[从业资格考试]BEC 中级 电子教案.doc
Module 11.1 Business Topic Ways of Working 商务话题篇 工作方式本小结学习重点: 熟悉相关词汇 学会谈论不同的工作方式这一话题 练习在听力和阅读过程中寻找具体信息 掌握各类现在时的用法Background Information 弹性工作方式 为了降低员工在工作、家庭、休闲或教育方面不同要求的冲突,减少交通费用,兼顾生活和工作,使员工更加安心地工作,降低员工的流动率,同时也是为了更好地利用办公设备,提供24小时的服务,许多公司采用了灵活多样的弹性工作方式,其中,主要有几下几类:弹性工作地点,指员工通过电脑网络和其它通讯方式在家工作。弹性工作时间(flextime),亦做flexible working hours, flextime,就是讲员工工作时间分为核心时间和弹性时间。核心时间是早上10点到12点,下午是2点到4点,为员工必须工作时间,其余为弹性工作时间,即员工自己选择的工作时间,这样员工可灵活决定上下班时间。压缩工作周(compressed work weeks),就是以每天较长工作时间的工作日,换取每周较少的工作日。长期兼职(permanent part-time),即雇佣一些不愿意全天候完整时间工作,而仅利用部分时间工作的员工,其工作时间虽不是整天整周,工作时间却定期不变。分担工作(job-sharing),即一份全职工作由两人分担,两人均为长期兼职员工,按需要分摊时间、工资、假期及福利。Different Ways of working 不同工作方式1 How do you work most effectively? By working 对你来说,你喜欢采用哪种工作方式最有效? regular hours/ flexible hours 正常工作还是弹性工作方式 in a team/ on your own 以团队为单位还是自己单干 from home/ in an office 在家还是办公室 for a boss/ at your own 为别人打工还是自己当老板Some words, phrases and expressions for your referenceRoutine type of personHave flexible management of time and workGet support from each otherCo-operate with each otherShare ideasLearn from other people's strong pointsWorking in a team needs to have good interpersonal skills and is not necessarily.Can be more concentrated and thus more efficient in an officeHave more flexibilityFeel more relaxedA dependent type of person and never make decisions myselfAn independent type of person and would like to make decisions myselfDon't want to work under someone2 Match these ways of working 1-8 to definitions A-I. Do you work in any of these ways?Freelance 自由职业者Teleworking 电子化办公方式,电子办公Job-sharing 分担工作,工作分担制Shift work 轮班工作,到班指Part-time 兼职Temping 当临时工,任临时雇员Consultancy 咨询公司,顾问公司,提供咨询服务Flexitime 弹性工作时间Hot-desking 办公桌轮用(指将员工分成不同的班次,以便他们能共用同一间办公室、一张办公桌和一台计算机4 Work in pairs. Think of one more advantages for each way of working in exercise 2 结对联系,为练习2中的工作方式再想出一种利弊Possible advantagesPossible disadvantagesfreelanceYou choose the jobNo job securityteleworkingOrganize your work timeYou need to be good at self-organizedJob-sharingMore free timeNeed to coordinate with other personShift-workGives you your days freetiringPart-timeMore free timeLess moneytempingLots of varietyHard to progress your careerconsultancyWell paidNo job securityflextimeGood for work-life balanceNo good for people who like routineHot-deskingSaves the company moneyDisruptive to employees5 Read about job-sharing. Write these headings into each paragraph.Get organized 安排有序Set your limits 规定制度Put pen to paper 签订协议Two become one 合二为一Open your mind 敞开心胸Plan for disaster 有备无患Find the perfect partner 理想搭档Don't feel guilty 勿感内疚Reference for translation 译文参考How to job-share 如何分担工作一词既可做动词,也可做名词,做动词时,指“分担工作”,做名词时,指“工作分担制”一个工作周如何能在周三结束,岂不乐哉?采用工作分担制即能使这一梦想成真。如何使之顺利开展,以下方法略为你指点迷津。Guide to : 意为指南/手册/入门,后接名词或动名词Make it worse: 字面上的意思是“使之发挥作用”,这里根据具体语境,以译为“使之顺利开展”。(0) 理想搭档找一位自己合得来的人。正如一家名为“Flexecutive”(弹性管理)的弹性工作方式咨询公司总裁卡罗·萨维吉所言,“要能够互相沟通,功过与共”。Share credit and blame: 字面上的意思是“分担功劳与责备/成绩与过失”,根据中文表达习惯,意译为“功过与共”。Flexecutive:是一个其经营内容蕴含其中的公司名。该词由flexible(弹性)和 executive(经营管理)两词复合而成,理解时要注意这一点。Consultancy 指(信息)咨询公司,顾问公司,于consulting company 义同。(1) 敞开心胸 有6岁以下孩子的员工,可能会希望实行弹性工作制。对此需求当老板的应充分予以考虑。要欣然想到他带来的好处,用萨维吉的话说的就是:“双倍的经验,双倍的技能,双倍的智能和精力。” (2)有备无患 要经常讨论,遇见最坏的状况。玛格丽特·米尔丝是位教师,由于分担工作的伙伴患家族疾病去世了,她只能重新回到全职工作。“过去我们过分乐观了,我确实没有找到一位适合我的人,但我只能说的当时我运气真是太好了。”(3)安排有序 交接工作的制度要计划周密,有条不紊,发挥个人特长。根据各自的技能和素质分配工作任务。Play to:迎合,投所好,play to each other's different strengths 字面意思为“迎合个人不同的优点”,用得体的语言表达,即“发挥个人特长”。 (4)规定限度经理们应该明确说明他们对分担工作者的上班时间、到岗情况和工作成果有何具体要求,员工们则必须设法应对老板的期望。苏·奥斯本与人分担工作已经有21个年头。她说,“我们经常被要求每星期工作五天,最后我们不得不表示拒绝。”Manage 在“管理;运用;设法对付”等基本意义下,该词与不同的词搭配需要翻译成不同的词。(5) 签订协议经过协商,以书面方式签订各种有关休假、产假、退休等安排的协议。应该从一开始就清楚了解自己所处的地位和享有的条件。Parental leave: 父母假,指父母双方因为需要照顾新生婴儿或新收养的孩子而需要的休假。也称“育儿假”或“照顾婴孩假”,其形式可以分为分娩假、哺乳假、陪产假或领养假。 (6)勿感内疚不要因为无法天天在办公室办公,而在家工作到凌晨一点钟以示弥补。(7) 合二为一努力与工作伙伴默契合作,因为客户也许不喜欢同时与两个人打交道。如萨维吉所言,“工作分担制应该像婚姻一样-做到一个声音,一个整体。”6 How easy would it be for you to job-share? Would your employer or boss think it was a good idea?Some words and phrases for your reference:YesHave more time with childrenWith less work stressCan have more free timeCan have someone to share credit and blameTwo people doing one job means twice as much experience,skills, brainpower and energyNoDifficult to find someone you likeNeed to coordinate with the other personTend to work late at nightNeed careful planning to play to each other's different strengthsThey may not get what they expect of the job-sharer in terms of terms of hours, availability and result.A mini-presentation 简短发言Work in pairs. Choose one of the ways of working below and prepare a "mini-presentation" on the topic for the rest of the class.What is important when? find someone you like organize and plan how you share the workFinding someone you like is the most important when you start a job-share. As job sharing is a way for two people to both fill one job, finding some one you like is very important for the success of the scheme. You may find one from your current workplace, or you may find one from outside through all kinds of contacts.Organizing and planning how you share the work is also important.If it's shared responsibility, there is no division of duties but the two people have to split the hours clearly to ensure that the work flows continuously. If it's divided responsibility, each partner has to be clear about his own case-load or project to focus on during his working hours.If it's unrelated responsibility, that partner have to learn what their separate tasks are in the same department, and each has to do his own share well.Communication is another important factor to consider when you arrange the job-share, especially for shared responsibility . Partners have to communicate well so that jobs are done smoothly. Using email, voicemail message, daily logs and notes are techniques that help facilitate communication.What is important when? set up an office space in the house plan your working hours and your breaksSetting up an office space in the house is important when working from home. This will give you a feel of being in the office and concentrate more on work. In this way, it will be easy for you to differentiate between work time and private time and you will not be easily distracted.It's also important to plan your working hours and your breaks. Make it like in the office and set a timetable. But do not overwork yourself to make up for not being in the office every day. Make sure you have a break after you work for a few hours.In addition, to make working from home really successful, you should make sure colleague and clients can reach you as though you are in the office. This may help a lot to guarantee the efficiency.1.2 Business Skills Making Contacts 商务技能篇 建立人脉关系本小结学习重点: 熟悉相关词汇 学习掌握如何建立人脉关系的相关技能 练习在听力过程中寻找具体信息 掌握各类商务信函的写法Background Information 人脉 随着全球网络的极速发展,整个世界日益成为一个脉络丰富的地球村,人与人之间的联系也是更加密切。我们的学习、工作、娱乐都紧密地和别人联系了起来,整个世界已经形成一个有机地脉络。你与别人之间的脉络越吩咐,你的事业就越发达。一个人的成功因素,15%可以归因于他的专业知识,85%却要归因于人脉关系。这绝非耸人听闻,能成就大业者,除了要有一定的业务知识,最关键的是还在于他会创建有利于自己发展的人脉关系以促成大好形势。 人脉不是金钱,但是却是一种无形的资产,是一笔潜在的财富。没有吩咐的人脉关系,你将寸步难行。马克思说,人的本质是社会关系的总和。你的人脉关系越丰富,你的能量就越大。别人办不了的事情,你可能一个电话就非常漂亮的解决;反之,你花了九牛二虎之力都解决不了的问题,别人一声招呼就轻轻松松地搞定了。原因何在,创建有效的、丰富的人脉关系就是不二法门。社会是一张网,我们每个人只不过是其中的一个结,你和越多的结建立了有效的联系,那么你就能四通发达,这张网就是我们通往成功彼岸的捷径。否则,你就只是这么一个结,即使这个结再大,也还是孤零零的结,终究是无事于补。Job responsibilities 工作职责3 Why is making contacts, or networking, an important part of many jobs?Is that true for you? 建立人脉关系重要吗?你有同感吗?Some words, phrases and expressions for your reference:Networking means personal contacts or relationship building "Networking "Key to successThe most powerful way to build professional relationshipsFoster contacts and disseminate informationThe ability to build a networkBuild and maintain a networkNetworking allows you to be in a position to win4 Read the article below about some new networking groups specially for businesswoman. Choose the best work A, B, C to fill the gaps 1-10.以下文章介绍的是掌门帮助职业女性建立关系网的新型组织,阅读该文章,并选词填空.Reference for translation 译文参考生活就是建立人脉关系对人们而言,建立关系网络也许仅仅意味着通过参加会议或商品交易会等活动认识新客户或是合作伙伴;要么就是在工作闲暇时分,边喝咖啡,边与其它部门的同事交流思想。但是,时代发展到了现在,建立人脉网络本身已经成为一项重要活动。Coffee break 工作间歇休闲时间,通常喝咖啡或吃小点心。也可译成工间咖啡休闲时间。喝茶的工间休息时间可称为 tea breakEvent 该词除了“事件”这一基本词义外,可以用来泛指任何大型活动或盛事,如体育赛事(a sports event)、电视宣传活动(a televised event)、专项体验训练活动(a coaching event)等,是目前出现频率极高的词。例如,普华永道会计事务所就为其女职工提供了一个正式的关系网络组织,起名为PwCWomen (普华永道女性员工网)。该网络组织有900多位成员,定期组织各类活动,包括非正式晚间酒会和专项体验训练活动。据负责该组织的蒂娜·哈里说,她之所以开始从事这项工作,是因为“我身处高管职位,希望能够帮助其他女性充分发挥她们的潜能。”Pricewaterhouse Coopers 普华永道会计事务所,英文缩写为PWC,香港称做罗兵咸永道,俗称水记或水房,台湾称为资诚,是世界上跨国专业服务机构。1998年由两家伦敦大型会计事务所,普华(Price Waterhouse)和永道(Coopers&Lybrand),合并而成.x现成为国际四大会计事务所(the Big Four)之一,其他三家这名会计事务所是毕马威(KPMG, 英)、永安(Ernst & Young, 美)以及德勤(Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, 瑞士)。普华永道成员遍布139个国家和地区,700多家办公室(分支机构),依托12万多名专业人士,为其客户提供审计、税务、企业管理咨询和财务咨询服务。但是,开办人脉资源公司无需身居要职。维基·伍德与萨丽·霍普金斯初涉伦敦商界时,不知如何去结交其他女性,于是便萌生了成立“年轻职业女性人脉网络公司”的念头。“我们找不到任何为缺乏经验者提供的信息,于是我们决定自己干。”从12人的定期聚会开始,该网络逐步扩大,如今已拥有来自多个不同公司的250个成员。这是建立人脉关系,获得潜在商机的有效途径。You don't have to be senior to run a network 开办/经营人脉资源公司无需要身居要职。此句中的network等同于network company。对这一类名称,汉英表达方式有很大差异。汉语公司名的表达除有具体名称外,必须要点明“公司”二字,而国外有很多公司的冠名通常根据企业的性质和经营业务而定,有时甚至就用公司经营者的名字或商标名,不一定都会用到像company,corporation, firm 等表示“公司”意义的词语。Organization 该词可以用来泛指各类机构、公司。The city girls' Network 年轻职业女性网络,简称CGN, 是伦敦一家专门为刚走上职场的年轻职业女性提供人脉资源的公司。废亚娜·克拉特巴克是为荷兰银行提供服务的一家关系网的联合总裁。她说,“女性往往会把建立人脉关系视为社交活动,不予重视。” 但是只要有机会,女性还是乐于为之的-该行不久前举办了一次“速建关系网”的活动,结果充分表明了这一点。“活动取得了巨大的成功。有100多位男女员工参加。来自公司各个部门的那么多人相互认识交谈,感觉好极了。”Co-chair 联合总裁,英语前缀co-有“共同”、“联合”之意,chair 不同于有明确性标志的chairman 或者chairwoman,可用于男性或女性,但是主要用于女性。 Speed networking中的speed不做“速度”解;它与另一名词连用客气形容词的功能,表示“极速,快速”,如speedboat 快艇; speed demon喜欢高速度的人、工作快手; speed-reading(跳跃式)快速阅读,根据语境,译为“素建关系网”。 Be a great success 习惯用语表达,大获成功5 according to the articles, where do people network and what are the reasons? Would it be useful for you to join or set up similar networks? 根据以上文章,人们通常在那些场所建立人脉关系,为什么?你觉得你加入或建立类似的关系网络有用吗?People network at: conferences trade fair events coffee break formal networking eventsThe reasons are: to help people maximize their potential to get to know other people for people with little experience10 In conversation 4, the two people start discussing personal topics, such as where they live and their family. Would you discuss these topics with in your country with business colleagues? What do you think are good topics for networking? Make a list of topics with your partner.对话4中,两个人交谈的是诸如家在哪里以及家人的一些话题。在你的国家里,你会同你的商务伙伴讨论这些话题吗?什么是建立关系网络的好话题?与搭档列出一个单子。In china, family and children is a common topic to talk about.Good topics for networking with western business people include weather, work and language.Safe to talk about hobbies, travel, arts ,sports and fashion.Avoid politics and religion in the conversation.Subjects like social conditions, regional conflicts, sex and race should be avoided.Family matters at times is an unpleasant topic.It may be an intrusion of privacy to ask about personal finance.Uncivilized to talk about eating pets such as dog, rabbit, bird, turtle, and monkey.Writing 写作 Business Correspondence 商务信函1 Read the correspondence on Evelyn's desk and answer these questions.(1) 这些信都与她的工作有关吗?The Email and post-it note are not related to her work.(2) 哪一封比较正式?从哪些内容和语言可以得出结论?The memo and the letter are formal because they are giving information and relying to a customer with a complaint. The language uses quite long and fixed expression.(3) 哪封信属于“内部交流”,其他人可以接收吗?The memo is "internal communication" because it was sent within the company. Everyone in the company received a copy of it.(4)备忘录与普通信件和电子邮件有何不同?思考以下几个方面: 格式 开头和结尾 段落(5) 找到与以下内容同义的缩略词 电话号码 Tel. 尽快 asap 域 关于 RE这四封信分别是备忘录(memo),电子邮件(email),普通信件(letter),便条(post-it note)备忘录是商务信函中的一种,主要用于公司内部对公司的职员、部门通报信息,如会议安排、情况报告、问题处理等。在英语中称为interoffice memorandum,其复数形式为memoranda, 简称memo。除了可以采用书面形式外,备忘录也可以通过email发出,英文备忘录的一般格式如下:To:From:Date:Subject:Body: 其中To项是收件人,在其姓名前可以加上Mr.,Mrs.,Dr.或者All staff等,在其姓名后可以加上职位和部门。From项是发件人,其姓名前一般不加尊称,但是姓名后同样可以加上职位和部门。Subject即内容主题,一般用简单的几个字做做简单的陈述,不需要是个完整的句子,几个词或者词组即可。Body即内容是备忘录的主要部分,写作应力求简明、确切。首先应直入主题,列出最重要的信息,然后可以具体说明事由、情况,提出意见和建议等,最后可以根据具体情况或重申主题或表示意愿或感谢。需要指出的是,备忘录的末尾不需要签名。但是,如果给个人的备忘录还发给了收件人以外的其他人,需在末尾cc之后写上其姓名。 正式英文商务电子邮件的格式除收信人地址、发信人地址、主题外,内容格式和正式书信一样。便条通常用手书写,文体比较随意。3 假设你是Lar Bonner公司的经理。在员工大会上,公司决定将父亲的育儿假从两周延长至三周,就此事给全体员工写一封备忘录。提及之前的会议说明新制度是如何执行(9月25日)提醒员工要提前一个月告知经理To: All StaffFrom: Date: 25th JulySubject: Parental LeaveFurther to our previous meeting, I am pleased to confirm that parental leave for fathers has been extended to three weeks. The new system will come into operation as from 25th September. May I remind you that your managers will require one month's notice?Module 22.1 Business Topic Company benefits 商务话题篇 公司福利本小结学习重点: 熟悉相关词汇 练习讨论福利和奖励这一话题 练习在听力过程中抓住大意 练习在阅读中获取语篇的大意和具体细节 掌握过去式的用法 掌握求职信的写法Background Information 背景知识公司往往通过各种福利和奖励制度来吸引员工,减少员工的流动率,提高员工的工作热情和工作效率,员工福利的形式多种多样。第一类是法律保障的权利,包括社会保障,失业补偿,工商赔偿等。第二类是与退休有关的福利,例如退休金计划等。第三类是与保险有关的福利,包括健康保险,人寿保险,以外事故和伤残保险等。第四类是带薪休假的福利,包括带薪公假和带薪休假。有些公司还根据实际情况提供其他的福利,例如交通补贴,住房补贴,伙食补贴,旅游津贴。福利可以是有形的,也可以是无形的。上文列举的是有形福利。无形福利不如有形福利来的直接,如老板的奖赏、晋升的可能性、舒适的工作环境等。在各种福利之外,公司还经常提供丰富多样的奖励措施,一个是红包、一顿饭、一瓶酒、一次旅游机会等都可能成为对员工的奖励。奖励并非一定要价格昂贵,关键是对工作表现优异的员工表示认可,使之以更大的热情投入到工作中去。1 你觉得选择工作做重要的因素是什么?An impressed job title 一个先要的职衔Training and staff development 培新和员工发展A good salary 可观的收入A pension 养老金Flexible working hours 灵活的工作时间Opportunities to travel 旅游机会Opportunities for promotion 升职提拔机会Parental leave 育儿假Days off and long holidays 短假和长假A company car 公司配给的汽车4 Reference for translation 译文参考施乐公司:工作者的天堂Is working for Xerox too good to be true?该标题的字面意思为“为施乐公司工作妙不可言吗”,词组too good to be true字面意思上“好的令人难以置信”。这里为了使标题简洁醒目,可以译为:施乐公司:工作者的天堂Xerox该词大写时作为专有名词,指的是生产复印机等办公用品的著名公司“施乐公司”,也可以指“施乐”商标;该词后来派生成为动词,意思是用复印机复印。施乐公司的工作环境多么令人愉快!客服主管金姆·莫罗尼谈到她的雇主的时候赞不绝口。“这里的工作环境别具特色,”她说,“人们把施乐公司比作一个大家庭,而我惊讶地看到施乐公司拥有如此众多的老员工”。Can't say enough good things about her employer 字面意思上表示“对于她的雇主总是说不够好话,”可以意译为“对她的雇主赞不绝口”。 考虑到莫罗尼在施乐公司工作仅仅两年,她的话很可能令人将信将疑,对任何一个在一个地方工作过两年的人来说,任何人看起来都可能像是资深的老与员工。然而她对公司的赞扬确是有事实根据的。Temping 本意是“诱人的”,词组“It's temping to”在这里表示人们的普遍倾向性,意思是“人们倾向于。”Take.with a pinch of salt 又做take with a grain of salt,意思是“对。将信将疑,半信半疑”。 以集团人力资源部经理卡罗·帕默为例来说。1978年她以临时员工的身份加入施乐公司,如今担任人力资源部经理的职务已经长达