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    2016年重点高中英语自主招生卷一单项选择(25分)1. I like_color of your skirt. It is_good match for your blouse.A. a; the B. a; a C. the; a D. the; the2. -It is true that he is in trouble at this moment. But I dont think he will give up.-I quite agree with you. He is a _person.A. hard-working B. CalmC. reliable D. determined3. -Sorry, I have broken your bike. -Ill try to get it _.A. repaired B. to repair C. repairing D. to be repaired4. Although she is stubborn, sometimes she is really easy _.A. to be get along with B. getting along withC. to get along with D. being got along with5. - We are having a party this evening.- _.A. All right B. Best wishes C. Have fun D. Happy to hear that6. The children asked her mother _ go out to play tennis.A. that he could B. if he could C. if could he D. that could he7. It was in the lab _ my father did the experiment yesterday evening.A. that B. Since C. which D. before8. Believe it or not, there is no such thing _ “standard English”.A. for B. Like C. as D. being9. -Be quick! The mid-term exam _. I must leave for school now.-No rush. The bus _ at 7:20, so there is enough time left.A. comes; leaves B. is coming; leavesC. comes; leaving D. is coming; is leaving10. Many of them ignored his advice, _ they knew it to be very useful.A. as if B. because of C. even though D. so that11. A number of books in the library _ been stolen so that the number of them _ smaller than before.A. has, are B. has, is C. have, is D. have, are12. The maths teacher told the naughty boys _ so much noise in class.A. not making B. not to make C. dont make D. didnt make13. His wife _him to stop smoking, but he didnt listen.A. advised B. Persuaded C. suggested D. frightened14. My parents and I are flying to London for a holiday and Ill _ the chance to practice my spoken English.A. go through B. make use of C. be fond of D. get tired of15. -Did you see the film _ was shown last night?- Yeah, it was really wonderful.A. who B. what C. which D. it16. Only when he reached the tea-house _ it was the same place hed been in last year.A. he realized B. he did realize C. realized he D. did he realize17. The exhibition is well worth _ and you can see fancy vases of different dynasties on show there.A. to visit B.to be visited C. being visited D. visiting18. He was _by his colleagues though he himself didnt think he had done anything special.A. thought little of B. thought poorly C. thought highly of D. thought highly19. If Joes wife wont go to the party, _.A. he will either B. neither will he C. he neither will D. either he will20. The young couple offered a _ of $5,000 for information about theirmissing son.A. present B. reward C. price D. pay21. The year 1949 _ the birth of a new countrythe Peoples Republic of China.A. found B. watched C. noticed D. saw22He told us whether _ a picnic was still under discussion.A.to have B. having C. have D. had23. Rather than _ at home, he always prefers _ out to play.A. stay; go B. staying; go C. stay; to go D. to stay; going24. Im going to visit the factory _ your brother worked a few years ago.A. that B. in where C. in which D. what25. - Do you want another drink?- _.A.I dont think so. B. No way C. Not at all D. I wouldnt say no二完形填空(20分)About one year ago, a couple with three children moved into the apartment next door to me. I never heard any noise from the children. Instead, I often heard the parents yelling   _26_   at the kids, not in a nice tone, but in a   _27_ one. We often  _28_ in the hallway. I always greeted them, but the only _29_   I ever got was a “hello” from the eight-year-old girl. I usually   _30_   to see my doctor and one day when I returned they were just   _31_   their apartment and the little girl was   _32_   the outside door open for the others. I   _33_   in the car doing   _34_   things because I wasn't eager to be snubbed(冷落) again. Finally, I got out of my car and walked towards the door. The parents were telling their daughter to hurry and get into the car,   _35_   the little girl was still holding the door, _36_   me! I hurried although I was still in pain from my injury. I forgot to tell her how _37_   I was for her kindness. I wrote a note saying how much her act of kindness had   _38_ an old man's heart. The next day there was a   _39_   on my door and it was the little girl and her father. She was quite   _40_   of her behavior and thanked me. Then I noticed her mother standing there too. Her parents _41_   me. From then on when we met in the hallway we always greeted each other,in a friendly   _42_. Last night there was a heavy snow. I looked out at my car and   _43_   how I was going to keep my doctor's   _44_   because I could only walk for a short time. This morning when I opened the front door, all the snow was removed. Isn't it _45_   that the small kind act of an 8yearold girl can change so many things for the better? It is said that good things come from small acts.26. A. quietly      B. strangely     C. quickly      D. angrily27. A. frighteningB. exciting C. sincere      D. kind28. A. quarreled  B. met        C. chatted      D. argued29. A. present      B. result       C. reply        D. return30. A. went out     B. set out     C. took out     D. gave out31. A. decorating   B. cleaning    C. returning     D. leaving32. A. breaking    B. operating    C. holding    D. unlocking33. A. kept        B. remained   C. insisted      D. continued34. A. favorite    B. irrelevant    C. unnecessary   D. curious35. A. but        B. and        C. so           D. then36. A. hunting for  B. asking for   C. waiting for    D. calling for37. A. beneficial   B. influential   C. anxious       D. grateful38. A. strengthened   B. broken   C. touched       D. saved39. A. note      B. knock       C. invitation      D. picture40. A. proud     B. aware       C. afraid         D. sure41. A. admitted   B. recognized   C. praised        D. thanked42. A. manner    B. appearance   C. sound     D. announcement43. A. found     B. ignored      C. remembered   D. wondered44. A. promise   B. appointment   C. suggestion   D. attention45. A. amazing   B. confusing     C. scaring     D. challenging三阅读理解Daniel Olin was 11 years old when his parents moved to Canada. He liked his new school and made friends there, but then things at home started to change. His mum and dad began to argue and the arguments got worse and worse until one day, Daniel's mum left. With his father working long hours, Daniel felt very lonely and very unhappy. He wanted to escape, to run away. And thats what he did.Very early one terribly cold morning when the snow was deep on the ground, he packed a bag with some clothes, some chocolate and a map of Canada and set off to a forest. He ran and ran until he could hardly breathe.His feet were heavy with the snow but he still walked on through deep snow, not even watching where he was going.Then, disaster struck. A rock hidden by the deep snow caught his feet and Daniel fell to the ground. He had broken the bone. He was very cold and was starting to feel tired, but he knew that if he fell asleep in the snow, he would certainly die from the cold.A tree shook ahead. From within the branches, a pair of yellow eyes watched Daniel. The puma (美洲狮) had been following him. A puma is a large wild cat with claws that could tear Daniel into pieces. But instead of moving in for the kill, the puma walked up to Daniel and lay across his chest, arms and legs. Daniel was too frightened to move, but soon the warmth of the animal reached Daniel and he began to feel better. From time to time, the puma pressed his muzzle (鼻) against Daniel and rocked his head gently. Clearly, the puma knew that Daniel must not fall asleep. This animal should have been a real danger to Daniel and yet the boy began to feel safe. They remained like that for several hours until Daniel and the puma heard voices.46. Daniel ran away from home because _.A. he had a big argument with his fatherB. he wanted to learn to be independentC. he didnt get enough care from his parentsD. his parents were always arguing at home47. Why didnt Daniel notice the rock that caused him to fall?A. Because it was getting dark.B. Because the rock was hidden by snow.C. Because he was frightened by a puma.D. Because he was too sad to notice it.48. Why did the puma press its muzzle against Dan and rock his head gently from time to time?A. To keep Daniel warm. B. To play with Daniel.C. To kill Daniel. D. To keep Daniel awake.49. What is the best title for the story?A. Puma in Danger B. A Caring PumaC. A Boy in Need D. A Homeless BoyBDuring the Christmas shopping rush in London, the intriguing story was reported of a tramp(流浪汉) who, apparently through no fault of his own, found himself locked in a well-known chain store late on Christmas Eve. No doubt the store was crowded with last minute Christmas shoppers and the staff were dead beat and longing to get home. Presumably all the proper Security checks were made before the store was locked and they left to enjoy the three-day holiday untroubled by customers desperate to get last minute Christmas presentsHowever that may be, our tramp found himself alone in the store and decided to make the best of it. There was food, drink, bedding and camping equipment, of which he made good use. There must also have been television sets and radios Though it was not reported if he took advantage of these facilities, when the shop re-opened, he was discovered in bed with a large number of empty bottles beside him. He seems to have been a man of good humor and philosophic temperament-as indeed vagrants(流浪汉) very commonly arc. Everyone also was enjoying Christmas, so he saw no good reason why he should not do the same. He submitted, cheerfully enough, to being taken way by the police. Perhaps he had bad a better Christmas than usual. He was sent to prison for Seven days. The judge awarded no compensation to the chain store for the food and drink our tramp had consumed. They had, in his opinion, already received valuable free publicity from the coverage the story received in the newspapers and on television. Perhaps the judge had had a good Christmas too.50. The tramp was locked in the store_ A. for his mistakes. B.due to a misunderstanding.C. by accident. D.through an error of judgment.51.The staff were 'dead beat' means they were _ A. half asleep. B. exhausted. C. irritable. D. forgetful.52. What action did the tramp take? He_ A. looted the store. B. made himself at home. C. went to sleep for 2 days. D. had a Christmas party.53. When the tramp was arrested, he _ A. laughed at the police. B. looked forward to going to pr)son. C. rook his bottles with him. D. didn't make any fuss.54. Why didn't the judge award compensation to the chain store? A. The tramp had stolen nothing of value. B. The store had profited by the incident. C .The tramp deserved a happy Christmas. D. The store was responsible for what happened CCause and effect is one way to explain things that happen around us. Many things happen because something caused or influenced them to happen. Sometimes it is hard to look at a cause and find out what caused or influenced them to happen. Sometimes it is hard to look at a cause and find out what causes the effect. It may help you to start with the effect and use your reasoning(推理的) skills. Think about all the things you know that could be reasons for the effect you can see.For example, you may see someone putting on a heavy jacket. This is the effect. To look for a cause, think to yourself, “What would take someone put on a heavy jacket?” Maybe the person is going outside into very cold weather. Maybe the person works in the penguin pen(企鹅圈养地) at Sea World. Maybe the person is going to visit an ice skating rink where the air is kept very cold. All of these things could be a cause for putting on a heavy jacket.Now, think about a second example. The effect is a boy named Abi has to go to the head teachers office. What are the possible causes? Maybe he bullied(欺负) another student. Maybe he is just being picked up early. Maybe he is being given a prize!Here is another example for you to think about its cause and effect. Cait, 13, was trying to fall asleep when her 8-year-old brother, Doug, came into her room. He looked around a bit, but seemed really out of it. Then Doug went back into the hallway and stood there looking straight up at the hall light for quite a while. Little brothers can be very strange, but this was really much too strange. Caits father appeared and explained that Doug was sleepwalking. Whats the cause end effect, could you tell?55.According to the second paragraph, which of the following is an effect?ASomeone puts on a heavy jacket.BSomeone works in the penguin pen.CSomeone will go outside into cold weather.DSomeone will go to visit an ice skating rink.56.Abi has to go to the head teachers office. Which of the following isnt the possible cause?AHe bullied another student.               BHe is going shopping.CHis is being picking up early.               DHe is being given a prize.57. What was Doug doing when his sister Cait tried to fall asleep?AHe was going outside.                    BHe was reading a story.CHe was sleepwalking.                     DHe was looking for his dad.58. Which of the following is cause and effect?ATony got up and had a glass of water.BWe came home and found him sleeping.CThe ball was lost and a window was broken.DTim was late again an


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