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    优秀教师的自我介绍(精选多篇)(精简版) .doc

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    优秀教师的自我介绍(精选多篇)(精简版) .doc

    优秀教师的自我介绍(精选多篇)优秀教师的自我介绍(精选多篇) 正文第一篇:优秀教师的自我介绍我觉得,作为一名中国教师,必须具备以下这些精神:思想积极,要求进步,拥护中国共产党领导,爱岗敬业,无私奉献。我在92年任教以来,一直以爱国心,事业心,责任心 三心 为动力,全身心投入教育教学工作,以良好的师德形象,独具特色的教育教学方法,在广大师生中赢得了良好的声誉。教育工作中,我把课前精备、课上精讲、课后精练作为减轻学生负担,提高教学质量的教学三环节,面对有限的课时,我以改革精神探索提高教学效率的科学方法,激发学生自觉参与学习的意识,最大限度地提高单位时间里的教学效益。把提高教学效益当作首要任务,把课前精备、课上精讲、课后精练作为减轻学生负担,提高教学质量的教学三环节。课前精备,是指上课前把功夫下在深入钻研教材,广泛搜集有关资料,精心设计课堂结构及教学方法上,特别是认真研究怎样 用最节省的时间、最简洁的方法让学生掌握最多的知识,并促使学生最快地转化为能力 。课上精讲,是指在课堂教学中,集中时间,集中精力,讲清教材的重点、难点、疑点、能力点、思路和规律,激活课堂气氛,教得生动,学得主动,充分发挥课堂潜在功能。课后精练,是指在课后作业的安排上,本着质量高,数量少,内容精,方法活,形式多样,针对性强的要求,精心设计,合理分配,严格控制作业数量。先后担任三年时间班主任工作。积极探索班级管理新路子。所带班级班风纯正,学风较端正。倡导 严谨、求实、启智、育人 的教风,不断加强自身师德,提高业务素质,努力把学生培养成为热爱国家、爱社会、爱他人的时代青年。爱学生如亲人,对学习成绩优秀的学生予以更大的支持,对成绩或生活情况较差的有自悲心理的学生予以鼓励和帮助,日常通过班会、团活、升旗、宣传栏等形式开展活动以培养学生树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,鼓励学生竟选学生干部,树立起自强自立精神。我提出的 抬头做人埋头学习 的要求已成为学生的自觉行动。我大胆改革劳动技术课的教学模式,将 我讲你听 的 满堂灌 变成授课、实践和竞赛等双向交流的多种方式并存,活跃了课堂气氛。我运用录音、录像投影等现代化手段,增强了教学直观性、趣味性,受到学生的普遍欢迎。组织学生开展野外实践活动并指导学生撰写实践报告、小论文,在提高应用能力方面作出了可贵的探索。学习是手段,创造才是目的。在教育学生时我以培养能力,发展智力,造就新型人才为目的。以思维能力及创造力的培养为突破口,以地理课堂教学为主阵地,以地理课外活动和社会实践活动为两翼,全面渗透创造力培养的教学原理、原则与策略,在探索中小学生创造性思维规律,开发中小学生创造潜能的途径等方面取得了突破性研究成果。学生思维能力及创造力培养是时代的需要。一是注重提高学生的自学能力;二是提高学生的参与意识;三是能使学生养成不盲目接受、深入思考、敢于否定、勇于发表见解的优良心理品质,培养了学生创造性思维能力。第二篇:湖南教师招聘面试自我介绍优秀范文:幼儿英文教师自我介绍湖南教师招聘面试自我介绍优秀范文:幼儿英文教师自我介绍hi there, my name is xxx.i oulld like to apply for this job of english teacher for children.my plan for the furture is that i ould like to stay ith children and share the moments in their lives and provide them ith helpful advice. making friends ith them and letting them feel you are the one they can talk and trust.plus i like english very much.ith this idea,i ant to bine my love for children ith my ability of english together,so i can ork in a pleasant environment doing the great things i enjoy doing. i consider myself ith rich potential of qualitying out as a good english teacher.i have a heart for children,a loving and caring heart.and i ould certainly place it upon my students,being their close friend and sister.hile ith my creative and relaxing english teaching method,students ould learn english through interacting ith me or the others instead of being told hat to say.i am also very open-minded and easy-going,hich ill make myself a popular figure everyhere.and of course i am very much the type of the girl next door.alays illing to take in suggestions and create a fun classroom for our next generation.i believe i've said quite enough of myself. i hope you no kno more about me than just no. i ould certainly cherish this job and get along very ell ith all people out here.i thank you very much again for giving me this opportunity to talk ith you.i look forard to hearing good nes from you soon.thank you !第三篇:招教面试自我介绍优秀范文:体育教师求职自我介绍招教面试自我介绍优秀范文:体育教师求职自我介绍教师面试自我介绍中,同是太阳底下最光辉的职业,但不同科目的老师,应是面试的侧重点不同。中公教师考试网为考生准备了一篇体育教师自我介绍范文,看看他是怎样做面试自我介绍的吧。我是一名有着13年教龄的体育教师,中学体育教育一级职称,来到xx中学任教之前,一直工作在xx中学。在十三年的教育教学实践中,通过自己的努力和各学科老师的帮助,逐步形成了自己的教学风格,注重身教,师生相处和谐,有较强的课堂组织调控能力和课程创新能力。积极参加教科研活动,2016年参加了合肥市首批新课程改革试验,并在省教科所体育教研组的带领下,参与了国家级课题超体重儿童健康行为的实验与研究的研究,荣获国家二等奖,撰写的论文中,中学生体育课的教法与激趣一文发表在安徽教育论坛2016年第二期,认识cai在2016年合肥市电化教学论文评比中获二等奖,议中学生体育兴趣的培养一文荣获2016年度合肥中市区教育学会举办的教育教学论文评比二等奖。在学科竞赛中,2016年获合肥市首届体育教师基本功比赛一等奖,同年参加安徽省第二届中小学体育教师教学基本功比赛,获初中组个人总分二等奖。1998-2016年获合肥市学校体育工作先进个人,2016年被xx区任命为首批“骨干教师”并保持至今,2016年获合肥市电化教育工作先进个人。四十三中学工作期间,除了从事体育教育工作之外,还担任其他一些工作,也获得了一些成绩。自95年开始,一直担任学校团委书记一职,亲手创立的“中学生团校”在2016年获得安徽省优秀中学生团校示范团校,同年获得安徽省中学共青团工作先进个人称号;是合肥市第十二次团代会代表,也是安徽省第十一次团代会代表。担任学校科技活动小组组长期间,在小组全体师生共同努力下,2016年获“首届全国青少年电脑机器人竞赛”优秀辅导员称号,并获得中学组创意赛二等奖辅导员奖;2016年获安徽省青少年电脑机器人比赛第一名;2016年8月,辅导学生参加合肥市第四届中小学电脑制作初中组机器人竞赛,荣获合肥市初中组一等奖。在体育专业上,我擅长篮球、排球和羽毛球;在素质拓展中,我曾参加过北大青鸟accp专业的学习,并获得北大青鸟和国家劳动部联合办法的“初级软件工程师”证书,比较精通网络知识,侧重于动态网站的建设和管理,能熟练运用office软件和dreameaver、flash等软件,曾独自为xx区司法局和组织部建立了单位网站。过去的成绩已经随着原来学校的消失而灰飞烟灭,我将以一名新教师的状态开始我在xx中学的工作。在xx中学富有特色教育教学管理模式的熏陶下,在这温馨和谐的大家庭里,我一定充分发挥自己的优点,积极投身庐中教育,成为一名优秀的教师。谢谢大家!第四篇:招教面试自我介绍优秀范文:幼儿英文教师自我介绍招教面试自我介绍优秀范文:幼儿英文教师自我介绍hi there, my name is xxx.i oulld like to apply for this job of english teacher for children.my plan for the furture is that i ould like to stay ith children and share the moments in their lives and provide them ith helpful advice. making friends ith them and letting them feel you are the one they can talk and trust.plus i like english very much.ith this idea,i ant to bine my love for children ith my ability of english together,so i can ork in a pleasant environment doing the great things i enjoy doing.i consider myself ith rich potential of qualitying out as a good english teacher.i have a heart for children,a loving and caring heart.and i ould certainly place it upon my students,being their close friend and sister.hile ith my creative and relaxing english teaching method,students ould learn english through interacting ith me or the others instead of being told hat to say.i am also very open-minded and easy-going,hich ill make myself a popular figure everyhere.and of course i am very much the type of the girl next door.alays illing to take in suggestions and create a fun classroom for our next generation. i believe i've said quite enough of myself. i hope you no kno more about me than just no. i ould certainly cherish this job and get along very ell ith all people out here.i thank you very much again for giving me this opportunity to talk ith you.i look forard to hearing good nes from you soon.thank you !第五篇:幼儿英文教师自我介绍-教师面试优秀范文幼儿英文教师自我介绍-教师面试优秀范文hi there, my name is xxx.i oulld like to apply for this job of english teacher for children.my plan for the furture is that i ould like to stay ith children and share the moments in their lives and provide them ith helpful advice. making friends ith them and letting them feel you are the one they can talk and trust.plus i like english very much.ith this idea,i ant to bine my love for children ith my ability of english together,so i can ork in a pleasant environment doing the great things i enjoy doing.i consider myself ith rich potential of qualitying out as a good english teacher.i have a heart for children,a loving and caring heart.and i ould certainly place it upon my students,being their close friend and sister.hile ith my creative and relaxing english teaching method,students ould learn english through interacting ith me or the others instead of being told hat to say.i am also very open-minded and easy-going,hich ill make myself a popular figure everyhere.and of course i am very much the type of the girl next door.alays illing to take in suggestions and create a fun classroom for our next generation.ibelieve i've said quite enough of myself. i hope you no kno more about me than just no. i ould certainly cherish this job and get along very ell ith all people out here.i thank you very much again for giving me this opportunity to talk ith you.i look forard to hearing good nes from you soon.thank you !更多精彩文章:美术教师求职自我介绍-教师面试优秀范文英文专业毕业生自我介绍-教师面试优秀范文数学应届毕业生自我介绍-教师面试优秀范文教师招聘考试面试备考:自我介绍优秀范文湖南教师招聘面试自我介绍优秀范文:数学应届毕业生自我介绍 优秀教师的自我介绍


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