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    关于小额贷款公司试点意见(英文版) .doc

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    关于小额贷款公司试点意见(英文版) .doc

    【Statute Title】 Guiding Opinions of China Banking Regulatory Commission and the People's Bank of China on the Pilot Operation of Small-sum Loan Companies Effective【法规标题】中国银行业监督管理委员会、中国人民银行关于小额贷款公司试点的指导意见 现行有效Promulgation date:05-04-2008Effective date:05-04-2008Department:unknownSubject:Banking&Finance 发布日期:2008-05-04生效日期:2008-05-04发布部门:未知类别:金融 Guiding Opinions of China Banking Regulatory Commission and the Peoples Bank of China on the Pilot Operation of Small-sum Loan Companies(No.23 2008 of China Banking Regulatory Commission)All banking regulatory bureaus, Shanghai Headquarters of the Peoples Bank of China and all branches, business management departments, and central sub-branches of the Peoples Bank of China in provincial capital cities and sub-provincial cities: To fully implement the scientific view of development, effectively allocate financial resources, guide the flow of capital to rural areas and underdeveloped areas, improve the financial services in rural areas, promote the development of agriculture, farmers and rural economy, and support the construction of socialist new countryside, we hereby put forward the following guiding opinions on issues concerning the pilot operation of small-sum loan companies as follows: 中国银行业监督管理委员会、中国人民银行关于小额贷款公司试点的指导意见(银监发200823号)(相关资料: 部门规章2篇 地方法规53篇 裁判文书1篇 相关论文3篇)各银监局,中国人民银行上海总部、各分行、营业管理部、各省会(首府)城市中心支行、副省级城市中心支行:为全面落实科学发展观,有效配置金融资源,引导资金流向农村和欠发达地区,改善农村地区金融服务,促进农业、农民和农村经济发展,支持社会主义新农村建设,现就小额贷款公司试点事项提出如下指导意见:I. Nature of Small-sum Loan CompaniesA small-sum loan company shall be a limited liability company or a company limited by shares which is established with investments from natural persons, legal-person enterprises or other social organizations, does not absorb the public deposits and operates small-sum loan business. A small-sum loan company is an enterprise with the legal person status, has independent corporate property, enjoys all corporate property rights, and assumes civil responsibility for its debts with all property. Its shareholders are entitled to get assets proceeds, participate in making important decisions and select managers, and shall be responsible to the company within the amount of capital subscribed or the shares subscribed. Small-sum loan companies shall follow the financial guidelines and policies of the state, operate within the scope prescribed by laws and regulations, manage their business on their own, assume sole responsibility for profits and losses, be self-disciplined, and assume risks by their own. Their lawful business operations will be under the protection of law, and no entity or individual has the right to intervene. 一、小额贷款公司的性质小额贷款公司是由自然人、企业法人与其他社会组织投资设立,不吸收公众存款,经营小额贷款业务的有限责任公司或股份有限公司。小额贷款公司是企业法人,有独立的法人财产,享有法人财产权,以全部财产对其债务承担民事责任。小额贷款公司股东依法享有资产收益、参与重大决策和选择管理者等权利,以其认缴的出资额或认购的股份为限对公司承担责任。小额贷款公司应执行国家金融方针和政策,在法律、法规规定的范围内开展业务,自主经营,自负盈亏,自我约束,自担风险,其合法的经营活动受法律保护,不受任何单位和个人的干涉。II. Establishment of Small-sum Loan CompaniesThe name of a small-sum loan company shall be composed of the administrative division, identifier, name of industry and the form of organization in sequence. In particular, “administrative division” refers to the name of the administrative division at the county level, and “form of organizations” is either a limited liability company or a company limited by shares. The number of shareholders of a small-sum loan company shall satisfy the quorum provisions. A limited liability company shall be set up with investments from less than 50 shareholders. For a company limited by shares, there shall be 2 to 200 promoters, and at least half of the promoters shall have domicile in China. The source of the registered capital of a small-sum loan company shall be authentic and legal, and the capital shall be all paid-in money capital and be fully handed in by investors or promoters once and for all. If it is a limited liability company, the registered capital shall not be less than 5 million yuan; and if it is a company limited by shares, the registered capital shall not be less than 10 million yuan. The shares held by a single natural person, legal entity, other social organization or affiliated party thereof shall not be more than 10% of the total registered capital of the company. To apply for setting up a small-sum loan company, the applicant is to file an application in due form with the competent department of the provincial government, and, upon approval, it shall apply to the local administrative department for industry and commerce for handling the registration formalities and get the business license. It is also required to file the relevant material with the local public security organ, the dispatched office of the CBRC and the branch institution of the Peoples Bank of China within five workdays. A small-sum loan company shall have the bylaws and management system that satisfy the relevant provisions, have the business ground and component institutions required by its business, and have the staff with corresponding expertise and experience. The natural persons, legal entities and other social organizations that invest in a small-sum loan company as well as the natural persons to be the directors, supervisors and senior managers of the company shall have no criminal record or bad credit record. A small-sum loan company shall handle the tax registration formalities at the local taxation department, and pay taxes according to law. 二、小额贷款公司的设立小额贷款公司的名称应由行政区划、字号、行业、组织形式依次组成,其中行政区划指县级行政区划的名称,组织形式为有限责任公司或股份有限公司。小额贷款公司的股东需符合法定人数规定。有限责任公司应由50个以下股东出资设立;股份有限公司应有2-200名发起人,其中须有半数以上的发起人在中国境内有住所。小额贷款公司的注册资本来源应真实合法,全部为实收货币资本,由出资人或发起人一次足额缴纳。有限责任公司的注册资本不得低于500万元,股份有限公司的注册资本不得低于1000万元。单一自然人、企业法人、其他社会组织及其关联方持有的股份,不得超过小额贷款公司注册资本总额的10%。申请设立小额贷款公司,应向省级政府主管部门提出正式申请,经批准后,到当地工商行政管理部门申请办理注册登记手续并领取营业执照。此外,还应在五个工作日内向当地公安机关、中国银行业监督管理委员会派出机构和中国人民银行分支机构报送相关资料。小额贷款公司应有符合规定的章程和管理制度,应有必要的营业场所、组织机构、具备相应专业知识和从业经验的工作人员。出资设立小额贷款公司的自然人、企业法人和其他社会组织,拟任小额贷款公司董事、监事和高级管理人员的自然人,应无犯罪记录和不良信用记录。小额贷款公司在当地税务部门办理税务登记,并依法缴纳各类税费。III. Source of Funds The major sources of funds of a small-sum loan company shall be the capital paid by shareholders, donated capital and the capital borrowed from at most two banking financial institutions. The balance of the capital borrowed from banking financial institutions shall not exceed 50% of the net capital within the scope as prescribed by laws and regulations. The interest rate and term of the borrowed capital shall be determined by the company with the banking financial institutions upon negotiations, and the interest rate shall be determined by taking the Shanghai Inter-bank Offered Rate as the base rate. Small-sum loan companies shall apply to the branch institution of the Peoples Bank of China of the place of registration for loan cards. Banking financial institutions lending capital to small-sum loan companies shall file the financing information with the local branch institutions of the Peoples Bank of China and the local dispatched offices of the CBRC in a timely manner, and shall make follow-up supervision over the use of such capital by small-sum loan companies. 三、小额贷款公司的资金来源小额贷款公司的主要资金来源为股东缴纳的资本金、捐赠资金,以及来自不超过两个银行业金融机构的融入资金。在法律、法规规定的范围内,小额贷款公司从银行业金融机构获得融入资金的余额,不得超过资本净额的50%。融入资金的利率、期限由小额贷款公司与相应银行业金融机构自主协商确定,利率以同期“上海银行间同业拆放利率”为基准加点确定。小额贷款公司应向注册地中国人民银行分支机构申领贷款卡。向小额贷款公司提供融资的银行业金融机构,应将融资信息及时报送所在地中国人民银行分支机构和中国银行业监督管理委员会派出机构,并应跟踪监督小额贷款公司融资的使用情况。IV. Employment of Capital Small-sum loan companies shall have the autonomy to select prospective borrowers on the principle of serving the development of farmers, agriculture and rural economy. When granting loans, they shall adhere to the principle of “small sum and dispersiveness.” We encourage small-sum loan companies to provide credit services for farmers and minisize enterprises and make more efforts in increasing the number of clients and enlarging the coverage of services. The balance of loans granted by a small-sum loan company to a same borrower shall not exceed 5% of the net capital of the company. Based on this requirement, small-sum loan companies may work out the maximum loan amount by considering the economic position and GDP per capita of their locality. Small-sum loan companies shall operate on the market-oriented principle. The loan interest ceiling shall be left open but below the ceiling determined by the judicial department, and the floor interest rate shall be 0.9 times the base rate published by the Peoples Bank of China. The specific floating extent shall be determined by small-sum loan companies according to the market principles. The loan term, loan repayment clauses and other contract contents shall be determined by the lender and the borrower upon negotiations according to the principles of fairness and freewill.


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