实训一 缮制海运提单六、实训任务 请根据所提供的实训资料缮制海运提单ShipperB/L No. TH50HK07596SHANGHAI JIANQIAO IMP. & EXP. CO., LTD.No. 1500 , KANGQIAO ROAD, PUDONG, SHANGHAI, 201319 CHINAConsigneePort-to-Port or Combined TransportTO ORDERBILL OF LADINGNotify partywise noted. The total number of packages or units stuffed in the container.JAKSON TRADING COMPANY, 6-20 ARBUTUS STREET LONDON, E8 4DTThe description of the goods and the weights shown in this Bill of Loading *Pre-carriage by*Place of Receiptone of the original Bill of Loading must be surrendered and endorsed or sig- ned against the delivery of the shipment and whereupon any other originalOcean Vessel Voy. No.Port of loadingBill of Loading shall be void. The merchants agree to be bound by the termsXIN PU DONGV.0707MSHANGHAIand conditions of this B/L as if each had personally signed this B/L.Port of Discharge*Place of deliverySEE clause 4 on the back of this B/LSOUTH AMPTON(Terms continued on the back hereof, please read carefully)Marks & Nos.No. of ContainersDescription of Goods (if Dangerous Goods,Gross Weight KgsMeasurementContainer / Seal No.or PackagesSee clause 20)JAKSON CO.MENS SHIRT3300KGS14CBMJQ090368SOUTH AMPTON NOS.1-200PACKED IN 200 CARTONS ORIGINALFREIGHT PREPAIDDescription of Contents for Shippers Use Only (Not Part of This B/L Contract)Total No. of Container and / or Packages (in words)SAY TWO HUNDRED CARTONS ONLYFreight & ChargesRevenue TonsRatePerPrepaidCollectEx ratePrepaid atPayable atPlace and date of Issue: SHANGHAI DEC 10,2009Total prepaidNo. of Original B(s)/LSigned forCOSCO CONTAINER LINES魏永清THREEthe CarrierLADEN ON BOARD THE VESSEL DATE DEC10,2009BYCOSCO CONTAINER LINES魏永清海运提单背面: 空白背书SHANGHAI JIANQIAO IMP. & EXP. CO., LTDNo. 1500 , KANGQIAO ROAD, PUDONG, SHANGHAI, 201319,CHINA周美婷实训二 缮制海运保险单六、实训任务: 请根据所提供的资料缮制海运保险单中国人民保险公司THE PEOPLES INSURANCE COMPANY CHINA总公司设于北京 一九四九年创立Head Office: BENJING Established in 1949保 险 单 INSURANCE POLICY 保险单次号次 POLICY No. 中 国 人 民 保 险 公 司 ( 以 下 简 称 本 公 司 ) THIS POLICY OF INSURANCE WITNESSES THAT PEOPLES INSURANCE OF CHINA ( HEREINAFTER CALLED.“THE COMPANY ”)根 据 SHANGHAI JIANQIAO IMP. & EXP.CO., LTD. No. 1500 , KANGQIAO ROAD, PUDONG, SHANGHAI, 201319, CHINA ( 以 下 简 称 被 保 险 人 ) 的 要 求 ,由 被 保 险 人 向 本 公 司 缴 付 的( HEREINAFTER CALLED“THE INSURED”AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE AGREED PREMIUM PAIP TO THE COMPANY BY THE定 的 保 险 费 ,按 照 本 保 险 单 承 保 险 别 和 背 面 所 载 条 款 与 下 列INSURED UNDERTAKES TO INSURE THE UNDERMENTIONED GOODS IN TRANSPORTATION SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS OF 特 款 承 保 下 述 货 物 运 输 保 险 , 特 立 本 保 险 单 。THIS POLICY. AS PER THIS CLAUSES PRINTED OVERLEAF AND OTHER SPECAL CLAUSES ATTACHED HEREON. 标记 MARK & NOS.包装及数量QUANTITY保险货物项目DESCRIPTION OF GOODS保险金额AMOUNT INSUREDJAKSON CO.JQ090368SOUTH AMPTON NOS.1-200200CARTONSMENS SHIRTORIGINALUSD51458.00保 险 金 额 :TOTAL AMOUNT INSURED :SAY U.S.DOLLARS FIFTY ONE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY EIGHT ONLY. .保费 费率 装载运输工具PREMIUM AS ARRANGED RATE AS ARRANGED PER CONVEYANCE S.S.XIN PU DONG V.0707M开航日期 自 至SLG.IN OR ABT. DEC10,2009 FROM SHANGHAI TO SOUTH AMPTON 承保险别:CONDITIONS: covering All risks and War risk as per CIC 所 保 货 物 ,如 遇 出 险 ,本 公 司 凭 保 险 单 及 其 他 有 关 证 件 给 付 赔 CLAIMS IF ANY PAYABLE ON SURPENDER OF THIS POLICY TO GETETHER WITH OTHER RELEVANT EVANT DOCUMENTS IN THE偿。所 保 货 物 ,如 果 发 生 本 保 险 单 项 下 负 责 赔 偿 的 损 失 或 事 故 ,EVENT OF ACCIDENT WHEREBY LOSS OR DAMAGE MAY RESULT IN A CLAM UNDER THIS POLICY IMMEDIATE 应 立 即 通 知 本 公 司 下 属 代 理 人 查 勘 。NOTICE APPLY ING FOR SURVEY MUST BE GIVEN TO THE COMPANYS AGENT AS MENTIONED HEREUNDER赔偿地点中 华 人 民 保 险 公 司 上 海 分 公 司CLALAM PAYABLE AT/IN LONDON IN USD THE PEOPLES INSURANCE SHANGHAI BRANCH日期高林生DATE DEC 9, 2009 地址: 中国上海中山东一路23号 TEL 021-6323405 63217466-44 FAX. 021-6323409 海运保险单背面: 空白背书SHANGHAI JIANQIAO IMP. & EXP. CO., LTDNo. 1500 , KANGQIAO ROAD, PUDONG, SHANGHAI, 201319,CHINA周美婷实训三 出口报价与成本核算六、实训任务1、请根据提供的资料计算出口CIFC3%的报价,将运算过程填入下表中。计算项目计算过程计算结果单位货物总体积0.32×0.3×0.2×125024立方米货物总毛重0.0142×125017.75公吨采购成本150150人民币元/辆退税收入150/(1+17%)×13%16.67人民币元/辆实际成本(扣除出口退税)150-16.67133.33人民币元/辆出口业务定额费150 × 3.5%5.25人民币元/辆预期利润(133.33+5.25) × 10%13.86人民币元/辆FOB价格(133.33+5.25+13.86)/6.8222.35美元/辆海洋运费1560/25000.62美元/辆CFR价格22.35+0.6222.97美元/辆CIF价格22.97/(1-110%×0.7%)23.15美元/辆CIFC3%报价23.15/(1-3%)23.87美元/辆2、根据上题计算该笔出口业务的换汇成本和盈亏率。 (1) 出口总成本= 采购成本 出口退税 + 定额费用 =15016.67 +5.254 =138.58 (人民币元/辆) 出口外汇净收入= CIFC3% 佣金保险费运费= USD23.50USD23.50×3% USD23.50 ×(1+10%)×0.7%0.62= USD23.50USD 0.71- USD 0.18USD 0.62=21.99(美元/辆) 换汇成本=出口总成本/出口外汇净收入=138.58/21.99=6.30(人民币元/美元)(3)盈亏额=(出口外汇净收入×银行外汇买入价-出口总成本)×1000=(21.99×6.8133138.58)×2500=28,111.17 (人民币元)(4)盈亏率=盈亏额/出口总成本=28,111.17/(138.58×2500)=8.11%答:该商品的换汇成本6.30人民币元/美元,盈利额28,111.17 人民币元, 盈利率8.11%。实训四 缮制汇票六、实训任务:请根据所提供的资料缮制汇票汇票正面: 凭信用证第 号Drawn under 200CTNS=3000KGS OF 10000 PCS MENS SHIRT L/C No. 日期Dated 支取Payable with interest % per annum 按年息 付款号码汇票金额中国上海 年 月 日No. OCJQ-09-0368Exchange for USD46,780.00Shanghai DEC15,2009见票日 后(本 汇 票 之 副 本 未 付)付 交D/P At*sight of this FIRST of Exchange ( Second of exchange 金额being unpaid) Pay to the order of AGRIGULTRUAL BANK OF CHINA SHANGHAI BRANCH the sum of SAY U. S. DOLLARS FORTY SIX THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND EIGHTY ONLY.款已收讫Value received此致To: SHANGHAI JIANQIAO IMP. & EXP. CO., LTD.JAKSON TRADING COMPANY6-20 ARBUTUS STREET周美婷 签署LONDON, E84DT 汇票背面: 空白背书BANK OF AGRICULTURE SHANGHAI BRANCH祁振海实训五 审核与修改信用证 六、实训任务依据所提供的销售合同审核相关信用证,指出信用证存在的问题并说明如何修改。序号存 在 问 题修 改1开证人地址名称有误(SAKULAN CO.,LTD.)应改为SAKULA CO.,LTD.2到期时间 20100215到期地点在申请人所在国(in the country of applicant)应改为20100315在受益人所在国(in the country of beneficiary)3信用证金额未考虑到按合同溢装改为 USD 129150.004货物描述中:(1)MANS BELT 3100PCS有误(3)DIAMANTE BELT 550PCS有误应改为(1)MANS BELT 3000PCS应改为(3)DIAMANTE BELT 500PCS5货物描述中的价格条款(CIF)错误应改为CFR6系CFR交易,受益人无需提交保单应删去保险单据条款7附加条款中关于溢短装数量(10 more or less)与合同规定不符应改为58交单期为5天,过短应改为15天9转船:TRANSSHIPMENT: ALLOWED应改为TRANSSHIPMENT: NOT ALLOWED10指示条款中有限制信用证生效的规定(THIS CREDIT IS NON-OPERATIVE UNLESS THE OPENING BANK GIVE FURTHER ADVISE.)应删除11信用证为可撤销(revocable)应改为不可撤销(irrevocable)12目的港 TOKYO, JAPAN应改为 KOBE, JAPAN13最迟装运期 20100130应改为 SHIPMENT TO BE EFFECTED BEFORE FEB.28,201014货物描述:(2) NEEDLE BUCKLEL/C 货物名称正确, S/C合同货物名称错误。接受L/C,不修改。训六 交易磋商和签订国际货物买卖合同六、实训任务1、请根据上述资料模拟交易磋商过程,要求包括询盘、发盘、还盘和接受四封信函。用中文或英文表达均可。The following letters are for reference only.(1) An Enquiry Letter (询价函)Nov 10,2009Dear Mrs. Zhou,We have learned you are a good supplier of belts, could you kindly make us an offer on CIF Kobe basis for Mens Belt, Fashion Belt and Diamante Belts? As to the color, size, material and packing of each style, please refer to the following sheet.Features: 1) Material: PU2) Size 100 x 4.8cm Outer packing: 150pcs/ctnFeatures: 1) Material: PU, needle buckle 2) Size:105 x 8cm Outer packing: 120pcs/ctnFeatures: 1) Size: 105 x 3.8cm 2) Material: metallic PU with needle buckle Outer packing: 100pcs/ctnWe have been dealing in this line for more than ten years and we have good channel of distribution in super markets in Japan. If you are interested in establishing business relation with us, please make us an offer as soon as possible.Best Regards. SAKULA(2) An Offer Letter(发盘函)Nov 20,2009Dear Mrs.SAKULA,Thank you for your letter of Nov 10,2009. We are very glade to establish business relation with you. After careful consideration, we make an offer for each style you required. Please note the following sheet.Features: 1) Material: PU2) Size 100 x 4.8cm Outer packing: 150pcs/ctnFeatures: 1) Material: PU, needle buckle 2) Size:105 x 8cm Outer packing: 120pcs/ctnFeatures: 1) Size: 105 x 3.8cm 2) Material: metallic PU with needle buckle Outer packing: 100pcs/ctnPrice: CIF KOBE USD13.50/PCPrice: CIF KOBE USD16.50/PCPrice: CIF KOBE USD32.00/PCPayment: by irrevocable L/C This offer is valid for 5 days. Please give us an early reply. Best Regards. Zhou Meiting (3) An Counter-Offer Letter(还盘函)Nov 23,2009Dear Mrs. Zhou,Your offer of Nov 20, 2009 received. Thanks.With comparison with other suppliers of the same style and quality, we have found that yours are higher than others. Now we have listed the prices we can accept and the quantity we order as follows:Features: 1) Material: PU2) Size 100 x 4.8cm Outer packing: 150pcs/ctnFeatures: 1) Material: PU, needle buckle 2) Size:105 x 8cm Outer packing: 120pcs/ctnFeatures: 1) Size: 105 x 3.8cm 2) Material: metallic PU with needle buckle Outer packing: 100pcs/ctnPrice: CIF KOBE USD12.00/PCPrice: CIF KOBE USD15.00/PCPrice: CIF KOBE USD30.00/PCQuantity: 3000PCSQuantity:4800PCSQuantity: 500PCSPayment: by irrevocable L/CAs to the payment, we accept irrevocable L/C.If you can deliver the goods before the end of Feb,2010, we would very appreciate it.We are looking forward to your early reply.Best Regards. SAKULA,(4) An Acceptance Letter(接受函)Nov 30,2009Dear Mrs. SAKULA,Thank you for your letter of Nov 23,2009. Considering the first business, we accept your price and quantity. And we can deliver the goods before Feb28,2010. Tomorrow we will make a Sales Confirmation according to the terms and conditions agreed upon between us and will be faxed to you for your signature. Kindest Regards. Zhou Meiting 2、根据所提供的资料站在卖方角度缮制售货确认书并提供买方会签。上海建桥进出口有限公司SHANGHAI JIANQIAO IMP. & EXP. CO., LTD. No. 1500 , KANGQIAO ROAD, PUDONG, SHANGHAI CHINA 售 货 确 认 书 编号: Tel: 0086-21-58137871 SALES CONFIRMATION No. SCT09120106 Fax:0086-21-58137871 日期: Date DEC 1, 2009 TO Messrs:SAKULA CO., LTD.ITC BUILDING 6TH FLOOR SUITE 602 1-8-4 CHOME ISOBE-DORI CHUO-KU KOBE JAPANTel:0081-78-362-1444 Fax:0081-78-362-1445谨启者: 兹确认授予你方下列货品,其成交条款如下:Dear Sirs : We hereby confirm having sold to you the following goods on the terms and conditions as specified below: (1)货物名称及规格Name of Commodity and Specification(2)数量Quantity(3)单价Unit Price(4)总价Amount Mens Belt 1)Material: PU 2)Size 100 x 4.8cm3)Outer packing: 150pcs/ctn Fashion Belt1)Material:PU, needle buckle 2)Size:105 x 8cm 3)Outer packing:120pcs/ctn Diamante Belt 1)Material: metallic PU with needle buckle 2)Size: 105 x 3.8cm3)Outer packing: 100pcs/ctn3000PCS4800PCS500PCSCIF KOBE USD12.00/pcUSD15.00/pcUSD30.00/pcUSD36,000.00USD72,000.00USD15,000.00TOTAL USD123,000.00Total Amount in words: SAY US DOLLARS ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY THREE THOUSAND ONLY (5)装运期限:Time of Shipment: LATEST DATE OF SHIPMENT FEB28 2010(6)装运港:Port of Loading: SHANGHAI (7)目的港:Port of Destination:KOBE(8)分批装运:ALLOWED Partial Shipmentt:(9)转船: Transshipment: ALLOWED(10)付款条件:Terms of Payment: By buyers irrevocable L/C in favor of the Seller against sight draft(s) and full set of shipping documents opened before Dec 20, 2009.(11)运输标志:Shipping Marks: will be indicated in the relative L/C. (12)保险: Insurance: The Seller should cover insurance for 110 % of the total invoice value against All Risks as per Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of PICC dated 1/1/1981.(13)仲裁 Arbitration: All disputes arising from the execution of, or in connection with this Sales Confirmation, shall be settled amicably through friendly negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached through negotiation, the case shall then be submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Shanghai Commission for arbitration in accordance with Rules of Arbitration of China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission. The award made by the Commission should be accepted as final and binding upon both parties. (14)REMARKS:买方须于 年 月 日前开出本批交易的信用证(或通知售方进口许可证号码)。否则,售方有权不经过通知取消本确认书,或向买方提出索赔。The Buyer shall establish the covering Letter of Credit (or notify the Import License Number) before Dec 20, 2009., falling which the Seller reserves the right to rescind without further notice, or to accept whole or any part of this Sales Confirmation non-fulfilled by the Buyer, or, to lodge claim for direct losses sustained, if any.凡以CIF条件成交的业务,保额为发票价的 ,投保险别以售货确认书中所开列的为限,买方如果要求增加保额或保险范围,应于装船前经卖方同意,因此而增加的保险费由买方负责。For transactions conclude on CIF basis, it is understood that the insurance amount will be for 110 of the invoice value against the risks specified in Sales Confirmation. If additional insurance amount or coverage is required, the buyer must have consent of the Seller before Shipment, and the additional premium is to be borne by the Buyer.品质/数量异议:如买方提出索赔,凡属品质异议,须于货到目的口岸之 日内提出。凡属数量异议,须于货到目的口岸之 日内提出,对所装货物所提任何异议属于保险公司、轮船公司等其他有关运输或邮递机构的责任范畴,卖方不负任何责任。QUALITY,/QUANTITY DISCRFPANCY: In case of quality discrepancy, claim should be filed by the Buyer within 60 days after the arrival of the goods at port of destination; while for quantity discrepancy, claim should b