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    2.2 Open Pit Blasting Technology露天爆破技术,一、重点专业词汇和词组 by far 到目前为止 depend on 取决于,依据 fragment 碎裂 relative to 相对于,涉及 hardness 硬度 vibration 震动 field control 现场控制,In order to 为了Quantitative data 数据资料Well-designed 精心巧妙设计的Adequate to 足以Overcome 克服Tensile strength 抗张强度Sequence 顺序,序列Spacing 间距Dimensions 规模,大小 Adjacent 相邻的Borehole diameter 钻孔直径,Negative 负面的,反向的Rectangular 矩形的Broken rock pile 爆堆As well as 不但而且Empirical approach 经验法,实证研究法never-ending 不停的,不断的Be taken in 采用due to 归因于be set by 由决定matched to 与相匹配,Particle size distribution 粒度分布Deck 分层的Rule of thumb 经验法则Yield 收益;产量Evenly 平均地Used to 惯于;过去经常 Desirable 值得的,必要的Dictates 决定Dividing into 把分成Initiated 引爆,起爆,time delays 延时Inert 惰性的Stemming 堵塞物adjacent to 邻近的Faults 断层clay seams 土缝sympathetic,simpetik 共鸣,共振Detonation 爆炸Array 阵列Plugged 堵塞Preventfrom 防止,阻止,Prior to 在之前Voids 空洞,间隙safety precautions 安全保护措施Abandoned 废弃noncap-sensitive 雷管非敏感的agent eidnt 药剂,制剂Tamping pole 捣棍,捣棒a pair of 一副,一对water-resistant 防水的Density 密度,excess water 过多水分detonating cords 导爆索,引爆线in accordance with 根据,依据manufacturers recommendations 出厂说明measuring tape 卷尺millisecond mili,seknd 毫秒resultant rizltnt 合力;结果;生成物 echelon eln 梯形;梯阵;阶层diagonal dainl 对角线;对角线的;斜的Placement 布置,restricted ristriktid 受限制的;保密的,限制parallel prlel n.平行线;对比,vt.使与平行,adj.平行的;类似的,相同的perpendicular,p:pndikjul垂直的,正交 的;直立的;陡峭的,垂线;垂直的位置 configuration kn,fijurein 结构;外形 respectively rispektivli 分别地;各自地,独自地 Effectiveness 效力 multiple-hole blasting 多孔爆破stress wave 应力波,Radial reidil cracking 放射状裂隙,径向裂隙contributing to 有助于detachment dittmnt 分离,拆开;分裂in the vicinity of 在附近,在上下sympathetic detonation 殉爆,感应爆炸 interact with 相互作用reflection 反射 relief rili:f 减轻,解除;救济;安慰,Drilling Equipments Surface drill rigsSurface drill rigsare used for blast hole drilling in construction,quarrying,and open-pit mining,covering a hole range between 23-203 mm.,AirROC D40,Drilling Equipments-Surface drill rigs,AirROC D40 is a small pneumatic down the hole drill rig.With a compact design,it is perfect for drilling in inaccessible and narrow places,and an efficient choice for quarries and construction.It is easy to transport-light enough to be lifted by a helicopter-and very easy to set up and operate.It has a good drilling capability.,High operational efficiency from the rig is achievable with its easy handling and interchangeable features.The machine is compact enough for convenient transportation over long distances.It is most suitable for blast-hole production drilling in quarries,open-pit mining and construction work.,Drilling Equipments-Surface drill rigs,Easy to maneuver.High traction,AirROC D40 is a one-man operated machine.It maneuvers rough terrain with ease,operating smoothly,thanks to its two independent hydraulic motors and dynamic braking system.,Quick interchangeability,Exact positioning,The well positioned,manual type swing control panel allows the operator to see the hole clearly and position the rig with precision.,Easy to maintain,The design of the machine is simple.Main components are conveniently accessible for service and maintenance,when required.,Drilling Equipments-Surface drill rigs,Technical data,二、复合难句1、The initial blast design depends mainly on the hardness of the rock,the geologic structure of the rock mass,the location of the mine relative to vibration sensitive structures,available drilling equipment and the excavation rate and capacity of the mining equipment最初的爆破方案主要取决于岩石的硬度、岩层的地质构造、涉及震动敏感构筑物的矿藏的位置、有效的钻孔设备和掘挖率以及采矿设备生产力(容量)等因素。,2、A high level of field controls must be continuously maintained in order to gain reliable quantitative data that can then be used to refine the blast design为了获得能够改善爆破设计的可靠数据资料,我们必须不断地保持高水平的现场控制,3、To begin,a well-designed blast consists of a quantity of explosives placed into a series of blastholes drilled into a rockmass 开始的时候,一次精心设计的爆破包括放置在钻在岩层上的一系列炮眼中的若干炸药。,4、The amount of explosive energy generated by the explosives must be adequate to overcome the tensile strength of the rockmass炸药产生的爆破能量的总和必须足以克服岩石的抗张强度。,5、This series of blastholes must then be detonated in a controlled sequence as to control the burden and spacing dimensions between adjacent holes.必须按照一个控制抵抗线和孔间距的控制顺序来引爆这一系列的炮孔。,6、Proper burden spacing design dimensions maintained through accurate field controls typically will yield reduced ground vibrations as the energy is used to fragment and move rock and not to create excessive ground vibrations through energy over-confinement 通过精确的现场控制来保持适当的抵抗线和孔间距的设计大小,常常会明显地减少地表震动,因为能量都用于爆破和移动岩石而不会通过多余能量产生过强的地表震动。,7、Surface blast designs require the selection of hole spacing S,burden B,charge weight W or powder factor PF,top-hole stemming length T,and sub-grade drilling depth J.Design parameters are shown in Fig.2.3.露天爆破设计需要选择孔间距S、抵抗线B、装药量W或炸药比PF、上部堵塞长度T和超深J等参数,设计参数如图2.3所示。,8、The sequence of hole initiation timing,SI B ratio,actual timing between charge detonations,and?number of blasthole rows determine the shape of the broken rock pile as well as the degree of rock fragmentation炮孔起爆的时间顺序、孔间距S与抵抗线B之比、荷载与爆破之间的实际时间和炮孔的行数等因素,不但决定着爆堆的形状,而且决定着岩石的破碎程度(决定着爆堆的形状和岩石的破碎程度)。,9、An empirical approach is taken in blast design as blasting is a never-ending process of fine-tuning and modifications爆破设计中常用经验法(实证法),因为爆破是一个不断调整和修改的永无止境的过程。10、Usually hole diameter is set by the drill rig capacity,which is matched to the range of hole depths anticipated for the job通常孔径是由钻机的生产能力决定的,该生产能力是与钻机正常工作的孔深相匹配的。,11、It is desirable dizairbl to select a size that will provide an adequate powder factor(the ratio of explosive quantity used to the yield of rock breakage)for breakage while distributing the explosive evenly throughout the hole depth.当需要在整个孔深里平均分配爆破能量时,选择一个为爆破提供适当的炸药比(炸药量与岩石破碎量的比率)的孔径是很有必要的。,12、Many blast designs use decked charges formed by dividing the explosive column into two or more individual charges,initiated iniit on the same or different time delays,separated by inert stemming material 许多爆破设计都采用分层装药爆破法,就是把柱状装药分成两个或多个单独装药在相同或不同的延迟时间引爆。使用惰性的填塞物来分隔,13、Decking is employed to1conserve explosive use adjacent to weak rock zones,faults,or clay seams;2reduce the charge quantity detonated on one time delay,lowering ground vibrations;or 3bring the powder column up higher in the hole to assure good breakage near the collar分层装药爆破用于以下几方面:(1)利用相邻的松软岩层、断层或土缝来节省炸药(2)降低一次性延迟引爆的炸药量,降低地表震动(3)增加炮孔中柱形炸药的高度,以确保接近孔口的岩石能更好地破碎。,14、Decked charges should be separated by stemming materials at a length beyond which two adjacent decks do not affect one another分层装药应该用超过一定厚度的、两相邻分层彼此互不影响的填塞物隔离(或:分层装药应该用超过一定厚度的填塞物隔离,以保证两相邻分层彼此互不影响)。,15、If interdeck stemming is too small,the deck designed to initiate on the earlier time delay may prematurely,pri:mtjuli initiate the second deck如果两分层中间的填塞物质太薄,那么分层设计中先延时起爆的层会过早地引爆下一个分层。,16、This situation is referred to as sympathetic detonation and may lead to excessively high ground vibrations or flyrock.这种情况被称为殉爆或感应爆破,它会导致剧烈的地表震动或飞石。17、A rule of thumb for the design of interdeck stem length is to employ the hole radius dimension in feet.设计堵塞物长度的经验法则是采用以英尺标注(或计量)的炮眼半径(单位仍为米)。,18、Prior to loading,the drillers log should be checked for hole depths,sub-drilling,and indications of hard or soft seams,voids,and the presence of water在装药之前,需要检查钻孔员原始记录中的钻孔深度、超深和坚硬岩层与软弱岩层的分层标志、空隙以及水的出露标志。,19、Transporting the blasting crew and explosives to the blasting site is done once the site has been identified with markers and the site cleared of all personnel not involved in hole loading.一旦用标记确定了爆破地点,而且已经疏散了所有与爆破无关的人员,那么就要运载爆破人员与炸药到爆破工地。,20、Initiators,cap-sensitive explosives,and noncap-sensitive agents must be transported in accordance with regulations in approved vehicles,carrying classification signs.引爆药、雷管敏感炸药、雷管非敏感剂必须按规定用许可的车辆统一运送,注意按类别标记分类搬运。,21、Proper tools for loading include a cloth measuring tape,a wooden tamping pole,a pair of wire cutters and strippers,a mirror,grappling hooks,and a powder punch所需装载的工具包括:一个布卷尺、一个木制捣棒、一副剪线钳和剥线钳、一把反射镜、爪钩和粉末冲击器。,22、Caps or detonating cords are inserted and wrapped around the primer in accordance with manufacturers recommendations按照生产商提供的使用说明将雷管插入起爆物或将引爆线缠绕在起爆物上。23、A small amount of main charge is added to the hole bottom,then(?)the primer carefully lowered.将少量主要的炸药加到孔底部,然后将引爆物小心地缓缓放下。,24、The main charge is poured(for free-running explosives)or carefully lowered(if packaged),while measuring the loading depth to ensure that each deck or column rises to the designed length(based on known loading density)只要测量装载深度确保每个分层或每个孔柱的装药达到设计深度(根据已知的装药密度),就可将主要炸药倒进(散装炸药)炮眼或小心地缓缓放下(如果已经打包)。,25、Depending on the SI B ratio,the actual timing(in milliseconds)between detonating charges will determine muck pile displacement height and(or?)distance from the bench.根据S与B的比率、荷载与起爆之间的实际时间(精确到毫秒)将会决定爆堆(石堆)的位移和高度或到平台的距离。,26、High ground vibrations result,and backbreak along the new highwall may persist,jeopardizing depdaiz the stability of the slope.地表强震的结果,可能会产生沿未采工作面的超爆,危害边坡的稳定性。27、If interhole delays are too long,cutoffs of surface delays may occur如果孔内爆破延迟时间太长,那么可能产生地表延时中断,28、The minimum time for design is controlled by the stress wave travel distance in order(整齐、有序)for radial cracking to begin to develop,contributing to the detachment(分裂)of the rock mass in the vicinity(在附近)of the bole.设计的最小延时是由应力波的扩散距离决定的。这扩散是从放射状裂隙开始向四周发展的,这有助于分裂孔周围的岩石块。,29、This detachment dittmnt forms an internal free face(or relief解除)to which successive detonations(连续爆炸)will interact(相互作用)with the reflection(反射)of stress waves.这种分裂(沿着连续爆炸的方向)形成(或解除)一个个内部自由面,这种连续爆炸将会与应力波的反作用相互作用(共同分裂岩石)。,小结,1、专业知识1)露天爆破设计 孔间距S、抵抗线B、装药量W或炸药比PF、上部堵塞长度T和超深J等参数;分层爆破法,分隔层厚度?太薄2)炮孔装药 3)延时爆破 多孔爆破的起爆时间设计是爆破效果好坏的关键,延时太短,太长2、英语知识,


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