kotler12tifMarketing management习题.doc
Chapter 12: Setting Product StrategyGENERAL CONCEPT QUESTIONSMultiple Choice 1.Marketing planning begins with the formulation of an offering to _ target customers needs or wants. a. exceedb. meet c. captured. compete with e. comprehend Answer: bPage: 372 Level of difficulty: Easy2.The customer will judge the offering by three basis elements: _, services mix and quality, and price. a.performanceb.salespeoplec. priced.product features and qualitye.none of the above Answer: dPage: 372Level of difficulty: Easy3.The components of the market offering include all of the following EXCEPT _. a.product feature b.product quality c.reputation of firm d.services mix and quality e.value-based pricingAnswer: cPage: 372 Level of difficulty: Easy4.In planning its market offering, the marketer needs to address five product levels. These levels include all of the following EXCEPT _.a.potential product b.augmented product c. core benefitd. basic producte. product usage/purposeAnswer: e Page: 372 Level of difficulty: Medium5.The five product levels constitute a _. At each level more customer value is added.a.customer augmented product b.customer consumption systemc.customer value hierarchy d.customer perceived valuee. customer hierarchy Answer: cPage: 372 :Level of difficulty: Medium6.The way the user performs the tasks of getting and using products and related services is the users total _. a.consumption system b.consumable system c. consistent use systemd.augmented system e. none of the above Answer: aPage 372 Level of difficulty: Medium7.Marketers have traditionally classified products on the basis of characteristics: _, tangibility, and use. a.customer value hierarchy b.expectedc.augmentedd. durability e. none of the aboveAnswer: d Page: 373 Level of difficulty: Hard8. When companies search for new ways to satisfy customers and distinguish their offering from others, they look at the _ product, which encompasses all the possible augmentations and transformations of the product. a. consumption system b. expectedc.potential d.augmentede. basicAnswer: c Page: 373 Level of difficulty: Hard9.The vast array of goods consumers buy can be classified on the basis of shopping habits. We can distinguish among convenience, _, specialty, and unsought goods. a. “must haves” b.impulse c.shopping d.businesse.functional Answer: cPage: 374 Level of difficulty: Easy10.The consumer usually purchases _ frequently, immediately, and with a minimum of effort. a.specialty goods b.shopping goods c.“must haves” goods d. personal goodse.convenience goodsAnswer: ePage: 374 Level of difficulty: Medium11. _ are similar in quality but different enough in price to justify shopping comparisons. a.Emergency goods b.Homogeneous shopping goodsc.Heterogeneous shopping goodsd.Specialty goodse. None of the above Answer: bPage: 374 Level of difficulty: Medium12. Examples of products such as insurance, cemetery plots, and smoke detectors, are examples of _ that are products that the consumer does not know about or does not normally think of buying. a. specialty goodsb.unsought goodsc. heterogeneous shopping goodsd.homogeneous shopping goods e. none of the above Answer: bPage: 374Level of difficulty: Hard13. Industrial-goods can be classified in terms of how they enter the production process and their relative costliness. We can distinguish three groups of industrial goods: _, capital items, and suppliers and business services. a. service componentsb. sub-assembliesc.pieces and partsd.specialty goodse. materials and partsAnswer: ePages: 374-375Level of difficulty: Medium14. Materials and parts are goods that enter the manufacturers product completely. They fall into two classes: _, and natural products. a. component parts b. raw materialsc. farm productsd.component materialse.none of the above Answer: bPage: 374Level of difficulty: Easy15.Capital items are long-lasting goods that facilitate developing or managing the finished product. They include two groups: installations and _. a.natural productsb. component materials c. operating suppliesd. equipmente. none of the aboveAnswer: dPage: 375 Level of difficulty: Medium16.Supplies and business services are short-term goods and services that facilitate _ or managing the finished product. a. inspecting b. developing c. buildingd. creating e. none of the aboveAnswer: bPage: 375Level of difficulty: Easy 17.Many products can be differentiated in terms of its _,size, shape, or physical structure. a.form b. performance quality c.conformance quality d.reliability e. designAnswer: aPage: 376Level of difficulty: Easy18.Most products can be offered with varying _ that supplement its basic function. a.reliability b.conformance qualitiesc.features d.formse.none of the above Answer: cPage: 376Level of difficulty: Easy19._ is the level at which the products primary characteristics operate. a. Design b.Conformance quality c.Reparability d.Performance quality e.None of the aboveAnswer: d Page: 376Level of difficulty: Easy20._ describes the products look and feel to the buyer; it has an advantage of creating distinctiveness that is/might be difficult to copy. a. Designb.Stylec.Durability d.Conformancee.none of the above Answer: bPage: 377Level of difficulty: Easy 21. In increasingly fast-paced markets, prices, and technology are not enough. _ is the factor that will often give a company its competitive edge and is defined as the totality of features that affect how a product looks and functions in terms of customer requirements. a. Services b.Performance c.Reliability d.Stylee.Design Answer: ePage: 377Level of difficulty: Hard22.When the physical product cannot be easily differentiated, the key to competitive success may lie in adding valued services and improving their quality. The main service differentiators are ordering ease, delivery, installation, _, customer consulting, maintenance, and repair. a.customer limiting b.customer ordersc.niche marketing d.customer training e. customer marketing Answer: dPage: 378 Level of difficulty: Hard23.Manufacturers, service providers, and retailers seek new designs to create differentiation and establish a more complete connection with consumers. _ recognize the emotional power of design and the importance to consumers of how things look and feel. a.Holistic marketers b. Savvy marketersc. Key marketersd.Integrated marketerse.None of the above Answer: aPage: 379Level of difficulty: Hard 24.Delivery refers to how well the product or service is delivered to the customer. It includes, speed, _, and care attending the delivery process. a.length of time for delivery b. type of delivery servicesc.attributesd. completenesse. accuracy Answer: ePage: 378 Level of difficulty: Easy25. _ refers to the training the customers employees to use the vendors equipment properly and efficiently. a. Customer trainingb. Internal marketing c.Client marketing d.Customer relationshipse.Technical training Answer: aPage: 379 Level of difficulty: Easy26._ refers to data, information systems, and advice services that the seller offers to their buyers. a.Sales force relationships b. Customer relationshipsc.Internal marketing d.Customer training e. Customer consultingAnswer: ePage: 380 Level of difficulty: Easy27. A product hierarchy stretches from basic needs to particular items that satisfy those needs. We can identify six levels of a products hierarchy to include all of the following EXCEPT _. a.need family b. product familyc.product classd.product line e. extended family Answer: ePages: 380381 Level of difficulty: Hard28. A _ is defined as a distinct unit within a brand or product line distinguishable by size, price, appearance, or some other attribute. a.stock keeping unit (SKU) b. UPC (uniform product code)c.stock unit (SU)d.product type e. none of the above Answer: aPage: 381Level of difficulty: Hard29.A _ is the set of all products and items a particular seller offers for sale. a.product lineb. product mixc.family of productsd.product systeme. product classAnswer: b Page: 381Level of difficulty: Easy30. The _ of the product mix refers to how closely related the various product lines are in end use, production requirements, distribution channels, or some other way. a.consistency b. depthc.widthd.length e. compositionAnswer: aPage: 381Level of difficulty: Hard 31.In offering a product line, companies normally develop a _ and modules that can be added to meet different customer requirements. a. convenience item b.“best selling” item c.staple itemd.producte.basic platform Answer: ePage: 382Level of difficulty: Medium32.A company can classify its products into four types that yield different gross margins, depending upon sales volume and promotional costs. In the case of personal computers, the four classifications include all EXCEPT _. a. core productb.shopping goods c.staplesd.specialtiese.convenience itemsAnswer: bPage: 382 Level of difficulty: Medium33.The main point in segmenting products into different classes is that companies should recognize that these items _ in the potential for being priced higher or advertised more as ways to increase sales, margins, or both. a.differb. are more elasticc. are less elasticd.respond to advertising differently e.none of the above Answer: aPage: 383 Level of difficulty: Easy34.A benefit of product mapping is that it identifies _. a. market matrixes b.target markets c. market segmentsd.consumerse.none of the aboveAnswer: cPage: 383Level of difficulty: Hard 35. Product-line analysis provides information for two key decision areasproduct-line length and _. a. product-length new itemsb. product-mix pricing c. product pricing d. popular pricing e.none of the aboveAnswer: bPage: 384 Level of difficulty: Hard36. _ occurs when a company lengthens its product line beyond its current range. a.Market reach b.Product reachc.Product adaptationsd.Line shrinking e. Line stretching Answer: ePage: 384 Level of difficulty: Easy37.When a company positioned in the “middle” market may want to introduce a lower-priced product line this is an example of _. a.product-line length b.up-market stretch c.down-market stretch d.maintenance e.none of the above Answer: cPage: 384 Level of difficulty: Easy 38.Companies that wish to enter the high end of the market can introduce products that cater to that market. This is an example of _. a. down-market stretch b. up-market stretch c. maintenance d. product-line length e. none of the above Answer: bPage: 385 Level of difficulty: Easy39.A product line can also be lengthened by adding more items within the present range. There are several motives for line filling: _, trying to satisfy dealers who complain about lost sales because of missing items in the line, trying to utilize excess capacity, and others. a. responding to senior management wishes b. responding to consumer wishesc. reaching for incremental profits d. reaching for incremental capacity e. responding to sales force demandsAnswer: cPage: 386 Level of difficulty: Hard40.If line filling is overdone it could result in _ and customer confusion. a. sales paralysis b.manufacturing inefficienciesc.self-cannibalization d.self-sacrificee.none of the above Answer: cPage: 386Level of difficulty: Easy41.Price-setting logic must be modified when the product is part of a product mix. In that case, the firm searches for a set of prices that _ profits on the total mix. a.is ineffective on total b.has no effect on total c.maximizesd. minimizese. capitalizes upon Answer: cPage: 387 Level of difficulty: Easy42.A company with many products must ensure that each of its products possess a _ with the consumer. a.status b.nichec. noticeable differenced.just-noticeable differencee.none of the above Answer: dPage: 386Level of difficulty: Easy43. With regards to product-line pricing, companies normally develop product lines rather than single products and introduce price steps. The sellers task is to establish _ quality differences between these price steps. a. imaginary b. actual c. perceivedd.monetary e.none of the above Answer: cPages: 387-388 Level of difficulty: Medium44. Some service firms often engage in _, consisting of a fixed fee plus a variable usage fee. a.pure bundling b. pure pricing c. mixed pricing d.captive pricing e. two-part pricingAnswer: ePage: 389 Level of difficulty: Easy 45.In _ the seller offers goods both individually and in bundles and often charges less for the “bundle” than for the individual products. a.pirating pricing b.captive pricing c. two-part pricingd.pure bundlinge. mixed bundlingAnswer: ePage: 389Level of difficulty: Medium46. Products are often combined with other products (from other companies or from other divisions) and this is called _. a. “in-house” branding b. two-part brandingc. co-brandingd. co-marketing e. cooperative advertising Answer: cPage: 390Level of difficulty: Easy47.The main advantage of co-branding is that a product may be convincingly positioned by virtue o