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    Module 5 SafetyUnit 9 Be careful【单词回顾】:小心的_ 小孩子_ 哎呀_ 伤害_ 必须_锐利的_ 割_ 你自己_ 注意_ 落,倒 _ 向下_ 坏的_ 风扇_ 喂养_ 危险的_ 跌倒_ 来吧,快点_【重点短语】:fall down 跌倒 climb a tree 爬树 eat a bad apple 吃一个坏苹果 get sick 生病 be careful 小心 help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事cut yourself 割伤你自己 time to cook 做饭的时间 get hurt 受伤feed the animal 给动物喂食 watch out 小心 dry the floor 把地板弄干【重点句型】:1. -Dont run near the hot water. - OK.2. -Watch out, everyone. - All right.3. -Let me help you dry the floor. -Sure.【重点分析】:1. 动词作主语时,需要使用-ing形式,如: Cooking can be fun. Reading is good for us. Dancing makes me happy.2. 祈使句是用来表示命令、请求、指示等的句子,肯定句常用动词原形开头,否定句用Dont+动词原形开头,如: Get up, Sam! Dry the floor, please! Do tell me if you need anything. Dont watch TV for too long. Dont write on the table.3. yourself是反身代词,意思是你自己,类似的词还有: myself 我自己 himself 他自己 herself 她自己 itself 它自己 ourselves 我们自己 yourselves 你们自己 themselves 他们/她们/它们自己4. help sb. do sth. 的意思是“帮助某人做某事”,如: Billy often helps his father clean the kitchen.【随堂练习】一、根据课文对选择问题的答案。( ) 1. Mrs Webb and Ben are in the _. A. kitchen B. living room C. bedroom( ) 2. They are going to _. A. cook the noodles B. drink some tea C. run in the kitchen( ) 3. Mrs Webb asks Ben not to _.A. cook the noodles B. stay in the kitchen C. run near the hot water( ) 4. The knife is _. A. new B. sharp C. expensive( ) 5. The floor is _. A. wet B. dry C. dirty( ) 6. Ben helps his mum _ the floor. A. cut B. dry C. clean二、翻译下列各句。1. 咱们一起玩吧! _2. 请不要迟到! _3. 告诉我你的名字! _4. 我们周日去游泳吧! _5. 请关门! _6. 别在桌子上写字。 _三、找出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的单词。 (    ) 1. foot      A. school     B. food      C. good      D. too(     ) 2. library    A. right      B. this       C. his        D. with (    ) 3. theatre    A. father     B. they      C. think       D. there (    ) 4. worker    A. airport    B. doctor    C. story      D. for (     ) 5. station    A. at        B. taxi      C. plane     D. rabbit 四、单项选择。( ) 1. Xiaoling often helps his mother _ the ducks. A. feeds B. feeding C. feed D. fed( ) 2. The floor is wet. _ there. A. Dont walks B. Dont walk C. Walk D. Walks( ) 3. You must be _ when you use a sharp knife. A. excited B. beautiful C. careful D. dangerous( ) 4. _ is my hobby. A. Swim B. Swimming C. Swims D. Swam( ) 5. You may get _ if you drink dirty water. A. hurt B. tired C. sick D. hungry( ) 6. Dont _ the tall tree. You may fall down. A. climb B. plant C. hurt D. cut( ) 7. Dont eat this _ apple, or youll get sick. A. good B. red C. bad D. more( ) 8. Let me _ you. A. helps B. help C. helping D. to help( ) 9. You should _ careful. A. is B. are C. were D. be( ) 10. Its time _ go home. A. go B. to go C. going D. goes五、看图和根据首字母的提示补全句子中的单词。 1. The floor is w_.2. The knife is s_.3. The cook is cutting vegetables very q_.4. Oh no, the boy is f_ d_.5. Cats are good at c_ trees.6. You can watch the dolls, but you cant t_ them.7. The girl f_ the dog every day.8. The woman is d_ the table.9. There is a f_ next to the sofa.六、读句子,将左右两边相应的部分连线。1. Cooking can be fun. A. Dont touch it.2. You must be careful B. when you use a sharp knife.3. Dont play football on the busy street. C. Its dangerous.4. Please be quiet. D. But you must be careful.5. The water is very hot. E. You may be fall down.6. Watch out, Ben! F. The floor is wet.7. Dont jump on the sofa. G. The baby is sleeping.七、阅读短文,判断下列句子是否正确,正确的打“T”,错误的打“F”。Today is October 15th.Its Amys birthday. She has a birthday party at home. Her friends are at her home. They are standing around the table. Theres  a big cake on the table. Twelve candles are on the cake. They are singing the song “Happy Birthday to you” to Amy. Amy gets many presents  today. She is going to have a big dinner in the evening, too. Shes very happy.     (     ) 1. Amys birthday is on Oct.5th. (      ) 2. Amy is twelve years old. (      ) 3. Theres a big cake on the desk. (      ) 4. Amy gets many birthday cards on her birthday. (     ) 5. Amy has many friends. 八、细心阅读下面短文,回答问题。 Look! This is a picture of Mr. Brown's family. The man in a black coat is Mr. Brown. The woman near him is Mrs. Brown. The little girl in a red coat is Sue. The tall boy behind her is Jim, her brother. The family is now in China. Tomorrow is Children's Day. Mr. Brown wants to buy some presents for his children. Sue wants a new skirt, but Jim wants a new bike. How happy they are! 1. Whose picture is this?_ 2. Where's the family now?_ 3. Who is the little girl in a red coat?_4. What presents do Mr. Brown's children want to buy?_5. Which festival is tomorrow?_九、仿照例子,写出几件不安全的事。1. Eating too much ice-cream.2. Cutting vegetables with a sharp knife quickly.3. _4. _5. _6. _7. _Unit10 How to stay here?【单词回顾】:安全的_ 安全_ 横过_ 交通_ 灯_ 楼梯_ 钱_ 陌生人_ 糖果_ 麻烦_十字路口_ 不应该_ 遇到麻烦_【重点短语】:cross the street 横过街道 at the traffic light 在交通灯区 climb trees 爬树safety crossing 安全通道 on the stairs 在楼梯上 from strangers 从陌生人那里in the street 在大街上 during school hours 在学校期间 in trouble 遇到麻烦take money or candy from strangers 接受陌生人的钱或糖果leave the school 离开学校【重点句型】:1. -Do cross the street at the traffic lights or safety crossing. -OK.2. -Dont climb tall trees. - All right.【重点分析】:1. 肯定祈使句中,动词前面加Do表示强调,加重语气。可以理解为“一定要”,如: Do arrive on time. Do stay away from the kitchen.2. during是一个时间介词,意思是“在期间“,后面应该是一段持续的时间,如: Nobody comes back to the school during the summer holidays. People visit their family and friends during the Spring Festival.【随堂练习】一、用should或shouldnt填空。1. You _ drink too much water before running.2. You _ leave school during school hours.3. You _ cross the road when the traffic light is green.4. You _ tell your teacher if you see a classmate in trouble.5. You _ run in the library.6. You _ swim in the river.7. You _ be careful when crossing the street.8. You _ go to school on time.二、讨论一下你们学校的规章制度,你能做什么?不能做什么?仿照例子写一写。1. Dont eat in the class.2. We can eat in the dining hall.3. _4. _5. _6. _7. _8. _ 三、 找出划线部分读音与其他三个不相同的单词。 (    ) 1.A.move      B.noodle       C.who     D.coffee (     ) 2. A.sweets     B.friends       C. cats     D. hats(     ) 3. A. apple      B. water        C. at      D.bag (    ) 4. A. juice       B.cup          C.bus    D. much (    ) 5. A. milk       B. it           C. kite      D. his 四、单项选择。( ) 1. Do cross street _ the traffic lights or safety crossing. A. on B. in C. at D. for( ) 2. _ the road when the traffic light is red. A. Crossing B. Cross C. Dont cross D. Do cross( ) 3. Watch _ , please. The floor is wet. A. out B. in C. at D. of( ) 4. Dont jump _ the stairs. A. in B. at C. for D. on( ) 5. You shouldnt run _ the street. A. on B. in C. at D. under( ) 6. Dont _ to read this book. A. forget B. forgets C. to forget D. forgetting( ) 7. -Can we climb the tall trees? -_ A. Yes, we can B. Yes, you should C. No, you should D. No. you cant( ) 8. You cant take money or candy _ strangers. A. of B. on C. from D. in五、根据中文提示,把句子补充完整。1. Dont play in the cold water for too long. You may _.(生病)2. _(小心)! The floor is wet.3. Dont touch the fan, or you may _. (受伤)4. Safety first. _. (不要忘记)5. Dont jump on the stairs. You may _. (摔下来)6. Do cross the street at the _ (交通区) or _. (安全通道)7. When you friends are _ (遇到麻烦), you should help them.8. Dont run _. (在大街上)六、选用所给的单词填空。 knife children sick dangerous hurt wrongKitchen can be a _ place for young children. I f a young child plays with a _ in the kitchen, the child may cut himself. If theres hot water or hot food in the kitchen, and the child touches it, he may get _. So, parents should not let young _ go into the kitchen. A young child does not know what is good and what is not to eat. If he eats the _ thing in the chicken, for example, if he eats too much salt, he may get _, too.七、阅读短文,选出最佳的选项。A train stops at a station(车站). A young man wants to come out, but it is raining. A boy is standing under a big umbrella. The young man says to the boy. "Can you go and get us two hambugers, one for you and one for me? Here are two dollars." "Great!" say the boy and he goes to buy hamburgers. After some time, the boy is back. He is eating a hamburger. "Where is my hamburger?" asks the young man. "Oh, there is only one hamburger left. So I'm eating mine. Here is your dollar. "( ) 1Where is the young man ? A. At a station  B. Under a big umbrella C. On the train( ) 2. What does the young man want to buy ? A. Umbrella  B. Hamburgers    C. Dollars( ) 3. Who helps the young man ? A. A boy   B. A man  C. Nobody( ) 4. Does the young man get a hambuger ? A. No ,he doesn't   B. Yes, he does  C. No, he does( ) 5. Is the boy clever(聪明的) ? A. Yes, he isn't   B. Yes, he is    C. No, I'm not八、看图仿照例子写句子。 1. Dont walk on the wall. You may fall down.2. _3. _4. _5. _6. _


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