kotler03tifMarketing management习题.doc
Chapter 3: Gathering Information and Scanning the EnvironmentGENERAL CONCEPT QUESTIONSMultiple Choice 1.The major responsibility for identifying significant marketplace changes falls to the _. a.U.S. Department of Laborb.companys marketersc.American Marketing Associationd.industry lobby groups found in Washington, D.C.e.marketing research industryAnswer: bPage: 72Level of difficulty: Easy2.Marketers have extensive information about how consumption patterns vary across countries. On a per capita basis within Western Europe, the _ smoke the most cigarettes. a.Swissb.Greeksc.Irish d.Austrianse.FrenchAnswer: dPage: 72Level of difficulty: Hard3.All of the following questions EXCEPT _, would be considered to be forms of information needs probes. a.What decisions do you regularly make?b.What information do you need to make decisions?c.What data analysis programs would you want?d.What magazines and trade reports would you like to see on a regular basis?e.What products would be most closely matched to consumer needs? Answer: ePage: 73Level of difficulty: Medium4._ consists of people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing decision makers.a.A marketing information systemb.A marketing research systemc.A marketing intelligence systemd.A promotional campaigne.A marketing databaseAnswer: aPage: 73Level of difficulty: Medium5.The companys marketing information system should be a cross between what managers think they need, what managers really need, and _.a.what the marketing research department is able to dob.what consumers are willing to sharec.what the competition is doingd.what is acceptable industry practice e.what is economically feasibleAnswer: ePage: 73Level of difficulty: Medium6.Marketing managers rely on internal reports. By analyzing this information, they can spot _. a.micro-marketsb.opportunities and problemsc.macro-marketsd.competitive strategiese.consumer demographic unitsAnswer: bPage: 73Level of difficulty: Easy7.The heart of the internal records system is the _. a.databaseb.asset acquisition processc.order-to-payment cycle d.service consideratione.information liquidity ratioAnswer: cPage: 73Level of difficulty: Hard8. When a marketer “mines” his or her companys database, fresh insights can be gained into neglected customer segments, _, and other useful information. a.recent customer trendsb.long-term competitive trendsc.possible new inventionsd.possible new technologiese.new primary data possibilitiesAnswer: aPage: 74Level of difficulty: Medium9.The internal records system supplies results data, but the marketing intelligence system supplies _ data. a.concurrentb.secondary c.researchd.happeningse.premium Answer: dPage: 74Level of difficulty: Medium10.A _ is a set of procedures and sources managers use to obtain everyday information about developments in the marketing environment. a.marketing research systemb.marketing information systemc.product management systemd.marketing intelligence systeme.vertical system Answer: dPage: 74Level of difficulty: Medium11. A company can take several steps to improve the quality of its marketing intelligence. If the company purchases competitive products for study, attends open houses and trade shows, and reads competitors published reports and stockholder information, the company is using _ to improve the quality of its marketing intelligence. a.sales force surrogatesb.intermediariesc.external networks d.advisory panelse.customer feedback systemsAnswer: cPages: 7475Level of difficulty: Hard12. All of the following would be considered to be steps to improve the quality of marketing intelligence in a company EXCEPT _. a.a company can train and motivate the sales force to spot and report new developmentsb.a company can use guerrilla tactics such as going through a competitors trashc.a company can motivate intermediaries to pass along important informationd.a company can network externallye.a company can purchase information from outside suppliersAnswer: bPages: 7476Level of difficulty: Easy13.The 2000 U.S. census provides an in-depth look at the population swings, demographic groups, regional migrations, and changing family structure of 281+ million people. Which of the following steps to improve the quality of company marketing intelligence system would be most closely associated the above illustration? a.A company can purchase information from outside suppliers.b.A company can take advantage of government data sources.c.A company can use online customer feedback systems to collect data.d.A company can network externally.e.A company can use its sales force to collect and report data.Answer: bPage: 76Level of difficulty: Easy14. There are four main ways that marketers can find relevant online information on competitors products and weaknesses, and summary comments and overall performance rating of a product, service, or supplier. _ is(are) a type of site that is concentrated in financial services and high-tech products that require professional knowledge. a.Independent customer goods and service reviewsb.Distributor or sales agent feedback sitesc.Combo-sites offering customer reviews and expert opinionsd.Customer complaint sitese.Shopping bot service sitesAnswer: cPage: 77Level of difficulty: Hard15.A _ is “unpredictable, short-lived, and without social, economic, and political significance.”a.fadb.fashionc.trendd.megatrende.style Answer: aPage: 77Level of difficulty: Medium16.A _ is a direction or sequence of events that has some momentum and durability; the shape of the future is revealed and many opportunities are provided. a.fadb.fashionc.trendd.megatrende.styleAnswer: cPage: 77Level of difficulty: Hard17._ have been described as “large social, economic, political and technological changes that are slow to form, and once in place, they influence us for some timebetween seven and ten years, or longer.a.Fadsb.Fashionsc.Trendsd.Megatrendse.StylesAnswer: dPage: 77Level of difficulty: Medium18.Which of the following minority groups in the United States has been associated with one of the ten megatrends shaping the consumer landscape? a.African Americansb.Asian Americansc.European Americansd.Hispanic Americanse.Middle Eastern AmericansAnswer: dPage: 78Level of difficulty: Medium19.The beginning of the new century brought a series of new challenges. All of the following would be considered to be among those challenges EXCEPT _. a.a deterioration of innovative ideasb.steep decline of the stock marketc.increasing unemploymentd.corporate scandals e.the rise of terrorismAnswer: aPage: 78Level of difficulty: Medium20.With the rapidly changing global picture, the firm must monitor six major forces. All of the following would be among those forces EXCEPT _. a.demographicb.economicc.social-culturald.naturale.promotionalAnswer: ePage: 78Level of difficulty: Easy21. The main demographic force that marketers monitor is(are) _. a.suppliersb.competitorsc.communication (such as advertising)d.government reports dealing with birth rates e.population Answer: ePage: 79Level of difficulty: Easy22.The population explosion has been a source of major concern. Unchecked population growth and consumption could eventually result in all of the following EXCEPT _. a.insufficient food supplyb.depletion of key mineralsc.overcrowdingd.restrictions on competitione.pollutionAnswer: dPage: 79Level of difficulty: Easy23.One impact of explosive population growth is illustrated by the case of China. The Chinese government passed regulations limiting families to one child. One consequence of these regulations is that _. a.the children are so fussed over and spoiled that they become “little emperors”b.school enrollments are droppingc.the fledgling automotive business in China will not have customers in a few yearsd.open rebellion is being preachede.“child-oriented businesses” have few customersAnswer: aPage: 80Level of difficulty: Medium24.A significant fact about population growth and population shifts is that in 2004 or 2005, _.a.the youth market will exceed that of the adult marketb.people over the age of 60 will outnumber those under five years of age c.baby boomers will be eclipsed by Gen X young adultsd.most age group segments will be about equale.Gen Y young adults will surpass the baby boomers as the largest age segmentAnswer: bPage: 80Level of difficulty: Hard25.Which of the following age groups is thought to control three-quarters of the countrys wealth? a.020 age segmentb.60+ age segmentc.2030 age segmentd.3040 age segmente.40+ age segmentAnswer: ePage: 81Level of difficulty: Hard26.At one time the United States was called a “melting pot” society because of the number of different cultures that were integrated into the U.S. culture. Today, the United States is described as a _ society because many ethnic groups are maintaining their ethnic differences, neighborhoods, and cultures. a.“boiling pot”b.“salad bowl”c.“banana split”d.“doubled up”e.“non-communicative”Answer: bPage: 81Level of difficulty: Medium27.According to the 2000 census, the U.S. population of 276.2 million was 72 percent white and _ percent African American. The remainder consisted of Hispanic Americans and other minorities. a.20 b.18c.15d.13e.11Answer: dPage: 81Level of difficulty: Hard28.Diversity goes beyond ethnic and racial markets. More than _ million Americans have disabilities, and they constitute a market for home delivery companies (and others). a.50 b.40c.30d.20e.10Answer: aPage: 83Level of difficulty: Hard29.Which of the following countries is known for having 99 percent of its population literate? a.Englandb.Germanyc.Franced.United Statese.JapanAnswer: ePage: 83Level of difficulty: Medium30.The _ household consists of a husband, wife, and children (and sometimes grandparents). a.“traditional”b.“extended”c.“diversity”d.“modern”e.“revised” Answer: aPage: 83Level of difficulty: Medium 31.Married couple householdsthe dominant cohort since the formulation of the United Stateshas slipped from nearly 80 percent in the 1950s to around _ percent today. a.70b.60c.50d.40e.35Answer: cPage: 83Level of difficulty: Hard32.The twenty-first century saw _ markets grow more rapidly again due to a higher birth rate, a lower death rate, and rapid growth from foreign immigration. a.suburbanb.urbanc.rurald.coastale.secondaryAnswer: bPage: 84Level of difficulty: Medium33.The movement by population to the _ has lessened the demand for warm clothing and home heating equipment and increased demand for air conditioning. a.Grainbeltb.Pacific Northwestc.Sunbeltd.Mid-Coastal arease.HeartlandAnswer: cPage: 84Level of difficulty: Easy34.Marketers look at where consumers are gathering. Almost one in _ people over the age of five (120 million) moved at least one time between 1995 and 2000, according to a Census 2000 brief. a.twob.threec.four d.fivee.tenAnswer: aPage: 85Level of difficulty: Hard 35.In which of the following economies would we expect to find few opportunities for marketers? a.Industrializing economies.b.Land-locked economies.c.Raw-material-exporting economies.d.Industrial economies.e.Subsistence economies.Answer: ePage: 86Level of difficulty: Easy36. According to information presented in the text, which of the following countries is surprisingly a very good market for Lamborghini automobiles (costing more than $150,000) because of the number of wealthy families that can afford expensive cars. a.Greeceb.Switzerlandc.Hollandd.Russiae.PortugalAnswer: ePage: 86Level of difficulty: Hard37.Over the past three decades in the United States, the rich have grown richer and the middle class has _. a.stayed about the sameb.shrunkc.increased slightlyd.matched the rich in terms of relative growthe.been ignored because of problems with the poorer classes Answer: bPage: 86Level of difficulty: Medium38._ shapes the beliefs, values, and norms that largely define the tastes and preferences. a.Marketingb.The mass mediac.Governmentd.Production innovation and engineeringe.SocietyAnswer: ePage: 87Level of difficulty: Medium39.If a consumer lives the lifestyle of a “pleasure seeker” or goes on a “self-realization” quest, he or she is expressing what is called _. a.views of othersb.views of societyc.views of themselvesd.views of organizationse.views of the universeAnswer: cPages: 8788Level of difficulty: Easy40.According to the information found in the social-cultural environment, with respect to views of others, _ are considered to be things that allow people who are alone to feel they are not (e.g., television, home video games, and chat rooms on the Internet). a.social surrogatesb.subliminal fantasiesc.relationship avoidanced.primary productse.secondary productsAnswer: aPage: 88Level of difficulty: Medium41.Today, corporations need to make sure that they are good corporate citizens and that their consumer messages are honest. Such a view would be consistent with which of the following views? a.Views of others.b.Views of organizations.c.Views of themselves.d.Views of the universe.e.Views of society.Answer: bPage: 88Level of difficulty: Easy42.People vary in their attitudes toward their society. _ usually live more frugally, drive smaller cars, and wear simpler clothing. a.Makersb.Escapersc.Seekersd.Changerse.DevelopersAnswer: dPage: 88Level of difficulty: Hard43.People vary in their attitudes toward society and react accordingly. _ are a major market for movies, music, surfing, and camping. a.Makersb.Preservers c.Escapersd.Changers e.DevelopersAnswer: cPage: 88Level of difficulty: Easy44.All