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    建设银行银行对私业务柜面英语对话第一部分:大堂经理基本对话:(场景一)A: 您需要什么服务吗? May I help you?B: 是的。请问你们这儿兑换外币吗? Yes. Do you exchange foreign money here?A: 是。我行经授权可以办理外汇兑换业务Yes. Our bank is authorized to deal with the foreign exchange business.B:你们银行可以兑换哪些币种?What kinds of currencies do you change?A: 目前我行兑换八种货币,主要有美元、日元、港币、欧元、英镑等。 Currently, we change eight currencies, namely, U.S. dollars, Japanese yen, H.K. dollars, European euro and Pounds sterling, etc. B: 您能告诉我今天的美元汇率是多少吗?Could you tell me what todays exchange rate for US dollars is?A: 银行现钞买入价是每一百美元换672.55元人民币。The cash buying rate is 672.55 RMB for 100 dollars. B: 我想换一些美元来支付我的一些费用。I want to change some US dollars to cover my expenses here.A: 请跟我到2号外汇柜台办理业务。Please follow me to the foreign exchange counter, that is, counter No. 2. B: 谢谢.Thank you.(场景二)A:您需要什么服务吗?What Can I do for you?B:请问我的卡能在这里取钱吗?Can I draw money with my card here?A:您的卡可以在我行的自助存取款机上取钱,请跟我来。You can draw money by using our automatic tellers machine. Follow me, please. (场景三)A:您需要什么服务吗?Can I help you?B:我想从我的存折里取些钱I want to draw some money from my passbook. A:请您先取号排队,在这稍等片刻,很快就到您了。Please take a number and wait until your number is called. New Words:1. Japanese yen n. 日元2. H.K dollars n. 港币3. European euro n. 欧元4. Pounds sterling n. 英镑5. exchange rate n. 汇率6. cash buying rate 现钞买入价7. counter n. 柜台8. automatic tellers machine (ATM) 自动柜员机9. passbook n. 存折10. take a number 取号Notes:1. May I help you? 您需要什么服务?这是银行柜面人员及其他服务人员的招呼语。与此意思相同的不同表达方式还有:Can I help you?我能为您效劳吗?Can I do anything for you?我能为您做些什么事吗? Is there anything I can do for you?需要我为您做点儿什么吗?What can I do for you?您想办理什么业务?2. be authorized to deal with经授权可办理业务3. cover ones expenses 支付某人的费用第二部分:柜员基本对话:一、 个人结汇业务(场景一)A: 您想办理什么业务?What can I do for you?B: 我想兑换一些美元。今天美元兑人民币的汇率是多少?Yes. Id like to change some US dollars. Whats todays rate of US dollars to RMB?A: 每一百美元兑672.55元人民币。Its 672.55 RMB per hundred US dollars.A: 您要兑换多少?How much would you like to change?B: 总共200美元。200 US dollars total.A: 让我看一下您的护照好吗?Would you mind showing me your passport?B: 好的,给你。 Here you are. A:请问美元兑换后人民币用途是什么?Whats your purpose for converting U.S. dollars into RMB?B:用在旅游。For traveling. A: 请稍候,我尽快为您办理。Please wait a moment. I will do it for you as soon as possible.A:收好您的护照、兑换水单、人民币现金,请核对。Here is your passport, exchange memo and the cash in RMB. Please check it. B:没错。Thats good.A:欢迎您再次光临。Hope to see you again.(场景二)若超过年度总额结汇,需要求境外个人出相关证明材料,以下为对话A:先生/女士,因为您今年结汇的金额超过5万美元,需要您出具相关证明材料?Sir/Madam, as the amount of your foreign exchange settlement this year is over 50000 U.S. dollars; you are required to show us the related proof documents.B:需要哪些材料?Which kind of documents?A:请问您兑换后人民币的用途是什么? Please tell me your purpose for foreign exchange settlement.(由于政策的不同,需要不同的表达方式)1、B:用来买车和装璜.For car purchasing and decoration. A: 那需要买车和装璜的合同或发票。In that case, the contract or invoice for car purchasing and decoration are needed.B:哦,我没有带材料,可以通融一下吗?Oh, I havent taken the documents with me. Could you please do me a favor?A;对不起,这是国家外汇管理局相关政策的规定,我们银行是必须要执行的,没有相关证明材料是不可以办理的。Sorry, according to the relative policies made by State Administration of Foreign Exchange, our bank can not do this without related documents. B:明白了,我回去拿材料后再来办理。I see. Ill get the documents and come here later. A:好的,谢谢你的光临。Ok, thanks for coming.2、B:付房屋的租赁费用。 For paying house leasing fees. A:那需要房屋管理部门登记的房屋租赁合同、发票或支付通知In that case, house leasing contracts, invoices or payment advices registered with the house administration departments are needed. 3、B:支付医药费。For paying medical expenses. A:你需要给我医院的收费发票。Please show me the hospitals invoices.4、B:是付给学校的学费和杂费。 For paying tuition fees and other expenses. A:那需要学校的收费证明.In that case, the universitys proof for collecting fees is needed. B:好的,这是我的相关材料。All right, these are the related documents. A:我现在就为你办理,请稍候。Ill do it for you right now, please wait a moment. A:请问您兑换的人民币是取现金还是存储蓄?What are you gonging to do with the RMB exchanged? To withdraw cash or deposit at our bank?B:存在你们银行。Deposit at your bank.A:请问您在我行有储蓄帐户吗?Do you have a savings account at our bank?B:还没有。Not yet. A:我行有定活两便、通知存款、定期存款、活期存款,您喜欢哪一个?We offer variable term deposit, notice deposit, fixed deposit and current deposit. Which one would you like? B:活期存款。Current deposit.A:好的。我立刻就为您办理。(办理活期存款对话参考场景九)Ill do that for you right now.A:收好您的护照、存折,兑换水单和材料,请核对。Here are your passport, passbook exchange memo and the documents. Please check them. B:没问题。No problem.(场景三)如果上述结汇单笔等值5万美元以上的,应将结汇所得人民币资金直接划转至交易对方的境内人民币账户, 以下为对话:A: 先生/女士,因为您结汇单笔等值在5万美元以上,我们需要把结汇人民币资金直接划转到您交易对方的人民币账户,根据您的发票(合同)上注明的情况,该结汇的人民币资金25.3万元将划转到收款人南京大学,收款银行为南京交行新街口分行,帐号是342105,请您核对一下? Sir/Madam, as the amount of your foreign exchange settlement is above 50,000 U.S. dollars, we have to transfer the converted RMB funds directly to your counterpartys RMB account. According to your invoice/contract, the converted funds of RMB 253,000 will be transferred to Nanjing University whose bank is the Xinjiekou branch of Bank of Communications and the account number is 342105. Please check it. B:不可以把结汇人民币资金存入我的梅花卡上吗?Is it possible to deposit the converted RMB funds to my plum card?A:对不起,这是外汇政策的要求,结汇人民币资金必须直接划转到您交易对方的人民币账户。Sorry, according to the foreign exchange policies, the converted RMB funds should be transferred directly to your counterpartys RMB account.B:我明白了。那请将结汇的人民币划到交行新街口分行的南京大学。I see. Then please transfer the converted RMB to Nanjing universitys bank, the Xinjiekou branch of Bank of Communications.A:非常感谢您合作,收好您的护照、划款回单,兑换水单和证明材料,请检查一下。Thank you very much for your cooperation. These are your passport, slip, memo and proof documents. Please check them.B:没错,谢谢你。No problem. Thank you.A: 欢迎你再次光临。 Youre welcome.(场景四)A: 您需要什么服务吗? May I help you?(Can I help you?/What can I do for you?)B:我有200美元需要兑换成人民币。I want to convert 200 US dollars into Chinese yuan.A: 好的All right. B: 美元的汇率是多少?What is the exchange rate for the US Dollar?A: 今天的现钞买入价是每一百美元兑换627.55元人民币。您带护照了吗?Todays rate for cash purchase is 627.55 RMB for 100 US dollars. Do you have your passport with you?B: 带了,给您。我能换多少人民币?Yes. Here you are. How much RMB will I get?A: 让我算一下。200美元可以换1255.1元人民币。等一会您就能拿到钱 Let me see. 200 US dollars makes 1255.1 RMB. Youll receive the money in a moment. B: 不着急。 No hurry.(Please take your time)A:请问美元兑换后人民币用途是什么?Would you mind telling me your purpose of changing U.S. dollars into RMB?B:买一些生活用品。 To buy some daily necessities.A: 这是现金、护照和外汇兑换水单。请核对一下。 Here is the cash、 passport and exchange memo ,Please check it.B:没错。 It is correct.A: 顺便提醒一下,保管好您的兑换单,离开中国时您可以把未用完的人民币兑换成外币。By the way, keep your exchange memo safe. You may convert the unused RMB back into foreign currency when you leave China.B: 我知道了,谢谢您的提醒。 I see. Thanks for the information.A: 不客气。 Not at all.New Words:1. passport n. 护照2. exchange memo n. 兑换水单3. foreign exchange settlement 结汇4. proof documents 证明材料5. contract n. 合同6. invoice n. 发票7. State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) 国家外汇管理局8. medical expenses 医药费9. tuition fees 学费10. savings account 储蓄账户11. variable term deposit 定活两便存款12. notice deposit 通知存款13. fixed deposit 定期存款14. current deposit 活期存款15. counterparty n. 交易对方16. account number 帐号17. plum card 梅花卡18. slip n. 回单19. daily necessities 生活用品Notes:1. Id =I would (should): 我愿意比I want to 语气委婉。2. convertinto 把兑换为3. as soon as possible 尽快4. do somebody a favor 此处意为帮某人通融一下5. according to 根据 例:According to these figures, the company is doing well. 根据这些数字来看,这家公司经营得不错。6. Thank you very much for your cooperation. 非常感谢您的合作。7. Youre welcome. 不用谢。这是回答对方道谢Thanks; Thank you时的常用语。这里welcome作表语,意思为“不必感谢的”。类似的表达还有:With pleasure.别客气。Its my pleasure.别客气。8. No hurry/take your time 不急二、售汇业务(场景五)A:需要我为您提供什么服务吗? Is there anything I can do for you? B:是的。我要把人民币换成美元。今天购买美元的汇率是多少? Yes. I want to convert RMB into U.S. dollars. Whats the buying rate for the U.S. dollars today? A:现在每一百美元需要支付人民币698.50元.请问您的人民币的来源是什么?Its 698.50 RMB per hundred U.S. dollars. Would you please telling me the source of your RMB?B:是我的工资报酬,大约有5.5万元人民币要换成美元。Its my salary. Ive got about 55,000 RMB to convert into U.S. dollars.A: 好的,请您填写南京银行因私购汇申请书,并且提供护照、劳务合同、收入清单和完税证明。Well, please fill in Bank of Nanjings application form for personal purchase of foreign exchange. And provide us with your passport, employment contract, income statement and tax payment certificate.B:这是我的护照、现金和相关证明材料。Here are my passport, cash and the related proof documents. A: 我现在就为您办理。您的购买的美元是取现金还是存入活期/定期储蓄帐户?Ill do it for you right now. Do you want to get the U.S dollars purchased in cash or put the money into a current/fixed account? (分不同情况)1、B: 我想存入活期储蓄帐户。Id like to put the money into a current account.A:您在我行有活期储蓄帐户吗?Do you have a current account at our bank?B:还没有。Not yet.A:我给您先开立活期储蓄帐户,请填写开户凭条。Ill open a current account for you. Please fill in the application form. B:好的 Ok.A:这是您的存折、护照和外汇兑换水单。请核对一下。Here are your passbook, passport and foreign exchange memo. Please check them.B:非常感谢。 Thanks a lot. A:欢迎下次光临。Hope to see you again.2、B:我要拿现金。I want to withdraw cash. A:请稍候,我这就为你办理。Please wait for a moment. Ill do it for you right now.A:这是您的美元、护照和外汇兑换水单。请核对一下。Here are your U.S. dollars, passport and exchange memo. Please check them. B:非常感谢。 Thanks a lot.(场景六)A:我能为您做些什么事吗?May I help you? B:我有当时兑换没有用完的3000人民币,现在需要在兑回美元,你们银行可以办理吗?Ive got 3000 RMB unused and want to convert it back into U.S. dollars. Can you change it for me?A:可以,请您提供护照和当时的兑换水单。Sure. Please show me your passport and the exchange memo.B:给你,今天的汇率多少?Here you are. Whats todays exchange rate?A:现在人民币698.50元可以买到100美元。请您稍候。At present, the rate is 698.50 RMB for 100 U.S. dollars. Please wait a moment. A:这是您的美元、护照和外汇兑换水单。请核对一下。Here are your U.S. dollars, passport and exchange memo. Please check them. B:没错。Its ok. A:再见,欢迎下次光临。Bye, see you next time. New Words:1. Bank of Nanjings Application Form for Personal Purchase of Foreign Exchange 南京银行因私购汇申请书2. employment contract 劳务合同3. income statement 收入明细4. tax payment certificate 完税证明5. fill in (也作fill out) 例:fill in/out an application form 填写申请书三、汇款业务(场景七)A:需要我为您提供什么服务吗?Is there anything I can do for you?B:我需要汇5000美元到美国。I want to remit 5000 dollars to the United States.A:护照可以给我看下吗?Please show me your passport. B:可以。Sure.A:请您填写境外汇款申请书,在申请书上写清楚汇款人信息、收款人银行,收款人的名称和收款帐号,并填写交易附言以及费用承担方式。Please fill in the application form for overseas funds transfer. And clearly write down information of the remitter, beneficiarys bank, name of the beneficiary and beneficiarys account. The postscript as well as the fee payment methods shall also be stated.B:你行汇款的费用是多少? How much does it cost?A:汇款邮电费每笔100元,手续费分四种情况:The postage is 100 yuan. And the service charge varies according to four different situations.第一种是在境外汇款申请书71A栏选择SHA:手续费为汇款金额的1,最低CNY50元,最高CNY1000元。 First, if you choose SHA under item 71A when filling in the application form for overseas funds transfer, the service charge is 1, the minimum charge is 50 yuan while the maximum charge is 1000 yuan. 第二种是在71A选择OUR,手续费在SHA基础为另加收 USD20,在其他币种情况下,HKD200(汇款币种为HKD),JPY5000,EUR30,AUD20、CAD20,GBP20 Second, if you choose OUR under item 71A, the service charge is based on SHA plus 20 U.S dollars. (In the case of other currencies, the service charge is HKD200,JPY5000,EUR30,AUD20、CAD20,GBP20 respectively.)第三种是 在71A选择BEN,邮电费和汇款手续费由收款人承担。您的汇款金额减去邮电费和汇款手续费后汇给收款人。 Third, if you choose BEN under item 71A, the postage and service charge will be paid by the beneficiary. The total amount deducted by postage and service charge will be remitted to the beneficiary.第四种是选择全额到帐,就是您的美元资金没有任何扣费,收款人能全额收到资金。如果您选择全额到帐的方式,请在交易附言兰写明全额到帐,费用为在SHA基础为另加收 USD40。Fourth, if you want the money remitted to arrive in full amount, that is, the beneficiary can receive the funds in full amount. In this case, please note that you want the money remitted to arrive in full amount; the service charge is based on SHA plus 40 U.S. dollars. B:那我选择费用为SHA方式,这是我的护照、现金和境外汇款申请书。Id like to choose SHA. Here are my passport, cash and the application form for overseas funds transfer. A:请稍等,我立刻为您办理。Please wait a moment. Ill do it for you at once.B: 非常感谢。Thank you very much.A:请收好您的护照和汇款回单,希望您下次光临。Here are your passport and slip. Hope to see you again.(场景八)若汇款当日超过1万美元现钞,需要求境外个人出相关证明材料,以下为对话:A:先生/女士,由于您的汇款金额是现钞2万美元,按照要求需要您提供海关签章的中华人民共和国海关进境旅客行李物品申报单或您原存款银行的外币现钞提取单据才可以办理。Sir/Madam, as you remit 20000 U.S. dollars in cash, youre required to provide us with your China Customs Baggage Declaration Form for Incoming Passengers signed by the Customs or the foreign currency withdrawal slip issued by your original bank of deposit. B:这是我的原存款银行的外币现钞提取回单,你看可以吗?Here is the foreign currency withdrawal slip from my original bank of deposit. Is it ok?A:我看看,没问题,我这就为您办理。Well, its ok. Ill do if for you right now.B:多谢。Thanks a lot.New Words:1. remit v. 汇款2. Application Form for Overseas Funds Transfer 境外汇款申请书3. remitter n. 汇款人4. beneficiary n. 收款人5. postscript n. 附言6. postage n. 邮电费7. service charge 手续费8. minimum adj. 最小9. maximum adj. 最大10. China Customs Baggage Declaration Form for Incoming Passengers 中华人民共和国海关进境旅客行李物品申报单11. foreign currency withdrawal slip 外币现钞提取单据四、储蓄存款业务(场景九)A: 您需要什么服务吗? May I help you? B: 是的。请问我可以在这里开什么样的账户?Yes. What kind of accounts can I open here?A: 我们通常对个人提供活期存款账户和定期存款账户。Usually we offer current accounts and fixed accounts for individuals.B: 我想开一个活期存款账户,存3000元人民币。I prefer a current account and deposit 3000 yuan.A: 您带护照了吗?Do you take your passport with you?B: 带了。给您。Yes. Here it is.A:请您填写储蓄开户凭条,选择您要的储种。Please fill in the slip for opening an account and choose the kind of deposit that suits you.B:好的。Ok.A: 我现在就为您办理。 I will open the account for you right now.A:请您核对储蓄存款凭条,并签字。Please check the slip and sign your name.A:请收好您的存折和护照,期待您的下次光临。Here are your passbook and passport. Hope to see you again.B: 非常感谢。Thank you very much.(场景十)A:需要我为您提供什么服务吗?Is there anything I can do for you?B:我可以用现金在这里交水费吗?Can I pay water expenditure in cash here?A:对不起,我行现在只可以用现金交煤气费和电费,但您可以办理结算户存折或梅花卡交纳各种费用,包括水电费、煤气费和电话费、移动话费等,我行代扣代缴,非常方便。Sorry, at present, our bank only allows customers to pay in cash for their gas as well as electricity charges. But you can use your passbook for settlement or use your plum card to pay for all kinds of fees with water, gas and phone as well as mo


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