我的新学期学习计划新的学期开始了,我已经进入了六年二期,即将面临小升初考试,为了顺利考上理想中的初中,我将以新的精神面貌跨进新的学期。在这个学期里,我要百尺竿头,更进一步。我的学习计划如下:首先在学习时间上,我要提高学习效率,做到事半功倍。每天早晨7:00起床,7:45分到校,然后开始早读。晚上11:00以前睡觉,保证每天有八个小时的睡眠,保证学习时的充沛的精力。然后从学习方法等方面计划如下:1、做好预习。预习是学好各科的第一个环节。2、认真听课。上课的时候,我要认真听讲,不做小动作,不和同学交头接耳,要力争把老师课堂上讲的知识全部消化;对于疑难问题,要不耻下问,虚心向老师和同学请教。3、做课堂笔记。做笔记对复习、作业有好处。4、认真完成老师布置的作业。做作业之前,必须对当天所学的知识认真复习;认真审题;明确解题思路;认真仔细做题,不可马虎从事,做完后还要认真检查;及时总结经验教训,积累解题技巧,提高解题能力;遇到不会做的题,不要急于问老师,更不能抄袭别人的作业,要在复习功课的基础上,要下决心独立完成作业。5、要利用周末和节假日,继续参加奥数、英语等学习,多读课外书,不断丰富自己的知识。为考上理想的初中而努力。6、为了迎接小升初的考试,我平时需要进行更多的习题练习。7、每一个星期进行一次以上的体育锻炼。总而言之,在新的学期里我要更加努力,争取每门功课都取得优异的成绩,当一个全面发展的出色的小学生,为步入初中生活打下坚实的基础。My Plan of the New TermThe winter vacation will be end. And the new term is coming. I will be a pupil of grade 6. I must face to the exam of entering a perfect junior middle school. In order to achieve my aim, I will go to school in a new complete status. Now I make my plan of new term.I must improve my efficiency on studying time. I hope that I could yield twice the result with half the effort. So I must have eight hours in the sleep. I will get up at 7:00 in the morning. And I must go to bed at 23:00 in the evening. I will have much energy for my studying.I will work hard from seven points as follow:1. I will study new knowledge in advance. Because the preparation is a good method for studying.2. I will listen to my teacher seriously in the class. I dont do something that disturbs the teachers. I dont talk with my classmate in the course.3. I will make the notes and review it after the class.4. I must finish the homework carefully when I come back home.5. At every weekend, I will continue to study the knowledge of primary school Olympic Mathematics. And I will study New Concept English at the same time.6. In order to prepare the examination of entering a perfect junior middle school, I will do much test paper of Chinese, Mathematics and English and do my best to obtain success.7. I will do some exercise every a week to improve my body and make me body active.These are my new plans. I will persist it in the new term.