayone glass in the morning and another at nightI also remember loving it while my sister thought quite the oppositeshe would surreptitiously pour her milk into the sink or water the plants with it! I guess I should thank my mom for making us drink a lot of milk, so rich in calcium(钙), during those important yearsToday, calcium shortage is one of the main concerns of women in their 30s or even early 20sThe great fear is that when we reach our 50s or 60s, osteoprosis(骨质疏松症)will set inThat is why you can see a lot of advertisements for products supposedly containing a lot of calciumBecause calcium is not that easy to acquire from the food we normally eat, busy women these days should take calcium supplements(补充物)There are a lot of different forms of these-calcium carbonate(碳酸钙),oyster(牡蛎)shell or bone-meal-based calcium supplementsYou have to be careful when choosing which kind to takeThis is because calcium is not easily absorbed by the bodySo the fact that you are taking supplements doesnt mean that the body is actually benefiting from themDifferent supplements may have different instructions on dosage(剂量)and manner of intakeYou can ask your doctor to help you determine which supplement is the best for your needs46From what the authors mother did we may infer that_Aher children had osteoporosisBshe knew her children would benefit from milkCshe must have suffered from osteorosisDshe didnt like her daughter who didnt obey her order47Based on the passage, which of the following is NOT true?AThe authors sister will suffer from osteoprosis when reaches her 50s or 60sBMany businessmen have already been selling products supposedly containing calciumCWe cant get enough calcium only from food we eat every dayDWomen as young as their 20s should be concerned about calcium shortage48What does the underlined word “surreptitiously” in the first paragraph probably mean?AHonestly BFrankly CSecretly DCuriously49We may infer from the last paragraph that_Awhat one chooses as a calcium supplement might not workBone shouldnt take in calcium without the permission of a doctorCthe more calcium supplements one uses, the more calcium one can take inDit is dangerous to use calcium supplements without the guidanceBMany of us have heard of the saying: everything is possible if you can just believeBut few of us really know the power of faith and perseverance(坚定) South African swimmer Natalie du Tiot embodies(体现)those virtuesDu Tiot, 24, became the first swimmer to compete in both the Olympic Games and the Paralympics (残奥会)in BeijingAlthough she finished 16th in the tough 10km marathon in the able-bodied Games, she has collected three golds in the Paralympics so farOne of the most successful disabled athletes of all time, Natalie du Tiot was already a promising swimmer when she lost her leg in a motorcycle accident in 2001, at just 17“There are a lot of dark moments,” she said, “There are some days when I cryBut I try to remember that better days are aheadYou just go on”Within a few months, she was back in the swimming poolShe still completes and still succeedsThe only difference is she has switched to longer eventsfrom 200m and 400m individual medley to 800m and 1,500m freestyleto make up for her loss of speed with only one legBut she made no adjustment to her mental look(精神面貌)“Going out in the water, it feels as if theres nothing wrong with meIt doesnt matter if you look differentYoure still the same as everybody else because you have the same dream”She is the owner of many world records, and she also won gold when competing against able-bodied swimmers in the 1,500m freestyle at the All African Games in 2007But there is no magic recipe(秘诀) for successIt all comes down to hard work and determination“She is stubborn, which is good and bad,” said her coach Karoly Von Toros“Good for the swimming, but bad for the coach”There is a poem that hangs on her wall that reads:The tragedy (悲剧)of life does not lie in not reaching your goals;The tragedy of life lies in not having goals to reach for50Natalie du Tiot is a vivid example that_Ayou are what you believeByour biggest enemy is yourselfCresults are not so important as the processDyou must set reasonable goals or you will fail51According to the text , Natalie du Tiot became_Athe first athlete to compete with able-bodied swimmers in the worldBthe youngest disabled swimmer to break the world record in the 1,500m freestyleCthe youngese disabled swimmer to collect three golds in a single ParalympicsDthe first swimmer to compete in both the Olympic Games and the Paralympics52Which of the following is the correct order of the events that happened to Natalie du Tiot?aShe won gold at the All Africa GamesbShe finished 16th in the tough 10km marathon in the OlympicscShe adjusted herself to long eventsdA motorcycle accident disabled herAcdab Bdcba Cdcab Ddacb53In dark moments it was_ that pushed her onAher coach Bher family Chope and faith Dher love of swimmingCOne day my teacher said, “ Life is a game of chess, and the other player is time” From that moment, I knew I had to enjoy my lifeDo not waste time, because, you know, time will not come backYou cannot buy itIt is one of those things in life that you must really, really valueWhen you see an opportunity, take itYou might not get it backNever let an opportunity passAnd if it is too hard, remember that in the middle of every difficulty lies an opportunityRemember, you cannot choose how you' re going to die, or whenYou can only decide how you' re going to liveStudy as if you were going to live forever; live as if you were going to die tomorrowDon' t just think of the present, but also think of your futureYour future is yet another chapter in your life and another way to live itEvery single living thing has a purpose in life"The purpose of life is a life of purpose," said Robert BymeLearn to use time wisely, take opportunities, and enjoy lifeWe can discover the meaning of life in three different ways: (1) by doing a deed; (2) by experiencing a value; (3) by suffering lifeSo, what are you buying with yours?54The underlined part suggests that_Aif life is a game of chess, time is also a game of chessBif life is a game of chess, both you and time are the playersCif life is one player in a game of chess, time is the other playerDif time is a game of chess, both life and you are the players55According to the author, what can you decide?AHow you die BHow you live CWhen you dieDWhen you succeed56This article is most probably from_Aan explanation of time in the universeBan essay about time and lifeCan argument that time is the most important thing in lifeDa description of an important classDTwo teachers are needed in jiangsu Province ASAP!7000-8000 RMB / month (20 lessons / week) plus benefits!The school is located in Sihong Town, which is only two hours away from Nanjing City by busRequirements:Native English speakers from Australia, Canada, UK, etcBachelor' s degree and teaching experienceWe offer:Airfare reimbursement & Travel bonusA spacious, private and on-campus apartment with the following items included:Computer with free Internet access; Telephone; Color TV; Heater; Washing machine; Refrigerator; Microwave; Cooking facilities (plates, glasses, cups, pots and pans, etc)Water dispenser; Western-style toilet; Bath-tub; Non-stop hot waterTo apply for the job, please send your resume to zlO120163comApplication:To apply for the job, please dont forget to include the following information:Personal data (age, place of birth, etc)Description of your academic history and teaching experienceA recent pictureScanned documents, such as diploma


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