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    北京市西城区20142015学年度第一学期期末试卷 高三英语 2015. 1 本试卷共10页,共150分。考试时长120分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分:听力理解(共三节,30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话你将听一遍。例:What is the man going to read?A. A newspaper. B. A magazine.C. A book.答案是A。1. Whats the mans plan for the summer?A.To be at home. B. To stay at the beach. C. To go to the mountains.2. What does the woman think of the play? A. Wonderful.B. Disappointing.C. So-so.3. What is the relationship between the two speakers? A. Colleagues.B. Neighbours.C. Friends.4. Where are the two speakers?A. In a bank.B. At a store.C. At a restaurant.5. What are the two speakers talking about?A. A new movie.B. A weekend plan.C. Online shopping.第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. What are the two speakers looking for?A. A dress for work. B. A dress for party.C. A dress for wedding.7. What is the woman not satisfied with about the blue dress? A.The size.B. The price.C. The colour.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8. Why does the man prefer to travel by train?A. It goes faster.B. It offers a better view.C. It has a better service.9. What are they going to do next?A. Book the tickets. B. Pack the luggage. C. Go to the railway station.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Why is the woman unhappy with the dog?A. It belongs to the boy.B. It looks seriously sick.C. It will make a mess in the house.11. Where did the boy find the dog?A. On the street.B. By the garbage can.C. In front of the house.12. What are they going to do with the dog?A. Keep it.B. Send it back.C. Give it away.听第9段材料,回答第13至15题。13. Whats the woman doing on the phone? A. Offering help for the ceremony.B. Giving advice about the ceremony.C. Making arrangements for the ceremony.14. Where is the woman now? A. In the garage.B. On the highway.C. At the ceremony.15. When will the volunteers get to the ceremony?A. After 7:30.B. At 6:30.C. By 6:00.第三节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分)听下面一段对话,完成第16至20五道小题,每小题仅填写一个词。听对话前,你将有20秒钟的时间阅读试题,听完后你将有60秒钟的作答时间。这段对话你将听两遍。PUBLIC LIBRARY MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORMNamePeter 16 AddressSea View Guest House, 40 17 RoadDate of birth24th, 18 , 1984Telephone 19 Best time to contactAt the 20 break第二部分:知识运用(共两节,45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。例:Its so nice to hear from her again. _, we last met more than thirty years ago.AWhats moreBThats to sayCIn other wordsDBelieve it or not答案是D。21. Theyve moved to a different house _ their children can attend a better school. A. in case B. as long as C. so that D. even though 22. _ his ID card, Philip had to go to the police station in person and reapply for a new one. A. Having lost B. Losing C. To lose D. Lose23. I believe that the world is _ you think it is. So smile at the world and it will smile back. A. whatB. how C. thatD. which24. I was very angry with Kelvin yesterday. I know your feelings, but if you forgive him, you _ a bigger man. A. have been B. would be C. will be D. were25. What do you do as a volunteer in Africa? _! There are many poor people there. They need a lot of help. A. NoneB. Something C. Little D. Everything26. Arriving at the party in a great hurry, we were disappointed to find that the band _ playing.A. stopped B. will stopC. has stopped D. had stopped 27. The sign at Gate 8 reads that you _ show your boarding pass and passport before getting on the plane.A. can B. must C. may D. would28. This ferryboat _ to transport passengers between the harbor and the island for years. A. is used B. was being used C. is being used D. has been used29. It is becoming a threat to the Chinese language and culture _ some people cant write Chinese characters properly.A. which B. that C. whether D. how30. _ the travelling needs of passengers, China Railway Corporation has decided that people can book tickets 60 days in advance.A. Meet B. To meet C. Met D. Meeting31. The Alibaba Group, _ was founded in 1999, has become Chinas largest e-commerce company. A. which B. what C. whose D. that32. Hi, Lucy! Whats the schedule for tomorrow?Let me check. You _ an appointment with Thomas at three oclock.A. have B. had C. were having D. have had 33. Peter would have the chance to present his talents in the competition now if he _ last term.A. signed up B. had signed up C. signs up D. has signed up 34. There are 12 lamps hanging _ the ceiling in the restaurant.A. on B. in C. from D. around35. In Singapore, people _ eating or drinking on the subway can be fined up to 500 Singapore dollars. A. having caughtB. catchingC. caughtD. catch第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Each of us struggles for self-respect and self-worth to some degree. I spent much time trying to achieve perfection in every aspect of my life. I was a happy kid with a lot of friends and a supportive family. But growing up was really 36 and even scary sometimes.During my childhood, I was constantly involved in something that included peoples viewing my achievements or my 37 . I wanted everyones praise and acceptance, but I was my own toughest critic (挑剔的人).After I graduated from high school, my 38 to be “thin” began to trouble me. I began trying to diet by 39 my food.In the beginning, I felt greatattractive and successful, almost superhuman. I even thought that I was better than everyone else. What I didnt see was that I was slowly 40 myself.People around me began to 41 my weight loss. They said with concern. “Youre losing too much weight.” “Elisa, youre so thin.” All their words only suggested that I was getting closer to “ 42 ” .Sadly, I took my physical 43 the first important in my life, 44 that it was the way to become successful and accepted. Then I cut down my 45 more and more, until a 46 day consisted of half a teaspoon of nonfat yoghurt and coffee in the morning, and a cup of grapes at night.But my poor 47 began to cause me to lose 48 . Then one night, like many nights before, I couldnt sleep, and my heart felt as though it might beat out of my chest. I tried to 49 , but I couldnt. The beating became so rapid and so strong that I could no longer 50 . What I had done to diet nearly caused me to have a heart attack. I stood up, and immediately fell down. I was really 51 , and I knew I needed help. My roommate rushed me to the 52 , beginning the long road to my 53 . It took a lotdoctors, nurses, nutritionists, food supplementsAnd most important, a sense of what was true about myself got back on track with reality. I realized that, with my 54 of trying to be “perfect” on the 55 , I had sacrificed who I was on the inside. What I know now is, we areeach and every one of usalready perfect. 36A. natural B. hard C. easy D. possible 37A. natures B. backgroundsC. failures D. scores38A. problem B. desireC. way D. promise39A. collecting B. checking C. controlling D. balancing40A. killing B. forgettingC. asking D. questioning41A. help B. accept C. reject D. notice42A. perfection B. devotion C. destination D. attention43A. strength B. exercise C. examination D. appearance44A. believing B. realizing C. pretending D. declaring45A. expense B. movementC. food D. travel46A. pleasant B. difficult C. different D. typical47A. memory B. nutrition C. knowledge D. taste48A. weight B.hopeC. sleep D. job49A. walk B. relax C. cry D. talk50A. breathe B. resistC. wake D. remember51A. scared B. annoyed C. discouraged D. disappointed52A. bed B. officeC. school D. hospital53A. glory B. recovery C. discovery D. victory54A. skill B. decision C. experience D. deal55A. whole B. face C. mind D. outside第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,共30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 AWelcome to OysterOyster is a smart card which can hold Pay as you go credit, Travelcard and Bus & Tram(有轨电车) Pass season tickets. It is the cheapest way for you to pay for single journeys on bus, Tube, tram, DLR, London Overground and most National Rail services in London. Pay as you go on your Oyster cardUsing Pay as you go is cheaper than paying cash for most journeys.Daily limit If youre unsure of the number of journeys youre going to make, Oyster pay is easy for you to use. Make as many journeys as you like and youll never pay more than the daily limit for the zones youve travelled in. Daily limits are calculated over a 24-hour period, covering all the journeys starting between 4:30 and 4:29 the next day. There are different limits for different types of transport and times of day. The system calculates the daily limit based on when and how you travel. Money will be taken away from your card each time you travel, until you reach a daily limit. This includes Pay as you go travel on bus, Tube, tram, London Overground and most National Rail services in London. River services and the Emirates Air Line do not contribute to your daily limit. For more information, visit tfl.gov.uk/oyster.Season tickets on your Oyster cardYou can buy Travelcards and Bus & Tram Passes on Oyster. With a Travelcard, you can travel as many times as you like on bus, Tube, London Overground and National Rail services on the dates, and across the travel zones youve paid for. Please ensure your Travelcard covers all the zones you travel through. If your Travelcard includes zone 3, 4, 5 or 6, you can also use it on tram services. Bus & Tram Passes can be used on trams and London buses displaying the red roundel bus symbol on the dates youve paid for. The red roundel When you first get an Oyster card, you will need to pay a £5 refundable (可退款的) deposit. If you no longer need your Oyster card, well refund any remaining pay. Find out more at tfl.gov.uk/refunds. 56. What do we know about the daily limit?A. Youll stop paying once you reach the daily limit.B. River services help contribute to your daily limit.C. The daily limit is fixed no matter when you travel. D. Youll pay more than the daily limit for your travel.57. Season tickets include _.A. Oyster card and TravelcardsB. Pay as you go and TravelcardsC. Travelcards and Bus & Tram PassesD. Pay as you go and Bus & Tram Passes58. Where is the text probably taken from?A. A brochure.B. A report.C. A novel.D. An essay.BMy morning routine varies little from day to day. I walk the dog, eat breakfast at the kitchen counter with Katie and Matt, and then settle in for a day at the computer. And because I work mostly from home, I have learned that little walks into the outside world are important for psychological well-being. So before I begin attempting to put sentences together, I walk over to a little coffee shop in my neighborhood, and chat with the folks behind the counter.The coffee shop is on the other side of the historic Chesapeaker & Ohio Canal from my house. Whenever in season, tourists line up to take a slow boat, if not to India, at least into the 19th century.One warm day last fall, I turned the corner to see one of the boatmen sitting alone on the boat, bathed in early-morning light. He was playing the violin. The scene stopped me in my tracks. What I witnessed could only be described as a perfect moment. Ten seconds at most. But months later I still remember just standing there, watching, listening, and taking it all in.We all have such moments put before us. Little surprises. Whether were wise enough to see them is another thing.I thought of the violin man one Sunday afternoon while reading the biographies of those killed in the Columbia incident. The specialist Laurel Clark, talking from the shuttle a few days before it was to land, said it was blissful to see the simple unexpected wonders of space, like a sunset. “Theres a flash; the whole payload bay turns this rosy pink,” she said. “It only lasts about 15 seconds, and then its gone.”I once had a friend who had a strange habit that never stopped to amuse me, maybe because I never quite knew when she was going to spring it on me. It could come in the middle of a particularly lively dinner with old friends. Out of the blue, shed say, “Stop! I want to remember this moment.” I realize now, after her death, what wise advice that is. 59. The author goes out for a walk every day in the morning mainly because _.A. she needs to walk the dog and enjoy the fresh airB. she considers that it is good for her physical healthC. she hates to be left alone at home when others are out D. she benefits psychologically from contacting the outside world60. The underlined word “blissful” in Paragraph 5 probably means _.A. enjoyableB. valuableC. agreeableD. reasonable61. The main purpose of the passage is to tell people to _.A. develop a good habitB. enjoy life to the fullestC. catch the valuable moments in lifeD. be willing to follow friends advice62. “I” in the passage is probably a _.A. violinistB. writerC. sailorD. waitressCA lot of us think that we should visit the dentist every six months. Whether those check-ups are really necessary is, however, a matter of debate. In 2000, three-quarters of dentists surveyed in New York were recommending six-monthly check-ups, despite the absence of evidence. Today, many organizations still recommend six-monthly check-ups. But for several decades some have been arguing that the choice of six months as the ideal space between visits is rather questionable. For example, Aubrey Sheiham, a professor of dental public health, published a paper complaining about the lack of evidence for six-monthly check-ups. Almost 40 years, hes still making the same point.Last year the Cochrane Collaboration performed a review of the research that had been done


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