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    牛津英语8B Unit 7 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit一、写出重要的单词和词组。1 特别,尤其_ 2. 基础的,基本的_3. 教 育 _ 4. 权利 _5 扩散,分布,展开_ 6. 零花钱 _7. 别担心 _ 8. 找出,查出_ 9.有一些零用钱剩下 10.更多的钱被需要 11.吃一顿丰盛的午餐 12.加油 13.国际慈善组织 14.建立一个更好地世界 15.给贫困地区的孩子提供基础教育 16.为妇女和儿童正取平等权利 17.阻止一些严重疾病的传播 18.在青少年中间 二、完成以下短文。Oxfam needs money .Hobo has some _ _ left.He wants to _ it to the charity. He also wants to ask Eddie to give pocket money to it.But its _,.Eddie said to Hobo “I am _ weak _ I cant walk _ _ .”Hobo replied that he would take him to have a big _ and it was only five _ left.三、用合适的慈善机构名称填空。UNICEF, Oxfam, ORBIS, World Vision, World Wide Fund for Nature1. _ works to help blind people.2. _ works to protect the environment and wild-life.3. _ works to fund development projects in poor areas around the world.4. _ works to help people in poor countries.5. _ works to provide children with basic food, health care and basic education.三、 根据句意及提示写出单词。1. More _(国际性的) charities should be set up for poor people.2. I have enough _ money (零花钱) to buy some stationary.3. They had fought hard for equal _(权利).4. Every child must have _(基本的) education.5. UNICEF also works to prevent the _(扩散)of some serious diseases.6.The child likes all kinds of activities, (特别)hide-and-seek.7.The family is the (基本的)unit of society.8.Today more and more children can receive good (教育)in China.9.The wings of the bird have a 12-inch (展开).10 Would you please donate some       (口袋) money to the charity ?11. Excuse me ! Can you stand a bit      (更远) away ?12. Dont      (担心) .I will help you with your homework later .13. Health     (保健) is one of the most important things in our daily lives .四根据汉语意思完成句子。1. 我还剩下一些零花钱,我们买一些吃的吧。I have some _ _ _ . Lets buy _ _ _.2. 她太激动了以至于一句话也说不出来。She was _ _ _ _ a word.3. 课外活动的时间到了。Its time _ _ _.4. 她长大后想为贫困地区的妇女和儿童争取平等权而工作。She would like to _ _ _ _ _ of children and women in poor areas when she grows up.5. 这个富人给孩子们提供了一些电脑。The rich man _ some computers _ the children.6. 别担心!我会带你去你妈妈的餐馆。Dont _! Ill _ you _ your mothers restaurant.7. 你留有一些零花钱。_8. 我太虚弱走不动了。_9. 它还为阻止一些严重的疾病的扩散而工作,如艾滋病。_10. 它为贫困地区的孩子提供基础教育。_五句型转换1. I know much about the charity._ _do you know about the charity?2. I have some pocket money in the bag._ do you _ in the bag?3. He is too weak to carry the bag. (同义句) He isnt _ _ _ carry the bag.4. Its time for lunch. (同义句) Its time _ _ lunch. Reading 1一、 翻译下列短语。1.大多数在贫穷国家 2 没钱进行医学治疗 3.进行手术 4.承担不起去医院的费用 5.通过训练 6.很自豪帮助人们重见光明 7.现代医学发展迅速 8.开展我们的工作 9.被用作培训中心 10.教他们新技术 四、 根据或汉语意思完成单词。二、根据句意思及中文提示完成单词。1.He had a long walk with the (采访者)。2.What (阻止)you from joining us last night?3.The medicine is (主要的)sugar and water.4. (失明) affects him a lot in his life.5.This is a (病例)of fever.6.Lots of (病人)cant go to hospital because they are very poor.7,This coat is too expensive. I cant (付得起)it.8.I am (自豪的)that I can speak English well.9.Now we have a lot of (技能)and knowledge.10.Take the (药)three times a day.11.The Red Cross is one of the most famous _(慈善机构) in the world.12.Thank you for _(动手术) on them on the plane.13.About 80 percent of these cases can be _(治愈) or prevented.14.He didnt get to school on time because of his _(病).15.This kind of of medicine can _(治疗) their problems.三、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. My younger brother often _(help) others.2. Reading and writing are two basic learning _(skill).3. The Red Cross is one of the most famous _(charity) in the world.4. Im _(pride) of my sister.5.Now a lot of _(patient) cant go to hospital because they dont have money.四、写出下列句子的同义句。1. What other things can you see?_ _ can you see?2. After having a short rest, they continued studying.After having a short rest, they _ _ _ their study.3. The doctor operated on the girl last week.The doctor _ _ _ _ the girl last week.4. Im proud to help so many people.Im _ _ _ so many people.5. The boy didnt have money to buy his favourite CDs. The boy _ _ his favourite CDs. Reading 2一根据课文内容及首字母提示完成短文。 ORBIS is an international charity. The ORBIS plane t 1 around the world. A lot of people with eye p 2 come to the ORBIS plane. They can be c 3 without money. doctors can do o 4 on them to help them see again. So they are always t 5 to the doctors. The doctors also use the plane as a t 6 centre. They teach l 7 doctors and nurses new s 8 . Then they can help m 9 people in their hospitals.My uncle is an ORBIS doctor. He works on a plane. He always flies around the world, m 10 in poor countries. He operates on a lot of p 11 . He also t 12 some local doctors and nurses. His work is h 13 , but he is p 14 that he can help people i 15 their lives.二这些单词你掌握了吗?1. The good news _(传播) so fast that everyone knew it soon.2. His father was _(骄傲) of him after he got the silver medal.3. There are many _(病人) in the hospital because of the H7N9.4. The girl want to be a _(志愿者) when she grows up.5. The doctor asks me to take the _(药) three times a day.6.Im _(自豪) that Im a Chinese.7.The good news is that 80 percent of the _(病例) of H7N9 can be cured.8.The old man cant see anything because of the _(失明).9.Hunger and illness affect large numbers of people around the world, _ (for the greatest part, mainly) in poor countries.三用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.Stop talking. Lets have supper (one).2.Thank you for (invite)me to the TV show.3.ORBIS uses a (fly)Eye Hospital to visit poor countries.4.By (train)local doctors and nurses, we hope to help more people.5.Many people do not have the money for medical (treat).6.He told his mother needed an (operate)at home.7.Now I know most of the cases of blindness can (cure).8.A (medicine)team from our country was sent to India last month.9.Is there anything else youd like to say to our (read).10. Every boy and every girl _(have) the right to receive education.11. ORBIS uses its Flying Eye Hospital _ (visit) poor areas.12. The plane is _(use) as a teaching centre.13. Can you prevent the boy from _(swim) in the river?14. I am proud of _(have) so many friends here in my class.四、根据句意,从方框中选用恰当的词或短语,用正确形式填空。 be proud of; operate on; be afraid of; care about; try ones best; used to; so. that; Medicine; teach; carry on with1. When I was a child, I _ injections (打针). 2. I _ myself because I am successful enough.3. I decide to be a doctor when I grow up and _ to help other people.4. I want to learn how to _ blind people and help them see again.5. Blind people need help. All people should _ them and help them.6. I _ spend my pocket money on snacks, but now I dont.7. After having a short rest, they _ their hard work.8. The girl is _ careful _ she makes few mistakes in the exam.9. The teacher gives lessons in a _ centre.10. Does the old man have money for _ treatment?五根据汉语提示完成句子。1. 你认为贫困国家的人们最需要的是什么?What do you think people in poor countries _ _?2. 昨天他被邀请给学生们作一个演讲。He _ _ to give a speech to the students yesterday.3. 需要更多的钱来继续我们的工作。More money is needed to _ _ _ our work.4. 百分之八十的失明病例是可以预防和治愈的。80 percent of the these cases of blindness can _ _ _ _.5. 这位医生以能够帮助如此多的病人而骄傲。The doctor _ _ _ help so many patients.6. 志愿者医生可以教当地医生和护士新的技能。Volunteer doctors can _ _ _ _ _ new skills.7.教练告诉他们继续训练。The coach told them to _ with the _.8.我们把英语老师当做我们的好朋友。We _ our English teacher _ our good friend.9.医生将通过对她动手术来医治她的疾病。The doctors will _ her for her illness. Grammar一、 根据句意或中文提示完成单词。1. Toys and CDs are sold to _(募捐) money.2. _(传单) are handed out to people in the street.3. The students Union _ (举行) a charity show every year.4. A lot of things are sold in Oxfam shops, _(包含)books.5. The lives of the patients with eye problems are _(提高).二、 根据句意,用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。1. A wallet _(find) in the car yesterday.2. Usually the thunder _(hear) after the lightning.3. I _(give) a pencil by my mother this morning.4. Many trees _(plant) in my hometown every year.5. The project they had devoted up to two years to _(choose) as the best one at the conference.三、 将下列句子变为被动语态,每空一词。1. People produce silk in Suzhou.Silk _ _ in Suzhou.2. They hold football games on Friday afternoons. Football games _ _ on Friday afternoons by them.3. My father often encourages me to study hard.I _ often _ to study hard by my father.4. We built this bridge in 2012.This bridge _ _ in 2012.四、完成句子。1. 这个房间用来做厨房。The room _ _ _ a kitchen.2. 那些患有眼疾的病人的生活得到了改善。The lives of the patients _ eye problems _ _.3. 明天志愿者们将在街上给人们分发一些传单。The volunteers will _ _ some leaflets to people in the street tomorrow.4. 上周学生们给贫困地区的孩子送去了一些新书。New books _ _ _ children in poor areas by students .Integrated Skills一英汉互译1. The United Nations 2. Because of the war3. 为贫困儿童提供基础教育 4 防止他们得病5. 这种药一天吃三次 6 as a volunteer7. Have a check 8 组织其他的活动二根据汉语提示完成单词。1.Theyve been at (战争)for the last fifteen years.2.Thank you for (组织)the party for me.3.As we age, our skin becomes (苍白)。4.Dont you think this is now a (事情)for the police?5.Here is your bill. Please (核对)and sign here.6.UNICEF is _(部分) of the United States.7.A lot of things are sold in Oxfam shops, _ (包括) books.8.Those _(病人) must be taken good care of.9.Thank you for _(提供) me with some water.三用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Doing some exercise can keep us (health)2.We celebrate Christmas by (give)presents to each other.3.He has to depend on his parents because of his (ill)4.When _UNICEF (set )up? -In 1946.5. We should prevent people from (cut)down trees.四选择短语并用适当的形式填空。 make. better; provide.with; volunteer; all over the world; set up; because of1. She is a _ worker at the hospital.2. He dreams of travelling _ one day.3. When was the factory _?4. It is very difficult to _ such a big family _ food and clothes.5. We will study well and _ our country _.6. He caught a bad cold _ the heavy rain.五根据汉语提示完成句子。1. 我决定捐一些钱给希望工程。I decided to _ _ _ _ Project Hope.2. 我们认为儿童接受教育非常重要。We believe that it is very important for children _ _ _.3. 他们为这些贫困的孩子们提供牛奶,因为他们想让孩子们健康。They _ milk _ the poor children because they want the children _ _ _.4. 学生们通过卖报纸为联合儿童基金会筹集了许多钱。The students _ a lot of money for UNICEF _ _ _.5. 在当时,因为战争,人们的生活改变了。At that time, peoples lives _ _ _ _ the war. Study skills一、 词汇练习,根据首字母提示完成下列单词。1. The class meeting was h_ in the morning.2. The police is s _ for a thief.3. You can use a computer for sending and r _ emails.4. That boy is too n_ to speak in public.5. The smile on her face e_ her joy.6.Is France in _(欧洲)?7.No time to be _(紧张)any more.8.Millies pencil box is the same _(大小) as Amys pencil box.9.Dont make any _ (噪音) when you are in the library.10.Oxfam Trailwalker raises money for helping poor people in Hong Kong and other parts of _(亚洲)and Africa.二、 根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Mr. Smith is from an _( Africa) country.2. Now some farmers keep _(cut) down trees and forests.3. Its impolite to talk _(loud) in a library, a museum, or a movie theater.4. We learn that _(successful) belongs to the person with a never-give-up attitude.5. We are very _(pride) that a student from our school has won the prize.6. At first, Diana wasnt used to _(travel) by plane. 7. My father used to _(smoke) a lot, but now he has given it up.8. This kind of machine is used to _(cut) up waste paper.9. The poor area is in great need of _(educate).10. Last night, the doctor gave an _(operate) on this poor boy.三用方框中所给的单词的适当形式填空。 thin, twelve, cost, cure, develop1. Mr green lives in the _ floor of the building.2. After exercising for a few months, she is a little _ than before.3. How much does it _ to fly


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