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    新课标(新目标)初中英语八年级下学期英语期终模拟试题附答案本试卷满分120,考试时间90分钟,一、单项选择(共15小题,计15分)从每小题A、B、C、D中选出一个能填入句中空白处的最佳答案。( ) 1. Have you ever been to an aquarium? No, _.A. I haveB. I am not C. I havent D. I hasnt( ) 2. China has the _ population in the world.A. largestB. mostC. moreD. highest( ) 3Where you ?I cant find you . A. have, been, anywhere B. did, be, somewhere C. do, do, everywhere D. are, going, somebody( ) 4. The Language School has really _ me _ English.A. helped; learned B. help; learned C. help; learnD. helped; learn( ) 5. You cant find _ in such a small place.A. something to eatB. nothing to eatC. anything to eat D. anything eating( ) 6. How long has he _ the job.A. foundB. changedC. hadD. got( ) 7.Tom her bat. She wants to get it back. A. got B. have got C. has got D. have( ) 8. _ to the United States?  No, never, but I went to Canada a few years ago. A. Have you been B. Have you gone C. Did you go D. Will you go ( ) 9I am sorry I often you. A. am troubling B. trouble C. will trouble D. was troubling( )10What should I get my mom _ her birthday?      A. for  B. on     C. at    D. in( )11. Mrs Green is a _ woman.        A. 30 years    B. 30 year    C. 30-year-old    D. 30-years-old( ) 12. Why don't you _ a camera? Thats too cheap.        A. got    B. get    C. gets    D. getting( ) 13. He said he_ to my home in a week.A.would comeB.cameC.comes D.will come( ) 14. I got some books_ my_ birthday. A.in / nineth B.on / ninth C.in / nineteen D.on / nineteen( ) 15. I found it _ to work out the problem. A.is easy B.was hard C.hardly D.difficult二完形填空 (共15小题,计15分)Last Sunday, I was sitting on my brothers bed and watching a movie. He had a lot of _51_on his bed. I played with them and put one in my _52_. I must have moved a little. The movement made me choke(噎住) on the coin. Then I _53_the living room coughing. My mother heard me _54_and ran to me. Before she _55_get to me, I had one strong cough and swallowed(吞咽) the coin! Once I could _56_, I told my mother that I had swallowed a coin.My mother was very_57_. She called up my brother. He drove me to the _58_. The doctors gave _59_an operation (手术) and took the coin out.It was quite a(n) _60_experience. So when you play with coins, please be careful.16.A.moviesB. coins C. pictures       D. stamps17.A.hand        B. wallet   C. stomach D. mouth18.A. ran into      B. cleaned    C. waited in      D. left19.A.play     B. talk     C. cough    D. sing 20.A. must B. could C. had to D. needed21.A. laugh    B. speak   C. walk   D. hear22.A. worried   B. happy       C. tired      D. bored23.A. school   B. shop   C. gym     D. hospital 24.A.her   B. him   C. me D. you25.A.relaxing     B. interesting  C. unpleasant  D. exciting三、阅读理解(共20小题,计40分)阅读下列短文,然后从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。AThe police in a big city were looking for a thief.At last they caught him.But while they were taking photos of himfrom the front,from the left,from the right,with a hat,without a hathe suddenly hit the policemen and ran away.They tried to catch him,but he got away.Then a week later,the telephone rang in the police office,and someone said,“You are looking for Bill Cross,arent you?”“Yes.”“Well,he left here for Waterbridge an hour ago.”Waterbridge was a small town about 100 kilometers away from the city.The city police at once sent for different photos of the police in Waterbridge.“We have caught three of the thieves to the men.”They said proudly,“and we think well catch the fourth this evening.”( ) 26.The police in the city took five photos of the thief.( ) 27.The police was told that the thief had gone to Waterbridge a week before.( )28.Bill Cross was the name of the policeman.( )29.The town police caught three people.( )30.From this story we know that the police in Waterbridge did a good job.BAn artist went to a beautiful part of the country for a holiday and stayed with a farmer. Every day he went out and painted until evening, and then when it got dark he went back to the farm and had a good dinner before he went to bed. At the end of his holiday he wanted to pay for the farmer, but the farmer said: “No, I dont want money. Give me one of your pictures. Whats money? In a week it will be finished, but your picture will still be here.” The painter was very glad and thanked the farmer for saying such kind things about his paintings. The farmer smiled and answered: “its not that. I have a son in London. He wants to be an artist. When he comes home next month, Ill show him your picture, and he will not want to be an artist any more, I think.”31.The artist went to countryside to_. A. visit his old friend B. spend his holiday C. thank the farmer D. make friends with the farmers son32. Every day, the artist _. A. went to help the farmer to do some farming B. went out to visit his friends C. painted pictures D. enjoyed the beautiful scenery.33. The painter thought that the farmer wanted a picture of his because_. A. the farmer was an artist ,too B. the farmer liked his picturesC. the farmer wanted to teach his son a lesson D. the farmer was rich34. After hearing the farmers words ,the painter would be_. A. very surprised B. very happy C. very excited D. very disappointed35. In fact,_. A. the farmer wanted to be an artist B. the farmer didnt want his son to be an artist C. the farmer was very poor D. the farmer was angryCIt was a sunny day. Mr. Black went to Town on business. On his way home, he found in front of him a big pile of hay(一大堆干草). He got down from his horse. The hay fell off a wagon(马车). A boy was standing by the wagon and looked worried. He was sorry for the driver. “Now dont worry, my boy,” Mr. Black said, “Come with me to the village over there, and Ill find someone to help you get the hay back to the wagon.”In the village Mr. Blacks friend asked him and the boy to have dinner. He enjoyed the mans dinner, but he saw the boy still looked worried. “Dont worry too much, ” said Mr. Black, “Just be careful next time. Now have your dinner, and you neednt hurry.”“But I have been away for a long time. Dad will be angry. ” “Oh, come now, ” said Mr. Black, “Your dad will understand. He will be glad if he know that you had a good dinner. I will go with you and explain what has happened. By the way, where is your dad now?” The boy answered, “He is under the pile of hay!”36、Why did Mr. Black go to Town? He went there _.A. to visit his friendB. on business C. to come to meet his son37、What did Mr. Black see on is way home?A. A boy on a horseB. The boys father on the wagonC. A big pile of hay on the ground38、_ asked the boy to have dinner.A. Mr. BlackB. Mr. Blacks friendC. The boys father39、What did Mr. Black do while the boy still felt worried?A. He told the boy not to hurryB. He asked his friend to help the boy at onceC. He found a friend and helped the boy at once40、At last, we know that _.A. the boy was not friendly enoughB. the boys was not worried any moreC. the boys father was still under the hayDLife in the future will be different from life today. Between then and now many changes will happen. But what will the changes be? The population (人口) is growing fast. There will be many people in the world and most of them will live longer than people live now. Computers will be much smaller and more useful, and there will be at least (至少) one in every room. And computer studies will be one of the important subjects in schools then. People will work fewer hours than they do now and they will have more free time for sports, watching TV and travel. Traveling will be much cheaper and easier. And many more people will go to other countries for holidays. There will be changes in our food, too. More land will be used for building new towns and houses for all the people. Then there will be less room for cows and sheep, so meat will be more expensive. Maybe no one will eat it every day. Instead they will eat more fruit and vegetables. Maybe people will be healthier. Work in the future will be different, too. Robots will do dangerous and hard work. Because of this, many people will not have enough work to do. This will be a problem.( )41.In the future there will be _.A. much more fruit B. more people C. less vegetables D less people( )42. Every family will have at least a _ in the future. A. robot B. cow C. TV set D. computer( )43. In the future people dont have to _ A. work long hours B. work fast C. walk on foot D. eat meat( )44. People may not eat _ as much as they do today. A. fruit B. fish C. meat D. rice( )45. One big problem in the future is that _. A. many people dont have to work B. many people will not be able to find workC. people have to work fast D. all the work will be done by robots答题卡一 单项选择(15分)题号12345678.910答案题号1112131415答案二 完形填空(15分)题号16171819202122232425答案三 阅读理解(30分)题号26272829303132333435答案题号36373839404142434445答案四.根据句意及首字母提示填空,使句子意思完整。(共10小题,计15分)46. Mr. Wang isnt in. Can I take a m_ for him?47. I made a d_ to be a teacher.48. I go to school every day e_ Sunday.49. You are lucky because you make a l_ by your hobby.50. To my s_, he passed the English exam.51.Lucy can do her homework a_,she doesnt want any help.52.Tom told us he didnt know the o_ question.53.Everyone knows that the t_ accident happened to Tom yeaterday.54.I really want to have a w_ time on the weekend.55.How w_ it is today! I can hardly open my eyes.五. 用所给词语的适当形式填空.( 共10小题,计15分 )56.He told me what _(happen)when I wasnt at home.57.It snowed in Changchun last summer. It was _(usual).58.Peter fell off the tree yesterday. _(luck), he wasnt hurt.59.The children were playing on the playground when the bell _(ring).60.Dont play football on the road. Its _(danger).61.The girl was_(scare) when she heard the strange sound.62.Martin Luther King _(dead) 33 years ago. But many people still remember that moment.63.We did _(well) in English than math.64.The firemen saved many people from the fire. Theyre _(hero).65.They made a _(decide) to study harder the next year.六词汇运用。(共10小题,计10分)根据短文内容和中文提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。(共10分)I got my report 66_(卡片) today. I am always 67_(不安的)when I see the envelope _68_(来自)school in the mail , but 69 (幸运地)I did OK, Mr Smith who teaches 70_ (我们)Chinese said I was good at writing . And my math was 71_(也) good . My math teacher said I was hard-working. I was very _72_ ( 高兴). But my English teacher said I could do better. The most disappointing result was in 73 _ (科学). I 74_(失败)in it. My teacher said I was lazy. I decided to work harder and get good _75_(成绩) next semester. 66._ 67._ 68._69. _70._71._ 72._ 73._ 74. _ 75._七、书面表达(共题,计20分)假如你是Li Lin, 在你的生活中除了学习,你还有什么特别喜爱的事情?将你的爱好及与之相关的故事写信告诉你远在美国的笔友 Mike. 要求60左右字。Dear Mike,Thank you for your last letter. You asked me to tell you something about my hobby._答案一CAADC CCABA CBABD二BDACB BADCC三TFFTF BCBDB BCBAC BDACB四51.alone 52.opening 53.traffic 54.wonderful 55.windy五56.Happened 57. unusual 58.luckily 59.rang 60.nervous 61.scared 62.died 63. better 64.heroes 65.decision六66. card 67. nervous 68. from 69. luckily 70. us 71. also 72. happy 73.science 74. failed 75. grades七One possible version:Most people always like buying things, for example, stamps, books, and pictures. But Mr Clock likes buying clocks. He has over three hundred clocks now. There are clocks everywhere in his house. You can see shelves standing in every room. All the shelves are full of clocks. Mr Clock is glad about this, but his wife doesnt enjoy it at all. She has to clean each clock every day, and its difficult to do so. She is also angry at the noise. Each clock keeps its own time, so she can hear the sound of the clocks almost anytime during the day and the night. She says, “The trouble is that I never know the real time, though I have so many clocks around.


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