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    1笑观沧海制作2DUNKIRK敦刻尔克 中英双语字幕3Allez, Anglais. Bon voyage.走吧 英国佬 快溜吧41. THE MOLE one week陆 一周52. THE SEA one day海 一天63. THE AIR one hour空 一小时7THE ENEMY HAVE DRIVEN THE BRITISH AND FRENCH ARMIES TO THE SEA受敌方压制 英法联军撤至海边8"WE SURROUND YOU""你们已被包围"9TRAPPED AT DUNKIRK, THEY AWAIT THEIR FATE困于敦刻尔克 等候命运降临10HOPING FOR DELIVERANCE祈求奇迹出现11FOR A MIRACLE以逃出重围12“本地男孩 乔治·米尔斯 年仅17岁 敦刻尔克的救人英雄”13敦刻尔克:三十三万五千人获救!14丘吉尔在众议院发表关于敦刻尔克撤退的演讲15English! I'm English!英国人! 我是英国人! 英国人!16It's grenadiers, mate.这里是掷弹兵团 伙计17Make way!让开18Out of the way!让开19Go, go, go!走走走20Along the mole. All the way.沿着防波堤 一路走过去21The ship's about to leave.船就要开22Along the mole. All the way. The ship's about to leave.沿着防波堤 一路走过去 船就要开了23Where's the bloody air force?我们的空军都死哪去了?!24The navy's requisitioned her.海军要征用这船25They'll be back in an hour. My dad wants to be ready before then.他们一小时内回来 父亲想在那之前准备妥当26They've told us to strip her and load those life jackets.海军要我们清理船舱 给救生衣腾地方27Some men across the Channel, at Dunkirk, need taking off.有些人在对岸的敦刻尔克 他们需要这船28Some men?有些人?29Check fuel, Fortis 1 and 2.检查燃油 福蒂斯小队1号 2号3070 gallons.70加仑(318升)3168 gallons, Fortis Leader.68加仑(309升) 福蒂斯长机32Stay down at 500 feet to leave fuel高度降至500英尺(152米) 节省燃料33for 40-minute fighting time over Dunkirk.准备在敦刻尔克上空战斗40分钟34Understood. Vector 128, angels point five.明白 航向128 高度500英尺(152米)35And keep an eye on that gauge, even when it gets lively.随时注意仪表读数36Save enough to get back.预留充足返航燃料37No French soldiers. No French soldiers. No.不收法军 不收法军38No, no French. English only. English only past this point.不不 不收法国人 只向英国人开放 只收英军!39No. It's a British ship. No, you have your own ships.不 这艘是英国船 你们会有自己的40Get back. Get back.退后! 退后!41No, you've got your own ships. This is a British ship.你们的船会到的 这是英国船42No, get back.退后!43Look, get the stretchers through. There are stretchers coming.把担架抬过来 有担架来了44Get out of the way! Out of the way!让开来! 别挡道!45Go, go, go. Along the mole. All the way.沿着防波堤 一路走过去46The ship's about to leave. About to leave.船快要开了 快开了47Along the mole. All the way.沿着防波堤 一路走过去48Along the mole. Along the mole. All the way. All the way.沿着防波堤 一路过去49No.不行50No, English only. English only!只收英国人! 只收英国人!51No!不行52Ready on the stern!船艉已就绪!53Yes, sir!是 长官54Man the bowline!升起船帆!55Any more room?还有位置吗?56You have to get back!退回去! 退回去!57That's two minutes.只剩两分钟58You've missed it. You've missed it.你们已经错过了 错过了59Is that the last one?这是最后一个了吗?60Aye, sir.是 长官61Break the line.解掉船缆!62Come on! Come on!出发! 出发!63Dunkirk's so far. Why can't they just load at Calais?敦刻尔克太远了 怎么不到加来(法国)上船?64The enemy had something to say about it.敌人可不答应65Ah, down here we're sitting ducks.从这出发 他们可就成活靶子了66Keep 'em peeled. They'll come out of the sun.保持警惕 敌机会在太阳方位出现67Up the line.排队68Oi. We'll take it.嘿 交给我们 .69Drop the gangplank!收起跳板!70Yes, sir!是 长官71Take a run at it.试着走过来!72Ready on the stern line, George.把艉缆收好 乔治73Aren't you waiting on the navy?不等海军的人了吗?74They've asked for the Moonstone, they'll have her.他们要征用"月光宝石"号 那就给他们吧75And her captain.船长跟着船走76And his son.他儿子也去77Thanks for the help, George.谢谢你来帮忙 乔治78What are you doing?你在干嘛?79You do know where we're going?你知道我们去哪吗?80France.去法国81Into war, George.是去参战 乔治82I'll be useful, sir.我会帮上忙的 先生83Bandit, 11 o'clock.敌机 8点钟方向84Break.散开85He's on me.他咬住我了86I'm on him.我对付他871, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.88Oi, you two.你俩 赶紧回去!89Get a shift on.上岸归队!90Yeah, pull him tight. Tie a knot in it.把这拉紧了 打个结91Back up the line. Both of you.你们两个 退后92Off you go.可以走了!93Off you go!可以走了!94That last barrage has damaged the rudder.上次轰炸把船舵给弄坏了!95Uh, okay.呃 . 好的96Mr. Dawson!道森先生!97One of ours, George.咱们的飞机 乔治98On my mark, Fortis 2. Draw him left.福蒂斯2号 听我口令 诱他到左舷993, 2, 1Three, two, one.100Mark.机动101Clear.搞定102Is he down?他坠机了吗?103Yeah, he's down for the count.对 他完蛋了104Fortis Leader, one bandit down.福蒂斯长机 击落敌机一架105Fortis Leader, do you read?福蒂斯长机 收到了吗?106Fortis 2, I have you to my port. I have no eyes on Fortis Leader. Over.福蒂斯2号 你在我左舷 但我看不到长机 完毕107Understood, Fortis 1.明白 福蒂斯1号108Orbit for a look.绕圈搜寻 .109How long, Lieutenant?还要多久 上尉?110We need to run a new cable, sir. They're scrambling.得换新缆绳 长官 旧的缠得厉害111Very well.去吧112Colonel, you're gonna have to decide how many more wounded to evacuate.上校 你得下决定了 还要撤离多少伤员 .113One stretcher takes the space of seven standing men.一副担架就得挤掉7个人的位置114Excuse me.对不起115- Rear Admiral. - Commander.- 少将 - 中校116How's the perimeter?防线如何?117Shrinking every day.每天都在收缩118But between our rear guard and the French, we're holding the line.不过后卫部队和法军 都还在坚守阵地119And the enemy tanks have stopped.还有 敌人的坦克停下来了120Why have they stopped?为什么?121Waste precious tanks光靠空袭就够了 咱们已经是瓮中之鳖122when they can pick us off from the air, like fish in a barrel?何必再耗费宝贵的坦克?123How long does London expect the army to hold out before we make terms?在达成协议前 伦敦方面 还要我们守多久?124Make terms?达成协议?125They're not stopping here. We need to get our army back.德国人不会善罢甘休的 我们得把军队撤回去126Britain's next and then the rest of the world.敌人下一步就是英国 然后就是称霸世界127Christ.老天 .128I mean, you can practically see it from here.在这几乎都能望见了 .129What?什么?130Home.家131What about the French?法国人怎么办?132Publicly, Churchill's told them, "Bras dessous."台面上 丘吉尔说要"手挽着手"133Arm in arm, leaving together.携手并肩 不离不弃134And privately?私下呢?135We need our army back.让咱们的人撤回来136How many men are they talking about, sir?要撤多少人 长官?137Churchill wants 30,000. Ramsay's hoping we can give him 45.丘吉尔的计划是3万人 拉姆齐中将希望能撤4万5千人138There are 400,000 men on this beach, sir.这海滩上可挤了40万人 长官139We'll just have to do our best.大家都尽力吧140Right, well, this mole stays open at all costs.没错 要不惜一切代价 让防波堤保持畅通141We're in artillery range from the west. If anything else sinks here,我们处在西侧敌人的炮火范围内 要是这儿有东西沉了142the mole's blocked and we're stuffed.就会堵瘫整个防波堤143Can't we load from the beaches?不能到海滩上装船吗?144Better than standing out here when the dive bombs come.总比呆这儿挨炸要强145- It's impossible. - Too shallow?- 不可能的 - 水太浅吗?146'Cause anything that drafts over three feet can't get near.吃水超过3英尺(0.9米) 船就进不来147We don't have enough small boats to ferry men to the destroyers.我们的划桨船也不够 没法把人分批送上驱逐舰148The mole it is, then, gentlemen.那么先生们 全靠防波堤了149Hey!嘿150Hey! Can you swim it?嘿! 你能游过来吗?151Dad, can you get closer?能不能再近点?152Can't risk it!别冒险!153Hang on.坚持住154What's your name?你叫什么名字?155Wreckage below.下面有残骸156Is it more of the 109?109战机吗?157No.不158It's Fortis Leader. Over.是福蒂斯长机 完毕159You think he got out?他逃出来没?160I didn't see a 'chute.我没见到降落伞161Record his position.记录长机坐标162Then set heading 128,转至128航向 高度 .163height 1,000. Over.1000英尺(305米) 完毕164Vector 128, angels one. Understood.航向128 高度1000英尺(305米) 明白165Fortis 2, what's your fuel?福蒂斯2号 燃油状况?16650 gallons. Over.50加仑(189升) 完毕16750 gallons.50加仑(189升)168All right, keep letting me know.好的 保持提醒169My gauge took a bit of a knock back there.我的仪表刚才被打坏了170Shouldn't you turn back?你要不要返航?171No, no.不用172I'm fairly confident it's just the gauge.相信只是仪表出了问题173- She's going down! - Cut her loose!- 船要沉了! - 砍掉缆绳!174What about the wounded?伤员们怎么办?175Abandon ship! Abandon ship!全体弃船 弃船!176Cut her loose, and push her off!砍掉缆绳 把船挪走!177We can't let her sink at the mole!别让船沉在这儿!178Push the bloody boat off!推下去!179Help us!救命!180Do you want to come below?你要不要下来?181It's much warmer.里头更暖和182It's out of the wind.甲板上风大183Here you go.喝点吧184Leave him be, George.别管他 乔治185He feels safer on deck.呆在甲板上 他觉得更安全186You would too if you'd been bombed.你被炸了也会有同感187U-boat.U型潜艇188It was a U-boat.是U型潜艇189Get him some more tea, George.再给他倒杯茶 乔治190Right, we're about five minutes out,好了 我们还有5分钟航程191so climb to 2,000. Over.爬升至2000英尺(610米) 完毕192That's more fuel.那样更费油吧193I know, but I don't want to get jumped again.现在我可不想遭遇敌机194Let's get a decent altitude.咱们先爬升上去195We can dive down on the bastards from above. Over.然后再俯冲作战 完毕196Understood. Angels two.明白 二号197Over.完毕198Right, Highlanders.好了 高地兵199Let's find you another ship.再给你们找艘船吧200Come on.快点201Everyone else, keep climbing. Climb on the deck.所有人 继续爬 爬到甲板上202Climb on the deck.爬到甲板上203Watch your heads on the rail. Watch it.小心! 小心别碰到头了!204That's right, keep going down. Take a blanket.往下走 拿上毯子205Down you go. Put this on, my love.从这儿往下走 披上这个 亲爱的206Down you go. Keep going down.往下走 一直往下走207There's a nice cup of tea for you down there.底下给你们准备了热茶208Keep moving down.一直往下走209Take a blanket.裹上毯子210Try and make some room.好了 挪一挪211Keep moving down, boys.往下走 小伙子们212This way.走这边213A cup of tea down there.这里有茶可供饮用214There you go. Down there. Move down there.这边 请往下走!215What's wrong with your friend?你朋友怎么了?216He's looking for a quick way out.他在找逃生捷径217In case we go down.万一船沉了 就派上用场了218Where are we going?我们要去哪儿?219Dunkirk.敦刻尔克220No, uh, no, no, we're going to England.不 不 我知道 是回英格兰!221We have to go to Dunkirk first.我们得先去敦刻尔克222Look, I'm not going back.我不要回去!223I'm not going back.我不要回去 .224Look at it.你瞧瞧!225If we go there, we'll die.如果我们 . 我们去了就死定了!226I see your point, son.我明白你的意思了 年轻人227Well, let's plot a course.咱们绘个航线吧228You can take your tea below and warm up.你先下去喝喝茶 暖暖身子229Peter, have we got space for a man to lie down?彼得 给他找个地方休息下230Uh, yeah.好的231Here, come on.这里 来吧232Careful.小心233Careful.小心234Just in there.就这里235I'll get you some more tea.我去给你加点茶236Is he a coward, Mr. Dawson?他是懦夫吗 道森先生?237He's shell-shocked, George.乔治 他患了炮弹休克症238He's not himself.现在神志不清239He may never be himself again.搞不好一辈子都这样了240Here you are.喝吧24140 gallons, Fortis 1.40加仑(151升) 福蒂斯1号24240 gallons, understood.40加仑(151升) 明白243Heinkel, 11 o'clock.海因克尔轰炸机 11点钟方向244She's lining up to drop her load on that minesweeper.它在轰炸队形里 目标是扫雷舰245Fighters?战斗机呢?246Yeah, 109s off her starboard.恩 都是109 在它右舷247I'm on the bomber.我负责轰炸机248Got him! Got him!打中了! 打中了!249Oh, she's turning. You must've damaged her.它转向了 肯定被你击中了250Where's the escort?护卫机呢?251Well, I got one of.我击落一架 .252Jesus!噢! 上帝!253I'm going down.我正在下坠254I'm on him. Bail out.我缠住他 你跳伞255No, the swell looks good. I'm ditching.海况良好 准备水上迫降256Don't leave us!别抛下我们257Come back!回来!258- Wait for us! - Help! Help us!- 等等我们! - 救命!259Pick us up! Pick us up!带我们走! 带我们走!260Come back!回来!261Torpedo!鱼雷!262Abandon ship! Abandon ship!弃船!263Help!救命!264Get us out of here!把我们救出去!265Spitfires, George.喷火战斗机 乔治266Greatest plane ever built.史上最棒的飞机267You didn't even look.你没看就知道啦268Rolls-Royce Merlin engines.劳斯莱斯"梅林"发动机269Sweetest sound you could hear out here.这是战场上最悦耳的声音了270Hello?有人吗?!271Could you open the door?把门打开!272Hello? Can you hear me?喂 能听到我吗?273Open the door!快开门哪!274Do you hear me?能听见我吗?!275He wants to come out.他想出来276What have you done? Locked him in?你干了什么? 把他锁里头?277Let him out, for God's sake.让他出来 天呐!278Hello?有人吗?279Let me out!让我出去!280You haven't turned around.你们没有掉头!281No. We have a job to do.没有 我们有任务在身282Job? This is a pleasure yacht.任 . 任务? 这 . 这可是艘游艇!283You're weekend sailors, not the bloody navy.你们 . 你们只是业余水手 又不是海军!284A man your age?像你这把年纪的人 285Men my age dictate this war.像我这把年纪的人 有些正在主导这场战争286Why should we be allowed to send our children to fight it?我们又凭什么 只让年轻人去战斗?287You should be at home!你就该待家里头!288Well, there won't be any home if we allow a slaughter across the Channel.如果这场战争蔓延到英国 我也就无家可归了289He's turning tail. I'm gonna get after him.他掉头逃了 我去追他290Good luck.祝好运291Watch your fuel. You're at 15 gallons.留意燃油 你还有15加仑(57升)29215 gallons, understood.15加仑(57升) 明白293Best of luck, Collins.祝你好运 柯林斯294Collins, do you read?柯林斯 你没事吧?295Oi! No! No!不! 不!296Get off! Get off!一边去!297Piss off, the both of you. It's too crowded.滚开 船上太挤了!298You can't leave us!你们不能撇下我们!299Make some room!腾腾位子!300No!不! 不!301No! Get off!一边去!302You men, leave off. You'll capsize the boat.你们快住手 船会翻掉的303She's gone over twice on the way out here.来这的路上已经翻过两次了304You have to stay calm. There are plenty of boats.冷静下来 船是够用的305Calm?冷静?!306Wait till you get torpedoed, then tell us to be calm!等你也被鱼雷炸了 再来扯这个吧!307You have life jackets?你们有救生衣吗?308Yes, they do.有 他们有的309Don't panic, boys. The water's not too rough你们不要慌 海水还算平静310or too cold.也不太冷311We're heading back to the beach.我们先回海滩上312- Let's go to Dover! - Yeah!- 咱们去多佛(英国)吧! - 对!313We can't make it across the Channel in this, lads.这船没法渡过海峡 伙计们314We need to get back to the beach and wait for another ride.我们得回到海滩上 等下一班船315You men in the water, float here, save your strength.水里的弟兄们 保持体力316We'll come back for you.我们会回来接你们的317Oars in!提桨!318Together, pull!提桨! 划!319Together, pull!提! 划!320Pull!划!321Together, pull!提桨! 划!322Pull!划!323Together, pull!提! 划!324There's no hiding from this, son.这是躲不掉的 孩子325What is it you think you can do out there, on this thing?你以为你们能帮到什么? 就凭这玩意?326There's not just us. A call went out.我们不是孤军作战 号令下来了327We aren't the only ones to answer, you know.大家都挺身而出328You don't even have guns.你们连枪都没有!329Do you have a gun?你有枪吗?330Yes, of course. A rifle, a 303.有 当然了! 来复步枪 303口径331Did it help you against the dive bombers and the U-boats?它能帮你回击俯冲轰炸机吗? U型潜艇呢?332You're an old fool.你真是个老糊涂333I'm not going back.我不会回去的!334I'm not going back.不会回去的!335Turn it around.掉头返航!336I'm not turning round.我们不会掉头的337Turn it around!掉回去!338Turn it.让它掉 .339- Calm it down, mate. - Turn it around!- 冷静 老兄! - 掉头回去340Wait, wait!冷静 冷静341Calm it down, mate.冷静点 老兄!342George?乔治?343George!乔治?!344What have you do


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