2011.12.17四级考试阅读部分答案与详细解析此次四级考试阅读部分继承了2010年12月份和2011年6月份的难度,就是两个字“正常”。快速阅读非常简单,前面7道选择题题目简单明了,题干与选项都很短,定位明确,选项分明,干扰项迷惑性小,基本道道题送分。三道填空题难度基本正常,除最后一道题难度加大外,第八题与第九题都很正常,第十题的水门事件我相信有的同学会填错成其他的名词或者落掉scandal这个词,这个空难,可以错。相信大部分同学的正确率应该在8个以上。其中第八题我看网上个别老师有把答案错误的给成了stealing agrade,这是原词,这里得变型,属于低级错误。 选词填空难度比前几次大幅降低,基本回归到了06年的水平,用我课上讲的划词法去做应该问题不大,其中难点是significant和marvelous的区分,consist和comprise的区分。别的没什么。 传统阅读此次难度比前两次考试难度略微增大一点,主要体现在第二篇文章的第一段以及其所对应的第一道题目上。第一篇文章有一道题目的答案和网上不同,具体看下面分析。快速阅读:A.C.A.B.A.C.ZSteal a gradeHonesty and good faithWatergate Scandal选词填空:H.A.N.O.DM.CG.K.B传统阅读:C.A.C.A.DC.D.A.D.C说明:1. 题干中的蓝色字为此道题目定位的信号词2. 文章中的蓝色字为题干中信号词对应的定位点3. 文章中下划线句子为题目答案所在句。4. 选项中红色字为该选项的错误所在。5. 具体6大类常见干扰项在题目中简称体现如下:无中生有无推断过度推移花接木移答非所问答片面肤浅片自相矛盾自请同学们在阅读时有所参照。Boys schools are the perfect place to teachyoung men to express their emotions and involve them in activities such as artdance and musicFar from the traditional image of a cultureof aggressive masculinity(阳刚), the absence of girls gives boys the chance to develop without pressure toconform to a stereotype, a US study says.Boys at single-sexschools were said to be more likely to get involved in cultural andartistic activities that helped develop their emotional expressiveness, ratherthan feeling they had to conform to the “boy code” of hiding their emotions tobe a “real man”.Thefindings of the study go against received wisdomthat boys do better when taught alongside girls.Tony little, headmaster of Eton, warned that boys werebeing failed by the British education systembecause it had become too focused on girls. He criticized teachers forfailing to recognize that boys are actually more emotional than girls.The research argued that boys often performbadly in mixed schools because they become discouraged when their females peersdo better earlier in speaking and reading skills.But in single-sex schools teachers can tailorlessons to boys learning style, letting them move around the classroom andgetting them to compete in teams to prevent boredom, wrote the studys author, Abigail James, of the University of VirginiaTeachers could encourage boys to enjoyreading and writing with “boy-focused” approaches such as themes and charactersthat appeals to them. Because boys generally have more acute vision, learn bestthrough touch, and are physically more active, they need to be given “hand-on”lessons where they are allowed to walk around. “Boys in mixed schools viewclassical music as feminine(女性的)and prefer the modern genre(类型) in which violence and sexism are majorthemes”James wrote.Single-sex education also made it less likelythat boys would feel they had to conform to a stereotype that men should be “masterfuland in charge” in relationships, “In mixed schools boys feel compelled to actlike men before they understand themselves well enough to know what that means.”The study reported.57 Theauthor believes that a single-sex school would_A force boys to hide their emotions to be “real man” 自B help tocultivate masculine aggressiveness in boys 无C encourageboys to express their emotions more freelyD naturally reinforce in boys the traditional image of a man 无,自答案:C。从原文划线句子中的“rather than.”这句话可以看出不会出现A与D出现的状况。而且D中的“traditional image”其实等于我在强化课上着重讲的一个重点名词 “stereotype”.这个词也在这篇文章中多次出现,希望同学们还记得它的意思。B中的红色词为上一段的信息,超出范围,无中生有。C选项是划线句子前半句的同义表达,故为正确答案。总结:此题难度1颗星,没啥有价值的迷惑项。58 It is commonly believed thatin a mixed schools boys_A perform relativelybetter B grow up more healthily无C behave more responsibly无D receive a better education无答案:A。此题信号词定位有难度,因为问的是“通常的看法”。文章中与之对应的是“receive wisdom”可能很多同学定位上费了些周折。但一旦定位成功,答案A与原句对应的比较明显,而BCD三个选项都不是定位范围中出现的信息,无中生有,排除。总结:此题难度2颗星,定位词对应起来有难度。59 What does Tony Little say about the British education system?A It fails more boys than girls academically无,移B It focusesmore on mixed school education无C It failsto give boys the attention they needD It places more pressure on boys than on girls无答案:C。此题出现大写专有名词,定位理想。C选项为原文划线句子同义表达。A选项在错误理解原句中fail to do这个词组的含义。这个词组我课上特意讲过,等于cannot或者do not,大家应该还有印象。而A直接用了fail标示“不及格”的这层含义,无中生有,还有academically这种不着边际的词,容易排除。B和D中的混校和更多压力概念无中生有,排除。总结:此题难度2颗星。A里的fail算是有一点点干扰性吧。看词选择而不是看意思选择的同学容易误选。60Acoordingto Abigail James, one of the advantages of single-sex schools is_A teachingcan be tailored to suit the characteristics of boysB boys canfocus on their lessons without being distracted无C boys can choose to learn whatever they are interested in无D teachingcan be designed to promote boys team spirit无答案:A。定位不难,用专有名词。A选项是划线句子第一条的同义表达。B选项有点迷惑性,因为如果同学自己凭读完句子的感觉去选很容易认为B对,其实B中的红词是出题人根据大家错觉设置的无中生有的干扰项。原文没有直接说有分散他们注意力的这回事儿。C比较低级,无中生有很明显,而且语气有点绝对,有whatever这个词。D也是个高迷惑项,和原文组队很想,但是原文说的是“组队竞争防止无聊”而并不是D中说的“促进团队精神”,其实还是无中生有。总结:此题难度3颗星。有大量干扰项利用大家的感觉来设置,干扰性强,大家一定要尊重原文去选。61 Which ofthe following is characteristic of boysaccording to Abigail Jamess report?A They enjoy being in charge无B They conform to stereotypes无C They have sharper vision答D They areviolent and sexist答案:D。此题定位不难,是AJ这个人的报告。原文划线句子为双引号内容,既报告内容,说“男孩子们喜欢暴力和男性至上的种类音乐”所以说D说的“男孩们暴力和男性至上”应该是它的同义表达。A和B都是无中生有,不解释了。网上有把答案给成C的。C确实对应同段中的“boys generally have more acute vision”这句话。但我个人更认为这句话随时原文,但不是题干中所问“AJ报告”所提及的,只是原文提及,故答非所问排除。原文引号里的才是报告所提及的。总结:此题难度非常大,C是高迷惑项,是原文的完美同义表达,可以不是题干所需的答案。此题难度4颗星。Its anannual argument.Do we or do we not go on holiday?Mypartner says no because the boiler could go,or the roof fall off,and we have nosavings to save us.I say you only once and we work hard and whats the pointif you cant go on holiday.The joy of arecession means no argument next year-we just wont go.Since money is konwn to be one of the things most likely tobring a relationship to its knees,we should be grateful.For manyfamilies the recession means more than not booking a holiday.A YouGov poll of 2,000 people found 22% said theywere arguing more with their partners because of concerns about money.Whatsless clear is whether divorce and separation rates rise in a recession financialpressures mean couples argue more but make splitting up less affordable.Arecent research shows arguments about money were especially damaging tocouples.Disputes were charactorised by intense verbal(言语上的)aggression,tended to be repeated and notresolved,and made men,moer than women,extremely angry.Kim Stephcnson,an occupational psychologist,believe moneyis such a big deal because of what it symbolises,which may be different thingsto men and women.“People can say the same things about money but havedifferet ideas of what its for,”he explains,“Theyll say its to save,tospend,for security,for freedom,to show someone you love them.”He says men aremore likely to see money as a way of buying status and of showing their parentsthat theyve achieved something.“Thtbiggest problem is that couples assume each other knows whats going on withtheir finances,but they dont.There seems to be more of a taboo(禁忌)about talking about money than aboutdeath.But you both need to know what youre doing,whos paying what into thejoint account and how much you keep separately.In a healthy relationship,youdont have to agree about money,but you have to talk about it.”62.Whatdoes the author say about vacationing?A)Peopleenjoy it all the more during a recession自B)Fewpeople can afford it without working hard.无C)Itmakes all the hard work worthwhile.D)It isthe chief cause of family disputes.移,片答案:C。定位不难,就是对应第一段,但是第一段读起来恶心人。想舒心的读下来相信很多同学做不到,但想读懂划线句子可能稍微容易点吧。这道题问作者的态度,第一段中只有划线句是以“I”来陈述的,其他句子都是他家里人的看法。划线句子意思就是“你们只活一次,我们努力工作,那这些还有什么意义如果你不去度假?”靠,这里人称转换的乱七八糟的,作者脑残,不考虑读者感受,鄙视。所以C这这句话的同义表达。A和B比较简单,不解释,D很具迷惑性。其实家庭吵架的主因不是因为大家看到的度假的事儿,而是最后说的经济不景气造成的,不过一般人跟们没注意,认为就是度假惹的祸,其实是钱的事儿,差钱啊。D移花接木,把钱的责任推到了度假身上,它才是真正原因。总结:此题难度4颗星,D强迷惑。63.Whatdoes the author mean by saying“money is known.to bring a relationship to itsknees”(Line1,Para.2)?A)Moneyis considered to be the root of all evils.推B)Somepeople sacrifice their dignity for money. 无C)Few people can resist the temptation of money. 无D)Disputesover money may ruin a relationship.答案:D。原句里有短语,直接字面意思理解也能猜个差不多让关系下跪。大家,尤其是男生,应该懂的。如果还读不懂,稍微往后看一两句,发现因为钱吵架,所以锁定答案D。A里的all这个决定它错,推断过度。B和C开始YY了,无中生有。总结:此题难度2颗星,短语略难,但通过后面句子仍能选择。64.The YouGov poll of 2,000 people indicates that in a recession_.A)conflictsbetween couples tend to rise.B)it is more expensive for couples to split up答C)couplesshow more concern for each other无D)divorce and separation rates increase 答,自答案:A。划线句同义表达,不难。关键干扰项迷惑性强。B说的是内容对应原文说的是“不那么清楚的”,不是这道题问得,虽然是原文原句,但答非所问。C扯淡,无中生有,大难领头各自飞,还更关心,切。D自相矛盾,说分手率下降,因为分手成本高啊,lessaffordable,就是付不起啊。总结:此题难度3颗星,正确答案明显,但干扰项牛。如果尊重原文老实的选,A还是可以容易选出来的,因为离定位点最近。65.Whatdoes Kim Stephenson believe?A)Moneyis often a symbol of a persons status.推B)Money means a great deal to both men and women.无C)Men andwomen spend money in different ways.移D)Men andwomen view money in different ways.答案:D。原文说的是男人的地位,不是A中说的“人”,范围扩大,推断过度。B又开始意淫了,看着老对了,可原文没说,原文说的是不同的东西,不同的方式,不是意味着“重要”对于“男人和女人”。C迷惑性也很强,原文确实提到了花钱,但是是不同的人花钱不同,不是男人和女人花钱不同,移花接木。D为划线句子同意表达。总结:此题难度4颗星,只要自己不乱想,答案就在那里。你选或者你不选。66.Theauthor suggests at the end of the passage thatcouples should_.A)put their money together insteadof keeping it separately 无B)makeefforts to reach agreement on their family budgets. 无C)discussmoney matters to maintain a healthy relationshipD)avoidarguing about money matters to remain romantic无答案:C。划线句子同义表达。A无中生有。原文是提到了joint account和keep separately这种事儿,但没说应该做那件,不应该做那件,无中生有。B和D的红字部分也是无中生有,简单。总结:此题难度2颗星,A算个迷惑项吧。