Clean energy Nuclear energy科技英语论文.doc
Clean energy: Nuclear energyNuclear energy known as the atomic energy, it refers to the atomic nucleus nuclear redistribution and combined release energy. Nuclear energy is divided into two categories, a class called nuclear fission energy, it refers to the heavy elements nuclear fission occurs when the energy released. The other called fusion, it refers to the light elements nuclei in the event of fusion reaction energy released in nuclear energy has enormous power. Utilization of nuclear reactor nuclear fission releases heat to power system.It is very similar with the thermal power generation.Just to the nuclear reactor and steam generator for thermal power generation boiler, to nuclear fission can replace fossil fuel chemical energy.In addition to boiling water reactor outside, other types of power reactor is a loop of the coolant through the core heating, steam generator, heat is transferred to the two loop and three loop of water, and then forming a steam driven turbine generator.Boiling water reactor is a loop of the coolant through the core heating into 70 times atmospheric pressure saturated steam, the steam separation and drying after direct drive generator.China nuclear power starts later, 80 time just begin the construction of nuclear power plant.Chinese designed and constructed in 300000 kW of Qinshan nuclear power plant at the end of 1991 put into operation.Dayawan nuclear power plant started in 1987, 1994 all grid power.From the general trend of the development of nuclear power, the development of China's nuclear power technology and strategic route has long been clear and is being implemented, the current development of pressurized water reactor, metaphase to develop a fast neutron reactor, the long-term development of fusion reactor.Specifically, the recent development of thermal neutron reactor nuclear power plant; in order to make full use of uranium resources, using plutonium cycle route of technology, the medium-term development of fast breeder reactor nuclear power plant; the long-term development of fusion reactor, thereby basically "forever" to solve the problem of energy demand contradiction.Nuclear energy applications as the easing of the world energy crisis is an economical and effective measure has many advantages: 姓名:杨璐汀 学号:201157971 unlike fossil fuels nuclear power generation as massive emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, so nuclear power does not cause airPollution of.2 nuclear power does not produce increasing greenhouse effect of carbon dioxide.3 nuclear power by the use of the uranium fuel, in addition to electricity generation, no other use.4 nuclear fuel energy density than fossil fuel high millions of times, so nuclear power plant fuel used by the small volume, transportation and storageVery convenient, a 1000 MW nuclear power plant for one year only 30 metric tons of uranium fuel, round plane can complete the operationSend.5 the cost of electricity from nuclear power, fuel cost proportion is low, the cost of electricity from nuclear power is not susceptible to impact by the the international economic situation, so the cost of electricity generation method for stability than the other.However, nuclear energy is flawed:1 nuclear power plants will produce high and low-level radioactive waste, or of used nuclear fuel, although the volume is not large, but because ofRadiation, so must be handled with prudence, and need to face considerable political problems.2 nuclear power plant thermal efficiency is low, so than the general of fossil fuel power plants emit more heat to the environment, so nuclear power plant heatPollution is serious.3 nuclear power plant investment costs are too high, power company high financial risk.4 nuclear power plants were not suitable for doing rush, peak with the load.5 in the construction of nuclear power plant could lead to political differences dispute.6 nuclear power plant reactor with large quantities of radioactive material in the accident, if released into the environment, the ecological and public building damageTo the use of nuclear power must be the premise of safety, of course, that nothing is absolute, the pursuit of our security is a very high safety factor, such as the requirements of nuclear power plant anti earthquake of magnitude 9, when more than 9, nuclear power plant can have other security measures to prevent nuclear leakage, such as emergency shutdown. According to estimates, in the world the fission primary fuel uranium and thorium reserves are approximately 4900000 tons and 2750000 tons of.These fission fuel foot can be used in fusion energy era.Light nuclear fusion fuel is deuterium and lithium, 1 liters of water can extract 30 mg of deuterium, in fusion reactions can produce equal to about 300 liters of gasoline energy, namely "1 liters of seawater and equal to about 300 litres of petrol", Shanghai earth water 40 much tons of deuterium, enough for human use of billions of years.The earth is about 200000000000 tons of reserves of lithium, lithium can be used for the manufacture of tritium in fusion energy era, enough for human use.And to the current world energy consumption level to calculate, the earth can be used for nuclear fusion of deuterium and tritium quantity, is available for human use hundreds of billions of years.Therefore, the energy experts believe that, if the resolution of nuclear fusion, then humans will be able to fundamentally solve the energy problem. The present nuclear power plant is in the safe use of nuclear energy, but nuclear power technology continues to improve, we can greatly improve the defense ability and reduce the accident accident probability. China basically in the nuclear power development science and technology is located in the world recognized "first-class" ranks , need not improperly belittle oneself;Compared with other major powers, China's nuclear power development serious lag, need appropriate development, in order to "low carbon" target and national city of prosperous process; China's densely populated , geological and climate condition is complex, while many current and municipal government on nuclear power determination are highly active, but must be "cautious not to choose at random.".