局域网即时通信工具的设计和实现 局域网即时通信工具的设计和实现摘要本系统主要是针对当前小型局域网之间的信息通讯而开发。采用点对点的通讯方式,不需要架设服务器,多用户之间实现信息通讯和资源共享传输。本软件实现了6大功能,分别是点对点私聊、多人群聊、自定义表情、发送网络图片、即时发送文件、历史记录的保存。这些功能是所有聊天工具软件所实现的必要功能,但是在该软件的开发中使用了最新的技术和工具,如:C#2.0编程语言、.NET开发平台。此软件的特色之处是:使用了XML、XSL、HTML实现历史记录的存取,增强了可管理性。在该软件中,使用了UDP服务器转发技术,加入了设置窗体透明度、设置用户个人信息、自动回复、103个特色群组聊天室、添加和管理个人收藏等这些有趣好用的功能。经过测试,本系统已经可以应用到局域网之中进行信息通讯。本系统有安装便捷,占用内存少等特点,已达到了局域网信息通讯基本要求,此外系统在功能上还有很大的扩展性,各个企业可以根据自身需求,进1步开发完善。关键字:信息通讯;Socket; TCP/IP;UDPAbstract The system is mainly directed at the current small LAN communication of information between developed. Using peer-to-peer means of communication and do not need to set up servers, multi-user communication between information transmission and the sharing of resources. The software functions of the six were point-to-point Private Chat, chat over the crowd, their definition of the expression of this network photographs, immediate document delivery, the preservation of historical records. These functions are all chatting software tools to achieve the necessary functions, But in the software development using the latest technology and tools, such as : C # 2.0 programming language, . NET networking technology. The softwares characteristics are : the use of XML, XSL, HTML achieve access to the historical record, enhanced manageability. In the software, the use of the transponders UDP server technology, to set up a transparent window, users set up personal information, automatic reply, 13 characteristics group chat room, add personal collection and management such as the interesting handy functions. After testing, the system can be applied to information among LAN communications. The system is easy to install and take up less memory characteristics LAN has reached the information and communication requirements. Besides the functional system there is a lot of expansion, various enterprises according to their needs, the further development of sound. .Keywords: Information communication; Socket; TCP/IP; UDP