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    Building Business Innovation Incentive Analysis of Human Capital 12063.doc

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    Building Business Innovation Incentive Analysis of Human Capital 12063.doc

    Building Business Innovation Incentive Analysis of Human Capital         Summary: This paper argues that construction companies should be based on innovative human capital needs and identify incentives and incentives, incentives to take effective measures to address the innovation and incentives in place, dislocation and motivate the problem of inadequate attention to the effectiveness of incentive mode of action, timeliness; the mutual promotion of internal and external incentives incentives; material incentives and non-material incentives of the most optimal combination to improve the effectiveness of incentives.         Key words: innovation incentive mechanism of human capital                    In the United States 'Fortune' magazine 2008 list of the world's top 500 enterprises, China has five construction firms listed. By 500 Chinese and foreign construction enterprises in the comparative analysis found that the operational efficiency of China's construction enterprises lower than foreign counterparts. Present, China's construction enterprises is still low-tech labor-intensive industries, enterprise innovation capability and significant gaps compared to foreign enterprises, vigorously improve the level of innovation in construction enterprises are increasingly becoming the construction enterprises to improve the competitiveness of the key. Is, the construction enterprises to survive in the market competition and development, improve the efficiency of enterprise innovation to stand out is the only choice. The innovative construction enterprise human capital is to determine the key factor in innovation performance, innovative human capital, a greater impact on corporate earnings, business innovation is the source for innovative enterprises have human capital, their efficient management and utilization, promoting Innovative Human Capital Accumulation and the value of the enterprise to obtain endless driving force for development, thereby improving overall competitiveness, expand domestic and international markets to achieve sustainable development in the construction industry.                    Building Business Innovation Incentive Mechanism Analysis of the Problems                    Domestic scholars based on different perspectives on the innovative concept of human capital have different statements. In summary, with the innovative spirit of innovation in the comprehensive capacity of human capital is the ability to highlight the innovative human capital. Specific to the construction industry, its innovative human capital, including technical personnel, entrepreneurs, managers, senior skilled workers. They have the social scarcity of innovation capability, a leading innovation (autonomous research and development), imitative innovation (ie, the introduction of innovative technologies of others, in its structure, function, materials, or the scope of application, etc. to be improved, and further developed to meet consumer needs products) and project management innovation breakthrough in technology or system, the 'bottleneck' constraints for enterprises to create value and reduce costs play an active role.         Demand theory pointed to the need to satisfy the purpose of human behavior. The people's needs are often obtained through incentives. Economists such as the 'economic man', 'bounded rationality of people', 'social man' and 'complexity of people' etc. on the assumption that human nature, are to some extent explains the essence of man regardless of how their behavior, without exception, need to stimulate. Of human capital to create innovative value depends on the effectiveness of their incentive. Principal - agent theory from practice, explained the need for human capital incentives. According to principal - agent theory, business owner (the principal) and the Enterprise Human Capital (agents) are often among the chasing to maximize their own interests, both have a different objective function. Both the target will be frequent deviations from the client on the need to design an effective incentive mechanism to resolve conflicts of interest between the two in order to promote the interests of an agent from the client, select the most advantageous to the principal action. If the principal can not be an effective incentive in human capital, agents, there can be no enthusiasm for technological innovation, therefore, how to maximize human capital, energy, building human capital, incentive mechanism is very important. The promotion of innovation must be to provide incentives to innovation, human capital, give full play to creative energy that is a necessary condition for the success of incentives. Deficiencies in the mechanisms of innovation and motivation, leading to the existence of the following problems impede innovative construction enterprise human capital in the development of innovative:         (A) there is not in place incentives to innovate, and the phenomenon of dislocation         Innovative construction enterprise human capital shortage of employees in a college building in 2004 accounted for 5.4%, lower than the college at that time accounted for 7.2% of the national level, engineering technicians account for 15% of the construction industry practitioners and senior technical staff and technical personnel account for the total number of for less than 5%. Human capital needs of construction enterprises was encouraging the diverse nature of the demand for more skilled workers and material related, belonging to the lower-level needs, the needs of technical personnel management is diversified. The current construction materials are mostly used by businesses incentives, such as job salary, year-end awards, welfare benefits, job consumption, and very little use of equity incentive options. Incentive awards also honor the spirit of the main incentives are too monotonous and difficult to meet the diverse needs of the object being inspired, and because incentive pay no attention to timeliness, timing and motivation, such as ahead of incentives, rewards and so on out of date, resulting in incentives are not in place or dislocation, so difficult to improve the effectiveness of incentives to curb the innovative potential of human capital play an innovative initiative.         (B) insufficient incentives for innovation in construction enterprises         Abroad there have been affecting the efficiency of R & D personnel 80 incentives to do research and found a means of money as an incentive to improve efficiency is greatest, reaching 30%, other incentives can only be increased by 8% -16% in China At present, the use of material incentives innovators, its effect will be more pronounced. The current construction of enterprise innovation insufficient capital investment, looking back, including 32 construction enterprises, including the 2008 session of the China top 500 enterprises, R & D costs account for the proportion of revenue on average 1.32%, far below the world's top 500 average of 3% -5% of the level. According to the China Academy of Building Research of the survey, fund input, 58% of the surveyed enterprises The proportion of R & D investment accounted for less than 0.5%, 33% of businesses ranging from 0.5% -2%, 9% of the enterprises to reach 2% above. Lack of R & D expenses for the Innovation Incentive funding is more limited, resulting in insufficient incentives, incentive levels and incentive effects proportional to the amount of incentives not only to lack of any real incentive, and sometimes counterproductive, and dampen enthusiasm for innovation and innovators.         (3) Innovation Incentive based on imperfect         Innovation performance evaluation system is imperfect, mainly reflected in the assessment of the main indicators of innovative creation is not rational. Although the current assessment of indicators, including the question of whether to save funds for the enterprise, reduce losses, save labor, increase efficiency, improve processes, improve technology, is to ensure the realization of enterprise quality goals in such areas as performance evaluation, but there is an unreasonable portion of the weight. Emphasis on innovation and performance evaluation results of objective examination and neglect the process of assessment of work behavior. The benefits of innovation and innovation with the efforts and interests of the persons is not fully linked. Knowledge and ability to pay compensation to the proportion of unreasonable compensation inadequate to compensate for their loss or not reflect the value of human capital, lack of creative energy.         In short, lack of motivation, incentive is not in place, incentives and so on a single cause of innovative incentives low efficiency and low efficiency reasons. The design and implementation of innovative scientific and rational incentives for construction companies to improve innovation-oriented human capital key to innovation and efficiency.                    Innovation incentive and restrictive mechanism on Improving Thinking                    (A) the satisfaction of human capital residual claim         The modern theory of the firm view that the combination of enterprises as a series of contracts is a non-human capital, human capital and the owner of the special contract. Contracting parties are independent and equal property rights, so have the right to participate in the remaining allocation. Of human capital, business owners enjoy a certain residual claims, giving it access to business profits and bear the corresponding risks of the rights, through reasonable and clearly defined property rights, you can play the potential of human capital to achieve effective and sustained motivation, so that human capital as much as possible to release its value. Incentives for human capital is human capital, real property rights clearly defined business residual income on the basis of reasonable classification. In order to achieve a win-win business with employees, companies must clearly define the funders, operators and workers responsibilities and interests, so that all levels of personnel to be able to do their utmost to maximize the benefits of innovation, stimulate their enthusiasm for innovation. The manner in which human capital in the enterprise depends on the distribution of income, in essence, the level of human capital, human capital, shared his company left the system in the form of profit sharing, stock option system, employee stock ownership system, salary system and so on, stock option system, employee shareholding system are equity-based incentives is a proved to be the most effective long-term incentives. Innovative Human Capital, therefore able to benefit from innovation brought about by the higher returns will be more actively engaged in technical innovation and management innovation, reduce costs, improve labor productivity, get more profits.         (B) The mode of action of the effectiveness of incentive         Must be established with the construction business innovation activities appropriate to the characteristics of the innovation incentive mode of action. Improve the existing incentive mode of action to meet the dynamic needs of the main innovations. Innovative construction enterprise human capital, including farmers technical workers, college graduates, technical experts and all kinds of management personnel. These different levels of demand for workers is different from the value of goals are also different, the value of the realization of their own requirements are also different, triggering different incentive motivation, from stimulating factor is different, it should be targeted to design the corresponding incentives to meet the staff with the quality of life improvement and career development needs of a variety of changes occur. Select when the incentives to encourage utility maximization as the goal, it is necessary to take into account the different situations in different periods, but also to consider innovative human capital, the different characteristics and needs, combined with changes in demand for staff, timely use of pay incentives, reputation incentives, promotions incentives, property rights, incentives, welfare incentives, and harmonious environment, incentives and other incentives, rational use of intermittent continuous encouragement and incentives, long-term incentive, medium-term incentives and short-term incentive model, the use of incentives should pay attention to the stability and diversity of the organic combination, If the possession of managerial and technical capacity of human capital can be taken to the reputation of incentives, promotion incentives, property rights, incentives and other long-medium-term incentives for skilled workers to take short-term incentives in order to continuously improve the effectiveness of incentives. Construction companies through dynamic use of incentives, concerns and diversity of human capital, personal values, and timely to meet the different needs of various target inspire and encourage innovative human capital, innovation in the enterprise goal of hard work. Reposted elsewhere in the paper for free download http:/         (C) the mutual promotion of internal and external incentives incentives         Innovation incentive mechanism's task is to stimulate and sustain innovation and motivation for continued and turned into results. Innovation and innovative activities occurred motivated and get the premise of innovation, innovation and motivation stems from humanity's pursuit of economic interest and innovation in two aspects of preferences, the former external incentive to provide innovative incentives, which provides incentives for intrinsic motivation, innovation and motivation produced by complex factors. Therefore, the task of innovation and incentive mechanism is to provide incentives to encourage the breeding of these two conditions, in specific operations, attention should be paid salaries and benefits of extrinsic incentives, emphasizing corporate culture, participatory management, employee career planning, and intrinsic motivating factor. Emphasis on creativity, intellectual potential of the development, the formation of the respect for knowledge and talent praise the team spirit, attention to staff and between staff and the building of a harmonious relationship between the manager and create an atmosphere conducive to business innovation, encourage employee innovation behavior influence and even guide the innovation and the innovation of the main preferences, to encourage successful innovation, innovation and fails to allow for employees to provide a good platform for innovation. Through vocational education, lifelong, remuneration is performance-oriented, concerned about the employee's career development, staff development, space for self-development and promote incentives for


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