1 a With reference to an appropriate theory explain the main roles and activities of a manager.b Explain how the roles identified in (a) are being carried out by managers in Shangri-la hotel.aHenri Fayol management activities can be divided into planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling of the five management functions.Plannings means that is demonstrations a course of action to meet anticipated demand.Organizings means that is mobilizing materials, resources people and allocating them to departments and people.Commandings means is directing employees to undertake tasks.Coordinatings means that is insure that people, resources, equipment are all working together.Controllings means that is monitoring advancement, insure alignment with plans, taking corrective action.b The example of Planning.The example of Organizing. In the Shangri-la restaurant have four kitchen staff and eight waiting staff.The example of Commanding. Saskia was delegated the job of issuing work to the kitchen and waiting employee.The example of Coordinating. Saskia was realize that there were some moans among the kitchen staff and had spoken to Craig about this.The example of Controlling. Craig allocated specific tasks to the waiters and kitchen staff, he kept close tabs on exactly what each one did, as he believed that every dish.2 a Explain Likerts Systems Theory on leadership.b Which systems do you believe apply to Craig and Alisas approach to management. Explain your answer.aLikerts management systems having 4 kinds, including exploitative authoritative, benevolent authoritative, consultative and pariticpative. Exploitative authoritative is executives issued instructions, no subordinates involved in decision making.Benevolent authoritative is asking for subordinate some ideas and opinions, and allow the certain decisions awarded subordinates, but strict policy to control them. Consultative is managers in making decisions for some advice, accept and adopt the subordinate.Participative is encouraging organizations at all levels to make decision, or to leaders and their subordinates together as a group engaged in the activities. bFor example of the benevolent authoritative. In Shangri-la hotel Craig running the restaurant has very strict guidelines, whenever Craig was away from the hotel, only Saskia was delegated the job of issuing work to the kitchen and waiting staff. For example of the participative. In Shangri-la hotel every week the team hard meeting where Alisa asked for suggestions to improve service levels.3 a Describe how the Tannenbaum and Schmidt Theory of Leadership shows that different situations demand different leadership approaches.b Describe the Bass theory of leadership and explain how it can be used to enhance the motivation, moral and job performance of employees.c Explain how Craig could use the above approaches to improve his leadership style.aThere are four aspects in Tannenbaum and Schmidt theory of leadership, including Tell, Consult, Sell and Join respectively. Tells means makes decision and announces. An autocratic style in which the leader gives specific instructions and monitor staff closely is most useful, is unwilling, new of suffered a previous leader and it is the most useful. For this style if people want to work well, he need to clear and precise about standards, performance targets and expectations; Give detail instructions; Monitor key performance indicators closely; Help people over learning problems while being firm about standards.