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    苏教版牛津英语初中九级下册精品教案 全册.doc

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    苏教版牛津英语初中九级下册精品教案 全册.doc

    苏教版牛津英语初中九年级下册精品教案全册9B Unit 1 Life On MarsGrammar第一部分 简要提示一、年级:九年级二、教学内容:9B Unit 1 Life on Mars三、课型:Grammar四、教学目标1. 知识目标 1) 掌握can, could和may, might的用法。 2) 掌握that, if或whether引导的宾语从句的用法。2. 能力目标 1 ) 能够运用can, could和may, might来具体表示请求或给予许可。 2) 能够运用that, if和whether引导的宾语从句转述信息。 五、教学重难点 1.重点: 1)can, could 和may, might的礼貌程度上的区别。 2)宾语从句that, if/whether的构成及用法。 2.难点: if 或whether引导的宾语从句的语序。 第二部分教学流程用时:18分钟Step 1 Lead-in 用时:分钟 (出镜)T: Hello, everyone! Glad to see you again. Today we are going to learn can, could, may, might and the object clauses introduced by that , if/ whether. (大家好!很高兴又和大家见面了!今天我们一起来学习can, could , may, might的用法和that, if/whether引导的宾语从句.)T: First lets look at Grammar A and learn how to use can, could , may, might .Step 2 Grammar A Using can, could, may, might ( PPT )T :Now hes asking other people for permission .Look at the questions and pay attention to the model verbs he uses when he wants to ask for permission from different people. (PPT ) l Kitty, can I borrow your dictionary?l Mr. Green, could I ask you some questions please?l Excuse me , sir. May I have a look at the name of your book?T:Can you tell me the differences between the three sentences : (PPT) T: - In the 1st sentence, / Simon uses can to ask his friend Kitty a question because its informal. can is always used with friends.(在第一句中, Simon用情态动词can提问他朋友Kitty,因为这通常用于朋友之间的非正式 场合。)- In the 2nd sentence, /Simon uses “could to ask his teacher Mr. Wu a question because its formal. “could” is always used with teachers or other adults.( 在第二句中,Simon用情态动词could提问他老师Mr Wu,因为这通常用于教师和其他成年人之间的正式场合。)- in the 3rd sentence, /Simon uses “may to ask a stranger a question because its formal and polite. “may” is always used with strangers and people you respect. (在第三句中,Simon用情态动词may提问陌生人,因为这通常用于陌生人和你尊重的人之间的正式而礼貌的场合。 ) - Here pay more attention to “might” . Might is very formal and its very polite but rarely used. (注意:might 的用法既正式又礼貌, 但是实际生活中很少使用。) eg: Might I use your computer , Mr. Wu? They all express permission.(他们都用于表示请求和允许。)T: OK. Lets do some exercises. (PPT)T: Lets check the answers.1 Dad, could I take your camera? Yes, you can . ( Its formal. ) 2 May I borrow this helmet, madam? No, you may not . ( Its formal and polite.) 3 Can I borrow your boots, Mike? Yes, you can. ( Its informal.)T: Can you give me the answers to these questions about can, could, may , might ? (PPT) 1 Can / Could you go to the zoo tomorrow? - We can answer : -Yes, you can . or No, you cannot/ cant.2 May/ Might I use your computer , Mr Wu? - We can answer : -Yes, you may. or No, you may not/ cant .T: Here could , might do not mean the past tense, but mean more polite. (这儿的“could , might “ 不是表示过去时,而是表示更委婉的语气。)T: Now please write sentences to ask for permission in the following situations. (PPT) look at the 1st Situation If you are on a bus and the person in front of you has the window open and It starts to rain and youre getting wet. How do you ask him for permission? - We can ask : May I close the window? Because its formal and polite to use may when we ask a stranger on the bus for permission.T: Look at the2nd Situation If your cousin is watching a boring programme on TV. What do you say to ask her to change the channel.T: We can say: -Can I change the channel? Because its informal to use can to ask friends for permission.T: Look at the 3rd Situation If your uncle and aunt have invited you to join them in a walk in the park and you want to take your dog with you./What do you say then?- Thats right . We can say : Could I bring my dog? Because its formal to use couldto ask adults for permission.Step 3 The Object clauses introduced by thatT: Look at Grammar B .Lets learn that clause (下面我们来学习that 引导的宾语从句。) (PPT)1) Earth is becoming more and more crowded and polluted. What does Daniel think ?- -Daniel thinks that Earth is becoming more and more crowded and polluted.2 ) People will live on the planet Mars by the year 2100. What does Daniel think?-Good . Daniel thinks that people will live on the planet Mars by the year 2100.3) The robot will do most of the work. What does Daniel think?-Yes, Daniel thinks that the robot will do most of the work. T: Now can you put these two sentences with that ? T: Lets do some exercises. Have you finished? Now lets check the answers.1) Hell be back in a month. (I hear)-I hear ( that ) he will be back in a month. 2) I have been to the Great Wall once. (He tells me)- He tells me ( that ) he has been to the Great Wall once. T: OK . Can you find out the rules about Object clauses introduced bythat?(PPT) (那么你能总结- that连接的宾语从句的规则吗? ) Tips1 We can use thatclause to replace an object after the verb in a sentence.(我们可以用that从句来代替一个宾语连接跟在动词后面做宾语。)2 The word order in the object clause is just the same as that in the statement.(从句中语序保持不变。)3 Sometimes we can leave the connective“that”out in the object clause.(有时连接词that也可以省略不用。) T: It seems terribly easy for you, right? Lets do more practice. Can you join the following sentences with object clauses introduced by that? (PPT)1 ) People think Humans on Mars have to wear special boots to make themselves heavier.- People think that humans on Mars have to wear special boots to make themselves heavier.2 ) Some scientists dont believe The journey to Mars will be very comfortable.- Some scientists dont believe that the journey to Mars will be very comfortable.T: Can you find out the object clauses in the following sentences. Write an “ O “ for an object clause and an “ N” for a sentence without one. (PPT)(你能在下列句中找出宾语从句吗?是的话用O表示,不是的用N)1 )These plants will produce food and oxygen that we need. 2 ) Scientists should be able to develop plants that grow on Mars. 3)People think that humans on Mars have to wear special boots to make themselves heavier. 4 )We all know that Mars is a planet in the solar system. 5) The journey to Mars could take only a very short time in space shuttles that travel at half the speed of light. 6) Some scientists do not believe that the journey to Mars will be very comfortable.T: Lets check the answers together now. 1 )These plants will produce food and oxygen that we need. - Here that we need is not an object clause because its not after a verb. So its N. (在这句中 that we need 不是宾语从句,因为它不在动词后面。) 2 ) Scientists should be able to develop plants that grow on Mars. -Here that grow on Mars is not an object clause because its not after a verb. So its N .(在这句中that grow on Mars不是宾语从句,因为它不在动词后面。) 3) People think that humans on Mars have to wear special boots to make themselves heavier. -Here that humans on Mars have to wear special boots to make themselves heavieris an object clause after the verb“think.So its O. (在这句中that humans on Mars have to wear special boots to make themselves heavier是宾语从句,因为它在动词“think后面。)4 )We all know that Mars is a planet in the solar system. -Here that Mars is a planet in the solar system is an object clause because its after the verb know .So its O. (在这句中that Mars is a planet in the solar system是宾语从句,因为它在动词后面know。)5) The journey to Mars could take only a very short time in space shuttles that travel at half the speed of light. -Here that travel at half the speed of light is not an object clause because its not after a verb. So its O.(在这句中that travel at half the speed of light不是宾语从句,因为它不在动词后面。)6) Some scientists do not believe that the journey to Mars will be very comfortable. -Here that the journey to Mars will be very comfortable is an object clause because its after the verb believe. So its O.(在这句中 that the journey to Mars will be very comfortable是宾语从句,因为它在动词 believe后面。)Step 4 The Object clauses introduced by if or whether (PPT)T: Now lets learn the Object clauses introduced by if or whether.T: Daniel has learned a lot about living on Mars. But hes still worrying about something . Look at his worries. 1 ) Could the plants produce enough water? - Daniel is not sure if / whether the planets could produce enough water. 2) Are there any aliens on Mars? -Daniel is not sure if / whether there are any aliens on Mars.3) Are animals on Mars dangerous?- Daniel is not sure if / whether animals on Mars dangerous.T: Lets do more practice together. (PPT)1 ) Does he live in that house? ( She asks me )- She asks me if/ whether he lives in that house.2) Have you finished your homework? ( I want to know)- I want to know if /whether you have finished your homework.T: Can you work out the rules yourselves? (PPT)Tips1 We can useif orwhetherto introduce an object clause when it expresses a yes / noquestion.(我们可以用if 或 whether引导一般疑问句。)2 The word order in the object clause is just the same as that in the statement. (宾语从句应该用陈述语序。) T:Boys and girls , please look at some other exercises-put the two parts into the object clauses using if or whether? (PPT)1 )Will transport on Mars be much better than on Earth? Are you certain_?2 ) Is gravity a problem for the early settlers on Mars? Can you tell me_?3 ) Does it take very long to travel from Earth to Mars? Do you know _?4) Are many people going to move to Mars? Can you tell me _?5 )Did the USA send a space robot onto Mars last year? Do you know_?Keys:1 Are you certain if / whether transport on Mars will be much better than on Earth ?2 Can you tell me if / whether gravity is a problem for the early settlers on Mars3 Do you know if / whether it takes very long to travel from Earth to Mars4 Can you tell me if / whether many people are going to move to Mars5 Do you know if / whether the USA sent a space robot onto Mars last yearT: Now weve learned about the object clauses introduced by that and the object clauses introduced by if or whether. Can you tell them apart if you are asked to use them in an article ?Try to help Daniel complete the diary using that, if or whether (PPT)Dear DiaryDo you believe _ man will be able to live on the planet Mars in the future? Scientists are working hard to make this dream become true. However, they are still not sure _ we could grow plants on Mars. Also many scientists think _ gravity is a problem to the first settlers. They all agree _ the journey to Mars will not be comfortable. Therefore I am wondering _ there will be many people willing to move to Mars.T: Have you finished yet? Could you tell me the answers ?Keys: 1 that 2 if / whether 3 that 4 that 5 if / whether( 出镜)小结 T: 同学们, 今天我们一起学习了用情态动词can, could, may和might表示请求或允许, 以及由that, if/ whether引导的宾语从句。请同学们课后加强训练并正确运用。T: Goodbye , everyone. See you next time.Homework1 Remember the different degrees of formality can, could, may and might.2 Remember how to use object clauses introduced by that , if or whether.3 Finish off the additional exercises. Additional exercisesA Multiple Choice1 - May I go surfing alone this afternoon? - No, you _, it is dangerous. A may not B cant C neednt D dont 2 Could I borrow your dictionary? - Yes, of course you _. A must B need C can D will3 - Can you come to my house for supper? - _. A No, I cant B I think so C Sure, Id love to D I hope I can B Join the following sentences with object clauses introduced by that ,if or whether.1. We believe. We will win. 2. I think He is an honest man.3. I wonder Does he study hard?4. Could you tell me? Will it rain ?5. I want to know Do you come from England?6. I dont know He lives on the same street.Keys to additional exercises :A 1 B 2 C 3 C B 1 We believe that we will win. 2 I think that he is an honest man . 3 I wonder if / whether he studies hard. 4 Could you tell me if / whether it will rain?5 I want to know if / whether you come from England.6 I dont know that he lives on the same street.说明本课时是9B Unit1的Grammar。其中两个语法板块分别介绍了情态动词can,could, may, might的用法以及that和if/whether引导的宾语从句。教师可以设置合适的语言情境来导入这两部分的语法教学。同时结合本单元主题Life on Mars,引导学生通过想象,在特定的情景中来操练、巩固这两部分语法内容。 9 B Unit 1 Life on Mars Main Task 江苏省天一中学 黄庆华第一部分 简要提示年级:九年级二、教学内容:9B Unit 1 Life on Mars三、课型:中心任务课四、教学目标 1 知识目标学会和掌握流程图的制作方法, 为写作做准备。2 能力目标1) 能根据主题设计流程图。 2) 能根据流程图写一篇文章。五、教学重难点 1 重点 指导学生根据主题来选取写作所需信息,设计写作流程图。 2 难点 指导学生如何将流程图列出的信息扩展成文。 第二部分教学流程用时:20分钟Step 1 Lead-in 用时: 分钟(出境)T: Hello, everyone. Nice to see you again. Today we are going to learn Main Task. (大家好,很高兴又和大家见面了!今天我们一起来学习中心任务部分)。Daniel wants to make a guide to living on Mars in 2100,but he needs help . Before we help him with the guide , let me remind you of the information weve known about Mars. (Daniel梦想着有一天搬去火星。现在他想做一份2100年到火星上生活的指南. 在我们帮助他一起做指南之前,让我们一起来回顾一下所学火星的信息。) (PPT)Step 2 用时: 分钟T: Boys and girls , weve learned a lot about Mars. Can you say something about it according to the keywords ? Lets start .Task One How much do you remember about Mars?(PPT)1 Temperature: -133 - 27 2 Color: red3 Moons: Phobos, Deimos4 Size: about one-half the diametre of Earth5 Location: between Earth and Jupiter6 Distance from the Sun: 142,000,000 miles away 7 One year on Mars: 687 Earth days8 Surface: a little like the surface of Earth9 Atmosphere: 95% carbon dioxide T: From the reading weve known that life on Mars is very different from that on Earth. And do you still remember what changes may bring to life on Mars ? Say something about each keywords. Lets see who has a good memory. Task Two About life on Mars (PPT)1 Transport: space shuttles instead of spacecraft2 Food, water, air: develop plants to produce3 Gravity: three-eighths of that on Earth, fly away into space special boots4. Home: in a dome with ten bedrooms and robots do most work5. School: online


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