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    附赠:难忘师恩我的初中是在*市中学度过的。在那里,我有幸遇到几位好老师,他们有的幽默风趣,有的和蔼可亲,有的治学严谨当我忆起他们的时候,心底便会陡升一种敬意,从肺腑荡漾一种感激的涟漪。黄*老师,我们的语文老师,也是我们的班主任。黄老师的时间总是和上课铃同步,上课铃声刚停下来,他就腋下夹着备课本,手里拿着教鞭从容地走进教室,轻快地走上讲台,接受我们全体起立,向他表示的敬意;他讲课抑扬顿挫,极富激情,言语中夹带优美的词句,给我们以美的享受;他一手端着课本,一手拿着粉笔,边走边读的教我们念书,不时快步走回,在黑板上写下课文中的生字;我印象最深的是他讲的水调歌头,他有声有色地朗读,将诗人隐藏在字里行间的奥妙,转换成我们听得懂的讯息,好像诗中的人和物就在我们眼前,轻盈地把我们带入伟人的思路中,让年轻的学生们被文字的力量、文字的美妙深深地震撼!虽说这堂课拖堂了,但同学们都很兴奋,似乎没有听到下课的铃声,黄老师看到我们意犹未尽的样子,反倒停住了,不动声色的放下书本,轻轻地说:“下课”!黄老师批阅作业十分认真,每一个错别字,他都会用红笔纠正,在他认为写得好的段落或词句下用红笔划出一道漂亮的波浪线,并用他那刚劲有力、深得书法诀窍的文字写下简短的评语。那天下午,又到上作文课的时间,黄老师布置完作文题,同学们思接千载、笔走龙蛇,教室里一下子静悄悄的。我也是运笔如飞、挥洒自如,自我感觉良好。作文本发下来了,我的文字里果然留下不少的批语和波浪形符号。下课后,黄老师轻盈地走到我身边,面带微笑的对我说:“九满,文章写的不错,文笔流畅,能用朴素的语言表达出丰富的内涵,你的文章要再上一个台阶,就要多阅读课外书籍,主动积累与运用一些名诗佳句”。黄老师根本就没有理睬我欣喜若狂的表情,随手把几本收获、十月递给我,并告诉我阅读的重点、阅读的方式等。那时候,我们这些乡下学生,能阅读的书籍很少,这一篇篇美文,就像一顿顿文化大餐,深深地吸引着我,让我如饥似渴、废寝忘餐,我那懵然稚嫩的心,随着书中的故事情节从农村走向城市,从南方来到北国,从贫穷走向繁华从此,我对文学的兴趣更加浓厚了。“小草带着泥土的芳香钻了出来”、“和煦的春光吹拂着小河”之类的词汇有意无意在我的作文中得以引用,那堆积在我心里的故事情节渐渐地变成文字。 周老师,我们的数学老师。和蔼亲切,慈爱的眼神总是凝在眼角,善意的微笑浮在唇边。他走起路来脚步生风,他讲课就像他走路,不是把数学概念通篇大论的讲成文科那样无聊,而是把原本一个个枯燥无味的数学符号,转换成一串串跳动的音符,让我们感受数学的奥妙和趣味,让我们轻轻松松地掌握数学的定义和原理,也使课堂里的气氛变得活跃而清新。为了让我们记住证明题的重要步骤,周老师用“炒菜”这个最贴近生活的例子来引导我们,必须把所有要用的条件都证出来,不得少一步,就好比炒菜要放油、盐,少了一样,再好的原材料、再好的厨师也炒不出味美的菜来。当然,周老师也有“不懂”的时候,那天上午,上“一元一次不等式”课,他一开口就为难的说不等式太难掌握了,到现在连他都没有完全弄懂,让我们自学、讨论、总结,然后讲给他听,同学们既兴奋又激动,经过一番激烈的争论,同学们个个胸有成竹。“刘健同学,你给我讲一下”,说完,周老师坐到刘健的座位上,当起了学生,而刘健则走上讲台认真地讲,还真像个老师;周老师聚精会神地听,时而点头赞许,时而摇头反对,时而举手提问;刘健讲完了,周老师健步走上讲台:“同学们,听懂了吗?”“听懂了!”大家齐声回答,“那谁来总结一下这节课?”“我!”大家争先恐后,“一元一次不等式”就这样在欢快的气氛里被我们掌握。当我们遇到数学难题向他请教时,周老师不是一步一步的讲步骤,而是点拨几句,给我们讲解题思路,让我们自己想出下面该怎么做。 孙老师,我们的化学老师。他长着一张严肃的脸,但他讲起课来幽默风趣,引人入胜。他上课从不讲废话,前几分钟复习上次的课,接着讲新课。孙老师的课堂提问也很有技巧,看到谁低着头、不举手,他就让谁回答问题,这种方式很灵,为了正确的回答问题,同学们都得认真听课。无论回答得错与对,孙老师也不会批评责怪我们,反而会给予更多的鼓励,让我们的胆子大起来。他让我们记“元素周期表”、“化学方程式”都是通过整理出来的顺口溜,让我们在兴趣中牢记化学知识。记得在一堂化学课上,孙老师讲了一种常规的解题思路,我又提出了另一种简便的解题方法,孙老师不仅没有反感,反而在课堂上把我表扬一番,说我有钻研精神,不久以后,他还让我当了化学课代表,我学化学的热情更高了。孙老师的化学实验课也很有情趣,他把我们叫到讲台让我们亲自做实验,用形象生动的实验激发起我们学习化学的兴趣和热情,同时也提高了同学们的动手能力。 如今,当年的同学们已在各自不同的舞台上演绎着各自独特的人生,虽然我们并不是事业有成,但是,我们没有辜负恩师的期望;陈燕、刘中华、谭文科以恩师为榜样教书育人,桂长云学成后去了*,成了*国医学界顶尖级的科学家,刘健、张海斌大学毕业后投身警*界,成了不可多得的英才 仁爱版八年级下册英语全册教案Unit 5 Feeling ExcitedTopic 1 You look excited .Section A . Teaching aimsKnowledge aims :1. 学生能正确拼读并运用以下词汇:(1) 单词表中的黑体单词 invite(2) 连系动词: be, look, feel, taste, smell 和 sound(3) 描述情绪的形容词: excited, happy 和 disappointed 2. 学生能正确运用以下短语造句:invite sb. to do sth. prepare sth. for sb.say thanks/ goodbye /hello/sorry to sb.a ticket to 3. 学生能自如地运用以下功能句进行交流:How are you doing? Very well, thank you. Guess what! What a pity!Skill aims :1. 能听懂有关情绪的询问与表达的简单对话和陈述。2. 能正确地运用本课的交际功能用语问候或表达情绪。3. 能正确朗读课本的有关情绪描述的文本材料及难度相当的材料。4. 能正确地运用本课连系动词加形容词作表语的语法结构,以及交际功能语言写出简单的问候和询问情绪的对话。Emotional aims :通过对 Section A 的学习,学生能够在学会描述和表达自己情绪的同时,学会控制不利于自身的消极情绪,并且能够学会关注他人的情绪,在别人情绪低落时主动帮助排解不良的情绪,互助互爱。 . The key points and difficult pointsKey points :学生在交流中能自如地运用系表结构和以下短语:invite sb. to do sth. prepare sth. for sb. say thanks/ goodbye /hello/sorry to sb. a ticket to Difficult points :1. 学生对功能用语 How are you doing? 的理解。 2. 描述他人情绪时连系动词正确形式的运用。 . Learning strategies通过听力训练,鼓励学生通过图片和形容词的感情色彩大胆预测即将听到的内容,对所要完成的题目进行初步的判断。 . Teaching aids Computer multimedia projector, the flash of the song, Do Re Mi. . Teaching proceduresStep 1 Review 第一步 复习 ( 时间 : 5 分钟 )复习表达情感的形容词并处理新词句。 ( 寒假过后,师生见面,相互问候,然后教师以简笔画的形式表达出自己在寒假中的感受并让学生试着来表达,引出部分表示情感的形容词。 ) T: Did you have a good time in your winter holiday?Ss: Yes, we did.T: S 1 , did you ask your friends to your home for dinner?S 1 : Certainly.T: Oh, I know you invite d your friends to your home. Were you ? S 1 : Yes, we were very happy.T: Great. I know all of you had a good winter holiday. Now lets use stick figures to express your feelings in the holiday. sad excited angry worried( 板书并要求学生掌握 invite 和 none ;理解 worried ;了解 disappointed 。 )invite, none, disappointed, worriedStep 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现 ( 时间 : 7 分钟 )呈现并处理 1a 的对话。1. ( 教师总结并导入 1a 。 )T: We had a good time in the winter holiday. So we are all happy today. What about Kangkang? Lets listen to 1 and find it.( 板书 ) How does he feel? ( 核对答案。 )2. ( 让学生跟读 1a 并画出文中重点词、句,然后教师板书。学生掌握 say thanks to 。 )How are you doing?excitedinvite say thanks to3. ( 再听录音,让学生画出本对话生词及疑难点,教师板书并给予适当讲解。 )T: Listen again, underline the new words and difficulties.( 板书 )movie theater, exciting, The Sound of Music , disappointed, Sound great ! What a pity !Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 ( 时间 : 10 分钟 )巩固 1a 的知识点。1. ( 让学生再读 1a ,然后进行角色扮演。 )T: Read 1a again, and then act it out in roles.2. ( 让学生完成 1b, 1c 和 1d 。 )Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 ( 时间 : 15 分钟 )引出并练习系表结构。1. ( 通过师生问答,呈现并讲解系表结构。 ) Kangkang/excited Mr. Lee/disappointedT: Kangkang looks excited. What about Mr. Lee?S 1 : He feels disappointed .主 系表( 让学生总结学过的系动词,教师板书,学习生词 taste 。 )be, look, feel, sound, taste2. ( 给学生 35 分钟时间,完成 2 的练习。 )T: You have 35 minutes to finish 2.( 教师板书答案。 ) (1) The food is/ taste s very delicious .(2) Michael is/looks so happy.(3) The music is/ sounds wonderful .(4 ) They are / feel excited . Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动 ( 时间 : 8 分钟 )合作探究本课重点词句。1. ( 让学生自我测试,通过反义词学习生词。 ) T: We have learned many adjectives. Lets have a test. Say out the opposite words as quickly as you can. T: happy Ss: T: ( 板书 )popularunpopularsmartsillykindcruelT: Great / Wonderful!2. Homework:T: Make a survey about how your friend feels when she/he is in the following situations.SituationFeelingPass the exam.Be late for class.Your pet dog is dead.Listen to wonderful music.Your mother is ill. . Teaching ReflectionIts easy for the students to understand the structure of “linking verb + adjective”. But its a little hard for the students to use the correct form of the linking verbs in their own conversations. Teacher should design more oral practice for the students. . Blackboard designUnit 5 Feeling Excited Topic1 You look excited.Section A1. -How are you doing? -Very well, thank you. 2. linking verb + adjective 3. Guess what! 4. invite sb. to do sth. 5. one of + 最高级 + 名词复数6. prepare sth. for sb.7 . say thanks/ hello/ sorry / goodbye to sb.8. a ticket toSection B . Teaching aimsKnowledge aims :1. 学生能掌握 -ing 和 -ed 在词尾的读音,及此类单词的重音位置; 能在朗读中正确读出连 读和句子的语调,并能区分出和读准需要重读的实词。2. 学生能正确拼读并运用单词表中的黑体单词 seem, 并正确运用以 -ed 结尾的形容词和以 -ing 结尾的形容词。3. 学生能正确运用“ linking verb+ adjective” 结构造句。4. 学生能自如地运用系表结构的句子进行交流来谈论情绪。Skill aims :1. 能听懂有关情绪的询问与表达的简单对话和陈述。2. 能正确地运用带有系表结构的句子表达情绪,能自如地就个人喜好的话题进行交流。3. 能正确朗读课本的有关情绪描述的文本材料及难度相当的材料。4. 能正确地运用本课连系动词加形容词作表语的语法结构,以及交际功能语言写出简单的问候和询问情绪的对话。Emotional aims :通过对 Section B 的学习,鼓励学生在闲暇时间多参加积极健康的文体活动,开阔视野,陶冶情操,提高个人的自身修养,并能培养他们乐观向上的精神,有助于排解不良的情绪。 . The key points and difficult pointsKey points :1. linking verb+ adjective2. 正确运用以 -ed 结尾的形容词和以 -ing 结尾的形容词。Difficult points :1. 对以 -ed 结尾的形容词和以 -ing 结尾的形容词的理解。2. 对句子中需重读的词的正确把握。 . Learning strategies1. 对同一词根的词的成组理解记忆有助单词记忆速度的提高和对词义的理解。2. 通过模仿录音重读,连读和语调,让学生知道模仿读音是修正自己读音的很好的学习途径。 . Teaching aids Computer multimedia projector, phonetic syllable cards, word cards. . Teaching proceduresStep 1 Review 第一步 复习 ( 时间 : 5 分钟 )复习并处理新词句,然后导入新课。1. ( 教师检查上节课布置的作业,复习系表结构,导出本课的目标语言。要求学生,掌握短语 be proud of 。 )T: Now lets check the homework. S 1 ,when you are late for class, how do you feel?S 1 : I always feel worried and afraid.T: S 2 , if your pet dog is dead, are you sad?S 2 : Yes, I must be very sad.T: When you heard Zhang Yining won the first in the Olympic Games, how did you feel?S 3 : I felt excited.S 4 : I felt very pleased.T: We are all proud of her, right?S s : Yes.( 板书画线部分。 )upset, be proud ofStep 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现 ( 时间 : 12 分钟 )呈现并处理本课活动 1a 。1. ( 通过谈论京剧,引入本课重点活动 1 a 。要求学生掌握 film , 理解 Beijing Opera , 了解 moving 。 )T: What music are you listening to?S 5 : Jing Ju.T: Yes, Its Beijing Opera . What do you think of it?S 5 : Its wonderful. I like it.S 6 : I dont like it at all. Its boring.T: OK, S 7 , which do you like better, Beijing Opera or movies?S 7 : I like movies better.T: Oh, you mean you like films . I like films, too. Love Me O nce More, Mom is my favorite. Its very moving .( 板书画线部分。 )Beijing Opera, film, movingT: What about Kangkang? What is his favorite? Lets listen to 1a and find out which film Kangkang likes best.( 让学生听 1a 的录音,回答教师问题。听完录音后,教师提问。 )T: Which film does Kangkang like best?Ss: He likes Avatar.T: Why?Ss: Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 ( 时间 : 11 分钟 )巩固本课 1a, 完成 1b 和 1c 。1. ( 让学生读 1a ,完成 1b 和 1c 。 )T: Read 1 and finish 1b and 1c.2. ( 利用 1c 中的词句复述 1a 内容。 ) T: Retell 1a according to the key words and sentences in 1c.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 ( 时间 : 10 分钟 )继续学习并练习系表结构。1. ( 读 2a 中的单词,掌握它们的区别,会使用它们 )T: Read the words in 2a and master them.2. ( 让学生完成 2b 的填空练习,并核对答案。 )T: Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words.3. ( 让学生听 3 ,并完成填空练习,并核对答案。 )T: Listen to the passage and complete the sentences.4.( 让学生归纳学过的系动词和表示情感的形容词。 )T: Please sum up the linking verbs and feeling words in Section A and B.2. Homework:(1)( 假设你是康康的妈妈,你正在给迈克尔的妈妈打电话。你们会谈些什么呢?请设置一个打电话的对话。 )T: Suppose you were Kangkangs mother, you are talking with Michaels mother on the phone. What are you talking about? Please make a dialog about this.(2) 预习。( 查询资料,了解 Section C 中的影片内容。 )T: Collect some information about the films The Sound of Music. . Teaching ReflectionStudents understand the structure of “linking verb + adjective” well and they can make up right sentences with it. But they need more exercises about the usages of adjectives ended with ed and ing. They are very interested in the movie The Sound of Music after learning Section A and B. Its helpful for them to learn Section C. . Blackboard designUnit 5 Feeling ExcitedTopic 1 You look excited.Section B1. seem unhappy feel disappointedbe interesting/ fun be boring be exciting2. Great! He must be excited to get it.OK. I will tell him the exciting news right now! Section C . Teaching aimsKnowledge aims :1. 学生能根据音标,正确朗读出单词表中单词及短语。2. 能正确拼读并运用黑体单词。3. 学生能正确运用“ linking verb+ adjective” 结构造句。4. 学生能正确使用以下短语,复述本课课文,简单地介绍影片大意。 one of , care for, become angry, because of , teach sb. to do sth, cheer sb. up, Skill aims :1. 能听懂本课文本材料以及与电影内容相关的课堂用语。2. 能熟练地口头谈论有关 The Sound of Music 的故事大意及经典音乐的话题。3. 能准确朗读课本的文本材料,并能正确地朗读相关的文本材料。4. 能规范地写出有关采访 Mr. Brown 关于 The Sound of Music 的对话。Emotional aims :教育学生要热爱音乐,学会欣赏优秀的影视作品,拥有积极乐观的生活态度。 . The key points and difficult pointsKey points :1. 正确运用单词表中单词及短语。2. 正确运用“ linking verb+ adjective” 结构造句。Difficult points :1. lonely 和 alone 的区别运用。 2. 采访对话的写作。 . Learning strategies:1. 观看英文电影对练习英语发音,语调和听力训练都有很大的帮助。2. 分工明确的小组学习可以让学生对英语对话及短文的写作步骤有更深刻的理解。 . Teaching aids Computer multimedia projector, the flashes of the songs, The Lonely Goatherd and Edelweiss . . Teaching proceduresStep 1 Review 第一步 复习 ( 时间 : 5 分钟 )复习 Section BT: Lets review what we learned yesterday. Answer my questions, OK?Ss: OK.T: How does Mr. Brown feel?Ss: He feels disappointed.T: Why is he disappointed?Ss: Because he couldnt get a ticket to The Sound of Music.T: What happened to Michael?Ss: Michael had a cold.T: How about his tickets?Ss: Mr. Brown could use his tickets since he was not able to go.T: Yes, youre right. Now, Mr. Brown is in the theater. That is the song he is listening to. Lets share it together.T: What do you think of the song? Do you think it is lively ?Ss: Yeah, its good.T: Why do you think its good?Ss: Because it makes me happy and relaxed.T: I think so. It can cheer us up . I like to listen to this song when I am sad. Its the theme song of The Sound of Music. Do you know this movie?Ss: Yeah. Its very popular.T: Would you like to learn the song?Ss: Great!T: Now lets sing the song after the tape.( 板书 )lively, cheer upStep 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现 ( 时间 : 8 分钟 )呈现 1a 。1. ( 教师导入新课。 )T: Well done! Its a lively song. Its the theme song of The Sound of Music . Do you know anything more about this movie? Now lets look at the poster, and discuss the questions in 1a .( 教师拿出 The Sound of Music 的海报 , 展示给学生,讨论 1a 中的问题并核对答案。讲解学生可能看不懂的地方,必要时在黑板上写出中文解释。 )T: Please find out who are the starring and the director.Ss: Julie Andrews and Robert Wise.T: Right. This story happened in Austria . Can you tell me something about this story?S 1 : Its a story about Maria.S 2 : Maria went to care for a family with seven children.S 3 : The children cried and shouted every day. The father was lonely .S 4 : Their father was almost mad at their behaviors at first , but their father became happy in the end .( 通过交流,检查学生的预习情况。以上内容如果学生表述不清楚,教师可帮助学生一起回答。引出生词和短语: Austria, cry, lonely, mad, at first, in the end 并解释。 )( 板书 )Austria , cry, lonely, mad,at first, in the end=at last2. ( 让学生自读 1a ,根据上下文猜测生词意思并画出表达情感的词。 )T: Now weve known something about this movie. Please read 1a by yourselves, and guess the meanings of the new words and phrases according to the context. Then underline the words expressing feelings.3. ( 让学生说出表示情感的单词。 )T: Say out the words expressing feelings, please.sad and tiredlonelyangrymadhappyStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 ( 时间 : 13 分钟 )复习巩固 1a ,并完成 1b 。1. ( 让学生阅读 1a ,并画出关键词句。教师把学生总结的关键词句写在黑板上。 )T: Please read 1a carefully and underline the key words and sentences.( 板书 )popular, movie, story about a young woman, Austria, the Von Trapp family, care for, died, sad and tired, father, angry, lively, perform, play, cheer up, mad, pleased2. ( 现在再读 1a , 然后回答 1c 问题。 )T: Now, lets read 1a again and then find the answers to the questions of 1c.( 呈现小黑板或幻灯片。 )1.What did Maria go to the Von Trapp family for?2.Why were the family sad and tired?3.How did Maria cheer up the children?4.What do you think of Maria?3. ( 教师核对答案,检查学生的理解情况。 )( 核对完答案后。 )T: Excellent. Now, lets listen to 1a and find out the main idea of each paragraph. Please work in pairs and discuss them. ( 听完录音,给学生两分钟的讨论时间,然后检查讨论结果。如果学生表达不够简练,教师指正。 )T: Group 1, what does Paragraph 1 talk about?G 1 : The Sound of Music is a story about Maria.T: Group 2, what about the second paragraph?G 2 : It talks about the family. The family looked sad and tired.T: Group 3, whats your idea about Paragraph 3? G 3 : Maria cheered up the family in the end.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 ( 时间 : 10 分钟 )1. ( 播放歌曲 Do Re Mi 。 )T: Do you know this song?Ss: Yeah.T: Do you know the movie. Whats it about?S s: 2. ( 让学生完成 2a 。 )T: Finish 2 by your


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