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    新目标初中英语八级下册《Review of units 15》复习课教案.doc

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    新目标初中英语八级下册《Review of units 15》复习课教案.doc

    新目标初中英语八年级下册Review of units 1-5复习课教案Plan for the whole unitTeaching objectives学完本复习单元后,学生应能: 1 掌握并能运用前五单元所学的重点单词、词组及句型;2 掌握并运用前五单元所学的语法内容: 1)正确使用过去进行时态;(What were you doing when the school fire started ?     I was studying in the library.)2) 在日常生活中正确使用间接引语来转述他人所说的话;(She said her favorite place was the gym.)3) 正确掌握并使用由if引导的条件状语从;(If you eat hamburgers every day, youll get fat.)4) 掌握用will来表示的一般将来时的用法,并能对未知事物做出预测;(What do you think life will be like in 100 years? Every home will have a robot.)5) 描述人们日常生活中所遇到的各种问题并给出合理的建议,理解并运用should, could的用法;(Maybe you should buy some new clothes.)Period arrangement PeriodContents & pages or sourcesTOSATextbookExercises(Source)Supplementary(Source)SectionPage11a, 1b, 2a,2b,2c40,41Ps.26-27,1, 2, 652 3,4,542Ps.27-30 湘教版省教科院组编 课程基础训练八年级下册3, 4,853 6,743Ps.30 5, 6, 84TotalAll431-1193 Very confident Quite confident Confident Slightly confident Not confident(单元教学效果采用百分制表示,公式为100÷实际课时数÷5×各课时自评等级分之和。)Feedback在本次复习课中,本人以新课程理念为依据进行教学设计和组织课堂活动。本复习课的教学活动层层递进,贴近生活,具有可实践性。首先,本人从最基本的单词复习开始,通过小组竞赛的方式将前五单元的重点单词及词组依次呈现给学生,学生不仅学习兴趣浓厚,同时学习效果也非常好。由词到句,本人趁热打铁,通过两个听力习题,把前五个单元的语言知识一一展现在学生面前。其次,本人还特意安排一个课时作为一堂口语交际课,让学生在与他人交流的同时牢固掌握前五个单元的知识点;在最后一个课时中,本人特意给学生创造了笔头的练习,从而使他们在听、说、读、写这四个环节中巩固了第一单元至第五单元的所有知识要点,效果显著。但有些学生英语底子薄弱,日后要多加强个别辅导,提高他们对英语的学习兴趣。Plan for every periodPeriod 1 1a,1b, 2a,2b,2c Teaching aims学完本课后,学生应能:1 巩固前五单元所学的重点单词及词组;2 能听懂与前五单元知识点有关的英语对话。Teaching aidsCAITeaching proceduresStep 1 Leading-in (vocabulary revision)(18)SB Page 40,1a.This activity reviews some of the vocabulary that students have learned before.1 Draw students attention to the sample answer. Check that they understand what they need to do by having one or two students complete other answers.2 Ask students to do the crossword individually or in pairs.3 Check the answers.答案:Down1.bag 5.told 13.to 21. hard 2world 6.astronaut 15. yes 23. ago 3.said 10. speaking 16. ate 24. cat 4.famous 12.alien 20. amAcross1.bed 8.loud 14.only 19. math 2.was 9.red 17.eye 22. dance 7. dangerous 11. start 18. train 25. outstandingSB Page 40, 1b:This activity requires students to creatively use the language they have learned.1 Explain to students that they need to write clues like the clues for the crossword in activity 1a.2 Draw students attention to the example. Check that students understand what they need to do by eliciting clues for other words from Units 1-5. Write a few words on the board and ask the class to suggest clues (such as earthquake, bathroom, future, etc.).3 Ask a few pairs of students to share their clues with the class. Let the other students guess the answers.Sample: Kids study at home on them. When it happens, the earth will shake. You take a bath in it. The time that is not arrived yet.Step 2 Listening (SB Page 41, 2a & 2b)(20)SB Page 41, 2aThis activity provides practice in listening for the general idea.1 Draw attention to the sample answer. Say, this picture is matched with “Jim”, who appears in the conversation. Now listen to the tape and write the names of the other people next to the correct picture.2 Play the recordings of Conversations 1-4. Students listen and write the names in the boxes next to the pictures.3 Check the answers.答案: 1: Jim, Harry 2: Alice, Meimei, John, Dong 3: Peter, Huang 4: LindaSB Page 41, 2bThis activity provides practice in listening for specific information.1 Look at the instructions for the first picture on the page.2 Play the recording the first time. Let students listen for the sample answer.3 Play the recording a second time. Students listen and complete the task. Repeat the recording as often as necessary.4 Check the answers.5 Repeat. Play the recording for the other asks in the same way.答案Picture 1: T, T, F, FPicture 2: Alice: studying in the library Meimei: playing in the gymJohn: eating in the dinning roomDong: talking on the telephonePicture 3: should: get a part-time job, work on weekends, make new friendsshouldnt: go shoppingPicture 4: T, F, T, F录音原文Conversation 1May: Jim, what did Harry say about the basketball game?Jim: He said that the game was on Saturday.May: Did he say it was at the school?Jim: No, he said it was at the park.May: Did he say I should bring my ball?Jim: No, he said he has a ball.May: What else did he say?Jim: He said there was a party later.May: A party! Where?Jim: He said it was at your house.Conversation 2Dong: Alice, what were you doing when the fire started?Alice: I was studying in the library.Dong: Did you smell smoke?Alice: No, but Meimei did.Dong: Where was she?Alice: She was playing in the gym.Dong: What was John doing?Alice: He was eating lunch in the dinning room. Where were you, Dong?Dong: When the fire started, I was talking on the phone.Alice: What did you do?Dong: I called the fire department.Alice: Good for you!Conversation 3Huang: Peter, I dont have any money.Peter: Well, Huang. Maybe you should get a part-time job.Huang: A part-time job? When? Peter: Well, you could work on the weekends.Huang: No, I cant do that. I like to go shopping on weekends.Peter: Huang, you shouldnt go shopping! You dont have money!Huang: I know, I know. But its fun to go out with friends.Peter: You should get new friends who like other things.Huang: friends who like other things? Really? Like what?Peter: Like playing sports.Conversation 4Chen: Linda, what are your predictions about the future?Linda: The future? Well, I guess we wont work anymore.Chen: No work? Who will do the work?Linda: Robots will do all the work.Chen: You think so? How about teachers? Wont there be any teachers?Linda: No, we well learn at the computers. No teachers.Chen: Mmm. No work and no teachers. What else will people do?Linda: Theyll take long vacations.Chen: Vacations? Where will everyone go?Linda: To the moon!Chen: The moon? Wont they take vacations on the earth?Linda: No. Therell be too many people on the earth.Step 3 Homework (2) Write down some sentences from units 1 to 5 that interest you.Feedback个人认为本堂课教学目标基本达成,学生能够积极主动地投入到学习中去。但有少部分同学对前五个单元的单词仍旧不熟悉,在日后要多加强单词的听写。Period 2 Oral practice (3,4,5) Teaching aims学完本单元后,学生应能:1 通过与他人的口头交际,进一步掌握前五个单元的知识点,并提高自己的口语表达能力;2 掌握目标语言: 1)生词: fat 2) 重点句子:Whats the problem? Teaching proceduresStep 1 SB Page 42, Part 3(13)This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language from unit 2.1 Draw students attention to the instructions and the example. Have two students model the sample conversation.2 Ask students whether not having friends is a common problem.3 Tell students to write their suggestions. Remind students to write in sentences. Then, they role play their sentences.4 Ask students for their suggestions. Write the most popular suggestions on the board. Ask students to decide what the best advice is.Step 2 SB Page 42, Part 4(12)This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language from unit 5.1 Draw students attention to the instructions and the example. Have two students model the sample conversation. Emphasize the time frame: everyday.2 Ask a few students about things they like to do. Suggest consequences. For example, a student who plays tennis may have one large arm and one small one.3 Tell students to write five things they do. Encourage students to write unusual and special things about themselves.4 Ask students to share their activities with their partners. The partners give advice about what will happen if the students continue.5 Ask the students to share the answers with their partners. One student talks about his activity and his partner gives him response of what will happen.Step 3 Step 2 SB Page 42, Part5(13)This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language from unit 1.1 Draw students attention to the instructions and the example. Have two students model the sample dialogue.2 Ask students for sample answers. Ask what do you think will happen in ten years?3 Tell students to write their predictions for 10, 50, 100 and 1,000 years from now. Students then compare their predictions with their partners.4 Have several pairs share their predictions with the class.Step4 Homework(2) Read one of the interesting stories that interests you and share it with your classmates.Feedback 个人认为本堂课教学目标基本完成,大多数学生表现得很活跃,很乐于用英语与他人进行交流及互动。但有及个别的同学由于英语底子薄弱,很难用英语与他人进行对话,日后要对他们进行个别指导,提高他们的英语学习兴趣。Period 3 (6,7) Teaching aims学完本课后,学生应能:1 在规定的时间内完成写作,并进一步提高自己的写作水平;2 学以致用,在练习中进一步巩固前五单元所学的知识。Teaching proceduresStep1. Writing (SB Page 43, Part 6)(12)This activity provides controlled writing practice recycling much of the grammar and vocabulary from units 1-5.1 Explain to students that aliens landed at your school the week before.2 You may wish to ask students to volunteer the kinds of things they think aliens might do if they come to your school. Encourage funny or silly answers: They might play football with us, they might eat in the dining room, etc.3 Explain that students are reporters for the school magazine, and that aliens have visited your school. They have already interviewed several people and have written down what the people said. Now they have to write a magazine article using the information they have.4 Instruct students that t hey will want to turn the quotes they have into reportedspeech in their magazine article. Students do activity on their own. Monitor and provide assistance as required.Step 2 Self- checking (SB Page 43, Part 7)(8)This section gives students the opportunity to self-evaluate what they have learned in the first 5 units of the book.1 Explain to students that this next section is a little different from the others. This is an opportunity for them to reflect on what they have learned, and to make plans and resolutions to improve their learning of English.2 Explain that they will not be marked on this section, and that their answers will remain secret. They should not feel that they should award themselves high marks, but instead give honest answers.3 Students complete the questionnaire in individually. You may even tell them that it is acceptable for them to write their answers in Chinese if they wish. The purpose of this section is not to test their English but to get them to reflect upon what they have learned.4 Monitor and give help as needed. You may wish to give one or two examples for some of the questions. They may think that giving advice in English is more useful than making predictions in English, because giving advice is more common everyday conversation. And they may think that it is a useful strategy to read texts quickly for overall meaning rather than look up every word in a dictionary. You may also want to give examples of the kinds of things students can do to improve their English. For example, they can watch more English TV or movies, listen to more English songs, practice speaking English with friends, read more books in English, or spend some time every day revising their English lessons.Step3 Consolidating(19)Ask students to do some exercises:选择正确答案( )1The farmers are getting ready _the next yearAfor B in Cto Dat( )2Jim helped Li Lei _ his English last weekAin B. with Cby . at( )3The days _shorter in autumnAdo B. gets Cget D. take( )4Your skirt is different _mineAto Bfor Cfrom Dwith( )5I'm going to have a birthday party_you like to come?ACould BMay CCan DWould( )6Hello! May I _to Wei Jing, please?Atalk Bsay Ctell Dspeak( )7Would you like _more milk?Amuch Bsome Cmany Da few( )8You want to get your book back,_?Adon't Bdo you Caren't Dare you( )9Turn _the radio, please, I want to listen to the weather reportAin Bon Cto Dat( )10I can't leave _ sixAwhen B.from Cbefore D.to. 请根据括号中所给单词的提示完成下列句子。1. His sister _ (be) a famous lawyer in five years.2. You should _ (write) a letter to your father.3. We could _ (ask) our teacher for help.4. Mr. Jones doesnt know how _(use) this machine.5. Did you find it difficult _(get) on with your pen pal?6. When Sally _(call) her father, her mother was doing some shopping.7. Linda is always _ (argue) with her mother.8. Mrs. Jones was reading a newspaper while Mrs. Green _ (talk) with her students.9. His mother _ (die) ten years ago.10. If Ted _ (wear) his old jeans to the party, his teacher will be unhappy. 阅读理解。The sun is always shining. But it can only shine on one side of the earth at one time. When the sun is shining on one side of the earth, it is night on the other side.At night, you can see the stars(星星). The stars are in the sky all day. But the light from the sun is so bright that you can't see them. When night comes, there is no light, and the stars are bright enough to see. The stars look very small. But some of them are even bigger than the sun. They look small because they are so far away from you. Big things look much smaller when they are far away. The sun is closer(近)to the earth than other stars, so it looks bigger.6When it is night, the sun _ .A. doesn't shineB. shines for a short timeC. disappears (消失)D. shines on the other side of the earth7We can't see the stars in the sky at daytime(白天)because _ .A. there are no stars thereB. the stars are much smaller than the sunC. the bright light from the sun makes them not seen (被看见)D. the stars come out only at night8The stars look small because _ .A. they are far awayB. they are smallC. they have no lightD. they are in the sky9Small things may look _ when they are close.A. biggerB. small C. nearD. far away10The sun looks bigger than other stars because _ .A. it's biggerB. it's far away in the skyC. it gives much bright lightD. Its closer to the earth than other stars答案15: ABCCD 610: DBABC. 1.will be 2. write 3. ask 4. to use 5. to get 6. called 7. arguing 8. was talking 9. died 10. wears. 610 DCAADStep 4 Homework(1) Share your writing with others


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