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    Please Take Notes For The Change Of Subscriber & 1st Secretary/Founder Member And 1st Director For Companies Incorporated In 2011, Founder Member & 1st Director Is Gnl11 Ltd. (Cr No. 1541147), 1st Secretary Is Gsl11 Ltd. (Cr No. 1541101) For Companies Incorporated in 2012, Founder Member & 1st Director is GNL12 Ltd. (Cr No. 1690134), 1st Secretary Is GSL12 Ltd. (Cr No. 1690138)Reminder: Both Address have changedCompany With English Name Only E 2047 Art Chain Ltd (08/12) E 2720 Treasure Action Ltd (09/12) E 2930 Champ Standard Ltd (10/12) E 3067 Brilliant Achieve Ltd (10/12) E 3300 Ease Effort Ltd (10/12) E 3309 Lead Chain Ltd (10/12) E 3311 Mighty Ascent Ltd (10/12) E 3316 Welly Focus Ltd (10/12) E 3493 Billion Shiny Ltd (11/12) E 3496 Fully Bond Ltd (11/12) 有限公司 Ltd E 2686 光達行有限公司 Glory Sunlight Ltd (09/12) E 2748 確益有限公司 Sure Nice Corporation Ltd (09/12) E 2873 雋榮有限公司 Fame Grace Corporation Ltd (09/12) E 2897 京時有限公司 Capital Era Ltd (10/12) E 2912 添誼有限公司 More Linkage Ltd (10/12) E 3326 確雋有限公司 Grand Grace Corporation Ltd (10/12) E 3342 添鵬有限公司 Vast Champion Ltd (10/12) E 3343 優鵬有限公司 Vast Nice Ltd (10/12) E 3353 宜鵬有限公司 Ease Vast Ltd (10/12) E 3364 揚富有限公司 Spread Rich Ltd (10/12) E 3470 協安有限公司 Allied Team Corporation Ltd (11/12) E 3574 懋財有限公司 Charm Wealthy Ltd (11/12) E 3587 迎威有限公司 Leader Power Ltd (11/12) E 3589 吉圖有限公司 Lucky Planner Ltd (11/12) E 3591 佰圖有限公司 Mighty Will Ltd (11/12) E 3593 萬佳勝有限公司 Million Fine Ltd (11/12) E 3600 輝藝有限公司 Art Charm Corporation Ltd (11/12) E 3601 堅泰有限公司 Bright Huge Ltd (11/12) E 3602 中本有限公司 Capital China Corporation Ltd (11/12) E 3604 恒元有限公司 Eternal Era Corporation Ltd (11/12) E 3606 獲利有限公司 Gain Act Ltd (11/12) E 3607 鉅雅有限公司 Great Vast Corporation Ltd (11/12) E 3608 年誠有限公司 Honest Era Ltd (11/12) E 3609 巨澤有限公司 Huge Benefit Corporation Ltd (11/12) E 3610 盛穎有限公司 Joy Huge Ltd (11/12) E 3611 佳國有限公司 Nice Country Ltd (11/12) E 3612 弘海有限公司 Ocean Spread Ltd (11/12) E 3613 大澤有限公司 Profit Grand Ltd (11/12) E 3614 創銀有限公司 Silver Creative Ltd (11/12) E 3617 優聯有限公司 Team Nice Corporation Ltd (11/12) E 3618 全聯有限公司 Total Line Ltd (11/12) E 3619 真龍有限公司 True Dragon Corporation Ltd (11/12) E 3620 頂冠有限公司 Upper Crown Corporation Ltd (11/12) E 3621 康尚有限公司 Upper Wealthy Ltd (11/12) E 3622 溢麗有限公司 Wonder Harvest Ltd (11/12) Q 7202 旺希有限公司 Bloom Wish Ltd (03/12) 編號為"G"字的公司註冊資本為一百萬 G 2148 康駿國際發展 Wealth Talent International Development Ltd (08/12) G 2152 福華(香港)實業 China Luck (HK) Industrial Ltd (08/12) G 3242 興福國際(香港) Sure Luck International (HK) Ltd (10/12) G 1279 藝益國際貿易 Best Art International Trading Ltd (07/12) G 2850 浩興國際貿易 Grand Success International Trading Ltd (10/12) G 2855 宏興投資(香港) Great Success Investment (HK) Ltd (10/12) G 3248 威順創富投資 Able Power Capital Investment Ltd (10/12) G 3253 星運創富投資 Star Luck Capital Investment Ltd (10/12) G 3254 凱威創富投資 Win Power Capital Investment Ltd (10/12) 亞太 Asia Pacific K 2423 保聯亞太 Sure Team Asia Pacific Ltd (09/12) K 3129 創華亞太 China Champ Asia Pacific Ltd (10/12) K 3131 長興亞太 Long Success Asia Pacific Ltd (10/12) 創建 Creation K 1215 啟德創建 Moral Trend Creation Ltd (07/12) K 2238 裕聯創建 Allied Fortune Creation Ltd (09/12) K 2239 聯天創建 Allied Sky Creation Ltd (09/12) K 2245 益輝創建 Good Bright Creation Ltd (09/12) K 2604 威益創建 Able Well Creation Ltd (09/12) K 2608 偉鵬創建 Great Huge Creation Ltd (09/12) K 2611 麗達創建 Nice Step Creation Ltd (09/12) K 3259 東怡創建 East Joy Creation Ltd (10/12) P 7071 萬龍創建 Million Dragon Creation Ltd (03/12) 創富 Capital Investment K 1349 恒美創富 Forever Nice Capital Investment Ltd (07/12) K 2426 恒麗創富 Eternal Nice Capital Investment Ltd (09/12) K 2431 天麗創富 Nice Sky Capital Investment Ltd (09/12) K 2753 益達創富 Best Trend Capital Investment Ltd (10/12) K 2760 嘉耀創富 Sun Joy Capital Investment Ltd (10/12) K 3140 保聯創富 Sure Team Capital Investment Ltd (10/12) 興業 Corporation K 2617 正豐興業 Full Right Corporation Ltd (09/12) P 6805 朗寶興業 Bright Treasure Corporation Ltd (03/12) 投資 Investment K 1227 福誼投資 Ease Luck Investment Ltd (07/12) K 2436 運宜投資 Ease Chance Investment Ltd (09/12) K 3157 順欣投資 Grace Line Investment Ltd (10/12) K 3158 彩揚投資 Grand Rainbow Investment Ltd (10/12) K 3170 吉勝投資 Winner Luck Investment Ltd (10/12) K 3370 眾佳投資 Ace Group Investment Ltd (11/12) K 3372 藝福投資 Art Able Investment Ltd (11/12) K 3375 信惠投資 Faith Wise Investment Ltd (11/12) K 3376 信滿投資 Fully Faith Investment Ltd (11/12) K 3377 駿欣投資 Grace Smart Investment Ltd (11/12) K 3378 首福投資 Head Luck Investment Ltd (11/12) K 3380 鉅晉投資 Huge Ascent Investment Ltd (11/12) K 3381 威嘉投資 Joy Able Investment Ltd (11/12) K 3382 輝欣投資 Joy Brilliant Investment Ltd (11/12) K 3386 達添投資 More Trend Investment Ltd (11/12) K 3387 騰軒投資 Rise High Investment Ltd (11/12) K 3513 裕力亞太投資 Able Power Asia Investment Ltd (11/12) K 3517 天揚亞太投資 Wide Sky Asia Investment Ltd (11/12) 發展 Development K 1745 鵬隆發展 Vast Champ Development Ltd (08/12) K 1984 漢明發展 Sunny China Development Ltd (08/12) K 2257 浩堅發展 Grand Strong Development Ltd (09/12) K 2258 浩昌發展 Huge Champ Development Ltd (09/12) K 2963 藝彩發展 Art Grace Development Ltd (10/12) K 2968 浩順發展 Great Express Development Ltd (10/12) K 2969 浩興發展 Huge Bloom Development Ltd (10/12) K 2975 鵬滙發展 Vast Team Development Ltd (10/12) K 3392 建迅發展 Fast Creation Development Ltd (11/12) K 3393 振凱發展 Giant Win Development Ltd (11/12) K 3394 宏善發展 Great Kind Development Ltd (11/12) K 3396 沛銘發展 Harvest Fame Development Ltd (11/12) K 3397 輝欣發展 Joy Shine Development Ltd (11/12) K 3398 啓康發展 Key Wealth Development Ltd (11/12) K 3399 港懋發展 Kong Charm Development Ltd (11/12) K 3404 可譽發展 Total Famous Development Ltd (11/12) K 3406 名高發展 Trend Fame Development Ltd (11/12) K 3407 顯智發展 Trendwise Development Ltd (11/12) K 3408 佳際發展 Well Zone Development Ltd (11/12) K 1423 威鵬國際發展 Able Vast International Development Ltd (07/12) K 3178 昇隆國際發展 Rise Success International Development Ltd (10/12) K 3180 盈通國際發展 Surplus Express International Development Ltd (10/12) K 3519 龍景國際發展 Dragon View International Development Ltd (11/12) K 3521 啟佳國際發展 Keywell International Development Ltd (11/12) K 3522 新輝國際發展 New Fine International Development Ltd (11/12) 企業 Enterprise K 9524 沛益企業 Nice Well Enterprise Ltd (06/12) K 1627 冠保企業 Huge Crown Enterprise Ltd (08/12) K 1629 沛威企業 Max Able Enterprise Ltd (08/12) K 2273 懋康企業 Charm Wealth Enterprise Ltd (09/12) K 2278 福鵬企業 Luck Vast Enterprise Ltd (09/12) K 2280 利志企業 Nice Will Enterprise Ltd (09/12) K 2788 迅榮企業 Fast Fame Enterprise Ltd (10/12) K 2791 興來企業 Loyal Bloom Enterprise Ltd (10/12) K 2792 盛潤企業 Max Benefit Enterprise Ltd (10/12) K 2793 保創企業 Most Creation Enterprise Ltd (10/12) K 2794 宏田企業 Vast Field Enterprise Ltd (10/12) K 3409 寳興企業 Able Wealth Enterprise Ltd (11/12) K 3410 巨益企業 Big Well Enterprise Ltd (11/12) K 3411 偉創企業 Champ Creation Enterprise Ltd (11/12) K 3413 勝欣企業 Happy Winner Enterprise Ltd (11/12) K 3414 威時企業 King Time Enterprise Ltd (11/12) K 3415 建昇企業 Rise Concept Enterprise Ltd (11/12) K 3418 凱帝企業 Win King Enterprise Ltd (11/12) K 2800 佳萬國際企業 Well Master International Enterprise Ltd (10/12) K 3523 銘威國際企業 Able Power International Enterprise Ltd (11/12) K 3524 兆榮國際企業 Billion Fame International Enterprise Ltd (11/12) K 3525 瑞來國際企業 Loyal Fortune International Enterprise Ltd (11/12) K 3527 智得國際企業 Top Wise International Enterprise Ltd (11/12) 實業 Industrial K 1900 興懋實業 Charm Success Industrial Ltd (08/12) K 2634 懋康實業 Charm Wealth Industrial Ltd (09/12) K 2635 名駿實業 Fame Smart Industrial Ltd (09/12) K 2640 富銀實業 Rich Silver Industrial Ltd (09/12) K 2642 展達實業 Wide Trend Industrial Ltd (09/12) K 3260 榮聯實業 Allied Famous Industrial Ltd (10/12) K 3261 采裕實業 Grace Luck Industrial Ltd (10/12) K 3262 浩順實業 Grand Trend Industrial Ltd (10/12) K 3263 帝景實業 Kingview Industrial Ltd (10/12) K 9823 景康實業 Wealth View Industrial Ltd (06/12) K 1432 天麗(香港)實業 Nice Sky (HK) Industrial Ltd (07/12) K 2803 耀福(香港)實業 Bright Luck (HK) Industrial Ltd (10/12) K 2806 譽美(香港)實業 Nice Fame (HK) Industrial Ltd (10/12) K 9880 佳懋國際實業 Good Charm International Industrial Ltd (06/12) K 1433 億盛國際實業 Billion Max International Industrial Ltd (07/12) K 2812 添利國際實業 Able Profit International Industrial Ltd (10/12) K 2816 銳龍國際實業 Dragon Express International Industrial Ltd (10/12) 國際 International K 1913 懋揚國際 Charm Spread International Ltd (08/12) K 2456 運宜國際 Ease Chance International Ltd (09/12) K 2987 漢益國際 Nice China International Ltd (10/12) K 3419 可譽國際 Able Famous International Ltd (11/12) K 3431 輝欣國際 Joy Shine International Ltd (11/12) K 3432 銳時國際 Keen Era International Ltd (11/12) K 3434 添恒國際 More Way International Ltd (11/12) P 7121 興天國際 Bloom Sky International Ltd (03/12) 中國 China K 1493 銀進(中國) Silver Express (China) Ltd (07/12) K 1496 耀揚(中國) Wide Bright (China) Ltd (07/12) K 2645 福麗(中國) Champ Luck (China) Ltd (09/12) K 2647 龍裕(中國) Nice Dragon (China) Ltd (09/12) K 2991 添寶(中國) Able Treasure (China) Ltd (10/12) K 2992 藝彩(中國) Art Grace (China) Ltd (10/12) K 2995 駿兆(中國) Champ Billion (China) Ltd (10/12) K 3000 智興(中國) Wise Success (China) Ltd (10/12) K 9662 達裕(中國) Lucky Step (China) Ltd (06/12) 亞洲 Asia K 9671 威得亞洲 Earn Best Asia Ltd (06/12) K 9678 創旺亞洲 Success Concept Asia Ltd (06/12) K 1501 銳發亞洲 Sharp Rich Asia Ltd (07/12) K 2657 盛騰亞洲 Rise Trend Asia Ltd (09/12) K 3267 永朗亞洲 Ever Glory Asia Ltd (10/12) K 3269 偉景亞洲 Giant View Asia Ltd (10/12) K 3270 鴻利亞洲 Glory Profit Asia Ltd (10/12) K 3271 添利亞洲 More Profit Asia Ltd (10/12) K 3273 聯福亞洲 United Luck Asia Ltd (10/12) K 3274 輝智亞洲 Wise Bright Asia Ltd (10/12) 香港 Hong Kong K 1384 麗駿(香港) Nice Smarft (Hong Kong) Ltd (07/12) K 2468 捷星(香港) Express Star (Hong Kong) Ltd (09/12) K 3004 威名(香港) Fame Excel (Hong Kong) Ltd (10/12) K 3439 威堡(香港) Able Castle (Hong Kong) Ltd (11/12) K 3440 時威(香港) Able Time (Hong Kong) Ltd (11/12) K 3442 兆銀(香港) Billion Silver (Hong Kong) Ltd (11/12) K 3444 華元(香港) China Time (Hong Kong) Ltd (11/12) K 3445 順欣(香港) Easy Grace (Hong Kong) Ltd (11/12) K 3446 浩順(香港) Grand Easy (Hong Kong) Ltd (11/12) K 3447 瑞欣(香港) Happy Luck (Hong Kong) Ltd (11/12) K 3452 保益(香港) Well Sure (Hong Kong) Ltd (11/12) K 3453 智彩(香港) Wise Grace (Hong Kong) Ltd (11/12) K 2479 友興國際(香港) Loyal Bloom International (HK) Ltd (09/12) K 3181 好彩國際(香港) Able Lucky International (HK) Ltd (10/12) K 3184 威益國際(香港) Good Power International (HK) Ltd (10/12) K 3186 宏溢國際(香港) Grand Harvest International (HK) Ltd (10/12) K 3187 盛得國際(香港) Max Earn International (HK) Ltd (10/12) 集團 Holdings K 2823 得駿集團 Gain Smart Holdings Ltd (10/12) K 2826 駿鵬集團 Great Talent Holdings Ltd (10/12) K 3283 建萬集團 Mega Creation Holdings Ltd (10/12) K 3528 裕麗集團 Able Nice Holdings Ltd (11/12) K 3530 藝福集團 Art Treasure Holdings Ltd (11/12) K 3531 忠億集團 Billion Moral Holdings Ltd (11/12) K 3534 佳喜集團 Good Grace Holdings Ltd (11/12) K 3535 裕欣集團 Joy Able Holdings Ltd (11/12) K 3536 天陽集團 Sunny Top Holdings Ltd (11/12) K 3537 佳堡集團 Well Castle Holdings Ltd (11/12) K 9231 譽興集團 Nice Fame Holdings Ltd (05/12) K 2484 威廸集團控股 Able Talent Group Holdings Ltd (09/12) K 2485 佳隆集團控股 Able Well Group Holdings Ltd (09/12) K 2491 浩昌集團控股 Great Champ Group Holdings Ltd (09/12) K 3538 盈通集團控股 Able Surplus Group Holdings Ltd (11/12) K 3539 華成集團控股 China Success Group Holdings Ltd (11/12) K 3192 威益國際集團 Able Nice International Holdings Ltd (10/12) K 3543 輝鴻國際集團 Honour Bright International Holdings Ltd (11/12) K 3544 裕麗國際集團 Joy Nice International Holdings Ltd (11/12) K 3545 興溢國際集團 Max Glory International Holdings Ltd (11/12) K 3547 星利國際集團 Star Profit International Holdings Ltd (11/12) 貿易 Trading K 2021 裕京貿易 Fame Capital Trading Ltd (08/12) K 3015 浩順貿易 Great Easy Trading Ltd (10/12) K 3016 銳鷹貿易 Keen Eagle Trading Ltd (10/12) K 3455 博利貿易 Champ Profit Trading Ltd (11/12) K 3456 康潤貿易 Earn Wealth Trading Ltd (11/12) K 3457 威銘貿易 Fame Power Trading Ltd (11/12) K 3464 佰得貿易 Mega Earn Trading Ltd (11/12) K 3467 勝欣貿易 Winjoy Trading Ltd (11/12) K 3548 聯盈(香港)貿易 Allied Surplus (HK) Trading Ltd (11/12) K 3550 港佳(香港)貿易 Kongwell (HK) Trading Ltd (11/12) 工程 Engineering, Construction K 1676 泰成建築工程 Grand Success Construction Engineering Ltd (08/12) K 2838 德達建築工程 Moral Construction Engineering Ltd (10/12) K 3553 威時建築工程 Best Time Construction Engineering Ltd (11/12) K 3554 得標建築工程 Good Target Construction Engineering Ltd (11/12) K 3555 順基建築工程 Well Base Construction Engineering Ltd (11/12) 船務, 運輸 Shipping, Transportation K 3211 榮星船務 Brilliant Star Shipping Ltd (10/12) K 3212 華彩船務 China Grace Shipping Ltd (10/12) K 3213 明威船務 Future Shipping Ltd (10/12) K 3215 天寶船務 Sky Treasure Shipping Ltd (10/12) K 1936 進達運輸 Trend Transportation Ltd (08/12) K 3217 富龍運輸 Rich Dragon Transportation Ltd (10/12) K 8275 高駿運輸 Smart Top Transportation Ltd (04/12) 物流 Logistics K 1056 達威物流 Able Step Logistics Ltd (06/12) K 1059 力恒物流 Forever Power Logistics Ltd (06/12) 電子, 科技 Electronics, Technology K 2326 永麗科技 Ever Nice Technology Ltd (09/12) K 3024 中沛科技 Full China Technology Ltd (10/12) K 2526 勝達科技發展 Win Trend Technology Development Ltd (09/12) K 3556 明威科技發展 Fine Power Technology Development Ltd (11/12) K 3557 金銳科技發展 Keen Gold Technology Development Ltd (11/12) K 3558 升騰科技發展 Rise Top Technology Development Ltd (11/12) K 3560 智域科技發展 Wise Zone Technology Development Ltd (11/12) K 3561 潤華電子 China Profit Electronics Ltd (11/12) K 3562 星達電子 Star Trend Electronics Ltd (11/12) K 2527 寶力電子科技 Able Wealth Technology Development Ltd (09/12) K 2528 惠泰電子科技 Grand Wise Technology Development Ltd (09/12) 財務 Finance K 1937 順益財務 Easy Well Finance Ltd (08/12) 置業 Properties K 2531 東威置業 East Power Properties Ltd (09/12) K 2673 滙昌置業 Allied Charm Properties Ltd (09/12) K 3026 寶興置業 Able Treasure Properties Ltd (10/12) K 3027 惠佳置業 Able Wise Properties Ltd (10/12) K 3028 昌榮置業 Champ Fame Properties Ltd (10/12) K 3034 佳億置業 Nice Billion Properties Ltd (10/12) 顧問, 管理 Consultants, Management K 1258 廣富顧問 Grand Rich Consultants Ltd (07/12) K 3563 耀城管理 Able City Management Ltd (11/12) K 3565 順豐管理 Easy Max Management Ltd (11/12) K 3567 康城管理 Wealth City Management Ltd (11/12) 製衣 Garment K 8320 金富製衣 Golden Rich Garment Ltd (04/12) K 2045 廣威製衣 Grand Power Garment Ltd (08/12) K 3568 金成製衣 Golden Success Garment Ltd (11/12) K 3569 彩豐製衣 Max Colour Garment Ltd (11/12)


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