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    天津市蓟县第二中学2014届高三第一次模拟考试英 语 试 题本试卷分为第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分.共150分,考试时间120分钟.第I卷(共两部分,共85分)注意事项:1答第I卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目用铅笔涂写在答题卡上。2每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。不能答在试卷上。第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分35分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1In face of failure, it is the most important to keep up good state of mind.Aa; 不填 B不填; aCthe; 不填 D不填; the2This information allows businessmen to keep of their list of goods by showing which items are being sold and how fast they are moving.AsightBtrackCtouchDsign3- What should I wear to attend Marys birthday party? - Dress you like.AwhatBhowCwhateverDhowever4Jane, Ive shared just about everything since the first day of kindergarten, spent the weekend with me last month.AwhoBfor whomCwith whomDthat5- Oh! You bumped me! - I am sorry. But I to catch the coming bus.AtryBtriedCam tryingDwas trying6Some blood types are quite common, others are regionally , and still others are rare everywhere.AdistributedBcontributedCobtainedDconvinced7Because he was the new limit, he was stopped and wanted for speeding.Agood atBtired fromCunaware ofDuninterested in8Regulations require needs special diets the cooking manager in advance.Awho; informsBwhom; informedCwhomever; informDwhoever; inform9- What do people wear when they go to the theatre? - Well, it isnt very . People can wear anything they like.AformalBcertainCmodernDsimple10- Its five years since I was a singer. - Not really! ?AAre you a singerBHows thatCWhat do you meanDIs it a strange idea11As it turned out to be a small house party, we so formally.Aneednt dress upBdid not need have dressed upCdid not need to dress upDneednt have dressed up12During the examination we are required to stay in our seats, keep our eyes on our work, to anyone.Ainstead of speakingBrather than speakCand not to speakDbut would not speak13Two hours away from the tall buildings of New York .Asome of the worlds largest bears liveBlives some of the worlds largest bearsCdo some of the worlds largest bears liveDlive some of the worlds largest bears14 she is not so healthy she used to be?AHow it is that; asBWhy is it that; asCIs it why; thatDHow is it that; what15Though golden weeks over the past eight years have huge returns for Chinas tourism industry, voices cancellation of the nationwide holidays are becoming even stronger.Abrought about; calling forBbrought up; called onCbrought in; calling inDbrought on; called up 第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。I always remembered the first time I took part in an English composition competition. “Right! Dean would be the 16 of our class to participate in the English composition competition,” my classmates said. (Applauding) I was too 17 to speak when I heard what my classmates said. In order not to 18 short of my classmates 19 , I trained myself very hard for the hope of being the 20 of the competition, which would take place a month later. I 21 a lot of vocabulary, sentence structures and 22 rules and read many good or renowned articles. Not having I 23 pretty well, the day came. Every candidate 24 me looked so well prepared and 25 . “Only 1.5 hours. Start,” a supervisor suddenly said. Seeing the 26 “What do most teenagers concern nowadays?” I was nervous and got 27 block. Whats worse, other candidates had begun writing. Moments later, I 28 myself, took a deep breath, and began brainstorming ideas 29 the topic. I quickly wrote down the composition structure, central theme, and 30 necessary elements. As the finishing time was 31 , I tried my best to accelerate my writing. Unfortunately, 32 my failure of time management, I left my composition incomplete. My final draft looked like a robot 33 legs were broken.The result came out two weeks later. To my surprise, I got the second prize! All my classmates cheered for me. This encouraged me a lot. 34 I was not the first prize winner, I could still 35 the scent of pride and happiness spreading around me.16AplayerBchoice CrepresentativeDperson17AproudBdelightedCnervousDsurprised18AgetBbeCloseDfall19ApromisesBexpectationsCdreamsDwords20AsuccessBbeaterCwinnerDvictory21AmemorizedBcopiedCreadDwrote22AgrammarBphraseCpatternDterm23ArememberedBpreparedCstartedDcompleted24AbesidesBexceptCexcept forDas well as25AeasyBnervousCinterestedDunconfident26AproblemBideaCtopicDtheme27AwritersBteachersCthinkersDcomposers 28ApersuadedBtoldCencouragedDcalmed29AwithBtowardsCatDfor30Aanother Bthe otherCotherDothers31AapproachingBaccessingCfinishingDending32Athanks forBdue toCas a resultDon account33Aof whichBwhichCwhoseDthat34AHoweverBAs a resultCWorse stillDAlthough35AsmellBtouchCsenseDrealise 出题人:王海琴第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AThe World Health Organization and several other United Nations agencies are calling for a major new effort to fight malaria, tuberculosis and AIDS. These three infectious diseases killed almost 6 million people last year. That is about 10 percent of the total number of deaths around the world last year.The WHO and UN agencies released a new report at the World Economic Forum in New York City earlier this month. The document says that deaths around the world from malaria and tuberculosis could be cut in half by the year 2010. It also says the number of deaths from AIDS could be reduced 25 percent within that same time period.The report is called “Calling Up the Response to Infectious Diseases.” It calls for huge new investments in methods to prevent and treat infectious diseases. Officials say money is needed for research and to purchase drugs. Money is also needed to devices to prevent diseases, such as bed nets. Bed nets prevent mosquitoes that carry malaria from biting people while they sleep.David Heymann, director of the infectious disease program at the World Health Organization, says that providing effective drug treatments is important for improving peoples health and economic well being. Reducing disease can also help improve economic growth in developing countries.The WHO report also describes successful health programs in developing countries. In Peru, for example, the number of tuberculosis cases was cut in half by increasing the treatment to control the disease. In Vietnam, malaria was reduced 97 percent through the use of bed nets. And in Uganda, cases of the virus that causes AIDS were cut in half among pregnant women and children through the use of anti AIDS drugs.This new international health campaign is estimated to cost about 12,000 million dollars a year. So far, officials say the campaign has about 2,000 million dollars. The WHO says the campaign will need stronger relationships among government, private aid agencies, and drug companies to succeed.36According to the report is the disease most difficult to fight. AmalariaBtuberculosisCAIDSDinfluenza37To prevent these diseases, a large amount of money is needed to .Ato buy food and pay for the caretakersBdo research work buy drugs and devicesCtake care of the families of the deathsDset up more hospitals and health institutions38We can infer from the text that reducing infectious diseases is .Ato help the countries develop betterBto promote cooperation between countriesCto help people get more scientific knowledgeDto help people get a cleaner environment39Most serious infectious diseases spread mainly in . AAfricaBSouth AmericaCAsiaDdeveloping countries40To fight the diseases, is necessary.Abetter environmentBcooperation between different peopleCto wipe out the pestsDmore drugs and moneyBFruit powered digital clockFruits not only good to eat, but it can also power this Fruit digital Clock. This clock uses the scientific principles on which modern electrical storage batteries are based. The acid from the fruit helps transmit an electrical flow between two metal poles. The clock is priced at US $ 15. Connecting any fresh fruit or vegetable to the clock will make it work. The fruit is a clean, renewable source of electrical power. USB vacuum Do you know the dirtiest parts of your desk are probably your keyboard and mouse? Get a USB Mini Vacuum with retractable(可伸缩的) cable and suck away all that junk. The US- made product is priced at US $14. SIM card reader Making useful USB 2.0 multi-card readers even handier, this card can also read and write data to phone SIM cards. It comes with SIM editing software. Download your phonebook to your computer. If you lose your cell phone, you can store missing phone numbers in your new one. The US-made IMOMO SIM card + Multi Card Reader is priced at US $ 19 (152yuan). Beer in your ear The beer barrel(桶)-shaped Naf Naf Hyp MP3 is a musical box thats capable of playing radio, CDs and cassettes. Its got all the standard features of the typical clock-radio, but with the relaxing look of a big beer barrel. The Danish product is priced at about US $ 130 (1,040yuan)41If you have 115 yuan, which product can you buy according to the passage?AFruit powered digital clockBUSB vacuumCSIM card readerDNaf Naf Hyp MP342Which of the following statements is True?AFruit and vegetables cannot be used as batteries to make a clock work.BUSB vacuum can be used to clean your house and yard.CWith SIM card reader you wont lose phone numbers.DNaf Naf Hyp MP3 can play radio, DVD and cassettes.43What does “junk” mean in the second item? AdirtBdeskCkeyboardDmouse44The passage is mostly likely a(n) .Aentertainment informationBscience reports on new high technology Cintroduction of some kinds of musical boxesDadvertisement for new products45SIM card reader can be used to .Aedit all the data in your computerBremove data in phone SIM cards speciallyChelp restore your phone book in a new cell phoneDtransfer any file between a computer and a cell phoneC“How lucky you are to be a doctor” Anyone whos a doctor is right out of luck, I thought. Anyone whos studying medicine should have his head examined.You may think I want to change my job. Well, at the moment I do. As one of my friends sayseven doctors have a few friendsits all experience. Experience! I dont need such experience. I need a warm, comfortable, undisturbed bed all my own. I need it badly. I need all telephones to be thrown down the nearest well, thats what I need.All these thoughts fly round my head as I drive my Mini(微型汽车) through the foggy streets of East London at 3:45 a.m. on a December morning. I am a ministering angel in a Mini with a heavy coat and a bag of medicines. As I speed down Lea Bridge in the dark at this horrible morning hour, the heater first blowing hot then cold, my back aching from the car-seat, I do not feel like a ministering angel. I wish I were on the beach in southern France. Call me a bad doctor if you like. Call me what you will. But dont call me at half past three on a December morning for an ear-ache that you have had for two weeks.Of course, being a doctor isnt really all bad. We do have our moments. Once in a while people are ill, once in a while you can help, once in a while you get given a cup of tea and rock-hard cake at two oclock in the morningthen you worry if you have done everything. But all too often everything is a repetitious rule: look, listen, feel, tap, pills, injection, phone, ambulance, away to the next.And then there is always the cool, warm voice of the girl on the switchboard of the emergency bed service who will get your patient into hospital for youthe pleasant voice that comes to you as you stand in the cold, dark, smelly, dirty telephone box somewhere in a dangerous section of town. Oh, it has its moments, this life does.46According to the sentence “Anyone whos studying medicine should have his head examined,” we know that _.Aa medical student should have a very good memoryBa doctor must be mentally strong so that he can meet any difficult situationCthe writer thinks that those who want to be doctors are crazyDto be a doctor is a challenge for peoples mental health47Which of the following statements is NOT true?AThe writer wishes he could have a quiet, undisturbed night in bed at home.BOne of his friends says that being a doctor helps one gain all sorts of experience.CHe hates the telephone as a modern means of communication.DHe is not happy with the small and uncomfortable car he is driving.48The statement “We do have our moments” could best be replaced by “_”.Awe doctors are called at a moments notice to see people who need medical treatmentBusually we are glad that we can do something to help the sickCsometimes we find people are thankful for our helpDthere are chances that doctors find their work rewarding and satisfying49From the whole passage we know that the writer _.Ais a bad doctor, unwilling to make a house call during the night-timeBis so dissatisfied with his job that he wishes to find a new oneCis satisfied with his job but he hates to be called out unnecessarilyDthinks a doctor can enjoy certain special rights whether he felt lucky or not50We can conclude that .Athe author is worried about his patient when he is driving through the foggy streets of East LondonBthe author is annoyed to be called out at such an horrible morning hour for an ear ache patientCthe author is now heading for the beach in Southern France for his holidaysDas the author speeds down Lea Bridge in the dark on a December morning, his Mini breaks down half wayD China has recently been faced with serious issues of product safety. In Panama, it is said that medicine made with a poisonous chemical sickened some people. A Chinese company had identified it as diethylene glycol, a low cost substitute commonly used in automobile antifreeze.Some countries have banned Chinese-made toothpaste containing diethylene glycol. China has now told companies to di


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