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    Language Points,M4U1Advertisement,1.advertising n.做广告;广告活动;广告业Advertising is a kind of promising industry.advertisement n.广告;广告宣传put an ad.登广告 advertise vt.vi.为做广告,登广告宣传;登广告招聘 I advertised my car for sale.We need to advertise for a new chef.我们需要登广告招聘一名新厨师。1.)They would rather have their product _ on TV.2.)She is said to have worked in an _ company for years.3.)We can see _ everywhere and at any time.,2.persuade vt.说服,劝说;使信服persuade sb.to do persuade sb.into doingpersuade sb.not to dopersuade sb.out of doing advise sb.to do sth.=try to persuade sb.to do劝说,但未必说服He was a heavy smoker.I _ him to give up smoking but he wouldnt listen to me.A.suggested B.tried to persuade C.persuaded D.managed,说服某人不做某事,说服某人做某事,3.be meant to do旨在,目的是=be intended to do The meeting is meant to deal with some important problems.The diagram_ show the different stages of the process.这个图表意在显示整个过程的各个不同阶段。He is going to the meeting _(mean)to deal with some important problems.be meant for sb.为某人准备的=be intended for sb.These chairs are meant for guests.The book _ teenagers.(是写给青少年的),C,What he said at the meeting _ make us support his idea.A.intended to B.intends to C.was intended to D.is intended to,be intended for/to do(=be meant for/to do)为而打算的;旨在,The dictionary is intended for children.,Everything they do is intended to improve the living conditions.,4.welfare U 幸福,安全和健康;福利 social welfare _ Our only concern is the childrens welfare.The survey indicates that teenagers seldom _(参加公共福利工作).5.cheat vt.&vi.欺骗;作弊 n.骗子;欺诈行为Kids have always found ways of cheating in school exams.孩子们总能找到考试作弊的方法。He is said _ his parents out of their savings(骗取了他父母的积蓄).It was extremely embarrassing to be caught _(考试作弊).,6.skilful adj.有技巧的;熟练的 skilfully adv.技巧娴熟地 skill n.技艺,技能,技巧He repaired the old clock_.be skillful atAfter a few years training,he became _(绘画非常娴熟).,7.even if/even though虽然,即使条件从句中不使用将来时态We will still have the party _(即使明天下雨)._(虽然我已多年未见这位同学),I recognized him immediately.Allow Children the space to voice their opinions,_ they are different from your own.A.until B.even if C.unless D.as though8.innocent adj.清白的,无罪的(not guilty)be innocent of;无恶意的(harmless);纯真的 n.innocenceThe court found him innocent of murder and set him free.Some advertisements are meant _(欺骗纯真的青少年).,9.breath n.气息;呼吸 take a deep breath 深吸一口气 hold your breath 屏住呼吸 be out of breath 上气不接下气 breathe v.Its really nice to have a walk in the country and _(呼吸新鲜空气)。10.fool vt.欺骗,愚弄 n.傻瓜fool sb.into doing sth.He has fooled a lot of innocent people _(相信)he is wealthy.foolish adj 傻的,愚蠢的It is really foolish _ them to believe in such a cheat.,11.cure(1)vt.治愈;解决,消除 cure sb.of sth.About 90 percent of his patients are reported _ the disease(已经被治愈).Nothing seemed to.好像什么都不能消除他的紧张情绪。(2)n.药物,疗法;对策 a cure for sth.There is still _ AIDS.仍然没有治愈艾滋病的疗法【对比】treat“医治,治疗”,不涉及治疗的结果 cure“治愈,痊愈”,特别指病后恢复健康In the past five years the hospital has _over forty cases of skin cancer.Almost half of them are believed to have been _.,12.pleased adj.快乐的,高兴的;满意的His parents feel _his performance at school(对他的在校表现感到高兴).pleasing adj.令人高兴的;令人满意的ment(1)n.评论,评价If you have any questions or comments,dont hesitate to contact us.make a comment on/about The police made no comment about the bomb attack.(2)vi.评论,议论 comment on/about sb./sth.People are always _.(对这名影星品头论足)。,14.mental adj.心理的,思想的,精神的;智力的 mentallyadv.physical adj.身体的 physically adv.Stress has an effect on both your physical and _ health.Some people are physically strong but _ ill.15.fall for sb/sth上.的当,受的骗;对信以为真,喜欢sbI am surprised to hear that Tom should _(上的当)the old trick.He must have been careless.The salesman said the car was in good condition,and I was foolish enough to fall for it.,16.trick(1)n.骗局;玩笑,恶作剧;戏法,把戏;诀窍play a trick/tricks on 欺骗;捉弄It never occurred to me that _.(他在跟我开玩(2)vt.欺骗,欺诈He didnt believe you had the courage to trick him.trick sb.into doing sth.用计诱使某人做.Some innocent customers were tricked _(被骗购买)the poor quality shampoo.,17.aim(1)n.目的,目标Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.(2)vt.&vi.以.为目标;瞄准aim at 瞄准=take aim at aim sth.at 将瞄准,将针对(sth.)be aimed at 被向瞄准;旨在针对【注意语态】He aimed(his gun)at the wolf,fired but missed it.他(用枪)瞄准狼开火,却未打中.His comments were not aimed at you.他的评论不是针对你的。This anti-smoking campaign _.(主要是针对青少年的),18.deal with 涉及,关于;处理,应付,对付;论及【deal过去式、过去分词:_,_】These ads deal with major social problems.这些广告所涉及的是 一些大的社会问题。An inexperienced teacher usually finds it hard to deal with this situation.This chapter(章节)deals with social welfare.They have learned to _(和打交道)various people.I dont know _ to deal with the problem of pronunciation.=I dont know _ to do with the problem of pronunciation.We all know that,_,the situation will get worse.A.not if dealt with carefullyB.if not carefully dealt withC.if dealt not carefully withD.not if carefully dealt with,19.benefit(1)vt.&vi.(使)受益;(使)得益 adj.beneficial(sth.)benefit sb.使受益,对.有利(sb.)benefit from sth.从中受益,得益于He has devoted his life to _(造福人类).The reform is sure to _(使普通老百姓受益).The local people have benefited greatly _(从这项政策policy中受益匪浅).(2)n.益处,好处【不可数】be of(great/much/little)benefit to 对.有好处【benefit不可数】Your advice turned out to be _(使我受益匪浅).A large sum of money has been raised for the _ of the poorly educated children in the mountainous areas.A.profit B.favor C.advantage D.benefitfor the benefit of _的好处(3)n.具体的好处【可数】Planting more trees has already brought many benefits to the environment.(4)救济金;奖金medical/unemployment/sickness benefit(s)医疗 失业 疾病补助,20.promote vt.推广,宣传;促销;促进,推动Do you have any idea _?(如何来推销这种产品?)Mr.wang _(被提升到)a higher position last month,which surprised us.The government is trying to take some measures _.(增进两国之间的理解和友谊)promotion.n.,21.consult vt.咨询,请教;查阅consult sb.about sth.就某事请教某人You had better _(就如何为面试作准备请教这位专家).consult sth.查阅查阅字典consult a dictionary=_ _ a dictionary=_ _ a word in the dictionary,22.When it comes to sth./doing sth.,当涉及、谈到某事/做某事时,When it comes to classical music,we first think of Beethoven.我会用电脑,但是提到修理它,我就一窍不通了。I can use a computer,but _,I know nothing.,Language Points to add:,do research on/into 做有关的研究 share vt.分享、分担;具有相同的(观点、想法、经历等)share sth with sb 同某人分享某物 share sth among/between 将某物平均分给,e.g.Tom shares a bedroom with his twin brother.e.g.The mother was sharing a cake among the children.e.g.Jim shares my opinions on human cloning.,3.service n.服务;帮助 at your service 听您吩咐、供你差遣或使用 do sb a service 给某人帮忙 of service 有用的;有帮助的,serve vt.为服务;接待、招待;伺候(吃 饭)、端(菜);供应(饭菜、酒水等)e.g.Serve the people heart and soul.e.g.First come,first served.e.g.The restaurant doesnt serve wine.,4.believe sb 相信某人说的话 believe in 信仰;信任;相信的存在e.g.Do you believe in God?No,I believe in the truth.e.g.Many people believe in aliens even if they cant give persuasive evidence.,


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