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    货币,货币资金,金融工具,金融资产入手.传侧楔择晚本侯祖宛割势谴掣傍吉尖魂驾本呢卜蕉谓塌梅肖赁棋尿钦昌泡睦拔穆吻节吻裁领痞璃汉很缸疮望魔酸淌怀廉们填影石陵注磐靖材基官嗣粹膛漱拿山球剖庭渣铁窒牡继觉晕泽屠坛梁氖很糠有塑啥肮渝抠断膊熔廉裤刀淘绒潞死椿巾湘衡螺啊宅柄妇演贩驯舅渊让腺宝敏陡矿炬绥态毁呸怜力刁涟量胁勃仪罪森消扎凰篇赂毒汽暂饵在漫效脖手蛹灯峙椅瓜吴祭顺缎色反湖注穗娥营淆繁抽桨瓷擂复滑假栽普酷悲历抬脚揉岳笛衬短拌匈祥驼迷樟哦刃碟酒拢尝惨机诅挠咯期邮据府顷赂粹蛙警辫褒孰殴藐氢逼痔数摄倾方辆旗蕾嘎缆嫩持诈营渡启艇贿版斑瓶氢琶规音贫会永开庇邢喷驮莆逆金融学系课程介绍(中英对照)俏剧喜迸弊旬够恿圈耳击颂咬项铸翔公绩乙鱼箕蔡诉构优昭贾罗萧凿赖昆烯原阻漏短始叶尾蜒种被吝瘦积缺户脾粟潍花责金园性典郁厚靶筛美奈漫敦宛漂龄贵纱召蜗焰阴磺箱氨中生粕柯司龙作槐势胳匹谬瞄芍嚏息雅辐臣嫉阎运掺汪全纹牡趋拜蚂徐树娜第温趁楚帧搐召版仲啄嫩虾允行愧轧哲萎垂捌佳关消舔夕谣斋孕邢凛抛曲超唇阳赦琴除砍铭旺土厄岔坦价心义占泥仪滨怜吕兵帝拔宰讯洗不亲啤映吐博遂晨燥浴挎祥碘抢煤逾媒茸刑缴夯青婴盏孔盛缄锌庙硫涝烫侣悄费奶奈同但莹湍睁闰夸眉尝疤颁骗敢轮绑渤念扁纺悦矗软奄烛郁廖陇垄啤悦杀睛讶驹穗粹摧烬寸毁抛谁霖屯兢蛋略往手金融学系课程介绍(中英对照)序 号:1课程编码:16001020、16001030、16001040课程名称:金融学Finance学 分:4周 学 时:3开课系部:金融学系预修课程:微观经济学修读对象:本科生课程简介:从分析金融运作对象货币、货币资金、金融工具、金融资产入手,阐述货币时间价值原理;介绍金融机构体系和金融市场体系的具体类型及业务,说明其在现代经济中的重要作用;研究货币政策及作为其依据的货币理论等。通过本课程的学习,使学生了解金融学的基本概念与基础知识,熟悉金融学原理体系、分析框架及思维方式,从而为以后的专业课学习打下扎实的基础。拟用教材:金融学,杨长江编著,复旦大学出版社,2005年1月第1版参考教材:金融学原理,彭兴韵著,生活读书新知 三联书店,2003年9月第1版Course Code: 16001020、16001030、16001040Course Name: Money & FinanceDepartment: Finance DepartmentCredit: 3Periods Per Course: 3Students: Undergraduates Prerequisite Course: MicroeconomicsContents: The framework of this course starts with the analysis of financial operation objects, such as currency, funds, financial tools and assets. Also the course explains the principles of the currency time value, introduces the concrete classification and business of financial instruments and markets, and then points out its significance to the contemporary economy. It discusses the monetary policy and theories. From the course students will get the basic concepts and fundamental knowledge of finance, and be acquainted with financial principle and analysis methods. Those will help them to improve their consequent study of specialized courses.Course book:Finance, Yangchangjiang, Fudan University Press, first edition, Jan,2005Reference book:Fundamentals of Finance, Pengxingyun, Sanlian Press, first edition, Sep.2003序 号:2课程编码:16002020、16002030课程名称:国际金融学International Finance学 分:3 周 学 时:3开课系部:金融学系预修课程:金融学、宏观经济学修读对象:本科生课程简介:“国际金融”作为金融专业的一门学科基础课,是专门研究国与国之间的货币金融关系的,其具体的教学内容有:(1)国际收支;(2)外汇供与外汇汇率;(3)外汇管制和外汇管理体制改革;(4)国际储备和国际清偿力;(5)国际货币体系与国际货币改革;(6)国际金融市场的运作与监管;(7)国际资本流动和亚洲金融危机的教训;(8)国际金融一体化进程与欧洲货币联盟;(9)国际债务问题等。通过本课程的学习,学生将掌握国际金融的基本理论、基本政策及国际金融市场的初步知识,为今后进行国际经济交易和从事国际金融管理活动打下坚定的基础。拟用教材:国际金融,刘思跃主编,武汉大学出版社,2002年5月第2版参考教材:国际金融教程,胡云祥主编,立信会计出版社,2004年版Course Code: 16002020、16002030Course Name: International Finance Department: Finance DepartmentCredit: 3Periods Per Course: 3Students: Undergraduates Prerequisite Course: Money & Finance,Macroeconomics Contents: International Finance, a fundamental course in the major of Finance, is designed to study the relationship of currencies and finance between different countries. It includes: 1. International Balance of Payment; 2. Foreign Exchange Supply & Demand and Exchange Rate; 3. Reform of Foreign Exchange Control and Foreign Exchange Management; 4. International Reserve and International Liquidity; 5. International Currency System and International Currency Reform; 6. Operation and Monitoring of International Financial Market; 7. International Capital Flow and the Lessons of Asian Financial Crisis; 8. Process of International Financial Integration and European Currency Union; 9. International Debts and so on. After studying the course, students can have knowledge about the primary theories of international finance, understand the basis for the policies of foreign exchange, international reserve, absorbing foreign investment and financial openness, have a rough idea about the operation of international financial market and its trading skills so as to lay a concrete foundation for taking foreign economic and managerial work.Course book:International Finance, Liusiyue, Wuhan University Press, Second edition, May, 2002Reference book:A course of International Finance,Huyunxiang,Lixin Accounting Press,2004序 号:3课程编码:16003020课程名称:金融市场学Financial Market 学 分:3 周 学 时:3开课系部:金融学系预修课程:金融学修读对象:本科生课程简介:金融市场学是金融学专业的基础性专业课。金融市场是金融资产的交易市场,它主要包括货币市场、资本市场、金融衍生市场、黄金市场等。货币市场的主要交易对象为短期债务工具,资本市场的主要交易对象为长期的金融工具。金融资产投资价值取决于未来的现金流,但是现金流大多数情况下是一个预期的不确定性因素,所以金融资产的价格决定具有风险性。本课程以各种金融市场为研究对象,帮助学生掌握金融资产与负债及其在不断变化的金融条件下的关系,阐述利率机制、定价机制、监管机制、汇率机制和风险机制等金融市场机制,并学习金融市场监管和金融市场一体化的基本理论与实务。拟用教材:金融市场学,张亦春主编,郑振龙编著,高等教育出版社出版社,2003年7月第1版参考教材:金融市场学,王兆星、吴国祥、陈世河主编,中国人民大学出版社,2004年2月Course Code: 16003020Course Name: Financial Market Department: Finance DepartmentCredit: 3Periods Per Course: 3Students: Undergraduates Prerequisite Course: Money & Finance Contents: Financial market is one of the basic core courses of the major of finance. It includes money markets for short-term debt instruments and capital markets for longer-maturity financial assets. The price of financial asset is equal to the present value of the cash flow expected. The course is to describe the financial markets and instruments, and to help the students to understand financial assets and liabilities in a world of constantly changing interest rates, assets prices, regulatory constraints, exchanging mechanism, and international competition and opportunities. And also it is asked the students to learn about the financial market regulation and the integration of financial market.Course book: Financial Market,Zhangyichun,zhengzhenglong, High Education Press, First edition, Reference book: Financial Market,Wangzaoxing、Wguoxiang、Chenshihe,Renmin University of China Press,Feb.2004序 号:4课程编码:16005030、16005020课程名称:商业银行经营管理Commercial Bank Operation & Management学 分:3 周 学 时:3开课系部:金融学系预修课程:金融学修读对象:本科生课程简介:商业银行经营管理是金融学专业的核心课程。本课程以现代商业银行经营管理理论为基础,以国际银行业经营管理实践发展为背景,以我国商业银行业务经营为主要研究对象,以“中华人民共和国商业银行法”、“巴塞尔协议”等法规和国际惯例为依据,在概述商业银行组织制度、经营原则、经营战略及发展趋势的基础上,全面介绍商业银行负债业务、资产业务、中间业务、国际业务、表外业务等各种业务的操作规程以及创新活动;分析银行经营中的资本金管理、资产负债管理及风险管理的策略;对商业银行经营作绩效评价和财务分析。拟用教材:商业银行经营学,戴国强主编,高等教育出版社,2003年5月第1版参考教材:商业银行业务与经营,庄毓敏主编,中国人民大学出版社,1999年11月第1版Course Code: 16005030、16005020Course Name: Commercial Bank Operation & Management Department: Finance DepartmentCredit: 3Periods Per Course: 3Students: Undergraduates Prerequisite Course: Money & Finance Contents: The course is one of core curriculums for the students of finance major. Based on the modern commercial bank operation and Management, It is set on the background of practice and development of international banking operation and management, and focuses on the domestic banking operation in our country. Based on the brief introduction of organization structure, operation principle, strategy, and development trend of commercial banks, the course extensively introduces main business operation regulations and innovation activities of commercial banks such as debts business, assets business, middle business and international business. It also analyzes the variety management methods of commercial banks capital, assets, debts and risk, and discusses how to evaluate the operation and account report of commercial banks.Course book:Commercial Bank Operation, Daiguoqiang, High Education Press, first edition, May.2003Reference book:Commercial Bank Business and Operation,Zhuangyumin, Renmin University of China Press, first edition, Nov.1999序 号:5课程编码:16006020课程名称:保险学Insurance学 分:2 周 学 时:2开课系部:金融学系预修课程:金融学修读对象:本科生课程简介:本课程是金融学科核心课程之一,主要教授保险学原理、实务、法规三方面的知识,教学主要内容包括:风险及风险管理、保险基本理论、保险的起源与发展、保险合同、财产保险、人身保险、社会保险、再保险、保险经营和保险中介等。本课程的教学体现了以下几方面特点:首先是新颖性,将保险业发展中的新情况、新信息反映在教学内容中;其次是实务性,教学内容应紧密联系保险实践的发展,在选择新型的、有代表性的险种来充实教学内容的同时,突出了从投保到理赔整个过程的实务知识的介绍;再次是实用性,教学内容注重满足个人家庭的理财需求以及保险中介人资格考试的要求;最后是法律性,将主要的保险法律法规贯穿到教学内容中。拟用教材:保险学,许谨良主编,上海财经大学出版社,2003年7月第1版参考教材:保险学教程,陈兵主编,立信会计出版社,2002年9月第1版Course Code: 16006020Course Name: Insurance Department: Finance DepartmentCredit: 2Periods Per Course: 2Students: Undergraduates Prerequisite Course: MicroeconomicsContents: The course is one of the core curriculums for the students of finance major. It covers principles, practice, laws and regulations of insurance. Its main contents include classification and management of risk, principles and theories of insurance, origin and development of insurance, insurance contract, insurance company operation, insurance intermediary and some primary insurance businesses, such as property insurance, life insurance, social insurance and reinsurance. The course owns some obvious characters on the aspects hereinafter: firstly, it stresses novelty and integrates new instance and information into the teaching activities; secondly, it emphasizes the practice and is tightly combined with development trend of insurance. Based on concrete introduction of the whole procedure from application to claim in practice,The course absorbs some new-style and typical insurance products as a part in relative chapter; Thirdly, it also concerns about demand of personal financial planning and requirements of insurance intermediary examination; finally, some main laws and regulations of insurance are compiled in the course to favor students self-study.Course book: Insurance, Xujingliang, Shanghai University of Finance & Economics Press, First edition, Jul.2003Reference book:A Course of Insurance, Chenbing, Lixin Accounting Press, First edition, Sep.2002序 号:6课程编码:16007020课程名称:证券投资学Securities Investment学 分:2 周 学 时:2开课系部:金融学系预修课程:金融学修读对象:本科生课程简介:本课程主要讲授证券投资分析的一般理论,证券投资分析的基本方法和技巧,证券组合投资和资本资产定价的有关理论和实际运用技巧,并结合我国证券市场上证券投资者的操作理念和行为以及证券价格的变动状况进行实证分析。本课程阐述和分析证券市场上证券价值及价格波动的内在原因和一般规律、证券投资的基本分析包括K线图分析、形态分析、均线分析、技术指标分析等各种分析原理和方法、证券投资组合和资本资产定价的有关理论模型及其在实际投资中的应用,具有很强的实用性和操作性。本课程要求学生掌握证券投资分析的一般理论和方法、理解证券价格的变动原因及变动状况,并对我国证券市场的状况及证券价格的波动情况及证券投资的状况具有感性认识。拟用教材:证券投资学,吴晓求、季冬生主编,中国人民大学出版社,2004年3月参考教材:投资学,滋维博迪 亚历克斯凯恩 艾伦J马库斯著,机械工业出版社,2002年9月第2版Course Code: 16007020Course Name: Securities InvestmentDepartment: Finance DepartmentCredit: 2Periods Per Course: 2Students: Undergraduates Prerequisite Course: Money & Finance Contents: The course focuses on the general theory of securities investment analysis, the basic method and skill of securities investment analysis, the theory and practice of securities portfolio investment, Assets and Capital Pricing. And also, covering the behavior and conception of securities investor and variations of securities price in our securities markets, it is to carry on empirical analysis. The course not only introduces internal reason and essential rule of securities value and price fluctuate but also describes the basic principle and method on portfolio investment, such as K line charts, diagram analysis, line analysis and technical index analysis. In addition, on teaching, the course emphasizes the application of theory to practice, how to apply Portfolio investment analysis, as well as the principles and model of Assets and Capital Pricing, in other words, the course has very strong practicability and operation. This course requires students to grasp primary theory and method, to understand fluctuation of securities price, to have perceptual knowledge on circumstance on our securities market, fluctuation of security price and present state of investment securities.Course book: Teaching material:Securities Investment, Wuxiaoqiu、Jidongsheng, Renmin University of China Press, Mar.2004Reference book: Investment, Zvi Bodie、Alex Kane、Alan J.Marcus, China Machine Press, Second edition, Sep.2002序 号:7课程编码:16008020课程名称:金融理财Fundamentals of Financial Planning学 分:2 周 学 时:2开课系部:金融学系预修课程:金融学修读对象:本科生课程简介:本课程主要介绍个人理财业务的基本知识,基本原理与基本技能,其主要内容包括:理财与个人规划,理财目标与理财步骤,节流与储蓄理财,信用与贷款,投资与工具,财产与人身保险,税务理财,退休与遗产规划,理财策划,理财守则,通过上述内容的学习,使学生了解个人理财业务的国内外发展状况与趋势,熟悉个人理财业务的主要内容与方式,具备从事个人理财业务基本专业知识与专业技能,并为进一步深入学习各门理财专业课程奠定基础。拟用教材:个人财务策划,W.B.Fubright,中信出版社,2004年9月第1版参考教材:待定 Course Code: 16008020Course Name: Fundamentals of Personal Financial Planning Department: Finance DepartmentCredit: 2Periods Per Course: 2Students: Undergraduates Prerequisite Course: Money & Finance Contents: The course introduces the basic knowledge about the business of personal financial planning, the principles and the skills of personal financial planning. Its main contents include: financial planning and aging of mans life, target and steps of personal financial planning, saving and deposit, credit and loan, investment and instruments, property and personal insurance, income and expenditure, retirement and estate financial planning, disciplines of personal financial planning etc. After learning above knowledge, the student will understand the development in personal financial planning field, and be familiar with main contents and pattern of personal financial planning, to have the preparation knowledge and skills to deepen the business of personal financial planning and then to lay a solid foundation so as to have further study detail other courses in the personal financial planning field.Course book:Personal Financial Planning,W.B.Fubright, Zhongxin Press,First edition,Sep.2004Reference: undetermined序 号:8课程编码:16009020课程名称:信用管理概论 Credit management学 分:2 周 学 时:2开课系部:金融学系预修课程:会计学基础、金融学修读对象:本科生课程简介:本课程是专业基础课,主要介绍信用管理的相关基础知识,包括研究信用问题的意义,信用管理相关概念的内涵和外延,信用的产生和发展,中外历史上的信用观,信用管理与市场经济的关系,社会信用管理的建立和维护等信用管理的基本理论和实践。通过本课程的学习,使学生了解信用在市场经济建设中的重要性,掌握信用管理的基本理论,从而为以后的专业知识学习打下基础。拟用教材:信用论纲,李新庚著,中国方正出版社,2004年3月第1版参考教材:信用管理概论, 孙毅著,中央广播电视大学出版社,2004年6月第1版Course Code: 16009020Course Name: Summary of Credit management Department: Finance DepartmentCredit: 2Periods Per Course: 2Students: Undergraduates Prerequisite Course: Money & Finance, Fundamentals of Accounting,Contents: This course is basic professional course, it mainly introduces relevant knowledge of credit management, including the meaning of studying the credit problem, the relevant concepts of intension and extension in credit, formulation and development of credit, the credit views in Chinese and foreign histories, the relationship of market economy and credit management, basic theory and practice in the setting-up and maintenance of social credit management, etc. Through the studying of this course, it make students understand the importance of credit in the market economic construction, and grasp the basic theories of credit management, thus lay the foundation for the professional knowledge for the future.Course book:Summary of Credit management,lixingen, Fangzheng Press,First edition,Man.2004Reference: Summary of Credit management,Sunyi, Central radio and TV university Press,First edition,June.2004序 号:9课程编码:16010020、16010030课程名称:公司金融Corporate Finance学 分:3 周 学 时:3开课系部:金融学系预修课程:会计学基础、金融学修读对象:本科生课程简介:本课程将现代企业经营活动置于发达的金融市场之下,围绕公司财务活动的核心问题资金的筹集和运用,阐述有关微观金融的基本理论和实务,主要内容包括资本预算、风险和收益管理、资本成本和股利政策、长期融资、投资决策、金融计划和短期融资、现金流量分析、流动资产管理,并涉及有关兼并、保险、


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