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    新目标英语九级英语上册Unit6 I like music that I can dance to教案.doc

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    新目标英语九级英语上册Unit6 I like music that I can dance to教案.doc

    Unit6 I like music that I can dance to?Section A(1a-2c) The First Period Teaching Aims and Demands1 Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabulary Lyric,prefer,gentle,sing along with,dance to.(2)Target Language What kind of music do you like? I like music that has great lyrics. I like music that I can sing along with. I like music that isnt too loud. I like music that I can dance to.2 Ability Objects(1) Train students listening ability(2) Train students communicative competence3 Moral ObjectsHave everything in readiness before you do it In this way, you can finish it perfectly or have a good time Teaching Key PointTarget Language Teaching Difficult Points1 How to train students listening ability2 How to train students communicative competence Teaching Methods1 Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through with the listening material2 Pairwork to make every student work in class Teaching Aids1 A tape recorder2 The blackboard Teaching ProceduresStep Lead in.T: This is my first time to your school.Your school is so beautiful.I like it very much.And your teachers are very friendly.I like beautiful school and I like friendly teachers.What kind of school do you like?S1: I like a beautiful school.T: Yes.I like the school that is beautiful.S2:I like a clean schoolT: Good.I like the school that is clean.In this way,Let Ss talk about what kind of teacher they likeT: Very good.Do you like music?Today I want to know what kind of music you like. Who can tell me what kind of music do you like?Ss: I like pop music.I like loud music.Step 1a1.Get Ss to listen to three songs,then present the new words and phrases:lyric,prefer,gentle,sing along with,dance to.Let Ss read them.2.Say,here are four people.Theyll tell us what kind of music they like.Go through the four sentences.Ask Ss to explain what the sentences mean in their own words.Then ask Ss to read 1a and circle the sentences they agree with,and write their their own sentence.Share their sentences with the class.Step 1bTell Ss:Here is Tony and Bettys conversation.Listen and check the kind of music Tony and Betty like ,play the recordings twices,then check the correct boxes.Step 1cThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target languageGo through the instructions with the whole class Look at the example in the box Invite a pair of students to read it to the classA: What kind of music do you like?B: I like music that I can sing along with.What about you?A: I prefer music that has great lyrics.Say,now work with a partner.Start by reading the conversation in the box with your partner.While students are working in pairs, walk around the classroom and listen to some pairs If necessary, offer language support Then get several pairs of students to say their conversations to the classStep Grammar FocusIn this class, we are learning an important clause_attributive clause.look at the sentences:I like music that I can sing along with.Underline the word that and the words that follow it.Then ask what do these words describe-a thing,music.Explain that groups of words starting with the words that describe things.Point out that groups of words starting with the word who describe people.Say,always look at the words before the word who or that in order to make the correct choices.That is for things,who is for people.Step 2a and 2b This activity provides listening practice using the target language.First introduce The Modern and Dan Dervish by showing a picture.Next listen and check the answers.Step 2cThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target languageRead the instructions to the class.Ask Ss to make conversations using the information from 2a and 2b.Ask Ss to work in pairs.Move around the room checking the progress of the pairs and offering help as needed.Ask one or two pairs to present their conversations to the class.Step Blackboard DesignUnit6 Section AI like music that I can dance to.定语从句:修饰名词或代词的从句。I like music that I can sing along with.先行词+关系词+从句先行词:that(指物),who(指人)Unit 6 I like music that I can dance toSection A(1a-2c) 第 1 课 时学习目标1能力目标:运用定语从句,学习表达自己或他人对某人某物的偏好。2知识目标:重点单词:prefer, lyric, gentle重点短语:dance to, sing along with, different kinds of, play quiet and gentle songs重点句型:What kind of music do you like?I like music that I can sing along with.I prefer music that has great lyrics.I like musicians who play different kinds of music.3情感目标:学会谈论自己喜欢的音乐,培养正确的审美情趣。重点难点 定语从句(一)学法指导 1. listening, speaking 2. Role playing教学过程:一、【自主学习】 1. Find some words to describe music. 2. What kinds of music do you know? Please write them down. 3. What kind of music do you like? 4. 根据句意和提示完成下列句子 What (类型) of (音乐) do you like?I (更喜欢) tea to coffee.The famous (音乐家) is from China .Carmen likes music that has great (歌词).二、【合作探究】(一)看课本1a-2c小组合作讨论,将下列词组配对并完成1a。1. dance to 随着唱2. sing along with 优美的歌词3. quiet and gentle songs 伴着跳舞4. different kinds of music 安静轻柔的歌曲5. great lyrics 不同种类的音乐(二)听读说写训练1听录音,完成1b并试着重复句子。2两人小组,仿照1c对话,进行对话训练。3听录音,完成2a和2b。4用2a和2b里的信息,进行两人会话练习,完成2c.(三)读、想、议、记1学生自读Grammar Focus, 讨论并掌握句意。2引导学生归纳定语从句。定语从句:在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。在定语从句中,被定语从句修饰的词叫先行词,引导定语从句的词叫关系代词,当关系代词作宾语时,常省略。eg:I like music (that) I can dance to. 先行词 关系代词 定语从句1)that引导的定语从句,其前面的名词可以是表示人物,也可以是表示物的。eg: The man that is waiting outside is our math teacher. 在外面等着的那个人是我们的数学老师。All the books that are on English study belong to me. 所有那些关于英语学习的书都是我的。2)Who 之前的名词一定是表示人的名词eg: I love singers who write their own music.3) that和who 在定语从句中可以作主语,也可以做宾语。eg: Do you know the man who is talking with our Chinese teacher?(who在从句中作主语) The girl (that) we saw yesterday is hims sister. (that作宾语)追踪训练:Is that the man help me a lot with my Enlgish?A. whose B. which C. when D. whoThe basketball match I watched on TV yesterday evening was boring.A. that B. this C. what D. when(四)语言学习1. What kind of music do you like? 导学 kind 为名词,意为“种类、类型”eg: a kind of 一种 all kinds of 各种各样的拓展 kind 还可作形容词,意为“和蔼的;亲切的”。 词组be kind to对友好追踪训练:There are (各种各样的) fishes and plants under the sea.2. I prefer music that has great lyrics.导学 prefer动词,意为“更喜欢”,相当于like bettereg: I prefer A to B = like A better than B喜欢A更胜过B。A与B是平行结构,均为名词或者动名词。 比起B更喜欢A。eg: I prefer coffee to tea. 比起茶来,更喜欢咖啡。She prefers singing to dancing.拓展2 prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.= would rather do sth than do sth. 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事eg:I prefer to call her rather than write to her.追踪训练:Tom prefers (read) books to (watch) TV.I prefer (eat) hamburgers rather than (eat) noodles.三、【巩固测评】1. I like music that I can (跟着唱的)。2. Betty likes music that (她能随着跳舞的)。3. John likes (music) who play different kinds of music.4. I like music that I can dance .A. with B. to C. along D. on5. He prefers pop music to rock music.A. likes than other B. doesnt like so muchC. likes as much as D. likes better than6. Tom prefers TV at home to out for a walk.A. watch; go B. watching; go C. watch; going D. watching; going7. I have music CDs at home.A. a kind of B. kind of C. all kinds of D. of a kind8. Mary said she preferred to rather than TV.A. swim; watching B. swimming; watching C. swim; watch9. My parents usually buy me some simple clothes can last a long time.A. who B. that C. whom D. whose10. He is the college student has moved Chinese people a lot.A. who B. which C. what D. when课后反思:


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