中学物理实验教学与学生自主学习能力的培养 中学物理实验教学与学生自主学习能力的培养 摘 要:物理学是1门以实验为基础的学科,物理概念的建立与物理规律的发现,都以实验事实为依据,实验是物理学的重要研究方法,只有重视实验,才能使物理教学获得成功,学生只有通过实验观察物理事实,才能真正理解和掌握知识。本论文通过对物理实验教学的探索与实践,叙述了演示实验、学生分组实验、边教边实验、课外实验。以及实验教学中改革的几点建议,旨在培养学生自主学习、勇于探究的良好习惯,激发学习兴趣,促进学生掌握自主学习的方法,使他们在自学能力、思维品质、创新意识和科学实验等方面有较大发展,以适应素质教育的需要。关键词:中学物理;物理实验教学;自主学习Middle school physics experiment teaching and student independent learning capability raise Abstract: The physics is take test as the foundation discipline, the physical conception establishment and the physical rule discovery, all take tests the fact as the basis, the experiment is the physics important research technique, only has takes to test, can cause the physical teaching to obtain successfully, the student only has through the experiment observes the physical fact, can truly understand and grasp the knowledge. The present paper through to the physical experiment teaching exploration and the practice, narrated the demonstration experiment, the student has grouped the experiment, teaches while to test, the extra curricular experiment. As well as in the experimental teaching reforms several suggestions, is for the purpose of the good custom which trains the student independently to study, to dare to inquire into, the stimulation study interest, promotes the student to grasp the independent study the method, causes them to study independently aspect and so on ability, thought quality, innovative ideology and sientific experiment has a bigger development, meets the education for all-around development need.Key word: Middle school physics;Physical experiment teaching; Independent study.