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    Part 1. Grammar and VocabularyI. Choose the correct word to complete each sentence (1 per)1. Yao Ming saw soldiers raising the Chinese _ flag in the square yesterday. (national, nation)2. Toms teacher asked him to _ his pen to write a letter. (take, bring)3. Mrs. Li is a nurse. She takes good care of _ children. (sick, healthy)II. Choose the best answer (1 per)1. We are going to come back to school _ of August. ( )A.in the endB. at the endC. by the endD. on the end2. The Summer Palace is in _ of Beijing. ( )A.south-northB. east-southC. north-westD. west-north3. It _ me only five minutes to get to school. ( )A.takesB. costsC. spendsD. pays4. Id like _ to Beijing by plane. ( )A.travelingB. to travelC. travelD. travels5. It is _ to cross the road when the green light is on. ( )A.safe B. dangerC. dangerousD. safety6. Jane and Mary collect old newspaper to _ money for the SPCA. ( )A.rise B. raiseC. giveD. take7. _ 20,000 people watched the exciting football match last Sunday. ( )A.MoreB. OverC. LessD. Under8. The new flat has _ than the old one. ( )A.manyB. muchC. mostD. more9.I hate working _ in summer when it is _. ( )A.outisde, very warmB. inside, coolC.outside, so hotD. inside, shining brightly10.SARS has gone away! Lets _ to a restaurant to have a big dinner. ( )A.to goB. goingC. wentD. go11.The box is _ heavy to carry. I need some help.A.enoughB. not tooC. tooD. not enough12.He didnt wat to work, so he pretended _. ( )A.sickB. illC. illnessD. dead13.I decided _ the letter _ myself. ( )A.to send, byB. to send, toC. send, by D. sending, by14.They say he is _ to return to work. ( )A.good enoughB. well enoughC. enough weD. enough good15.He will show you his fine _ of famous paintings. ( )A.collectedB. to collectC. collectingD. collection16.- How did you do in yesterdays test?- Not very well, _. ( )A.I am sureB. of courseC. Thank youD. Im afraid17.She works _ an assistant in the lab. ( )A.likeB. forC. as D. to18.He is standing _ to Mr. Green. ( )A.frontB. besidesC. besideD. next19._ SPCA worker will come to give us a talk. ( )A.theB. AnC. AD. /20.What? Walking on the ice? That sounds _. ( )A.dangerB. dangerousC. wellD. dangerously21.Shanghai has _ International Film Festival every year. ( )A.aB. anC. theD./22.Which city is _ Shanghai, Tokyo or Los Angeles? ( )A.closeB. the closestC. closerD. the most close23.Is there anything in your _ hand? ( )A. the othersB. the otherC. anotherD. otherIII. Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms ( 1per)1. If there is no rain, we will have to water to wash our _. (cloth)2. Tom is a _ student in his class. (intelligent)3. Bill died in a traffic accident. We all _ sorry for his death. (fell)4. His uncle is a _ man. He always moves peoples furniture to their new flats. (remove)5. What are the _ between the two flats? (different)IV. Fill in the blanks with the verbs in their proper forms ( 1per)6. Ben _ Kittys family soon. (visit)7. I can see people _ their raincoats tightly. (hold)8. When Ben _ (walk) in the street, he was knocked down by a motocycle.9. They _ (move) here from Hong Kong last year.10. Im very hungry now. I _ (not, have) my breakfast.11. Dont pretend _ what you dont know. (know)12. If it _ tomorrow, I _ to the beach. (not rain, go)13. What _ water _ for? (use)14. If there is no water, fish will have nowhere to _, they _. (live, die)V. Rewrite the sentences as required. (1 per blank)1. Its about 30 minutes drive from my home to the Grand Theater. (对划线部分提问)_ _ is it from your home to the Grand Theater?2. I like the brown kitten better than the others. (保持原句意思)I _ the brown kitten _ the others.3. Tony shows interest in riding. (保持原句意思)Tony _ _ in riding.4. I wear a uniform at work. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ wear a uniform at work?5. I answer the phone there. (对划线部分提问)_ _ you do there?Part 2. .I. .1. Write a passage of a least 50 words about the topic “Protect animals”_2. Write a passage of a least 50 words about the topic “Your penfriend”_3. Write a passage of a least 50 words about the topic “My friend”_4. Write a passage of a least 50 words about the topic “Your fathers Job”_5. Write a passage of a least 50 words about the topic “My new flat”_


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