2011-07题录英译集*基于改进小波阈值函数的雷达信号去噪赵松,江汉红,张朝亮,柯泽贤(海军工程大学电气与信息工程学院,武汉 430033)摘要:为去除雷达信号混杂的高斯白噪声,对小波阈值去噪法进行研究。通过分析软硬阈值函数和几种改进阈值函数的特点,提出了改进连续阈值函数和折衷阈值函数,并选取优化阈值进行去噪仿真。仿真结果表明:新阈值函数连续性好、便于调节,克服了硬阈值法不连续和软阈值法具有偏差的缺点。方法2效果最佳,有效提高了输出信噪比,对于雷达信号处理具有一定的应用价值。关键词:小波变换;阈值函数;雷达信号Radar Signal Denoising Based on Improved Wavelet Thresholding FunctionsZhao Song, Jiang Hanhong, Zhang Chaoliang, Ke Zexian(College of Electrical & Information Engineering, Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan 430033, China)Abstract: In order to discard the Gaussian white noise mixed in radar signal, researched conventional wavelet threshold denoising method. By anlysing the character of soft and hard thresholding functions and some improved thresholding functions, introduces two optimized functions: improved continuous thresholding function and eclectic thresholding function. It also makes a simulation with optimized threshold. The simulation results show that the new thresholding functions above are continuous and easy to adjust, which overcome the shortcomings of the incontinuous hard thresholding function and the soft thresholding function with unvarying warp. The second method performs better, which enhances the signal-to-noise of output signal effectually. The work has an important applied value for radar signal processing.Keywords: wavelet transform; thresholding function; radar signal*巡航导弹突破要地防空群多层防线的概率模型孙学锋1,赵彦辉1,于天顺2(1. 海军航空工程学院指挥系,山东 烟台 264001;2. 中国人民解放军92840部队,山东 胶南 266400)摘要:为解决如何计算巡航导弹的突防概率问题,建立了巡航导弹的突防概率模型。将巡航导弹的突防过程看作是在一定时间内时间空间和状态空间都离散的马尔可夫链,运用一步转移概率矩阵,计算出巡航导弹突破每一层防线后剩余情况的概率,并结合实际算例进行分析。结果表明:该模型可降低巡航导弹的突防概率,提高要地防空群的拦截概率,对提高要地安全性具有重要意义。关键词:要地防空群;巡航导弹;马尔可夫链;突防概率模型Probabilistic Model of Cruise Missile Breaking Through Multiplayer Defense of Air Defense Group for Strategic PointsSun Xuefeng1, Zhao Yanhui1, Yu Tianshun2(1. Dept. of Command, Naval Aeronautical & Astronautical University, Yantai 264001, China; 2. No. 92840 Unit of PLA, Jiaonan 266400, China)Abstract: In order to solve the problem of how to calculate the penetration probability of cruise missile, the penetration probability model of cruise missile is established. The penetration process of cruise missile is considered as Markov chain whose time space and state space are both dispersed in a certain period of time. Then it is used one-step transfer probability Matrix to calculate the remaining probability of cruise missiles when they breaking through each defense. And finally the model is validated through an actual example. The results show that the model can reduce penetration probability of the cruise missile and improve interception probability of the air defense group for strategic points. It is significant for improving the security of strategic points.Keywords: air defense group for strategic points; cruise missile; Markov chain; penetration probability model*钛合金轻质枪管热-结构耦合分析翟光涛,李引(中国兵器工业第二八研究所一室,北京 102202)摘要:为分析高温高压火药气体对钛合金枪管热性能的影响,以某型小口径钛合金轻质枪管为研究对象,建立基于ANSYS平台的枪管热-结构耦合分析模型。采用直接耦合方法,利用ANSYS参数化设计语言(APDL)编程计算枪管在高频动态热脉冲和动态压力循环作用下的温度场和瞬态应力响应,并对计算结果进行实验验证。研究结果表明:热脉冲和压力脉冲的耦合作用显著;钛合金的材料性能能满足枪管的设计要求。关键词:钛合金轻质枪管;直接耦合;有限元;瞬态应力Thermal-Structure Coupling Analysis of Titanium Alloy Light-Weight Gun BarrelZhai Guangtao, Li Yin(No. 1 Staff Room, No. 208 Research Institute of China Ordnance Industries, Beijing 102202, China)Abstract: In order to study the influence of the power gas with high temperature and high pressure on the titanium alloy light-weight gun barrel, taking certain type small-caliber titanium alloy light-weight gun barrel as studies object, a thermal-structure coupling model of gun barrel was established based on ANSYS platform. The direct coupling analysis is employed and the program was written based on ANSYS parameter design language. Temperature field and transient stress response of this gun barrel was calculated under the cyclic action of high-frequency dynamic thermal pulse and dynamic pressure pulse. And a series of experiments were carried out to test the simulation results. This study shows that the coupling effect of thermal pulse and pressure pulse are very obvious and material property of titanium alloy meets the requirement of the design of gun barrel. And the research results have important significance for the design and optimization of titanium alloy gun barrel. Keywords: titanium alloy light-weight gun barrel; direct coupling; finite element; transient stress*武器装备体系结构项目视图产品设计及开发张晓雪,廖良才,杨克巍(国防科学技术大学信息系统与管理学院,长沙 410072)摘要:针对武器装备体系结构描述在项目顶层设计方面存在的不足,结合国内外研究现状,设计和开发武器装备体系结构项目视图产品。主要描述体系中的项目、项目之间的关系、项目演化过程以及项目如何满足体系能力需求,并结合机动防御作战体系结构进行项目视图的实例展示。该研究对体系建设规划、采办管理等领域具有一定的理论和现实指导意义。关键词:武器装备体系结构;项目视图;产品设计Design and Development of Weapons Equipment System Architecture Project Viewpoints ProductsZhang Xiaoxue, Liao Liangcai, Yang Kewei(School of Information System & Management, National University of Defense Tecnology, Changsha 410072, China)Abstract: Aiming at the shortage of weapons equipment system architecture describe in projects top design, integrating study status both in country and abroad, design and develop architecture project viewpoints, which describes the projects in Architecture, the relationships between them, the evolvement process and how projects satisfy system capability demands, and combine maneuver recovery operation system architecture as example to describe relevant project viewpoints products. Project viewpoints have great significance in many fields such as constructing system programming, acquisition management. Keywords: weapons equipment system architecture; project viewpoints; product design*舰艇编队航材快速补给的系统动力学模型岳奎志1,韩维1,宋岩1,陈伟2,史建国1(1. 海军航空工程学院7系,山东 烟台 264001;2. 中国人民解放军92514部队9分队,山东 烟台 264000)摘要:为解决对大型水面舰艇编队所需的航材的供给不足问题,建立带有自动调节系统的舰艇编队航材快速补给趋势的预测模型,对舰艇编队航材快速补给进行研究。采用系统动力学方法,构建影响舰载机分遣队快速补给效率的各元素因果回路图与存量流量图及预测模型,并以系统动力学软件Vensim PLE 5.9为平台进行建模仿真。运行结果表明:该模型在扰动条件下能进行航材快速补给趋势的预测,可为舰载运输机分遣队快速补给方案的制定提供理论依据。关键词:航材补给;舰载运输机;系统动力学;预测System Dynamics Model on Rapid Supply of Spare Parts in Carrier FormationYue Kuizhi1, Han Wei1, Song Yan1, Chen Wei2, Shi Jianguo1(1. No.7 Department, Naval Aeronautical & Astronautical University, Yantai 264001, China; 2. No. 9 Unit, No. 92514 Army of PLA, Yantai 264000, China) Abstract: Establish the automatic regulatory systematic forecasting model about rapid supply of spare parts trend in carrier formation to solve the shortage of spare parts in the major surface carrier formation. Studied the rapid supply of spare parts for carrier formation with the method of system dynamics, this article built causal loop diagrams and stock and flow diagrams about every element of impacting the rapid supply rate of detachment in carrier plane and simulated on the basis of system dynamics software of Vensim PLE 5.9. The simulation results show that this model can predict the rapid supply trend of spare parts under condition of perturbation, and provide the theoretical evidence for scheduling the rapid supply method from detachment in carrier aircraft.Keywords: spare parts supply; carrier aircraft; system dynamics; predict*ELECTRE I多属性评估方法在防空威胁评估中的应用刘新科1,王威2,谭乐祖2(1. 西北工业大学,西安 710072;2. 海军航空工程学院,山东 烟台 264001)摘要:针对传统的多属性评估方法的局限性,将ELECTRE I多属性评估方法应用到防空威胁评估中。在介绍ELECTRE I方法关键思路与分析步骤的基础上,结合防空威胁评估的特性,建立了基于ELECTRE I多属性评估方法的目标威胁评估模型。算例分析结果验证了该方法的有效性与合理性。关键词:威胁评估;ELECTRE I;多属性评估Application of ELECTRE I Multiattribute Block Assessment in Air Defence Threat EvaluationLiu Xinke1, Wang Wei2, Tan Lezu2(1. Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xian 710072, China;2. Naval Aeronautical & Astronautical University, Yantai 264001, China)Abstract: Aiming at traditional limitation of multiattribute block assessment, ELECTRE I multiattribute block assessment apply to air defence threat evaluation. On the basis of introduce ELECTRE I method key idea and analysis step, combining the characteristic of air defence threat evaluation, a threat evaluation model based on ELECTRE I Multiattribute Block Assessment is established. The example analysis proves the feasibility and practicability of the method.Keywords: threat evaluation; ELECTRE I; multiattribute block assessment*重型冲击桥仿真模拟训练系统周波,裴超毅,牛赛(总装工程兵科研2所2室,北京 100093)摘要:为帮助部队尽快掌握冲击桥技术性能和提高训练效率,设计了重型冲击桥模拟训练系统。模拟训练系统由操作台、主操控盒、仿真计算机、作业显示终端、数据采集与通讯、视景仿真训练软件等组成。通过三维建摸、软件驱动,可在屏幕上多视角、立体显示冲击桥架设撤收的每个动作过程和桥跨、架设机构的结构细节,在作业显示终端上显示冲击桥架设撤收进度和动作状态。试验结果证明:冲击桥模拟训练系统可以减少装备的损耗,延长使用寿命,降低训练风险,节省训练经费和提高训练效率。关键词:冲击桥;仿真;模拟训练Simulation Training System of Heavy Assault BridgeZhou Bo, Pei Chaoyi, Niu Sai(No. 2 Staff Room, No. 2 Scientific Research Institute of Corps of Engineers of Department of General Equipment, Beijing 100093, China)Abstract: In order to master the technical performances and to promote training efficiency for troops, a simulation training system of heavy assault bridge was designed. This system consists of the operation platform, the main operation box, the simulation computer, the work display terminal, the data collection and communication system, the visual emulation training software, and so on. The system is used to display the process of launching and retrieving and to display the detail structures of the span and the launch system of the assault bridge by the way of three-dimensional modeling and software driving. we can see the above the processes in all dimensions on the screen. We also can understand the retrieving progresses and the working states on the work display terminal. As a result of testing, it was proved that this system can reduce equip loss, prolong using life, reduce training risk, save training funds and promote training efficiency.Keywords: assault bridge; emulation; simulation training*我国烟花爆竹生产工艺装备现状及发展趋势吴斌,周丽娟,李威(中国兵器工业第五八研究所工业自动化工程技术部,四川 绵阳 621000)摘要:概述国内烟花爆竹行业生产现状,针对该行业仍处于手工作业向机械化生产过渡的生产模式,分析现行工艺装备存在的问题,提出安全可靠、高效高质、多工位自动化的发展方向,以及需要重点解决的制约性技术难题。该研究可为下一步突破各项关键技术提供参考。关键词:烟花爆竹;工艺装备;现状;发展趋势Status and Future Development for Technics and Equipment of Chinas Fireworks and CrackersWu Bin, Zhou Lijuan, Li Wei(Dept. of Industrial Automation Engineering Technology, No. 58 Research Institute of China Ordnance Industries, Mianyang 621000, China)Abstract: Introduce status and future development of Chinas fireworks and crackers industries. In order to accelerate the industry transition from handwork to mechanisation, analyze existing problems of present technics and equipment and put forward a developmental direction with security and reliability, high efficiency and high quality, as well as automatic and multiple stations. It also introduces conditional and technological questions that need to be necessarily solved. The given research could make reference to next related critical technologies.Keywords: fireworks and crackers; technics and equipment; status; future development*轻武器杀伤效能评估理论与计算陈强华,王永娟(南京理工大学机械工程学院,南京 210094)摘要:为了有效评估轻武器杀伤效能,对轻武器杀伤效能进行理论评估与计算。以终点弹道理论和创伤弹道学理论为依据,建立球型破片和枪弹在明胶中的运动模型,采用龙格库塔法对运动模型进行编程,计算出杀伤元的侵彻速度与侵彻深度随时间的变化曲线,从而预测出杀伤元在明胶中传递的能量,再将其应用于几种常用的基于能量传递的轻武器杀伤效能评估模型中,即可快速评价杀伤元的杀伤效能。实例计算结果证明:该方法简单、方便,可为轻武器研究、设计、论证提供参考。关键词:球形破片;枪弹;能量传递;运动模型;杀伤效能Evaluation Theory and Calculation of Kill Efficiency for Small ArmsChen Qianghua, Wang Yongjuan(School of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science & Technology, Nanjing 210094, China)Abstract: In order to evaluate kill efficiency for small arms effectively, kill efficiency for small arms was theoretically evaluated and calculated. Take the terminal ballistics theory and wound ballistics theory as reference, The kinetic model of Spherical fragment and bullet in gelatin was established, then the kinetic model was programmed by using the Runge-Kutta method, the penetration velocity and the penetration depth verse time for damage element were calculated by using this program, the transferred energy of damage element in gelatin was predicted. Then the transferred energy was applied to the evaluation models of kill efficiency for small arms based on the energy-transferring, so the kill efficiency of damage element could be estimated quickly. It was demonstrated by the instance that this method is simple and convenient, and could provide referrence for study, design and demonstration of small arms.Keywords: spherical fragment; bullet; energy-transferring; kinetic model; kill efficiency*虚拟场景中路径自动选择算法施斌1,刘惠义2,赵建平1,年福纯1(1. 中国卫星海上测控部技术部,江苏 江阴 214431;2. 河海大学计算机及信息工程学院,南京 210098)摘要:针对传统路径规划方法存在的问题,对机器人全局路径规划中的栅格建模方法进行改进。从场景建模描述、邻域查找以及路径搜索策略3个方面进行深入研究,采用线性八叉树法对场景进行建模,给出基于线性八叉树的层次编码体系,引入路径搜索因子对启发式函数进行重构。通过基于八叉树的场景分解,基于线性八叉树编码特性的邻域查找,以及改进的A*算法路径搜索,实现了三维场景路径规划和自动漫游。实验结果表明:该算法的时间和空间效率较好。关键词:虚拟场景;线性八叉树;路径规划;A*算法An Algorithm on Path Planning in Virtual SceneShi Bin1, Liu Huiyi2, Zhao Jianping1, Nian Fuchun1(1. Technology Department, Satellite Maritime Tracking & Controlling Department of China, Jiangyin 214431, China;2. College of Computer Science & Information Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China)Abstract: To solve the problems existing in those traditional path planning methods, the algorithm improves grid modeling method for global robotics path planning. Deep researches on scene modeling description, neighbor search and path search strategy are made. First, the linear octree method is applied to scene modeling. Second, hierarchical coding system based on linear octree is presented. Third, heuristic function is reconstructed by introducing path planning factor. In short, by hierarchical decomposition of scene based on octree, neighbor search based on linear octree codes, and improved A* algorithm, this algorithm can complete path planning and automated navigation in 3D virtual scene. The experiment results indicate that the algorithm is good in storage and time efficiency.Keywords: virtual scene; linear octree; path planning; A* algorithm*基于SOLIDWORKS的弹头压入专机的有限元分析和结构优化李威,李锦,吴斌(中国兵器工业第五八研究所工业自动化工程技术部,四川 绵阳 621000)摘要:针对多发一组对弹头专机进行压合时存在的问题,建立弹头压入专机结构的简化三维模型。在××弹自动装配生产线的弹头压入专机设计过程中,运用 SolidWorks 软件建立虚拟样机,采用机械仿真设计软件SolidWorks Simulati