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    Unit2 How often do you exercise?Section B(2a-2e),Mind Map,pre-reading:Free talk,What do you usually do in your free time?How often do you.?,While-reading,step 1 skimming,Read the paragraphy 1,answer the questions.Q1:How many kinds of activities are mentioned in this article?Q2:Which sentence is the topic sentenses?,What do No.5 High School students do in their free time?,Last month we asked our students about their free time activities.Our questions were about exercise,use of the Internet and watching TV.Here are the results.,Group workRead the paragraphy 2 and find out T or F.,1、25%students exercise every day.()2、45%students exercise 4-6 times a week.()3、22%students exercise 1-3 times a week.()4、20%students never exercise.(),Answers,1、25%students exercise every day.(F)2、45%students exercise 4-6 times a week.(T)3、22%students exercise 1-3 times a week.(F)4、20%students never exercise.(T),We found that only fifiteen prcent of our students exercise every day.Forty-five percent exercise four to six times a week.Twenty percent exercise only one to three times a week.And twenty percent do not exercise at all!,Read the paragraphy 3 and answer questions.,Q1:How often do the students go online?Q2:How many students go online.?Q3:What do the most students do use the Internet?,We all know that many students often go online,but we were surprised that ninety percent of them use the Internet every day.The other ten percent use it at least three or four times a week.Most students use it for fun and not for homework.,Read the paragraphy 4 and match the percent and frequently.,A、2%studentsB、13%studentsC、85%students,1、4-6 times a week2、every day3、1 or 3 times a week,Read the paragraphy 4 and match the percent and frequently.,A、2%studentsB、13%studentsC、85%students,1、4-6 times a week2、every day3、1 or 3 times a week,The answers to our questions about watching television were also interesting.Only two percent of the students watch TV one to three times a week.Thirteen percent watvh TV four to six times a week.And eighty-five percent watch TV every day!Although many students like to watch sports,game shows are the most popular.,Read the paragraphy 5and answer questions.,Q1:Which activity is the best way to relax?Q2:Can you guess the meaning of“Old habits die hard.”?,It is good to relax by using the Internet or watching game shows,but we think the best way to relax is through exercise.It is healthy for the mind and the body.Exercise such as playing sports is fun,and you can spend time with your friends and family as you play together.And remember,“Old habits die hard.”So start exercising before its too late!,Summary,Fill in the blanks,This is a survey about NO.5School students free time activities.We found 15%students exercise every day._students exercise 1-3 times a week.20%_never exercise.45%students exercise _a week.10%students use the Internet 3-4 times a week._use the Internet every day._students watch TV 4-6 times a week.2%students watch TV 1-3 _ a week.85%students watch TV _.The best way to relax is _.Because it is good for our _and _.,Fill in the blanks,This is a survey about NO.5School students free time activities.We found 15%students exercise every day.20%students exercise 1-3 times a week.20%students never exercise.45%students exercise 4-6times a week.10%students use the Internet 3-4 times a week.90%students use the Internet every day.13%students watch TV 4-6 times a week.2%students watch TV 1-3 times a week.85%students watch TV every day.The best way to relax is exercise.Because it is good for our body and mind.,Old habits die hard.旧习难改,Homework,1、Finish 2d and 2e2、Recite words,Thanks,


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