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    雅思英语考试经验总结 重点提示 牛人总结.doc

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    雅思英语考试经验总结 重点提示 牛人总结.doc

    前言从2010年12月到2011年2月底,我一共参加了4次雅思考试(12月11日,1月22日,2月12日和2月26日),成绩为:12月11日:听力:7.0,阅读:6.5,写作:6.0,口语:6.001月22日:听力:6.5,阅读:7.0,写作:6.0,口语:7.002月12日:听力:7.0,阅读:7.5,写作:6.5,口语:8.502月26日:听力:7.0,阅读:7.5,写作:7.5,口语:7.003月05日:听力:7.0,阅读:7.5,写作:7.0,口语:8.0可以说,在过去的三个月里面,我感受过裸考过后无言以对的惶恐,体味过努力过后略有进步的喜悦,忍受着就差0.5、与目标无比接近却未能接近的失落,最后,苦尽甘来。因为这次考试,至少再一次让我确信”天道酬勤“。NO SWEAT, NO SWEET; NO PAIN, NO GAIN。只要站起来的次数比跌倒的多,就是成功写作分享篇17个不能回避的雅思写作问题经过三个月的复习总结和4次的实战,我总结了17个关于雅思写作不能回避的核心问题。这17问题一直贯穿在我整个复习的过程。相信只要弄明白这17个问题,我觉得我们离写作7分就无比接近了。对于那些即将参加3月19日,4月2日,4月16日,5月7日等鸭友团来说,我觉得要搞懂问题1,2,6,7,8,13这6个问题最为迫切。如果能做好的话,分数一定能提高的。1 考官是怎么改卷子的?标准是怎样的?2 雅思写作7分是什么样的概念? 3 雅思写作6分与7分或者6.5分与7分的距离有多远?4 怎么制定雅思写作复习计划?5 考试前需要写多少篇的大作文和小作文?6 写作模版管用吗?7 雅思写作需要背多少个词汇?8 雅思写作需要什么样的句型?9 雅思写作需要多复杂的从句和语法?10 我们对雅思写作的误区11 鸭友们通常会犯哪些语法错误,能有效避免吗?什么样的语法错误是致命的?12 雅思写作能速成吗?平时需要多看英文报纸吗?13 小作文重要吗?容易写吗?应该怎么复习14 怎么安排大作文和小作文的写作顺序和时间15 要买参考书吗?什么样的参考书?16 参加培训班管用吗?17 网络上面所谓的“名师”雅思写作预测有用吗? 推荐书目在准备雅思的过程当中,或许很多人都会像我曾经那样不惜一切代价地去买所谓的名师参考书,因为我们都会自觉不自觉地自我游说:1450块的考试报名费都交得起了,还介意那几十块钱的参考书费吗。其实,有时候想想,我们买的书越多,证明我们越不自信;而且参考书一多,复习计划就会更乱。所以,到目前为止,我只觉得以下几本书稍微有点价值1. 慎小嶷十天突破雅思写作· 优点:比较系统地总结了雅思写作的方方面面,而且我最欣赏它的地方是让烤鸭的必备词汇量降到最低。· 缺点:想想当全中国80%以上的烤鸭都人手一本的时候,它就不再是烤鸭战场上的大规模杀伤性武器了。 2. 慎小嶷十天突破写作完整真题库· 优点:比较系统地收集和归类不同类型的雅思题目,我最欣赏它的地方是它能让考生觉得“原来9分作文都是不外如是”,而且我们能很好地找出差距。· 缺点:看了这本书,你会很容易地掉进那个“大包围”的题海战术,你会有意无意地想把所有topics 都写了,你会有意无意地背诵别人的观点和9分范文。这样的复习方法是致命的。 3. 吴建业 最新雅思考试胜策之写作· 优点:有很多很好的例句和观点,能让考生从例句中掌握单词,熟悉观点· 缺点:观点太多,没有针对性,而且topics 很少,因为这边书是2003年的产物。它已经远远落后雅思写作题库的更新速度 4. 吴建业 最新雅思考试胜策之词汇· 优点:对于渴望背单词的朋友,这本书足够你背了,而且那些词都是按照topics来划分的,所以比其他垃圾词汇书又进了一步。· 缺点:我从来反对盲目背单词,更加反对那些为了使用某个单词而要自己的观点妥协的做法。单词是一把双刃剑,它既是武器,又是负担。TASK 1 小作文曾经一直忽视小作文,甚至认为雅思写作约等于是写一篇250字的大作文。轻视它的原因可以归结为,字数少(只要150字),不需要个人观点(纯粹描述客观figures),有固定的单词和句型,分数只占总分的1/3···直到后来与考官见面的时候,我才意识到小作文的杀伤力。This is especially true when it comes to those who only got band 6.5 but indeed demand band 7.0。有时候,6.5分到7分的距离,小作文起了决定性的作用。按照剑桥雅思的分类,小作文可为:柱状图(bar chart),饼图(pie chart),曲线图(line graph),表格(table),地图(map)和流程图(processing chart)。当然,这只是按照这些图表的属性和特征来归类。为什么我要费那么多笔墨在这个人所共知的问题上面呢?经过我1个月的练习和研究,我发现,如果按照这样的归类,我们得总结出6套相对应的模版(句型和词汇)。其实这样是吃力不讨好,事倍功半的,因为这样的归类方法严重地影响了我们的复习方案和练习计划,而且并没有很好地反应出task 1的本质要求。我的个人认为,应该把柱状图,饼图,曲线图和表格看作一个总体,然后区分出是纵向比较还是横向比较(下面会继续解释它们的区别和应对方案);然后地图题是一类,流程图是另外一类。也就是说按照本人的经验,task1 小作文按照图表的本质应该分为:横向比较,纵向比较,地图题和流程图。Part 1 纵向比较和横向比较由于雅思写作task 1中,柱状图,饼图,曲线图和表格占了绝大多数,所以这个板块应该作为复习的重点。每当我们拿到题目的时候,我们第一件事应该做什么?对,看图表(果然是一句废话)!其实我的意思是,我们得首先观察它们究竟是:不同物体在同一时间点的比较(即横向比较),还是单一物体在不同时间点的比较(即纵向比较)。这一点非常非常非常非常非常重要!因为不同的比较,有着不同的内在比较关系。详细分析如下横向比较:由于没有时间的变动,因此不存在物体或数据的波动,也就是说,那些描述变化趋势、描述变化特征的词汇和句型完全不适用。此时此刻,我们要focus的是· 首先我们要找出极值(最大值和最小值)· 然后客观地、略有筛选地描述剩余数据(若数据太多,则有所侧重;若数据不多,则全部描述)· 接着就是高潮了-找出不同数据之间的共同特征和大小比较(比如说,谁和谁一样大/小,谁是谁的几分之几,谁是谁的多少倍)· 高潮过后,就需要有一个意犹未尽但有心无力的总结 纵向比较:顾名思义,就是由于时间的推移,不同物体和数据之间发生了量的变化,也就是说,这时候关于描述变化趋势和变化特征的词汇和句型就用得上了。此时此刻,我们要concentrate的是· 首先客观描述变化的大体趋势(是升高了还是降低了,是多了还是少了)· 然后描述变化的具体特征(是怎样增加的,是怎样减少的,幅度如何,速率如何)· 接着找出变化趋势相似的不同物体,然后客观描述一下,以减少单词和词汇的重复使用,避免啰嗦· 同样,这里也需要一个纵横全局的归纳和总结 说了那么多,估计你们也看烦看腻了。毕竟很多人都想着一蹴而就,想着尽可能多背单词多抄句型。好吧,闲话不多说,上货!请大家验明正身!程度副词 多于:More than, just over, over少于:Less than, just under 几乎:Approximately, almost, nearly完全:Exactly, precisely 表示列举data/information句型1. Overall, A has the largest number of名词(NO1) and B the smallest (NO2). C and D both have NO3; E has NO4.Overall, Sweden has the largest number ofenrolled students (17) and Syria the smallest(5). France and Spain both have 12 students; Germany has 11. It is noticeable that France and Germany have similar profiles.2.A has the most+名词+doing (NO1); B is next with NO2, while C has NO3. D and E have (相同) NO4 eachSweden has the most students studyingCAD (9); Spain is next with 7, while France has 6. Germany and Syria have 4 CAD students each.3.According to the pie chart, A, which is %, is the most···among the total···, then next is B with %, followed by C, making up %; and finally come E, F and G at %, %, % respectively.According to the pie chart, chicken, which is 40%, is the most popular among the total meat sold, then next is pork with 20%, followed by beef, making up 18%; and finally come lamb, fish and other at 15%, 5% and 2% respectively. 纵向比较 1.Experience/witness/see/enjoy+修饰词(最高级)+增加/减少/震荡 Experience/enjoy + a significant/the most dramatic + decrease/increase增加: increase, growth, rise 减少: decrease, drop 快速: dramatic, drastic 缓慢: gradual, steady, slow大幅: significant, substantial 小幅: moderate, slight震荡: considerable/marked/sharp/minor fluctuation2.The number of··· was No1 in Yr and rose/reduced by % to No2The number of miles that car traveled was 3199 in 1985 and rose by 50% to 4806 in the subsequent years.增加/上升: increase, rise, grow 急促上升: jump, soar to, surge to减少/下降: decrease, drop, decline 急促下降: plummet to, plunge to3.主语+上升/减少 to··· or 主语+上升/减少 by4.The percentage/proportion/number of is修饰词larger/ smaller than that of 修饰词 明显: substantially, obviously 轻微: slightly, moderately 5.A修饰词 increase/decrease occurred修饰词 大幅: considerable, significant, substantial 小幅: moderate, slight 6.表示不变的状态:主语 remain constant/unchanged/stable/steady at 表示趋势的句型 1.there is a downward/ upward/ opposite/ general/ dominant trend 下降的/上升的/相反的/总体的/主要的趋势 2.···tend to be more/less preferred 倾向越来越受(不)受欢迎 As can be seen from the table, walk and certain short-distance transportation, such as cycled and local bus tend to be less preferred.3.There is a considerable increase/decrease in··· There is a considerable increase in total miles by all modes of transportation, compared with the data (4,740 miles) in 1985. 表示比较增长或减少趋势B also rose/increased/grew during this period, but less sharply decreased/declined/droppedThe sales of games software also rose during this period, but less sharply.Sales increased from about 13 billion dollars in 2000 to just under 20 billion dollars three years later. 表示相同相似变化趋势的句式A similar situation was seen in the···, whereA similar situation was seen in the wholesale and retail trade sector, where the number of women rose from about 550 000 in 1975 to almost 800 000 two decades later. There are some similarities between A and BBe similar to/ A has something in common with B 表示变化特征的词汇 表示超过的词语Outnumber 比···多,在数量上超过 In this profession, women outnumber men by two to one.= there are twice as many women as men 在这个行业,女性人数是男性的两倍The number of men outnumbered women by four to one. 我们的人数以4比1超过他们Exceed 超过···数量 The price will not exceed $100.Overtake (在数量或重要性方面)大于,超过 Nuclear energy may overtake oil as the main fuel. 表示连续的时间段1.over a span of··· years= over the period from···to··· = in the years between···and··· 2.during the same period3.in the No. years spanning from 19xx through 19xx= from···to···within the 5 years period4.from then on= from this time onwards= in the subsequent years. 横向比较1.···程度副词 doubled/trebled三倍/quadruple四倍/halve减半(NO. vs NO.), while···doubled/trebled/quadrupled/halved which were数字(年份) and数字(年份) respectively.The figure by long distance bus more than doubled during the same period (54 miles vs. 124 miles), while the miles by taxi trebled which were 13 miles and 42 miles respectively.2.表示“A占总体的多少”或“A为B···倍”或“A为B的···分之···"3.···数字(A+B), of which A were···and B were···Italy received 20 million visitors, of which 1.2 million were from the UK and 1.8 million were from the USA.4. ···had a higher/lower total number of名词than any of the other+名词 France had a higher total number of visitors than any of the other countries on the list. 表示比较的句型 1.likewise,句子. 同样地,··· Likewise, the use of other, unspecified, forms of transport also increased.2.By contrast/In comparison,句子. 相反地,··· By contrast, the long distance vehicle enjoyed a significant increase over the period, spanning from 1985 to 2000, although there exists some differences. In comparison, student expenditure in country C was considerably lower, at only US$1500 per year pared with the data (数字) in年份,句子. 与···相比较,··· Overall, there is a considerable increase in total miles by all modes of transportation, compared with the data (4,740 miles) in 1985.4.···had half/twice/triple·times as many可数名词 as···, but/yet the number of···and···was the same.Australia had half asmany visitors asThailand (3 million vs6 million), butthe number of visitors tothose countries from the UK and the USA was the same, 0.3 million.5.句子, while句子.12 million Americans visited Canada while 5.5 million visited Mexico.6.···had a higher/lower total number of···than any of the other+名词复数 France had a higher total number of visitors than any of the other countries on the list. 表示“%”的词语百分比:percentage, proportion, share高:High, large highest, largest低:low, smalllowest, smallest 表示“占%”的词组正向:A constitute/occupy/account for/compose/comprise B A占B的%负向:% of B be composed of A (总体)有%的(某一元素) % of名词 be composed of (总体)有%的(某一元素)Around 15% of our diet is composed of protein. 我们的饮食中大约有15%的蛋白质composes (某一元素)构成总体的%Christians compose around 2.5% of the countrys population 基督教徒占这个国家人口的2.5%Comprise 构成Older people comprise a large proportion of those living in poverty.Constitute 构成Constitute around 60% of the total/a larger percentage (around 20%) ofConstitute the majority of the labour force. 占劳动力的大多数Occupy 占据 Dry lands occupy a third of the worlds surface. 陆地占了地球表面的三分之一Account for (数量上,比例上)占 The Japanese market accounts for 35% of the companys revenue. 日本市场占公司收入的35%. 对了,差点忘了,要区分数据是data 还是 percentage.这个决定了相对应的词汇如果大家能够熟练地掌握我上述的总结和归纳的话,相对对于以上四种图表一定能够得心应手了 Part 2 地图题地图是最近比较流行的题目,本人连续考的4次雅思写作里面,居然有两次都是地图题(12月11日和2月26日)。不过对于应付这种题型,大家不用害怕,其实没什么大不了的。慎小嶷最近的新书十天突破写作完整真题库里面的DAY 1O(page 297318),有详细的归纳。以下内容均为摘抄该书的章节。恳请大家尊重别人的知识产权,在没有得到原作者允许的情况下,请勿用于商业用途 表示“A位于” A is located/situated/lies···A is just off the road to··· A就在通向某地的路边上A is right at the center of··· A就在···的正中央表示“A靠近或者紧挨着B”:A is next to/near/close to表示“A在距离B某一面···公里处” A is located/situated/lies···kilometers/miles to the east/west/north/south of B表示“A位于B内的某个部分” A is located/ situated/ lies in the eastern/western/northern/southern part of B表示“A在B的某个角上” A lies/is located/is situated on/at the east/west/north/south/corner of B表示“剩下的”部分:The rest of the···表示“道路通向/河流流向某处”: The road runs from···to···The river runs/ flows from···to···表示“沿着河流/道路”:Along with river/road Alongside the river/road表示“A在道路或者河流的某一侧” A is located/situated/lies on the north/south side of the river/ the roade.g. situated on the south side of the River Thames, this hotel offers its guests an ideal location in central London表示“A与B仅一河之隔/仅一路之隔”:A is right across from B表示“A在道路或河流的南北端” A is located/situated/lies on the north/south end of the river/the road表示“A在B的对面”:A is opposite B表示“A在B某一侧的边界上” A is located/situated/lies on the eastern/western/northern/southern border of B表示“A在B某侧的边缘上” A is located/situated/lies on the eastern/western/northern/southern edge of B表示“A朝北/朝南/面朝公园等” A faces north/southA faces towards the north/ the southA faces a park表示“斜向的方位”:东北 north-east 东南 south-east西北 north-west 西南 south-west表示建筑物的布局:Layout 指一个建筑物周边的环境:The surroundings of a building表示“A占据了某个空间”:A occupies表示A由几个不同的部分组成:A consists of/ is composed of/ is made up of B, C and D表示A的长度是:The length of A is···=A is···in length表示A的宽度是:The width of A is···=A is···in width表示A的面积是:A is···in areaThe farm is 50 kilometers in areaThe building almost doubled in floor area.表示大约:approximately, roughly, about, around表示一块地:a patch of land/ a stretch of land表示从A·延伸到·:A extended/ stretched from···to··· The park extended from Main Street to King George Street This period stretched from the mid-eighteenth century to the late nineteenth century表示比较,“与···所不同的是” Unlike A, BCompared with A, BA···while/ whereas B···In comparison/ in contrast/ by contrast, B表示可以“使用”:available表示可以“容纳”:can accommodate表示理论上讲:in theory, theoretically, hypothetically表示但事实上:but in reality/ however, realistically/ yet in practice/ but in fact/as a matter of fact, though表示在某处建造了A:A was built in=was constructed in=was established in表示在某处又增建了A:A was added to=an addition was made to···,which was A表示改动原建筑或原场地:v. change/ modify/ remodel n. change/modification/remodeling表示A被改造成了B:A was turned into/ was transformed into/ was converted into B表示A被搬走或拆掉:A was removed/ demolished/ taken down from···表示A被B取代了:A was replaced by B/ A made way for B表示A的面积缩小:the size of A was reduced to only half of/ one third of the original size表示A的面积扩大:A was expanded to twice its size=the size of A almost doubled表示A向XX方向延伸:expand/extend northward/southward/eastward/westward表示A经历了:A experienced/ witnessed/saw起初:at first=initially=in the beginning=originally接着:then=next=after that=in the following stage=in the next/subsequent period=afterward在这个阶段:at this point=in this phase=in this stage最终:finally=eventually=in the end Part 3 流程图对于流程图,本人从来没有准备过。我觉得没必要捡了芝麻丢了西瓜。毕竟它出现的频率很低,而且几乎很难准备。有见及此,对于那些在考试当中遇到流程图的烤鸭们,我只能说:“不要慌,不要怕,前面就是天堂,一路走好!” TASK 2 大作文Part 1. 考官是怎么改卷子的?知己知彼,百战百胜,所以“考官是怎么改卷子的,他以什么为标准的评分”的尤为重要。经过朋友的介绍,我认识了Steward,他是一位资深的写作老师和改卷老师,在悉尼大学语言中心工作(那些在悉尼的朋友,如果想找他的话,请给我留言,我有他的联系方式)。我上了他两小时的课,他帮我改了12篇大作文和2篇小作文。我觉得这短短的两小时,远远比上什么新东方新航道环球雅思什么保7班精品班重要得多得多。after all,很多中国雅思老师还是处于意淫阶段。看着他改了12篇文章,发现他改作文的模式非常非常的mechanical,他说考官一般会在1小时内改六份作文(including task 1 and task2),那就是说平均5分钟改一篇。在这五分钟里,他就死死地盯着评分规则,从task response, coherence and cohesion, lexical resources, grammatical range and accuracy 这四个方面评分。而且让我无比深刻的是:雅思是一门语言能力考试,它侧重于测试学生的语言表达能力,而不是思维能力。记住:核心词是语言表达! Part 2. 雅思写作7分是什么样的概念以下是雅思写作的7分标准(a). task response:· addresses all parts of the task· presents a clear position throughout the response· presents, extend and supports main ideas, but there may be a tendency to over-generalize and/or supporting ideas may lack focus. 用中文最简单的理解是:首尾都要回答问题,允许泛泛而谈。这就是说,我们没必要花太多的精力去考虑观点是否绝对严谨是否意义深刻,关键是要告诉考官你的思考逻辑。这就是剑桥雅思的魅力,它要考你的不是你的思维能力,而是你的语言表达能力。哪怕在ridiculous的观点,只要你能用最恰当的语言去表达,你也可以同样得7分(当然,如果你的目标是8分,你就当我痴人说话吧)。还有就是说,很多题目本身包含很广泛的概念,很多大学教授用十几万字都解释不清的关系,怎么就能让我们这些门外汉用三言两语就解释好呢。说了这么多,我想说的是,如果你从一开始就习惯背诵满分作文,习惯复制别人的观点,这样的复习方法会很吃力(我不敢说是错的,那是确实低效,甚至有赌博成分),事倍功半。毕竟我们都是正常人,我们都有自己的思考能力和理解能力,我们说的每一个观点都是make sense,不make sense的是我们没把那个观点说清楚。(b). coherence and cohesion· logically organisesinformation and ideas, there is clear progression throughout· lises a range of cohesive devices appropriately although there may be some under-or over use· presents a clear topic within each paragraph 用中文最简单的意思是:分段分点,每点之前必须有连接词。这一点非常非常容易达到(我总结了大量这样的词汇,明天或者后天上传上来)。然后那个考官最为推介的范式(以argumentation的题目为例,因为report类的文章更死板了):开头段+主体段(让步一段,支持(反对)两段)+结尾段。其实说白了,就是我们最熟悉不过的模版。 也就是说,模版是非常有用的,之所以变成没用(serve n


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