微积分的历史、方法及哲学思想 微积分的历史、方法及哲学思想 摘 要:微积分是1门重要的学科,本文首先对微积分的思想萌芽进行了概括,其中包括中国在内的许多古代的思想中就包含了原始的微积分的思想,微积分的主要发展是在欧洲,在107世纪的欧洲由于自然科学发展的需要,微积分开始了快速的发展,后来牛顿和莱布尼茨完成了在微积分工作中最重要的工作,使得当时的许多问题得到了圆满的解决由于当时微积分的基础并不完善,引发了许多的问题后来柯西等人完善了微积分的基础,使得微积分进1步的完善,并且引发了许多新的分支其次是对微积分计算中的1些方法进行了简单的总结,我分别对导数和积分进行了描述并且用1些简单的例题进行了说明由于微分和导数相似所以就没有进行描述了最后是我对其中蕴涵的哲学思想进行的理解关键词 微积分;导数;积分;哲学思想.The History、Method and Philosophy of Calculus Abstract Calculus is a very important subject. The dissertation begins with an introduction of the sprouting of Calculus idea. In the 17th century in Europe, Calculus got a quick development of nature science. Afterwards, Newton and Leibniz finished the more important part of Calculus, which made many questions solved successfully at that time. As the basis of Calculus was not perfect, a lot of questions appeared. Neat, Cauchy and some others improved it and made it much better, so they brought about a plenty of new branches. In the second part, it comes to a simple conclusion of some methods to the counting of calculus. The author makes a description of derivative and integral and illustrates them with some simple examples. Owing to calculus is so similar with derivative, the author didnt depict them. Finally, the author makes a deep understanding of the philosophy contained in it. Key Words: Calculus, Derivative, Integral, Philosophy. 目 录前言(3)1 微积分的发展史(4) 11 微积分思想萌芽(4) 12 107世纪微积分的酝酿(4) 13 微积分的创立牛顿和莱布尼茨的工作(6) 14 108世纪微积分的发展(8) 15 微积分中注入严密性(9) 16 微积分的应用与新分支的形成(9)2 微积分的计算方法(9) 21 导数(10) 22 积分 (13)3 微积分中的哲学思想(17)4 结论(19)5 参考文献(19)6 参考文献(19)【包括:毕业论文、开题报告、任务书】【说明:论文中有些数学符号是编辑器编辑而成,网页上无法显示或者显示格式错误,给您带来不便请谅解。】