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    对我国高师体育院系综合竞争力的理论与实证研究(论文摘要)指导教师: 任 海 教授 研究生: 韩晓东在世纪之交,人才竞争日益成为国际竞争的关键因素,作为培养人才基础之基础的师范教育如何适应这种竞争需要愈来愈成为各国政府和有识之士关注的问题胡艳.迎接知识经济的挑战,深化改革我国的高等师范教育.高等师范教育研究.1998(6),P3。全球化、区域化、市场化、高等教育的大众化不仅会把我国高等体育院系推向前所未有的重要位置,还将使我国各高等体育院系之间业已存在的关于高等体育专业教育资源、市场的纷争鏖战变得更加残酷。面对共同的机遇和挑战,高师体育院系不仅需要认清自身的地位和处境、优势和不足,更要把握影响高师体育院系竞争力的关键。作为一个崭新的课题,本研究以“综合竞争力”这一视角对高师体育院系的发展做一审视,以期为我国政府及各级教育部门制定和优化高师体育院系发展战略、方针提供科学依据,并旨在为我国高师体育院系在21世纪的持续发展做出贡献。本文严格采用实证分析的范式展开研究:首先,本文通过相关教育价值、系统结构及规模效益理论的讨论,提出高师体育院系综合竞争、综合竞争力及综合竞争力系统等相关概念及理论:(1)我国高师体育院系的综合竞争,是指具有相对独立利益的高等体育专业教育主体的高师体育院系,为获得有利的生存与发展条件,增进办学效率与效益,在一定的高等体育专业教育资源条件和社会环境约束下相互对立、各尽其能推动高等体育专业教育系统发展与提高的过程。我国高师体育院系之间综合竞争的基本特征表现为竞争主体的多层次性、竞争范畴的广泛性、竞争主体主动参与的现实性、竞争的正和性、竞争目的的一致性、竞争的非完全性。(2)高师体育院系综合竞争力,是指高师体育院系在我国社会主义市场经济的大环境下,与各院系综合实力相比较的基础上,创造高等体育专业教育价值和能够推动系统内部专业教育持续增长的能力。可以说,它是在我国由计划经济向社会主义市场经济转型发展过程中出现的一个全新的、用以衡量或反映高师体育院系整体持续发展竞争能力的量化概念。(3)高师体育院系综合竞争力是一个动态发展变化的系统,推动它发展变化的各种动力要素构成了一个复杂的竞争力系统,即高师体育院系综合竞争力系统。高师体育院系综合竞争力系统具有整体性、层次性、动态相关性及开放性等基本特性。其次,提出高师体育院校系综合竞争力系统的基本概念框架:高师体育院系综合竞争力系统大致分为硬性竞争力和软性竞争力两子系统。其中,院系硬性竞争力系统由教师资源竞争力、学生人才培养竞争力、专业与课程设置竞争力、科研竞争力、教育设施竞争力、教育投入竞争力等要素构成;院系软性竞争力主要由管理竞争力和开放竞争力两要素构成。高师体育院系硬性竞争力与软性竞争力系统的各构成要素以不同的方式相互作用、相互影响,它们共同集成、共同构成高师体育院系综合竞争力系统,并决定高师体育院系专业教育的价值取向。再次,在构建高师体育院系综合竞争力计量指标体系的基础上,对中国(部分)高师本科体育院系的综合竞争力进行测度。统计结果表明:高师体育院系综合竞争力雄居第一名的是华南师大体育科学学院。通过对高师体育院系综合竞争力的计量发现,我国高师体育院系之间相对存在着不同的优势与薄弱环节。最后,提出我国高师体育院系发展的政策性建议。作为一项崭新的研究,本文势必存在着许多不足之处:对院系综合竞争力的个别构成要素,本文还没有选取到理想的指标;关于院系综合竞争力构成要素之间的作用和影响,本文还没有考虑到处在不同发展水平上的院系的不同情况等。对此,我将继续加以研究。关键词: 高师体育院系;综合竞争力;高等体育专业教育Theoretical and Empirical Study of the Comprehensive Competitiveness of Sports Institutes or Departments of Chinese Teachers' University(Abstract)Supervisor: professor Renhai Doctor Candidate: Han XiaodongWe all know that the competition to the persons of ability has become the key factor of the international competition in the 21st century. How the teachers universities, which act as the basic foundation of the persons of ability, adapt to the competition need has also come to the attention of governments and men of insight all over the world. Globalization, localization, market mechanism, higher education in a popular style, not only push the sports institutes or departments to an unprecedented important position, but also make them face the ruthless dispute of the resources of higher education of sports specialty. Facing the common opportunity with challenge, sports institutes or departments of teachers university not only need to recognize the position, the circumstances, advantage and shortage of themselves, but need to grasp the key factors affecting the competition of themselves. This essay, which acts as a new question for discussion, wants to analyse the development of sports institutes or departments of teachers university through its comprehensive competition. It is hoped that it can provide some enlightenment for our government to constitute and optimize the development strategy of sports institutes or departments of teachers university.This dissertation is a systematic and empirical study of the comprehensive competition theory of sports institutes or departments of teachers university.Firstly, this paper puts forward the relative concepts and theory of comprehensive competition and competitiveness of sports institutes or departments of teachers university founded on those theories such as the values of education, structure theory of system, the theory of scale and benefit. (1) The competition of sports institutes or departments of teachers university, which means all the relative institutes and departments try their best to get more and more beneficial development condition to improve their benefit and effectiveness, to make the system of specialty education, has some basic characteristics, such as the administrative levels of the competition bodies, the comprehensiveness of the competition scope, the reality of the main bodies of competition, vendee market of the competition, unanimous objectives of competition, non-perfectibility of competition, and so on.(2)The competitiveness of sports institutes or departments of teachers university, which means under the same circumstance of socialism market, all the relative institutes or departments create the values of sports specialty education and make them develop further.(3)The competitiveness of sports institutes or departments of teachers university consists of some dynamical elements and make it a development system which has several features ,such as integrity, arrangement, dynamic and opening .Secondly, this paper puts forward the basic framework of competitiveness of sports institutes or departments of teachers university:待添加的隐藏文字内容3Comprehensive competitiveness=Hard Competitiveness+ Soft CompetitivenessHard Competitiveness= Teacher Competitiveness+ Student Competitiveness + Specialty and Curriculum Competitiveness + Science Research Competitiveness + Educational Facility Competitiveness + Educational Outlay CompetitivenessSoft Competitiveness= Management Competitiveness + Opening CompetitivenessAll the competitiveness of the hard and soft competitiveness, which interact each other, make up of one comprehensive system of competitiveness. Their quantity, quality and mixture directly influence the specialty value trend of sports institutes or departments of teachers university. Thirdly, this paper constitutes one index system of comprehensive competitiveness of sports institute or department of teachers university to measure some higher sports institutes or departments of teachers university. The statistic shows us that, the sports and science institute of South China Normal University achieves the first class; the last one is sports department of Hubei Teachers University. It also shows us that different sports institutes or departments of teachers university have different superiority and inferior position.Finally, this essay puts forward some policy enlightenment to develop the sports institutes or departments of teachers university.Owing to some subjective and objective limitations, some parts of this paper need to be researched further, for example, the index system of comprehensive competitiveness should be constituted perfectly. Another example is that sports institutes or departments of teachers university in different development level and different development scale have different influencing factors. I will do further research in this field.Key Words: Sports Institutes or Departments of Teachers University; Comprehensive Competitiveness; Higher Education of Sports Specialty


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