保守秘密和竞业禁止限制协议甲方:乙方: 身份证号或护照号,系甲方员工。 (以下简称乙方)鉴于乙方所处岗位在甲方任职期间及离职后的一定时期内,均会接触或掌握甲方的商业秘密或与知识产权相关的保密事项以及甲方依约或依法应对第三方负有保密责任的第三方的商业秘密或与其知识产权相关的保密事项,为了维护甲、乙双方的合法权益及第三方的合法权益不受侵犯,甲乙双方自愿达成如下协议,共同遵照执行:一、乙方同意保密的保密事项内容和范围及保密期限:a) 甲方的商业秘密:系指不为公众所知悉、能为权利人带来经济利益、具有实用性并经甲方指定需采取保密措施的技术信息和经营信息,其中1技术信息:技术信息的范围包括但不仅限于甲方的技术方案、技术文件、设计及说明、技术标准和规范、制造方法、配方、工艺流程、技术指标、计算机软件、数据库、试验结果、全部图纸、样品、样机、电极、模型、模具、操作手册、其他技术文档、设备型号、技术诀窍、涉及商业秘密的业务函件、电话、会议内容、传真、电子邮件及附件、协议及履约情况、技术情报等。2经营信息:经营信息的范围包括但不仅限于甲方的客户名单、营销计划、采购资料、定价政策、不公开的财务资料、进货渠道、产销策略、招投标中的标底及表率内容、供应商、经销商资料等。b) 除甲方商业秘密之外的甲方的与知识产权相关的保密事项:包括但不仅限于:甲方的技术方案、技术开发方案、设计、电路设计、制造方法、配方、工艺流程、技术指标、计算机软件、数据库、试验结果、全部图纸、样品、样机、电极、模型、模具、操作手册、其他技术文档、设备型号、涉及商业秘密的业务函件、电话、会议内容、传真、电子邮件及附件、协议及履约情况、技术情报、甲方的客户名单、营销计划、采购资料、定价政策、不公开的财务资料、进货渠道、产销策略、招投标中的标底及表率内容、供应商、经销商资料等。c) )第三方(含甲方客户及潜在客户、甲方的关联公司、甲方集团公司等)因业务需要,向甲方及甲方员工(含乙方)披露的属于第三方的商业秘密及第三方要求保密的信息和事项。d) 甲方在与其它单位、个人订立合同过程中知悉的其他单位、个人的商业秘密和保密事项,无论甲方与其它单位、个人合同是否签订、是否成立,甲方及甲方员工(含乙方)均不得泄露或不正当地使用。e) 乙方同意对在甲方工作期内因工作关系而获得、交换、知悉的上述信息、事项、工作成果等全部内容以及其他一切与甲方事项有关的信息、事项、工作成果等进行保密,保证采取保密措施、保证不泄露、保证正当地使用、保证不侵犯。f) 乙方的保密期限:1、对甲方的商业秘密及乙方在甲方工作期间所知悉的第三方与甲方洽谈业务时所披露的第三方的商业秘密乙方负有终身保密的义务,不得泄露、不得不正当地使用(包括不得为自己使用、不得许可他人使用等),除非该商业秘密非因乙方原因,已为公众所知晓。2、对除商业秘密之外的与知识产权有关的保密信息、事项,乙方的保密期限为自知悉之日起与甲方解除或终止劳动关系后十年。二、 乙方必须采取和履行的保密措施和其他保密义务:a) 甲方在乙方工作期间,为其提供工作所必需的各种信息、资料、设备和软件,以使乙方能顺利完成工作任务。b) 乙方对自己经手或知悉的本协议第一条所约定的信息、资料及事项等,必须及时采取必要的适当的全面的有效的保密措施(如在资料上加保密资料字样;抽屉加锁且钥匙妥善保管;电脑和电子邮箱加密码且密码妥善保管;不得许可他人使用或复制甲方提供给乙方的工作设备、软件、资料;乙方正当使用时必须在往来信函、传真、电子邮件、文件、磁盘、光盘上用中英文注明:“系保密信息,请保密。”、乙方未经甲方法定代表人许可,不得将保密资料携带出甲方单位等等一系列合理有效地保密措施),以防止泄露或被侵犯。c) 乙方必须正当地使用自己所知悉的本协议第一条所约定的甲方的信息、资料及事项等,即乙方只能在甲方单位法定代表人确定的方式、程度及范围使用,而且乙方只能在为甲方做业务工作过程中才能向应该知道本协议第一条保密信息、资料及事项等的甲方单位内部其他员工、相关业务单位所授权的人员进行合理、恰当地相关保密内容地交流,且必须告知他们不得泄露和不正当地使用;否则,乙方构成泄露和不正当地使用。d) 乙方必须正当地使用自己所知悉的第三方(包括已建立的和潜在的甲方客户、关联公司)为与甲方建立、开展业务关系而提供给作为甲方员工(含乙方)的其商业秘密和其它保密信息,即未经甲方法定代表人许可或该第三方书面许可不得将该第三方的信息、资料向甲方内部其他员工、外部人员、其他单位泄露、不得超越该第三方书面许可的范围、程度和用途使用,否则,乙方构成泄露和不正当地使用。 e) 乙方不得刺探与本职业务工作无关的本协议第一条约定的保密信息、资料及事项等全部内容。f) 甲方的任何保密信息只能由甲方公司法定代表人或经其书面授权的人对外发布,乙方无权对外发布、泄露。g) 乙方在甲方从业期间不得组织、计划组织以及参加任何与甲方公司相竞争的企业、个人的经营或业务活动。h) 在劳动关系解除或终止之时,乙方有义务在无需甲方专门要求的条件下将其持有的所有与甲方经营活动相关的文件、记录、数字媒体等所有形式的资料、载体,及时归还给甲方,不得保留,同时负有继续保密的义务。i) 乙方如发现本协议第一条所约定的信息、资料、事项等被泄露或因自己过失泄露的,应采取有效措施防止泄密进一步扩大,并及时向甲方报告。j) 在甲方的商业秘密或第三方提供给甲方的其商业秘密,个别部分或个别要素已被公众知晓,但尚未使商业秘密的其他部分或整体成为公知知识,以致商业秘密没有丧失价值的情况下,乙方应承担仍属秘密信息部分的保密义务,不得不正当地使用该部分信息。k) 在劳动合同终止后,乙方不得直接或间接地劝诱、帮助他人劝诱甲方内部掌握甲方或甲方客户商业秘密的员工离开甲方单位。l) 乙方保证为甲方利益尽职尽责地工作和履行保密措施和义务,遵守甲方规定的任何成文或不成文的保密规章、保密制度和本协议;若甲方的保密规章、制度、本协议没有规(约)定或者规(约)定不明确,则乙方亦保证一定本着谨慎、诚实、最有利于甲方利益的原则,采取必要、合理、恰当地保密措施,合理正当地使用,维护乙方于任职期间知悉或者持有的任何属于甲方的商业秘密或者第三方提供给甲方的属于其的技商业秘密或其他秘密信息、保密事项不被泄漏或者不正当地使用。m) 乙方不得泄露、不得不正当地使用、不得侵犯或伙同他人侵犯甲方的商业秘密及与知识产权有关的保密事项、第三方提供给甲方的其商业秘密和保密信息、保密事项。三、 乙方竞业禁止地区、范围和期限乙方保证在与甲方解除或者终止劳动合同后两年内,不到与甲方生产或者经营同类产品、从事同类业务的有竞争关系的其他用人单位,或者自己开业生产或者经营同类产品、从事同类业务。乙方的竞业禁止的地区为:中华人民共和国范围内。乙方竞业禁止期限为甲乙双方劳动合同关系解除或终止后两年内。四、 乙方竞业禁止经济补偿金:甲方在双方劳动合同解除或终止后,在两年竞业禁止期限内,甲方向乙方支付竞业禁止经济补偿金的年补偿额为乙方离开用人单位前十二个月从甲方获得的固定工资的30%,由甲方在双方劳动合同解除或终止后次月起,在每月的30号前按月支付给乙方。五、 竞业禁止条款的失效和解除:如甲方未按本协议约定支付竞业禁止经济补偿金,则本协议竞业禁止条款自甲方未按约定支付之次日起对乙方不再具有法律约束力 。甲方在竞业禁止期限届满前有权解除竞业禁止条款,该条款至甲方解除竞业禁止条款的书面通知到达乙方时解除,解除后,甲方不再承担和支付经济补偿金。六、 违约责任:a) 若乙方不对本协议第一条约定的每一份信息、资料、事项等采取保密措施,根据情节轻重将适用公司奖惩制度规定中相关条款,如系甲方或甲方客户的商业秘密,则乙方需支付违反的违约金 万元/份。b) 如甲方的损失大于违约金,则乙方除支付违约金外,应赔偿因泄露或不正当地使用所造成的甲方全部的经济损失。c) 在劳动合同期内,如乙方违反本协议的行为,且构成严重违反甲方保密规章制度的情形,则甲方可以与乙方解除劳动合同。d) 在劳动合同期内,如乙方违反本协议的行为,且属于严重失职,营私舞弊,给甲方造成重大损害的情形,则甲方可以与乙方解除劳动合同。e) 在劳动合同期内,如乙方违反本协议的行为,且属于劳动合同法第三十九条或第四十条(二)规定的情形之一的,则甲方可以与乙方解除劳动合同。f) 乙方违反两年竞业禁止约定的,应当向甲方双倍返还已得的补偿金并且按未履行竞业禁止期限一半的补偿金标准赔偿甲方。如果违约金不足以弥补甲方所受的实际损失,乙方应赔偿甲方的损失。g) 如乙方违约且构成犯罪,则另需承担刑事责任。h) 如乙方侵犯甲方的或第三方提供给甲方的其商业秘密,甲方将追究乙方的刑事责任。i) 乙方除对甲方承担违约责任外,如甲方因乙方的违反保密义务行为被甲方客户单位追究违约、赔偿责任,甲方有权向乙方进行全额追偿。七、 其他:乙方同意:在甲方工作期间,基于乙方职务行为或职务便利进行创造性劳动产生的技术成果,属于职务技术成果,该职务成果归属甲方,收益归属于甲方、因此而取得的知识产权归属于甲方。 八、 本协议与劳动合同的关系:以上所有条款均为甲乙双方真实意思表达,是双方已签或将来所签劳动合同的组成部分。九、 本协议一式两份,经甲乙双方签字盖章后生效。甲方:乙方:签章:签章:日期:日期:Confidentiality and Non-compete Agreement Party A: Party B: _ (ID card number or passport number of Party As employee) (hereinafter referred to as Party B) In consideration of Party Bs position, during and after a certain period of Party Bs service, Party B may contact or get to know the confidential matters related to Party As trade secrets and intellectual property rights and the confidential matters related to the trade secrets and intellectual property rights of a third party, which shall be kept confidential by Party A according to relevant agreement or laws. In order to protect Party A and Party Bs legal interests and rights and third partys legal interests and rights from violation, Party A and Party B voluntarily enter into the following agreement:I. Contents and Scope of Confidential Matters and Term of Confidentiality Agreed by Party B:a) Party As trade secrets: refer to technical and operating information, which are not known to the public, may gives economic interests to the owner and is practical, and in order to conceal the information from the public, confidential measures are adopted, including: 1. technical information: the scope of technical information includes but is not limited to Party As technical schemes, technical files, design and clarification, technical standards and specifications, manufacturing methods, formulas, process flows, technical indicators, computer software, data base, the test results, all of the drawings, samples, prototypes, electrodes, models, moulds, operation manuals, other technical files, equipment types, technical know-how, business letters, telephones, facsimiles, emails and attachments involving business secrets, agreements and performance thereof, technical information, etc.; 2. Operating information: the scope of operating information includes but is not limited to Party As list of customers, marketing plan, procurement information, pricing policy, private financial information, purchase channels, marketing strategy, base bid price and model content, suppliers and distributors data, etc.; b) Confidential matters related to Party As intellectual property rights other than Party As trade secrets: include but are not limited to: Party As technical schemes, technical development schemes, designs, circuit designs, manufacturing methods, formulas, process flows, technical indicators, computer software, data base, test results, all of the drawings, samples, prototypes, electrodes, models, moulds, operation manuals, other technical documentation, equipment types, business letters, telephones, meeting minutes, facsimiles, emails and attachments involving trade secrets, agreements and performance thereof, technical information, Party As list of customers, marketing plan, purchasing information, pricing policy, private financial information, purchase channels, marketing strategy, base bid price and sample contents, suppliers and distributors data, etc.; c) Information and matters (that belong to third partys trade secrets and required by third party to be kept confidential) disclosed by third party (including Party As customers and potential customers, Party As associated companies, Party As group companies, etc.)to Party A and Party As employees (including Party B) for business needs; d) Trade secrets and confidential matters of other entities and individuals acquired by Party A in the process of entering contracts with other entities and individuals, which shall not be disclosed or applied for improper use by Party A and Party As employees (including Party B), no matter whether the contracts between Party A and other entities or individuals establish. e) Party B agrees to keep confidential all the contents of foresaid information, matters, working results, etc. acquired, exchanged and known during his/her service for Party A for working needs and all the other information, matters, working results, etc. related to Party As matters and undertakes to adopt security measures to ensure no disclosure, proper use and no violation thereof. f) Party Bs confidential period: 1. in terms of Party As trade secrets and the trade secrets of any third party disclosed during negotiations between the third party and Party A acquired by Party B during his/her service for Party A, Party B shall not disclose or apply for improper use (including for his/her own use or others use), unless the trade secrets are known to the public not due to Party Bs reasons. 2. in terms of confidential information and matters related to intellectual property rights other than trade secrets, Party B shall keep confidential foresaid information and matters since Party B acquired such information and for a period of ten years after the Labor Contract between the two Parties terminates. II. Security measures that should be taken and performed by Party B and other confidentiality obligations: a) Party A shall provide to Party B various information, data, equipments and software necessary for his/her work, so that Party B may successfully complete his/her tasks. b) Party B must take necessary, appropriate, comprehensive and effective security measures (such as writing words like “confidential” on materials, locking closets and drawers, encrypting computers and email box, prohibiting other persons use or copying of working equipments, software and material provided by Party A to Party B and indicating “confidential information” in both English and Chinese words on correspondences, facsimiles, emails, files, disks, CDs when these materials are on use. Without Party As legal representatives permission, Party B shall not take confidential materials out of Party As premises) to protect information, materials and matters indicated in Article I of this Agreement handled or acquired by Party B. c) Party B must properly use Party As information, materials and matters indicated in Article I of this Agreement, i.e., Party B can only use such information in the form, degree and scope confirmed by the legal representative of Party A and Party B can only, when he/she conduct business work for Party B, make reasonable and appropriate communication of the confidential contents with other employees of Party A and persons authorized by relevant business units, who should know the confidential information, materials and matters indicated in article I hereof, and Party B must inform them not to disclose or apply for improper use the confidential information, otherwise, Party B will be considered disclosing and improperly using such confidential information. d) Party B must properly use the trade secrets and other confidential information of any third party (including existing and potential customers and associated companies) provided by the third party to Party As employees (including Party B) in order to establish and develop business relationship with Party A, i.e., without Party As legal representatives permission or the third partys written consent, Party B shall not disclose such information and materials of the third party to other employees of Party A, external persons or other entities or use such information and materials beyond the scope, degree and purpose permitted in writing by the third party, otherwise, Party B will be considered disclosing or improperly using such information. e) Party B shall not secretly inquire the contents of the confidential information, materials and matters indicated in Article I hereof unrelated to his/her work. f) Party As confidential information can only be made public by the legal representative of Party A or the person authorized by the legal representative of Party A and Party B doesnt have the right to make public or disclose Party As confidential information.g) Party shall not, during his/her service for Party A, organize, plan to organize or participate in any operational or business activities of any enterprise or individual whos the competitor of Party A. h) Upon termination of labor relations, without Party As special requirement, Party B has the obligation to return back all the files, records, digital medias and other materials in any form related to Party As business activities held by Party B to Party A and shall continuously have the obligation of confidentiality. i) In case Party B finds the information, materials and matters indicated in Article I hereof are disclosed or disclosed due to his/her default, Party B shall take effective measures to prevent further expanding of such disclosure and report to Party A in time. j) Under the situation that when certain part or certain elements of the trade secrets of Party A or the trade secrets provided by any third party to Party A are known to the public and the other part or the entire trade secrets are not known to the public, the trade secrets havent lost their value, party B shall bear confidentiality obligation to the part that is still secret and shall not improperly use such partial information. k) After termination of the Labor Contract, Party B shall not directly or indirectly induce, help others to induce employees who keep Party A or Party As customers trade secrets to leave Party As company. l) Party B undertakes to work dutifully for Party As interests, take security measures, perform confidentiality obligations and abide by any written or unwritten confidentiality regulations and security systems specified by Party A and this Agreement; in case Party As confidentiality regulations, systems or this Agreement fail to have specific provisions, Party B shall ensure, on the basis of the principles of sincerity and honesty and for the interests of Party A, take necessary, reasonable and appropriate confidential measures to protect and reasonably and properly use and maintain Party As trade secrets, any third partys trade secrets provided by the third party to Party A or other secret information and confidential matters acquired and kept by Party B during his/her service. m) Party B shall not disclose, improperly use or infringe or infringe with others Party As trade secrets and confidential matters related to intellectual property rights, any third partys trade secrets, confidential information and matters provided by the third party to Party A. III. Non-compete Area, Scope and Time Limit for Party BParty B undertakes that within two years after termination of the Labor Contract with Party A, he/she will not be enrolled in other entities producing or operating the same products, entities engaged in similar business or those who are competitors of Party A, or run an entity producing or operating the same products or engaged in the same business. Party Bs non-compete area: within the area of the Peoples Republic of ChinaParty Bs non-compete time limit shall be within two years after termination of the labor relation be