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    高三英语 本试卷分为第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分,共130分,考试用时100分钟。祝各位考生考试顺利!第I卷(共95分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节。满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题l分,满分l5分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。例;Stand over there youll be able to see it better. Aor Band Cbut Dwhile答案是B。1Im sorry Ive brought you too much trouble . AAll right BThats right CThats OK DYoure welcome2 Will hand-drawn comics give way to computer-made ?” Out of question Aones; Bone;a Cthe ones;/ Dones;the3Though I met with one difficulty after another, I to get through with it Congratulations to you! Ahoped Bmanaged Ctried Dwanted4You look excited! I the expensive dictionary that I left in the library yesterday Aam finding Bfound Chad found Dhave found5She spoke very confidently because she wanted to make a great on her employer Ainfluence Beffort Cimpression Deffect6Putting on a happy face not only helps us make friends but also makes us feel better . AId love to BIm with you on that CIts up to you DIts my pleasure 7I looked up and noticed a snake its way up the tree to catch its breakfast. Ato wind Bwind Cwinding Dwound 8Perfect as the plan might sound,many experts doubted whether it could Apay off Bbring out Cend up Dgo through 9Come on,Maria! You can also enjoy I am having if you can Are you suggesting me cycling every day? Aas a healthy life as Bas healthy a life as Cas a life healthy as Dhealthy as a life as10When they met,they stay up all night,talking about the persons and things in the college Awould Bcould Cwill Dmight 11Is anybody going to eat something after a long journey? , lets stop our bus at the expressway service zone AIf so BIf not CIf any DIf feeling so12You will find it hard to get rid of a bad habit you pick it up Abefore Bthough Cas Donce13How did he lose so much weight? eating less,he walked ten miles every day AIn terms of BIn addition to CIn spite of DWith regard to14It worried the lady a lot her son hadnt passed the final exam Athat Bif Cfor Dwhile15Most of the local people insist that the old temple as it has a long history Ashould not pull down Bmust not pull down Cnot be pulled down Dwould not be pulled down第二节:完型填空(共20小题;每小题l5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从l6-35各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 I grew up in a community called EsteponaI was 16 when one morningDad told me I could drive him into a 16 village called Mijas, on condition that I took the car in to be l7 at a nearby garageI readily acceptedI drove Dad into Mijas,and 18 to pick him up at 4 pm,then dropped off the car at the 19 . With several hours to spare,I went to a theater20,when the last movie finished,it was sixI was two hours late! I knew Dad would be angry if he 21 I'd been watching moviesSo I decided not to tell him the truthWhen I 22 there I apologized for being late,and told him I'd 23 as quickly as I could, but that the car had needed some major repairs. Ill never forget the 24 he gave me“I'm disappointed you 25 you have to lie to me,Jason”Dad looked at me again”When you didnt 26 ,I called the garage to ask if there were any 27 ,and they told me you hadnt yet picked up the car”I felt 28 as I weakly told him the real reasonA 29 passed through Dad as he listened attentively“Im angry with 30 I realize I've failed as a fatherIm going to walk home now and think seriously about 31 I've gone wrong all these years” “But Dad, its l8 miles!” My protests and apologies were 32 Dad walked home that dayI drove behind him, 33 him all the way, but he walked silently Seeing Dad in so much 34 and emotional pain was my most painful experienceHowever, it was 35 the most successful lessonI have never lied since16Alonely Bsmall Cdistant Dfamiliar17Akept Bwashed Cwatched Dserviced18Aagreed Bplanned Cdetermined Dpromised19Avillage Bcommunity Cgarage Dtheater20AHowever BThen CTherefore DStill21Arealized Bfound out Cthought Dfigured out22Awent Bran Cwalked Dhurried23Astarted B1eft Carrived Dcome24Aword Bface Clook Dappearance25Afind Bdecide CbelieveDfeel26Aturn up Bdrive out Cgo away Dcome out27Aquestions Bproblems Cmistakes Dfaults28Aashamed Bfrightened Cnervous Dsurprised29Anervousness Bsadness Csilence Dthought30Ayou Bmyself Cme Dyourself31Awhere Bhow Cwhy Dwhen32Ameaningless Buseless Chelpless Dworthless33Aasking Bpersuading Cbegging Dfollowing34Aphysical Bpractical Cpersonal Dnatural35Aalso Balways Cindeed Dalmost第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题25分,满分50分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A The purpose of the TOEFL test is to evaluate the English level of people who are non-native English speakersThe TOEFL test on computer combines many of the same question types as the traditional paper-based test with new question types that are only offered in the computer format(格式)This is an easy-to-use testing system for even the most basic computer users Section,score and time: 1)Listening Comprehension:0-30 points;Measures a students ability to understand North American English30 to 49 questions with l5-25 minutes to answer the questions40-60 minutes to complete entire sectionThe clock runs while you are answering questions,but not while you are listening to conversations and talks 2)Structure:0-30 points;Measures a students ability to recognize language appropriate for standard written English20-25 questions with l5-25 minutes to complete the questions 3)VocabularyReading Comprehension:0-30 points;Measures a students ability to understand non-technical reading material44-55 questions with 70-90 minutes to complete the section(includes time spent reading passages and answering questions) 4)Essay Writing:Measures a students ability to express ideas in standard written EnglishOne assigned essay topic,with 30 minutes to write the essay The score from the essay in the Writing Section is included in the Structure scoreThe essay is graded on a scaled score of 0 to 6Six is the highest possible score in the Writing Section You may take the TOEFL test only once in any calendar monthIMPORTANT:If you take the test more than once in a calendar month,your new scores will not be reported and your test fee will not be given back36Compared with the traditional test,the new TOEFL test Ais much easier for non-native English speakers to pass Brequires exam takers to have good computer skills Ccan better evaluate the English level of non-English speakers Dhas new question types that can only be carried out on the computer37Of the four sections, you will spend the least time on AListening Comprehension BStructure CVocabulary&Reading Comprehension DEssay Writing38What can we learn about the Writing Section from the passage? AStudents are allowed to write freely in standard English BEssay writing is the most difficult of the four sections CEssay writing can best evaluate peoples English level DStudents can get six points at most in this section39The passage suggests that when you take a TOEFL test, . Ayou will spend less time answering questions than listening to them Byou will be examined on English grammar in the Structure Section Cyour score will be reduced if you take it more than once a month Dyou will have to pay larger test fees if you take a second test in a month 40If you take the TOEFL test in early May, the earliest time you can take another is .Ain July Bin late May Cin June Din early AugustB I had started doing my new job when I started getting these terrible headaches almost every dayI couldnt pure out what was causing themMy dentist told me that it was my wisdom teeth that caused the headachesHe advised me to get my wisdom teeth removedBut I refusedI was working for a small wage with no sick leave and had no way of paying $1,500 for the surgeryMy wisdom teeth were getting so bad that I had gotten a terrible infection in my jaw(颌)and neck that was threatening my lifeI decided to remove them To my surprise I found that I worked with angels, some of the most generous people I've ever metEveryone was terribly worried about me and insisted on helping me outThe assistant division manager wanted to find some way that would help me get the money I needed They decided to hold a bake sale to get money for my surgeryI was very grateful when I heard about this, but figured it would only make a few hundred probablyTo my astonishment, at the end of the day they presented me with over $l,000 towards my surgeryI criedI had never had so much kindness bestowed(给予)upon me in my lifeI knew they added their money to itTwo weeks before my surgery, I was very sick and they arranged for me to take the paid time off I went through my surgery successfully and I made a promise that after I was fully recovered I would spare no effort to help othersTheir kindness was remarkable, and I will remember it for the rest of my lifeThey are truly angels and Im so lucky to work with them41Why didnt the author follow the dentists advice on removing his wisdom teeth at first? ABecause he was afraid to pull his wisdom teeth out BBecause he believed that there was no need to remove them CBecause he had no sick leave and had to work all day long DBecause he was so poor that he couldn't afford the surgery42In order to help him,the authors workmates . 1)held a bake sale to raise money 2)gave the author their own money secretly 3)let the author lake a paid leave 4)helped the author with his workA(1)(2)(3) B(1)(3)(4) C(2)(3)(4) D(1)(2)(4)43Ftom the passage we know that Athe author had a strong mindBthe anthor had never gotten others help beforeCthe author hadnt thought he could get so much helpDthe author didnt get along well with his workmates in the past44The authors attitude towards his workmates is that of Aguilty Bappreciation Cenvy Dcriticism45It can be inferred from the passage that the author A1ives a better life than before uow Bwill offer help to others in return Chas paid off his debt for the surgery Dwill work harder to repay his workmatesC A new set of Rs is here:Recycle,Reduce and ReuseThese three “Rs”,when used every day, can reduce the amount of waste going into landfills,reduce the litter polluting the land and water, conserve(节约,保存)energy and save you money Recycling is one of the easiest ways to save energy,money and time while reducing the amount of garbage going into landfills Most communities have roadside pick-up service to recycle common household items like glass,steel,aluminum,newspaper and cardboardBy separating out the recyclable items from normal household trash,you can reduce the amount of trash entering a landfill by more than 75 percent Recycling one aluminum beverage can(饮料罐)saves enough energy to run your television for three hoursEven better, local recyclers or scrap-metal dealers may pay money for your metal recyclables It is estimated that the 54 billion cans recycled last year in the US saved l5 million barrels of oilThat is equivalent(相等的)to the US oil consumption for one dayRecycling other household items offers similar savings in money and energy Composting food waste will reduce your trash load even moreA basic compost pile built with the help of instructions from numerous resources on the web can be constructed over a weekend,using materials easily obtained from local hardware or home improvement storesIn addition to reducing your waste,this allnatural recycling provides safe,clean and organic fertilizer for your garden,eliminating the need to buy chemical-derived products Finally,recycling other household items like computers,televisions and monitors and household chemicals like pesticides(农药)and paints will remove dangerous chemicals like mercury(水银)and lead from the landfillsIf your community doesnt offer recycling programs,contact your local government to get one established46Whats WRONG about recycling in the eyes of the author?AIts energy-efficient BIts money-savingCIts time-consuming DIts environmentally friendly47Recycling aluminum beverage cans saves enough energy to keep your TV on for half a day Asix Bfive Cfour Dthree48Whats the possible meaning of the underlined word “Composting” in the sixth paragraph?ATo turn waste into fertilizer BTo throw waste into dustbinCTo make waste clean and useful DTo find new land to put the rubbish in49The following paragraph of the text may talk about Asomething about reusing Brecycling programsCcommunity activity Denvironment protection50The text tells us the way of living a lifeAhappy Brich Cgreen DeconomicalD For many years theres been a debate about rewarding our childrenDoes it work? Is it effective? Some people think we should establish a standard with our kids and give them something for meeting this standard as a rewardPunishment is given out in much the same way, but its used when certain standards of performance,behavior,etchave not been metKids will often become more dutiful when threatened with punishment,and work harder when promised a valuable rewardThe problem is what happens when you arent around To develop responsible,self-disciplined(自律的)kids,parents need to promote certain ideasOne of these ideas is that everyone pitches in(努力投入)and helps in your family, even if someone is not crazy about helpingAnother idea is that there can be enjoyment in doing any task if we choose to make it soWhen a task is for a worthy cause(our family can enjoy the house more because I helped clean it), and when parents are cheerful about their chores,this message can have a big impact This is how we help our kids develop a sense of responsibilityWhen our children develop this responsibility, theyll be more disciplined,and theyll control their emotions betterWhen we give rewards to our kids,we reduce the sense of respo


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