分类号 UDC 单位代码 10644 密 级 公开 学 号 2010031510 四川文理学院 学士学位论文论初中生英语自主学习能力的培养论文作者: 廖 练指导教师: 顾玉兰 学科专业: 英 语 研究方向: 教学法 提交日期: 2012年 5 月10日 答辩日期: 2012年 5 月17日 学位授予: 四川文理学院中 国 · 达 州2012年5月School of Foreign Languages Sichuan University of Arts & ScienceCultivation of Middle School Students Autonomy in English LearningbyLiao Lian A ThesisPresented to the School of Foreign LanguagesIn Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementsFor the Degree of B. A. in English April 2012Thesis Supervisor: Gu Yulan ContentsAbstract.iAcknowledgements.iiI. Introduction.1II. Autonomy learning2A .Definition.2B. Characteristics.2 1. Setting goals and making plans before learning.2 2. Monitoring their learning.2 3. Commenting and improving their learning.3 C. The importance of autonomy learning ability.3 1. The needs of society development.3 2. The main aim of teaching reform.4 3. The needs of students individual development.4 4. The requirements of improving learning efficiency.5III. Methods of cultivating middle school students' autonomy learning ability.5A. Obstacles on cultivating activities51. Students' lack of motivation and interest in English learning.52. Bad influences on students of traditional teaching.73. False habits students had developed.7 B. Methods of cultivating middle school students' autonomy81. Cultivating students' learning interest.82. Organizing English extracurricular activities.10 3. Applying easy and new teaching methods.114. Developing students' culture knowledge .115. Releasing students' pressure13IV. Conclusion.14Notes.16Bibliography.17Integrity Undertaking .18Cultivation of Middle School Students' Autonomy in English LearningAbstractSince 1980s, with the rise of meta-congnition, self-autonomy becomes popular with the pedagogues. The autonomy learner is the person who has the ability of supervising their learning behavior, setting up goals according to their practical conditions, making out learning plans, choosing learning strategies, monitoring learning process and making self-assessment and self-evaluation in time. Nowadays most of the students are poor autonomy learners, which is one of the main obstacles in middle school English teaching. In order to know whether the ability of autonomy learning benefits to middle school learners on their English study, a recent experiment proved that students in experimental class made greater progress than those in the control class. Thus Students' autonomy learning ability is obviously the basic requirements of the latest education reform. Besides, autonomy learning ability is not only the requirements of the quality education, but the needs of students' individual development. It is believed that the autonomy learning ability has become the basic skills of the young generations to survive in the fierce competitive society.In this paper the writer mentioned totally five methods of cultivating middle school students autonomy learning ability of English study, cultivating students' interest in English study, organizing a variety of English extracurricular activities and developing students' knowledge of English and English speaking countries and so on. Key words: autonomy; middle school students; cultivation; abilityAcknowledgementsFirst and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor, Ms GuYulan both for her intellectual guidance and for her warm and constant encouragement during the process of writing this thesis. With patience and prudence, she labored through drafts of this thesis and pointed out defects in my writing. Therefore, I owe all the merits in this thesis, if any, to her, though I am fully aware that the thesis might still contain some demerits for which I bear the whole responsibility.My cordial and sincere thanks go to all the teachers concerned in School of Foreign languages, whose interesting and informative courses have benefited me a lot during my college years. The profit that I gained from their profound knowledge, remarkable expertise and intellectual ingenuity will be of everlasting significance to my future life and career.I am also very grateful to my classmates, who have given me a lot of help and courage during my stay in the University and throughout the process of writing this thesis. Last but not the least, big thanks go to my family who have shared with me my worries, frustrations, and my ultimate happiness in eventually finishing this thesis.Cultivation of Middle School Students' Autonomy in English Learning I. IntroductionIn our traditional English teaching, the teachers were the central part, while the students play passive roles. The teachers' chief task is to transfer knowledge to students because they act as the possessor, the disseminator of the knowledge and the treasure house of information. Over time, students think that the teachers were the authority and they even do not know what they should do without teachers' help. As a result, the traditional teaching doesnt help with students development, but produces a lot of students of high score but poor ability.Thus, an idea of learning and teaching come up as the times require. It is the conception of autonomous learning which was put forward in the 1960s. But not untill recent years were the new methods put into practice which gives new requirements to English teaching and changes the position of both the teacher and the student. Teachers are no longer the host of knowledge but the learners are the main body of learning. Only when the students have developed autonomous learning abilities can they do well in their future whole-life learning. Though it is a problem to make the learners adapt autonomy learning within a very short time, teacher can help them to understand how important a tool the autonomous learning is.In this paper, the writer manages to analyze the vital role of the autonomy learning, the characteristics and the methods of cultivating middle school students autonomy learning with the hope of helping English teachers and learners to change their traditional belief in learning and teaching.II. Autonomy LearningA. Definition Since the 1860s, many western famous educators have put forward the autonomy learning theory. They were the pioneers of education career, and their theory has played a pivotal role in our education field. Jean Piaget stated that all truth should be gained or rediscovered by students rather than simply handed to them. Holec regarded autonomy as the ability to take charge of one's own learning. Kenny stated that autonomy is not only the freedom to learn but also the opportunity to become a person. Dickingson held that autonomy is a situation in which the learner is completely responsible for all of the decisions concerned with their learning and the implementation of these decisions. The writer in this paper does not agree Holec any more, autonomy learning ability is a kind of ability that one can take charge of one's own learning process independently, including making study goals, being clear about the study content, adapting to the learning environment and overcoming psychological problems.B. Characteristics 1. Setting goals and making plans before learning Drawing up learning plans can improve ones learning. Based on their own reality, every student should have his own learning objectives, learning to arrange self-learning time and learning task. Besides, a good learning plan makes the students clink their learning achievement to the goals of learning, which makes learning process a clear purpose, so as to promote the realization of the target of the learning.2. Monitoring their learning In the traditional education mode, teachers play the chief role, while students accept knowledge passively. But in the autonomy learning mode students explore independently under the guidance of teachers. Students change from passive knowledge receivers into active knowledge obtainers, and teaching means has also been changed from the simple knowledge transferring to arousing students' inner learning motivation.3. Commenting and improving their learning Constructivism pays special attention to students' subject status, which confirms that knowledge is scholars' subjective construction. That is to say, the independent learning does not mean teachers should directly tell students how to solve the problems they face, but provide students relevant clues to help them solve the problems, make them analyze and think about it in order to develop their autonomy learning ability. Autonomy learning is not a kind of learning that restricted by time, place and material, but a set of learning methods allowing students to choose their learning time, place, the methods and content of learning independently, making a plan, learning feedback and evaluation. By the way, it is different from self-learning. Self-learning is the same as individual enclosed learning, while in autonomy learning, according to their own learning situation, students can choose learning companions, to learn from others, make up their shortcomes in a mutual relationship of communication and help during the learning process. Einstein pointed out that it is more important to put a question than to solve it. Because the problem solving is probably just a mathematical or experimental skills, but putting forward the new problems needs to have creative imagination. Thus, creation marks the real progress of science. Autonomy learning does not mean students simply learn to copy the contents, but means students should learn and complete the activity of recreation according to their own needs. Under creative learning and creative problem solving, students complete the entire learning process by themselves, sometimes with the help of teachers and classmates. C. The Importance of Autonomy Learning Ability 1. The needs of society development With the development of science and increasingly fierce competition from the society, knowledge learned in the school is not enough at all. Everyone needs a lifelong learning. In the future, whether we are competitive and promising with great potential. And whether we are able to grasp the knowledge in the information age, basically depends on whether we have lifelong learning ability. However, learning after leaving school is often processed without any teachers, but relies on our own autonomy learning ability. Thus it is believed that the autonomy learning ability has become the basic skills of the young generations to survive in the fierce competitive society.2. The main aim of teaching reformThe cultivation of the students' autonomy learning ability is also the basic requirement of the latest education reform whose essential point is to change the tendency of focusing too much on direct teaching methods and to emphasize developing students positive learning attitude to obtain knowledge independently as well as the basically essential skills. Such reform highlights the necessity of students' autonomy learning.The traditional learning methods completely ignores students' creation and exploration, which in practice makes students' misunderstand the nature of learning and makes learning become a passive process of memorizing, destroying students' interest and enthusiasm of their learning. It seriously influences healthy growth of the new generations. New reform advocates students to participate in their learning actively, to explore new knowledge, to deal with the function of information, to practice problem solving skills and to gain the ability of communication and cooperation. Therefore, the ability of autonomy learning becomes the first target of the educational reform.At present, with the deeper enforcement of the reform, students are expected to learn independently and creatively. There are a lot of requirements in teaching material, asking students to discuss, to obtain new knowledge independently. These also require students to have a strong ability of independent learning.3. The needs of students' individual development DuYanping mentioned that the cultivation of the students' autonomy learning ability is not only the requirements of the quality education, but the needs of students' individual development2. First of all, the autonomy learning ability improves students' learning in the school. After examination, students with high scores are those who mostly have autonomy learning ability because the independent learning ability can promote students' content understanding. Second, the autonomy learning ability is the basic quality of innovative talents. According to research, most of those who get prize in science and technology innovation competitions are strongly independent, self-disciplined ones. This proves that students' creativity is closely related to their autonomy learning ability. The famous mathematician Hua Luogeng once said that creative inventions do not depend on others' teaching, but by their own thoughts. They do by themselves, achieving and making progresses finally. So, the autonomy learning ability helps with students development.4. The requirements of improving learning efficiency Learning efficiency is not only the key to the classroom teaching but also the key to the implementation of quality education. In the classroom the autonomy learning is not totally independent self-learning. Students should not blindly follow the teacher but preview before classes, enthusiastically participate in the class, check leakage occurring in time after classes and give full play to their own initiative. Furthermore, teachers should try to change the conception of forcing students to learn into that of willingly to learn by students themselves which are the keys to improve the students' learning efficiency.III. Methods of Cultivating Middle School Students' Autonomy Learning Ability Though it is beneficial to cultivate students autonomy, it is difficult to cultivate middle school students' autonomous learning, for there were a few obstacles during the process of culti