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    精选中考英语经典单项选择题115题汇总(   ) 1. _ it is today!A. What fine weather   B. What a fine weather   C. How a fine weather  (   ) 2. Which is the way to the _?A. shoe factory           B. shoes factory             C. shoes factory            D. shoes factory(   ) 3. This class _ now. Miss Gao teaches them。A. are  studying         B. is  studying             C. be  studying            D. studying(   ) 4. We will have a _ holiday after the exam。A. two month          B. two-month              C. two months            D. two-months(   ) 5. There is no enough _ on the corner to put the table。A. place               B. room                     C. floor                    D. ground(   ) 6. We  can  have _  blue sky if we create _ less polluted world。 A. a;   a             B. a;  the                   C. the;   a                 D. the;  the(   ) 7. Are you _ American or English? English. We are working in Wuhu. A. a                  B.                        C. the                      D. an(   ) 8. You like playing basketball, and he likes running, _?A. dont you     B. doesnt he     C. do you        D. does he(   ) 9. Why not take _ umbrella with the sign “ Made in China”?  It is   _ useful  umbrella? What _ good advice it is!A. an; an; a           B. an; a;               C.  a;  an;  a          D. ; an; a(   ) 10. When shall we meet again next week?     - _ day is possible. Its no problem with me。 A. Either             B. Neither            C. Every                D. Any(   ) 11. Robert has gone  to _ city and hell be back in a week。A. other             B. the other          C. another              D. any other(   ) 12. A latest magazine, please.   - Only one left. Would you like to have _?A. it                 B. one                C. this                 D. that(   ) 13. Which book would you like to borrow?   - _ of the two books is OK with me。A. Either           B. Both              C. Any                D. None(   ) 14. Mrs. Lee teaches _ math. We all like her。A. we              B. us                C. our                 D. ours(   ) 15. There are many trees on _ side of the street。A. either                 B. any                   C. all                      D. both(   ) 16._ is the population of the city?A. How many          B. What                C. How many people     D. How much(   ) 17. Why dont we take a little break? Didnt we just have _ ? A. it                     B .that                 C. one                  D. this(   ) 18. The teacher asked the boy many questions,but he only answered_ of them A.some          B.lots         C.each        D.few(   ) 19.About _ the fans are waiting here. They want to see the great singer。 A. two thousand of      B.two thousand     C.thousand of       D.two thousands of(   ) 20. How many apples do I have?  You can have _. I want none of them。A. one               B. all                  C. both               D.some(   ) 21.Japan is _ the east of China, Taiwan is _ the southeast of China。.A. in; in               B. to; in               C. on ; to              D. in; to(   ) 22.The postman shouted, “ Mr Green, here is a letter _ you。”A. to                 B. from                C. for                D. of(   ) 23.He hasnt heard from his friend _ last month。A. since             B. by the end of         C. for              D. until(   ) 24. -Jimmy lost his key yesterday。-_? Its his third time in just one month。A. Has he        B. Did he       C. Was he       D. Does he(   ) 25.Youve passed the exam. Im happy _ you。A. on               B. at                   C. in                D. for(   ) 26. I wonder _ they finished so many different jobs in such a short time。A. why             B. how               C. when             D. where(   ) 27. -Ought I to go right now?   -_。A. Thats very bad.   B. Yes, you go ought to    C. Yes, you ought    D. No, you ought not to(   ) 28. I dont know when he _. When he _ here, Ill call you in a minute。A. will come; will arrive  B. comes; arrices   C. will come; arrives     D. comes; will arrive(   ) 29. He turned _ the radio a little because his father was asleep。A. on                    B. down               C. up             D. off(   ) 30. I dont know the homework _ today。 A. on    B. in      C. of              D. for(   ) 31. Would you like some coffee? Yes, and  please  get  me  some  milk.  I prefer coffee _ milk。 A. with                B.  to              C.  of            D.  on(   ) 32. They each _ a book. Each of them _  from China。A. has;are            B. have; is          C. are having;are       D. is having;is(   ) 33.- _ you _ your book to the library?  - Yes. I returned it yesterday。A. Did, return          B. Have, returned           C. Will, return         D. Do, return(   ) 34.Though its cloudy now, it _ get sunny later。A. can                 B. may                C. must            D. need(   ) 35.It is in the library, you _ talk loudly. A. may not           B. cant              C. neednt          D. mustnt(   ) 36. If anyone wants to say something in class, you _ put up your hands first。A. must             B. may             C. should           D. can(   ) 37.The pen _ him ten yuan。 A. paid       B. cost       C. took    D. spent(   ) 38.The train _ for twenty minutes。A. left             B. has left           C. is leaving        D. has been away(   ) 39. How many books _ they _?- Five. But they havent finished reading even one。A. didborrow     B. hadborrowed     C . willborrow   D. doborrow(   ) 40. He _ his bike so he has to walk there。A. lost            B. has lost               C. had lost           D. loses(   ) 41.Could I use your dictionary?    Yes, you _。 A. need           B. could               C. can         D. should(   ) 42. In the past few years there _ great changes in my hometown。 A. have been          B.  were       C.  had been       D. are(   ) 43. - Could you tell me when Mr. Li _ in Huanggang? - Sure.  When he _,  Ill call you。 A. arrives;  will arrive   B. will arrive; arrives    C. arrives; arrives   D.will arrive; will arrive(   ) 44. Mary dances best in our school. I agree. Ill never forget _ her dance for the first time。 A.see            B.to see            C.seeing             D.seen(   ) 45. -Is  tea  ready?-   -No, mother is _ it ready now。 A.doing            B. cooking         C. burning         D. getting(   ) 46. There are many people dowmstairs. What do you think _ ? A.to happen       B. happening      C. is happened      D. has happened(   ) 47.  Remember to spend some  time_ your loved ones,because they are not going to be around forever. A.from              B.with               C. in                 D.on(   ) 48. -I hear Sam has gone to Qingdao for his holiday.-Oh, how nice! Do you know when he _?(10南京)A. left              B. was leaving        C. has left            D. had left(   ) 49. - David, look at the man in white over there. Can you tell me _ ?  -He is a doctor。A.who is he       B.who he is         C. what does he do      D. what he does(   ) 50. I want to teach inTibet when I graduate from the college。-Me too.Teachers _very much there。A. need      B. are needing    C. are needed      D. is needed(   ) 51. Tommy, do you know if Frank _ to the theatre with us this Sunday if it _?Sorry, I have no idea. (兰州10)A. will go, is going to be fine      B. goes, is fineC. will go, is fine         D. goes, will be fine(   ) 52. I dont have to introduce him to you _ you know the boy. A. until                B. unless                   C. since            D. but(   ) 53. - Would you please _ the paper for me and see if there are any obvious (明显的) mistakes? - Of course I will. A. look around             B. look through              C. look up                    D. look into (   ) 54. This pair of shoes _ really small for me。Why not try another _。.A. is, pair                B. are, pair                C. is, one                D. are, one(   ) 55. If you dont go to the meeting tomorrow, _?A. he will, too        B. he wont, either    C. he does, too     D. he doesnt, either(   ) 56. I dont think we can finish all the work before Friday, _?A. do I                    B. can we                C. cant we            D. dont we(   ) 57. The shop _ at 8:00 a.m. and it _ for ten hours every day。A. opens; is open       B. is opened; opens      C. is open; has opened   D. opened; opens(   ) 58. The old man lives in a       town. He lives      ,but he doesnt feel       。A. lonely, lonely, alone B.alone, alone, lonely    C. lonely, alone, lonely  D.alone, alone, alone(   ) 59.-Do you know _?  -Im not sure.Maybe an artist。A.what the man with long hair is                    B.what is the man with long hairC.who the man with long hair is                     D.who is the man with long hair(   ) 60.-Why dont you choose the red tie?-For me, it doesnt _ my shirt very well。A. fix          B. accept        C. compare       D.match(   ) 61. -Hello,Sandy. This is Jack. What are you doing?(江西)-Im watching a match. It started at 7:00 p.m and _ on for another an hour。A.has been        B.was       C.had been       D.will be(   ) 62.  -_? - Things are going very well。A. How soon does it go B. How often does it go C. How far is it go D. How is everything going(   ) 63. The population of the world in the 20th century became very much _ than that in the 19th。A. bigger               B. larger              C. greater                D. more(   ) 64. Whats the weather like tomorrow?  - The radio says it is going to be even _。A. bad                 B. worst                C. badly                 D. worse(   ) 65. Though she talks _, she has made _ friends here。A. a little, a few        B. little, few            C. little, a few           D. few, a few(   ) 66 . My parents never stop going on about(唠叨) how I should study hard. -_。A. So my parents do  B. Nor my parents C. Nor do my parents D. Neither my parents do(   ) 67.  He never does his work _ Mary。A. as careful as        B. so careful as         C. as carefully as        D. carefully as(   ) 68.  Many Chinese  students think science subjects are _ foreign languages。A. more difficult as       B. less difficult than      C. much difficult than      D. so difficult as(   ) 69.  _ music she is playing! A. What nice            B. How nice          C. What a nice         D. How nice a(   ) 70.  His work is better than _. A. . anyone           B. anyone else     C. anyone elses            D. anyones else(   ) 71. The nurse told the children the sun _ in the east。A. rises               B. rose              C. will rise                  D. has risen(   ) 72. Are you sure you have to? Its been very late。- I dont know _ I can do it if not now。A. where             B.  why             C.  when                   D.  how(   ) 73. -Hello, Jack! Havent seen you for a long time!  -John! _A. How old are you?    B. How are you?    C. Hows that?    D. How time flies!(   ) 74. I could not get through the door because there was a big stone _。A. by the way          B. on the way     C. out of the way       D. in the way(   ) 75. Can you lend me the book _ the other day? A. that you talked    B. you talked about it   C. which you talked to   D. you talked about(   ) 76 You never told us why you were late for the meeting,_? _. I think it is not  necessary  to explain。 A.werent you; No      B. did you; No      C. did you; Yes          D. didnt you; No (   ) 77.  What is your little brother like?  _ . He enjoys telling jokes。 A. He is tall and thin     B. He is shy and quiet.     C. He is outgoing and funny.   D. He is strong and heavy。(   ) 78.  Jims father got very angry _ 。 A.with that he had done    B. with what he had done   C. at what he had done     D. at what had he done(   ) 79.  What are on show in the museum?Some photos _  by the children of Yushu, Qinghai。 A. have been taken        B. were  taken            C.  are  taken            D. taken(   ) 80.  He didnt go to the lecture this morning, did he? _ .  Though he was not feeling very well。 A. No, he didnt         B. Yes; he did               C. No, he did             D. Yes, he didnt(   ) 81.  Have you found  the information about the famous people _ you can use for the  report?Not yet. Ill search some on the Internet。 A.who                   B.  what                   C.  whom               D. which(   ) 82. The doctor did what he could _ the dying man. A. save         B. to save           C. saved          D. saving(   ) 83. The life we were used to _ greatly since 1980. A. change         B.has changed       C. changing        D. have changed(   ) 84. These coats are different _ size.  A. from          B. of               C. to              D. in(   ) 85. -Will you join us to play basketball on Saturday afternoon?-_, but I promised to go swimming with Eric。A. Never mind    B. Many thanks    C. Take it easy     D. With pleasure(   ) 86.  Whom would you like to be your assistant, Jack or David?If I had to choose, David would be _ choice. A.  good        B. better         C. the better      D. the best(   ) 87. Where did you go on holiday this summer? England?You are _. We went on a 10-day trip to Paris. A. fuuny        B.right         C.cool           D.close(   ) 88. Shanghai is larger than _ city in New Zealand。A. any other   B. other C. all other       D.any(   ) 89. Who is singing in the next room? _ must be Maria。A. It             B. She           C. This          D.There(   ) 90.Again, my computer doesnt work。 _must be something wrong with the CPU. A.  There         B.That           C.It            D.This(   ) 91. She was born _


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