摘 要:介绍了一种用74系列常用集成电路设计的数码显示八路抢答器的电路组成、设计思路及功能。该抢答器除具有基本的抢答功能外,还具有定时、计时和报警功能。主持人通过时间预设开关预设供抢答的时间,系统将完成自动倒计时。若在规定的时间内有人抢答,则计时将自动停止,抢答电路数码管上显示选手编号。蜂鸣器发生报警,二极管发光,定是电路显示倒计时时间。若在规定的时间内无人抢答,定是电路显示00,同时系统中的蜂鸣器将发响,提示主持人本轮抢答无效,实现报警功能。NI Multisim软件结合了直观的捕捉和功能强大的仿真,能够快速、轻松、高效地对电路进行设计和验证。本设计就是利用Multisim软件进行电路图的绘制并进行仿真。关键词: 八路, 抢答器, 设计,定时,计时,报警 Abstract: Introduces a kind of commonly used with 74 series IC design of digital display is composed of zhuhai circuit responder, design concept, function. This contest is a basic vies except function outside, still have timing, timing and alarm function. Host through time for vies preset switch preset time, the system will complete automatic countdown. If the stipulated time someone contest, is timing will automatically stop, vies to answer first circuit digital tube demonstrated contestant Numbers. Buzzer happen alarm, diode luminescence, settle is circuit display countdown time. If the stipulated time no contest, is surely circuit, and system of display 00 buzzer will send ring, tip host this contest null and void, realize alarm function. NI Multisim software combines the intuitive capture and powerful simulation, can quickly, easily and effectively to circuit design and verified. This design is the use of the circuit drawing Multisim software and simulate.